Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror

Cringe in horror? Drama queen much? Cops are under scrutiny like never before and with the shitty economy there are waiting lists to get in. Police departments don't need or want bad apples. What we see on TV is the few bad examples or gross misreporting to push an agenda. I don't have problems with cops, most people don't. If you are regularly getting to meet the police, the problem isn't them, it's you.

Just imagine how bad they'd feel if they were unfairly targeted instead of just mean old words like "some cops are not good"
Uh I'm not seeing the equivalence.

Just imagine if they were harrassed like they do blacks. Targeted like they do blacks and when they complain about being targeted they are told different levels of "you deserve it"? Boy they'd be hoping mad then!

I mean if they have wet faces from someone saying they arent perfect just imagine...they'd jump out of the nearest window
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.

Police brutality is systemic, not anecdotal.

On a national level, 95 percent or more of police misconduct cases referred for federal prosecution are declined by prosecutors. USA Today reported that juries “are conditioned to believe cops, and victims’ credibility is often challenged.”

A Department of Justice study revealed that a substantial percentage of police officers report that they’ve seen other officers use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”

Don’t be in denial. Police misconduct is nothing new, but the technology we have to capture it is. Nearly everyone is now equipped with a smartphone with a camera, so these incidents are more readily caught on film.

Any police officer that fails to report another police officer’s misconduct is complicit. Failure to report undermines the law enforcement community in the worst way imaginable.

Because of this misconduct, the public doesn’t trust police officers. Police admit to lying when they see citizens being violated or abused by other police officers. Police are supposed to protect and serve, but sadly they protect their self-interest first and foremost.

Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror

And the same should be said about black people as well... It is about 2% there too...

The problem I see is US law enforcement kill there citizens at multiple rates of any other first world country. I don't think all the blame goes on the officers, there is conditions that create these things to happen.
Are the cops trained properly?
No other country has to deal with the prevalence of guns in society in the same way..
Are there bad social policies with lack of opportunities to progress?
Are cuts to mental health services prudent?

The list is endless but make no exception while Blacks are a killed at a rate 2.5 times white... The killing of all citizens is way too high...

The Counted: people killed by police in the United States – interactive

By the numbers: US police kill more in days than other countries do in years

View attachment 81215

This figure is staggering...

Finland shot just 6 bullets in a year... This is the real question and it is not to put all on the steps of law enforcement, by the time they arrive a lot of mistakes happen...
Police kill more so it's their fault? It couldn't have anything to do with the scumbags huh?

LOL. Thinking are hard.
From my post:
"This is the real question and it is not to put all on the steps of law enforcement, by the time they arrive a lot of mistakes happen.."

If you read my post you will see I don't place all the blame on the cops... I actually ask is there other issues that are causing this as well...

But the numbers are staggering and undeniable, US cops kill more citizens per capita than any other first world nation in the world by multiple times... you just want to ignore the facts...
I didn't deny any facts, I questioned you placing blame on the police. I'm not buying that they simple kill you for shits and giggles.
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.

Police brutality is systemic, not anecdotal.

On a national level, 95 percent or more of police misconduct cases referred for federal prosecution are declined by prosecutors. USA Today reported that juries “are conditioned to believe cops, and victims’ credibility is often challenged.”

A Department of Justice study revealed that a substantial percentage of police officers report that they’ve seen other officers use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”

Don’t be in denial. Police misconduct is nothing new, but the technology we have to capture it is. Nearly everyone is now equipped with a smartphone with a camera, so these incidents are more readily caught on film.

Any police officer that fails to report another police officer’s misconduct is complicit. Failure to report undermines the law enforcement community in the worst way imaginable.

Because of this misconduct, the public doesn’t trust police officers. Police admit to lying when they see citizens being violated or abused by other police officers. Police are supposed to protect and serve, but sadly they protect their self-interest first and foremost.

Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror
Fuck off with your paranoid delusions and grandiose self importance. Cop hate is irrational 99.9% of the time. Idiot
We all know and love cops as heroes. That doesn't mean they are untouchable. They will dig in and fight change, you will fight it.

