Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror

Police kill more so it's their fault? It couldn't have anything to do with the scumbags huh?

LOL. Thinking are hard.

We don't need to arm cops to the teeth to kill who they determine are scumbags. We can protect our fucking selves. At this point, half the time, we need to be able to protect ourselves FROM THE POLICE and that's a really, really bad sign. Breaking into the wrong homes, scooping people off the streets and putting them in jail for nothing. Take the weapons from the police, and make them stay in their freaking hidey holes until there's a call. We don't need them out roaming around looking to pick fights and harass people.
Odd, I have no problems with cops at all. I guess you missed my point, people don't get shot for being scumbags, they get shot when they act like one and do something stupid.

They often get shot when cops make mistakes or flat out murder them.

I don't understand the disconnect between recognizing that government is out of hand...but everything cops do is justified. I also don't get the disconnect between believing in accountability and transparency..for everybody except criminal cops.
You made claims I didn't make. I didn't say cops never made mistakes. When they do it quite often gets exaggerated and most of the time the situation was escalated by arguing or wrestling. They can't just let you go on about your day if there was a reason to speak to you.

And that is 100 percent wrong. Cops do not have the authority to just randomly stop people on whims.

But they do it all the time. Stop people, demand their identification, fuck with them, and arrest them and charge them with CRIMES if they object to such behavior.

Disarm the fuckers. Make them sit in their cop palaces and stare at each other until there is a genuine emergency.
How 'bout if you READ? I said IF THERE WAS A REASON TO SPEAK TO YOU. Disarm the cops? Then what? If it's bad now what do you think will happen? But they generally have better things to do than randomly stop people going about their merry business. Can you give me a specific example when you got harrassed, beat up or arrested?
We don't need to arm cops to the teeth to kill who they determine are scumbags. We can protect our fucking selves. At this point, half the time, we need to be able to protect ourselves FROM THE POLICE and that's a really, really bad sign. Breaking into the wrong homes, scooping people off the streets and putting them in jail for nothing. Take the weapons from the police, and make them stay in their freaking hidey holes until there's a call. We don't need them out roaming around looking to pick fights and harass people.
Odd, I have no problems with cops at all. I guess you missed my point, people don't get shot for being scumbags, they get shot when they act like one and do something stupid.

They often get shot when cops make mistakes or flat out murder them.

I don't understand the disconnect between recognizing that government is out of hand...but everything cops do is justified. I also don't get the disconnect between believing in accountability and transparency..for everybody except criminal cops.
You made claims I didn't make. I didn't say cops never made mistakes. When they do it quite often gets exaggerated and most of the time the situation was escalated by arguing or wrestling. They can't just let you go on about your day if there was a reason to speak to you.

And that is 100 percent wrong. Cops do not have the authority to just randomly stop people on whims.

But they do it all the time. Stop people, demand their identification, fuck with them, and arrest them and charge them with CRIMES if they object to such behavior.

Disarm the fuckers. Make them sit in their cop palaces and stare at each other until there is a genuine emergency.
How 'bout if you READ? I said IF THERE WAS A REASON TO SPEAK TO YOU. Disarm the cops? Then what? If it's bad now what do you think will happen? But they generally have better things to do than randomly stop people going about their merry business. Can you give me a specific example when you got harrassed, beat up or arrested?

Why would I do that?
Odd, I have no problems with cops at all. I guess you missed my point, people don't get shot for being scumbags, they get shot when they act like one and do something stupid.

They often get shot when cops make mistakes or flat out murder them.

I don't understand the disconnect between recognizing that government is out of hand...but everything cops do is justified. I also don't get the disconnect between believing in accountability and transparency..for everybody except criminal cops.
You made claims I didn't make. I didn't say cops never made mistakes. When they do it quite often gets exaggerated and most of the time the situation was escalated by arguing or wrestling. They can't just let you go on about your day if there was a reason to speak to you.

And that is 100 percent wrong. Cops do not have the authority to just randomly stop people on whims.

But they do it all the time. Stop people, demand their identification, fuck with them, and arrest them and charge them with CRIMES if they object to such behavior.

Disarm the fuckers. Make them sit in their cop palaces and stare at each other until there is a genuine emergency.
How 'bout if you READ? I said IF THERE WAS A REASON TO SPEAK TO YOU. Disarm the cops? Then what? If it's bad now what do you think will happen? But they generally have better things to do than randomly stop people going about their merry business. Can you give me a specific example when you got harrassed, beat up or arrested?

Why would I do that?
For credibility? Sounds like you have had a lot of personal experience but I suspect in more via popular media.
Anyway, fuck the cops. I don't see that they make anybody's lives better.
They did mine. They caught a scumbag ripping off my shop. No, they didn't fill him with hot lead, sorry to disappoint.

I'm happy for you. That would be an example of them doing what they are actually supposed to do...respond to an actual complaint.

Not roaming the streets, woods, parking lots looking for people to intimidate, harass, and collect from. Not to meet quotas. Which is what the majority of them are engaged in the majority of the time.
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.
Fuck off with your paranoid delusions and grandiose self importance. Cop hate is irrational 99.9% of the time. Idiot
We all know and love cops as heroes. That doesn't mean they are untouchable. They will dig in and fight change, you will fight it.

