Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror

They have an understanding of elevated blood pressure, of rapid heart rate. They know what their bodies are telling them, namely I'm afraid. And then they have a way not to override it, but to channel it. And the cops I hear screaming at people, pulling their guns, firing those lethal weapons are out of control, and that comes from fear.
We all know and love cops as heroes. That doesn't mean they are untouchable. They will dig in and fight change, you will fight it.

And in the end the cops will change. They will police how we tell them to police.
Explain your stupid thought.

It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.
Recall the title?
No here it is:

Former Police Chief Has A Plan For 'How To Fix America's Police'

Norm Stamper was chief of the Seattle Police Department for six years. Last month, he put out a book on this very issue. It's called "To Protect And Serve: How To Fix America's Police."

The effort to achieve an authentic partnership between community and police and particularly in those communities that historically have had the toughest time with law enforcement is always on my mind. It is critical, it seems to me, that we find a way to find common ground. And we're not very close to that moment at this point.

Well, for me, the moral equivalence boils down to the very basic principle of the sanctity of human life. And whether you're wearing a blue or a tan or a khaki uniform or you're an 18 or 19-year-old young African-American man, your life is valuable

So I have to assume that you believe that America's policing system is in fact broken. What's broken?

STAMPER: The system itself. Policing is broken. Tragically, it has been broken from the very beginning of the institution. It has evolved as a paramilitary, bureaucratic, organizational arrangement that distances police officers from the communities they've been sworn to protect and serve.
Paramilitary? I live in memphis and I don't see that at all.
Then you have no idea what it's like living outside of Memphis. Must be lovely. Like Mayberry.
And so we've taught our cops that they're on the front lines of an occupational force and their job is to maintain control of every situation. And I would argue that they lose control when they embrace that attitude and take it into every contact. Look, there are dangerous situations in police work, and police officers need to be ready to use force. The law entitles them to use only that amount of force necessary to overcome whatever resistance they're facing. And if, in fact, you're confronting, as the police officers in Dallas did, an armed and very, very dangerous man, they are authorized to use lethal force.

Most people, I think, get that. It's when you get into these discretionary marginal contacts that we find police officers abusing their power. And it is true that if one officer out of the million police officers we have in this country shoot somebody without authorization, without legal standing, and we can say that's the exception. Let's go ahead and deal with that individual. But when we have shooting after shooting after shooting that most people would define as at least questionable, it's time to look, not just at a few bad apples, but the barrel. And I'm convinced that it is the barrel that is rotted.
Police also get shot just walking to a window. They dont have time to dick around, just do what they say, ive never had them ask me to fuck a goat or do something unreasonable. Im sympathetic to their plight. No way would I want to be a cop.
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It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.
Recall the title?
No here it is:

Former Police Chief Has A Plan For 'How To Fix America's Police'

Norm Stamper was chief of the Seattle Police Department for six years. Last month, he put out a book on this very issue. It's called "To Protect And Serve: How To Fix America's Police."

The effort to achieve an authentic partnership between community and police and particularly in those communities that historically have had the toughest time with law enforcement is always on my mind. It is critical, it seems to me, that we find a way to find common ground. And we're not very close to that moment at this point.

Well, for me, the moral equivalence boils down to the very basic principle of the sanctity of human life. And whether you're wearing a blue or a tan or a khaki uniform or you're an 18 or 19-year-old young African-American man, your life is valuable

So I have to assume that you believe that America's policing system is in fact broken. What's broken?

STAMPER: The system itself. Policing is broken. Tragically, it has been broken from the very beginning of the institution. It has evolved as a paramilitary, bureaucratic, organizational arrangement that distances police officers from the communities they've been sworn to protect and serve.
Paramilitary? I live in memphis and I don't see that at all.
Then you have no idea what it's like living outside of Memphis. Must be lovely. Like Mayberry.
Well I live in Denver for 2 years and columbus for 20, I have not seen this at all.
It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.
Recall the title?
No here it is:

Former Police Chief Has A Plan For 'How To Fix America's Police'

Norm Stamper was chief of the Seattle Police Department for six years. Last month, he put out a book on this very issue. It's called "To Protect And Serve: How To Fix America's Police."

The effort to achieve an authentic partnership between community and police and particularly in those communities that historically have had the toughest time with law enforcement is always on my mind. It is critical, it seems to me, that we find a way to find common ground. And we're not very close to that moment at this point.

Well, for me, the moral equivalence boils down to the very basic principle of the sanctity of human life. And whether you're wearing a blue or a tan or a khaki uniform or you're an 18 or 19-year-old young African-American man, your life is valuable

So I have to assume that you believe that America's policing system is in fact broken. What's broken?

STAMPER: The system itself. Policing is broken. Tragically, it has been broken from the very beginning of the institution. It has evolved as a paramilitary, bureaucratic, organizational arrangement that distances police officers from the communities they've been sworn to protect and serve.
Paramilitary? I live in memphis and I don't see that at all.
A scared cop is an impulsive cop. A scared cop is somebody who literally does not see straight. Perception is affected by fear, sometimes profoundly. Every officer who's been involved in a shooting - and I have been - will tell you that tunnel vision is absolutely real. Everything else disappears from view but the threat to the safety of the officer or to the safety of any other person.