And in the end the cops will change. They will police how we tell them to police.
When JFK was assassinated the Country went into a fit of mourning for a decade and more. When Martin King was assassinated the Country endured tens of millions of dollars in damages and countless lives lost in riots. When Rodney King was manhandled by L.A. Officers the riots caused the deaths of 55 innocent people and tens of millions of dollars in damage.. Here we have five brave Police Officers who took the oath to "serve and protect" and were assassinated and all we hear is a defense of the maniac and the movement that killed them. Is it some sort of cosmic joke? In the words of Steve McQueen (his last words in the movie The Sand Pebbles), "what the hell happened?"
We feel sorry for the officers and their families. Do you feel sorry for all the blacks that have lost their lives because cops are poorly trained and supervised? Enough is enough. You can't keep pushing people and be shocked when they push back. And you can no longer pretend it's just a bad apple. The entire barrell is bad. Don't pretend it's not

Exhibit A above: Indoctrination works!
Explain your stupid thought.

It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.

US cops kill their citizens at 57 times the rate that UK does...

While they may kill blacks at a rate 2.5 times higher than whites... All the figures are off the charts compared to other countries...
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.

Your post is ridiculous. A cop taking your bag of weed and magic mushrooms is not abuse.

How many cops have beat your ass anyway? 5? 6? 20? 100? You must be getting beat down everyday with your poor attitude and drug use.
Last edited:
When JFK was assassinated the Country went into a fit of mourning for a decade and more. When Martin King was assassinated the Country endured tens of millions of dollars in damages and countless lives lost in riots. When Rodney King was manhandled by L.A. Officers the riots caused the deaths of 55 innocent people and tens of millions of dollars in damage.. Here we have five brave Police Officers who took the oath to "serve and protect" and were assassinated and all we hear is a defense of the maniac and the movement that killed them. Is it some sort of cosmic joke? In the words of Steve McQueen (his last words in the movie The Sand Pebbles), "what the hell happened?"
That's all you hear?

I see the problem.
Yeah, you sowed overt apartheid for centuries then covert apartheid for decades and are surprised at the legacy.

How do you explain successful black people?
No shit, we have rich rappers, athletes, actors, businessmen
We have presidents, AGs, mayors, governors....

but somehow they have no chance? WTF are these people smoking?

Thats the thing. I know several black people who are as normal as can be.
It's always ghetto blacks getting gunned down..you'd think people would see the correlation.
And you will NEVER see the 'normal' Black people going anywhere near the sub-humans in the inner city.
No ones listening to or taking you seriously you little pussy honkey
Looks like you are dumb-dumb. Haaa Haaa!
I'm not buying that they simple kill you for shits and giggles.

I dont know if its for shits and giggles but I think the important part is that it happens. Why it happens is another topic but it doesnt unkill someone

Yesterday you claimed you had no run ins with the cops. Now they are trying to kill you for shit and giggles. Sigh... Drama queen. You want to know who is murdering people at ridiculous rates? Black people. It will take 40 years for the cops to catch up in body count from just one year of blacks slaughtering others. What are you going to do about all the black murderers? Will you continue to deflect and blame the cops or own up to the real problem?
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.
Fuck off with your paranoid delusions and grandiose self importance. Cop hate is irrational 99.9% of the time. Idiot
We all know and love cops as heroes. That doesn't mean they are untouchable. They will dig in and fight change, you will fight it.

And in the end the cops will change. They will police how we tell them to police.
We feel sorry for the officers and their families. Do you feel sorry for all the blacks that have lost their lives because cops are poorly trained and supervised? Enough is enough. You can't keep pushing people and be shocked when they push back. And you can no longer pretend it's just a bad apple. The entire barrell is bad. Don't pretend it's not

Exhibit A above: Indoctrination works!
Explain your stupid thought.

It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.

US cops kill their citizens at 57 times the rate that UK does...

While they may kill blacks at a rate 2.5 times higher than whites... All the figures are off the charts compared to other countries...
I called 9-11 because some asshole wanted to fight me and I was running a music school with little kids. How would that look? So I called the cops. They came in like I was going to go to jail. They were very scary and very intimidating. I didn't like it and I see what they mean when they say our cops have been militarized. They need to be better trained. Or trained differently because they were clearly trained to go in and act the way they were acting. Assholes.

But I also understand any of of those guys would run towards trouble while I was running away. I both love them and hate them. When they give me a ticket I hate them. LOL.
I'm not buying that they simple kill you for shits and giggles.

I dont know if its for shits and giggles but I think the important part is that it happens. Why it happens is another topic but it doesnt unkill someone

Yesterday you claimed you had no run ins with the cops.