And in the end the cops will change. They will police how we tell them to police.
We feel sorry for the officers and their families. Do you feel sorry for all the blacks that have lost their lives because cops are poorly trained and supervised? Enough is enough. You can't keep pushing people and be shocked when they push back. And you can no longer pretend it's just a bad apple. The entire barrell is bad. Don't pretend it's not

Exhibit A above: Indoctrination works!
Explain your stupid thought.

It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.

You have the same juvenile mentality of a BLM protestor. The minute a protest goes sideways and gets real, they run to the nearest cop for pretection! :rock:
As opposed to open carry guys in Dallas, running like little girls as soon as shots were fired.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.

US cops kill their citizens at 57 times the rate that UK does...

While they may kill blacks at a rate 2.5 times higher than whites... All the figures are off the charts compared to other countries...
I called 9-11 because some asshole wanted to fight me and I was running a music school with little kids. How would that look? So I called the cops. They came in like I was going to go to jail. They were very scary and very intimidating. I didn't like it and I see what they mean when they say our cops have been militarized. They need to be better trained. Or trained differently because they were clearly trained to go in and act the way they were acting. Assholes.

But I also understand any of of those guys would run towards trouble while I was running away. I both love them and hate them. When they give me a ticket I hate them. LOL.
True I hate tickets too. When cops are called to a scene, it's all business. They served my mom, but she did data work in politics and knew,another person nearby with the same name. She was a little scared, mostly because it was like 6am and out of the blue, but even so I've never been scared of cops.
Does that mean you lack empathy for people who haven't had your lilly white life experiences?
Not atcall. I know who have had rough times. I mean I thank God the cops were there when my brother was stabbed .

I've been arrested, but didn't resist arrest and was fine. I've had several interactions with the police
I have too and I have to say to me, a white citizen, there were times I was disrespectful to cops.

One time after a fight in college I ran and they chased me. Glad they didn't think I had a gun. That's all I'm saying.

It's painfully obvious we need justice reform. And I'm sure good and bad cops will fight change or resist but they have no choice.

Cops have to wear many hats. Jerk ticket giver, hero, check on suspicious characters, chase racists and murderers.

Im not saying they are Barney Fife or all bad. That's not an argument. The fact is we need reform and change of tactics. What were doing now is not great
Anyway, fuck the cops. I don't see that they make anybody's lives better.
They did mine. They caught a scumbag ripping off my shop. No, they didn't fill him with hot lead, sorry to disappoint.

I'm happy for you. That would be an example of them doing what they are actually supposed to do...respond to an actual complaint.

Not roaming the streets, woods, parking lots looking for people to intimidate, harass, and collect from. Not to meet quotas. Which is what the majority of them are engaged in the majority of the time.
But you didn't have a personal example so .....

No, there was no complaint, just sharp cops and a great K9.
Anyway, fuck the cops. I don't see that they make anybody's lives better.
They did mine. They caught a scumbag ripping off my shop. No, they didn't fill him with hot lead, sorry to disappoint.

I'm happy for you. That would be an example of them doing what they are actually supposed to do...respond to an actual complaint.

Not roaming the streets, woods, parking lots looking for people to intimidate, harass, and collect from. Not to meet quotas. Which is what the majority of them are engaged in the majority of the time.
But you didn't have a personal example so .....

No, there was no complaint, just sharp cops and a great K9.
No, I didn't share a personal example, of which I have MANY. I do not call the cops anymore. There is no situation that cannot be made 5000 times worse just by their arrival.
Anyway, fuck the cops. I don't see that they make anybody's lives better.
They did mine. They caught a scumbag ripping off my shop. No, they didn't fill him with hot lead, sorry to disappoint.

I'm happy for you. That would be an example of them doing what they are actually supposed to do...respond to an actual complaint.

Not roaming the streets, woods, parking lots looking for people to intimidate, harass, and collect from. Not to meet quotas. Which is what the majority of them are engaged in the majority of the time.
But you didn't have a personal example so .....

No, there was no complaint, just sharp cops and a great K9.
No, I didn't share a personal example, of which I have MANY. I do not call the cops anymore. There is no situation that cannot be made 5000 times worse just by their arrival.
Speeding ticket, huh?
Anyway, fuck the cops. I don't see that they make anybody's lives better.
They did mine. They caught a scumbag ripping off my shop. No, they didn't fill him with hot lead, sorry to disappoint.
Sounds like YOU were the one disappointed.
This is when even Republican lawmakers stop pandering to their radicals and start implementing needed changes. Or else. Could lose your job or WORSE if they keep denying there's a problem.
Anyway, fuck the cops. I don't see that they make anybody's lives better.
They did mine. They caught a scumbag ripping off my shop. No, they didn't fill him with hot lead, sorry to disappoint.

I'm happy for you. That would be an example of them doing what they are actually supposed to do...respond to an actual complaint.

Not roaming the streets, woods, parking lots looking for people to intimidate, harass, and collect from. Not to meet quotas. Which is what the majority of them are engaged in the majority of the time.
But you didn't have a personal example so .....

No, there was no complaint, just sharp cops and a great K9.
No, I didn't share a personal example, of which I have MANY. I do not call the cops anymore. There is no situation that cannot be made 5000 times worse just by their arrival.
Speeding ticket, huh?

Why would I call the cops for a speeding ticket?

Answer...I wouldn't.

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