You can stop there. I have no interest in your bullshit lies. You cant make a point so you instead make up shit about other people personally. No thanks goofball
When JFK was assassinated the Country went into a fit of mourning for a decade and more. When Martin King was assassinated the Country endured tens of millions of dollars in damages and countless lives lost in riots. When Rodney King was manhandled by L.A. Officers the riots caused the deaths of 55 innocent people and tens of millions of dollars in damage.. Here we have five brave Police Officers who took the oath to "serve and protect" and were assassinated and all we hear is a defense of the maniac and the movement that killed them. Is it some sort of cosmic joke? In the words of Steve McQueen (his last words in the movie The Sand Pebbles), "what the hell happened?"
That's all you hear?

I see the problem.
Yes, Whitehall hears what Fox and Rush and Trump tell him to hear. God forbid he hears the truth.
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.

Police brutality is systemic, not anecdotal.

On a national level, 95 percent or more of police misconduct cases referred for federal prosecution are declined by prosecutors. USA Today reported that juries “are conditioned to believe cops, and victims’ credibility is often challenged.”

A Department of Justice study revealed that a substantial percentage of police officers report that they’ve seen other officers use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”

Don’t be in denial. Police misconduct is nothing new, but the technology we have to capture it is. Nearly everyone is now equipped with a smartphone with a camera, so these incidents are more readily caught on film.

Any police officer that fails to report another police officer’s misconduct is complicit. Failure to report undermines the law enforcement community in the worst way imaginable.

Because of this misconduct, the public doesn’t trust police officers. Police admit to lying when they see citizens being violated or abused by other police officers. Police are supposed to protect and serve, but sadly they protect their self-interest first and foremost.

Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror

And the same should be said about black people as well... It is about 2% there too...

The problem I see is US law enforcement kill there citizens at multiple rates of any other first world country. I don't think all the blame goes on the officers, there is conditions that create these things to happen.
Are the cops trained properly?
No other country has to deal with the prevalence of guns in society in the same way..
Are there bad social policies with lack of opportunities to progress?
Are cuts to mental health services prudent?

The list is endless but make no exception while Blacks are a killed at a rate 2.5 times white... The killing of all citizens is way too high...

The Counted: people killed by police in the United States – interactive

By the numbers: US police kill more in days than other countries do in years

View attachment 81215

This figure is staggering...

Finland shot just 6 bullets in a year... This is the real question and it is not to put all on the steps of law enforcement, by the time they arrive a lot of mistakes happen...
Police kill more so it's their fault? It couldn't have anything to do with the scumbags huh?

LOL. Thinking are hard.
From my post:
"This is the real question and it is not to put all on the steps of law enforcement, by the time they arrive a lot of mistakes happen.."

If you read my post you will see I don't place all the blame on the cops... I actually ask is there other issues that are causing this as well...

But the numbers are staggering and undeniable, US cops kill more citizens per capita than any other first world nation in the world by multiple times... you just want to ignore the facts...
Because they are tasked with going into the most heavily armed with illegal handguns, inner city shitholes populated by negroes who literally have nothing to live for anyway.

Withdraw every LEO from every inner city shithole.
Within a couple of months the negroes will have killed off 90% of their population.
Withdraw every LEO in ANY predominantly White city and the murder rate will not change. Think on that!
I'm not buying that they simple kill you for shits and giggles.

I dont know if its for shits and giggles but I think the important part is that it happens. Why it happens is another topic but it doesnt unkill someone

Yesterday you claimed you had no run ins with the cops. Now they are trying to kill you for shit and giggles. Sigh... Drama queen. You want to know who is murdering people at ridiculous rates? Black people. It will take 40 years for the cops to catch up in body count from just one year of blacks slaughtering others. What are you going to do about all the black murderers? Will you continue to deflect and blame the cops or own up to the real problem?
Instead of giving people bullshit 5 over traffic tickets, or pulling over innocent people who are driving while black, or even worse, rather than being a corrupt cop because you are not being properly supervised, how about we have properly trained and supervised police and they go after real crime instead of being petty meter maids? Put up a camera for speeders. No need to make good cops into the bad guys which is what happens when they go out fundraising.

This isn't a who's worse argument you shithead. That's what blacks do when we talk about poor black neighborhoods. They say, "poor white neighborhoods do all that stuff too". Well congrats black people. Your neighborhoods are almost as good as our poor white trash neighborhoods.

So don't you do that argument with the cops vs. black criminals. I hope to god bad cops don't ever outnumber criminals. That would be horrible. Just consider bad cops kill about 365 innocent people a year. If we properly train and supervise them we can get that number down to 50 or less.
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.

Police brutality is systemic, not anecdotal.

On a national level, 95 percent or more of police misconduct cases referred for federal prosecution are declined by prosecutors. USA Today reported that juries “are conditioned to believe cops, and victims’ credibility is often challenged.”

A Department of Justice study revealed that a substantial percentage of police officers report that they’ve seen other officers use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”

Don’t be in denial. Police misconduct is nothing new, but the technology we have to capture it is. Nearly everyone is now equipped with a smartphone with a camera, so these incidents are more readily caught on film.

Any police officer that fails to report another police officer’s misconduct is complicit. Failure to report undermines the law enforcement community in the worst way imaginable.

Because of this misconduct, the public doesn’t trust police officers. Police admit to lying when they see citizens being violated or abused by other police officers. Police are supposed to protect and serve, but sadly they protect their self-interest first and foremost.

Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror

And the same should be said about black people as well... It is about 2% there too...

The problem I see is US law enforcement kill there citizens at multiple rates of any other first world country. I don't think all the blame goes on the officers, there is conditions that create these things to happen.
Are the cops trained properly?
No other country has to deal with the prevalence of guns in society in the same way..
Are there bad social policies with lack of opportunities to progress?
Are cuts to mental health services prudent?

The list is endless but make no exception while Blacks are a killed at a rate 2.5 times white... The killing of all citizens is way too high...

The Counted: people killed by police in the United States – interactive

By the numbers: US police kill more in days than other countries do in years

View attachment 81215

This figure is staggering...

Finland shot just 6 bullets in a year... This is the real question and it is not to put all on the steps of law enforcement, by the time they arrive a lot of mistakes happen...
Police kill more so it's their fault? It couldn't have anything to do with the scumbags huh?

LOL. Thinking are hard.
From my post:
"This is the real question and it is not to put all on the steps of law enforcement, by the time they arrive a lot of mistakes happen.."

If you read my post you will see I don't place all the blame on the cops... I actually ask is there other issues that are causing this as well...

But the numbers are staggering and undeniable, US cops kill more citizens per capita than any other first world nation in the world by multiple times... you just want to ignore the facts...
Because they are tasked with going into the most heavily armed with illegal handguns, inner city shitholes populated by negroes who literally have nothing to live for anyway.

Withdraw every LEO from every inner city shithole.
Within a couple of months the negroes will have killed off 90% of their population.
Withdraw every LEO in ANY predominantly White city and the murder rate will not change. Think on that!
Then lay off some of those white cops in mayberry and send them where they are needed. But give them the right training and body cams. Don't send in scared cops.
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.

Police brutality is systemic, not anecdotal.

On a national level, 95 percent or more of police misconduct cases referred for federal prosecution are declined by prosecutors. USA Today reported that juries “are conditioned to believe cops, and victims’ credibility is often challenged.”

A Department of Justice study revealed that a substantial percentage of police officers report that they’ve seen other officers use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”

Don’t be in denial. Police misconduct is nothing new, but the technology we have to capture it is. Nearly everyone is now equipped with a smartphone with a camera, so these incidents are more readily caught on film.

Any police officer that fails to report another police officer’s misconduct is complicit. Failure to report undermines the law enforcement community in the worst way imaginable.

Because of this misconduct, the public doesn’t trust police officers. Police admit to lying when they see citizens being violated or abused by other police officers. Police are supposed to protect and serve, but sadly they protect their self-interest first and foremost.

Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror
It's mostly in urban areas, where progressives control the federal, state and local governments. Progressivism/socialism are a cancer to this country…
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.
Fuck off with your paranoid delusions and grandiose self importance. Cop hate is irrational 99.9% of the time. Idiot
We all know and love cops as heroes. That doesn't mean they are untouchable. They will dig in and fight change, you will fight it.

And in the end the cops will change. They will police how we tell them to police.
We feel sorry for the officers and their families. Do you feel sorry for all the blacks that have lost their lives because cops are poorly trained and supervised? Enough is enough. You can't keep pushing people and be shocked when they push back. And you can no longer pretend it's just a bad apple. The entire barrell is bad. Don't pretend it's not

Exhibit A above: Indoctrination works!
Explain your stupid thought.

It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.

US cops kill their citizens at 57 times the rate that UK does...

While they may kill blacks at a rate 2.5 times higher than whites... All the figures are off the charts compared to other countries...

The UK doesnt have to deal with blacks raised on hip hop,40's and weed.
Fuck off with your paranoid delusions and grandiose self importance. Cop hate is irrational 99.9% of the time. Idiot
We all know and love cops as heroes. That doesn't mean they are untouchable. They will dig in and fight change, you will fight it.

And in the end the cops will change. They will police how we tell them to police.
Exhibit A above: Indoctrination works!
Explain your stupid thought.

It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.

US cops kill their citizens at 57 times the rate that UK does...

While they may kill blacks at a rate 2.5 times higher than whites... All the figures are off the charts compared to other countries...
I called 9-11 because some asshole wanted to fight me and I was running a music school with little kids. How would that look? So I called the cops. They came in like I was going to go to jail. They were very scary and very intimidating. I didn't like it and I see what they mean when they say our cops have been militarized. They need to be better trained. Or trained differently because they were clearly trained to go in and act the way they were acting. Assholes.

But I also understand any of of those guys would run towards trouble while I was running away. I both love them and hate them. When they give me a ticket I hate them. LOL.

So you couldn't handle it and didn't like the way the cops handled it.

Next time, call Dr.Drew, imbecile!
Fuck off with your paranoid delusions and grandiose self importance. Cop hate is irrational 99.9% of the time. Idiot
We all know and love cops as heroes. That doesn't mean they are untouchable. They will dig in and fight change, you will fight it.

And in the end the cops will change. They will police how we tell them to police.
Exhibit A above: Indoctrination works!
Explain your stupid thought.

It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.

US cops kill their citizens at 57 times the rate that UK does...

While they may kill blacks at a rate 2.5 times higher than whites... All the figures are off the charts compared to other countries...
I called 9-11 because some asshole wanted to fight me and I was running a music school with little kids. How would that look? So I called the cops. They came in like I was going to go to jail. They were very scary and very intimidating. I didn't like it and I see what they mean when they say our cops have been militarized. They need to be better trained. Or trained differently because they were clearly trained to go in and act the way they were acting. Assholes.

But I also understand any of of those guys would run towards trouble while I was running away. I both love them and hate them. When they give me a ticket I hate them. LOL.
So that makes you an asshole!
'Hate" the cops for doing their job. They had NO WAY of knowing who was who when they arrived TO PUT THEIR FUCKING LIVES IN PERIL FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"LOVE" THE COPS for doing their duty. You are seriously a fucking creep.
Fuck off with your paranoid delusions and grandiose self importance. Cop hate is irrational 99.9% of the time. Idiot
We all know and love cops as heroes. That doesn't mean they are untouchable. They will dig in and fight change, you will fight it.

And in the end the cops will change. They will police how we tell them to police.
Exhibit A above: Indoctrination works!
Explain your stupid thought.

It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.

US cops kill their citizens at 57 times the rate that UK does...

While they may kill blacks at a rate 2.5 times higher than whites... All the figures are off the charts compared to other countries...

The UK doesnt have to deal with blacks raised on hip hop,40's and weed.
Actually, my British co worker the other day said they have these black guys who all live in the same community in England and they all speak with a Jamaican accent.

I was telling him how blacks in America refuse to assimilate and learn proper English. He said, "what's Eubonics" and when I explained it to him, he told me about these black rasta's in England who purposely talk walk and act different.

So no doubt black people in America, and England, are purposely choosing to be different.
We all know and love cops as heroes. That doesn't mean they are untouchable. They will dig in and fight change, you will fight it.

And in the end the cops will change. They will police how we tell them to police.
Explain your stupid thought.

It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.

US cops kill their citizens at 57 times the rate that UK does...

While they may kill blacks at a rate 2.5 times higher than whites... All the figures are off the charts compared to other countries...

The UK doesnt have to deal with blacks raised on hip hop,40's and weed.
Actually, my British co worker the other day said they have these black guys who all live in the same community in England and they all speak with a Jamaican accent.

I was telling him how blacks in America refuse to assimilate and learn proper English. He said, "what's Eubonics" and when I explained it to him, he told me about these black rasta's in England who purposely talk walk and act different.

So no doubt black people in America, and England, are purposely choosing to be different.

Funny that they don't speak that way in their Harvard classes.........(Just ask, Obie!)

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