And so it's vital, I think, that we all understand that when a police officer is frightened, is inclined toward impulsive behavior or rash behavior, we need to be asking ourselves, did we anticipate this? Isn't it in the nature of police where the cops are going to find themselves 3 o'clock in the morning down a darkened alley confronting somebody? How do we train them, educate them such that they know what their bodies are going to do?
That is human nature, noway you can stop it. Also the more dangerous the hood, the more anxious they would be. So you're a cop?
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When JFK was assassinated the Country went into a fit of mourning for a decade and more. When Martin King was assassinated the Country endured tens of millions of dollars in damages and countless lives lost in riots. When Rodney King was manhandled by L.A. Officers the riots caused the deaths of 55 innocent people and tens of millions of dollars in damage.. Here we have five brave Police Officers who took the oath to "serve and protect" and were assassinated and all we hear is a defense of the maniac and the movement that killed them. Is it some sort of cosmic joke? In the words of Steve McQueen (his last words in the movie The Sand Pebbles), "what the hell happened?"
We feel sorry for the officers and their families. Do you feel sorry for all the blacks that have lost their lives because cops are poorly trained and supervised? Enough is enough. You can't keep pushing people and be shocked when they push back. And you can no longer pretend it's just a bad apple. The entire barrel is bad. Don't pretend it's not
A race with an average IQ in the low eighties. Zero chance of any of their 'young negro men' ever earning a fucking dime legitimately. Mexican cartels giving away thousands of illegal handguns to people who literally don't know how to chamber a round.
And people wonder why the negro race just can't seem to ever get their shit together.
Might a s well give the illegal handguns to a Special Needs group and tell them to survive.
Negroes in the US are only here at the largess of the White's and that time is drawing to a close.
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.

Police brutality is systemic, not anecdotal.

On a national level, 95 percent or more of police misconduct cases referred for federal prosecution are declined by prosecutors. USA Today reported that juries “are conditioned to believe cops, and victims’ credibility is often challenged.”

A Department of Justice study revealed that a substantial percentage of police officers report that they’ve seen other officers use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”

Don’t be in denial. Police misconduct is nothing new, but the technology we have to capture it is. Nearly everyone is now equipped with a smartphone with a camera, so these incidents are more readily caught on film.

Any police officer that fails to report another police officer’s misconduct is complicit. Failure to report undermines the law enforcement community in the worst way imaginable.

Because of this misconduct, the public doesn’t trust police officers. Police admit to lying when they see citizens being violated or abused by other police officers. Police are supposed to protect and serve, but sadly they protect their self-interest first and foremost.

Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror
Fuck off with your paranoid delusions and grandiose self importance. Cop hate is irrational 99.9% of the time. Idiot
We all know and love cops as heroes. That doesn't mean they are untouchable. They will dig in and fight change, you will fight it.

And in the end the cops will change. They will police how we tell them to police.
When JFK was assassinated the Country went into a fit of mourning for a decade and more. When Martin King was assassinated the Country endured tens of millions of dollars in damages and countless lives lost in riots. When Rodney King was manhandled by L.A. Officers the riots caused the deaths of 55 innocent people and tens of millions of dollars in damage.. Here we have five brave Police Officers who took the oath to "serve and protect" and were assassinated and all we hear is a defense of the maniac and the movement that killed them. Is it some sort of cosmic joke? In the words of Steve McQueen (his last words in the movie The Sand Pebbles), "what the hell happened?"
We feel sorry for the officers and their families. Do you feel sorry for all the blacks that have lost their lives because cops are poorly trained and supervised? Enough is enough. You can't keep pushing people and be shocked when they push back. And you can no longer pretend it's just a bad apple. The entire barrell is bad. Don't pretend it's not

Exhibit A above: Indoctrination works!
Explain your stupid thought.

It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.
What you are really saying is negroes are not as mentally capable of understanding and functioning in normal everyday hardworking peace loving communities. They must be somehow coddled from the reality anyone faces when they are stopped by LE.
If you had to deal with the sub-human negro scum that is a cancer on the inner city neighborhoods YOU may have a different attitude.
I doubt it though.
It was Clinton that packed the prisons with negro felons. Remember that.
The fruits of this is what we are all witnessing and we are reaping the whirlwind of what has been sewn.
Yeah, you sowed overt apartheid for centuries then covert apartheid for decades and are surprised at the legacy.

How do you explain successful black people?
No shit, we have rich rappers, athletes, actors, businessmen
We have presidents, AGs, mayors, governors....

but somehow they have no chance? WTF are these people smoking?

Thats the thing. I know several black people who are as normal as can be.
It's always ghetto blacks getting gunned down..you'd think people would see the correlation.
And you will NEVER see the 'normal' Black people going anywhere near the sub-humans in the inner city.
How do you explain successful black people?
How do you explain a successful black person arrested for entering his own home?
The fucking asshole was 'baiting the cops'. He was behaving like a sub-human negro on purpose to provoke a racial incident.
Obama came to the asshole negroids defense without knowing the facts. The fucking asshole radical LIB Professor has NEVER been heard of since..............on Obama's orders. Obama proved he was an idiot and got his ass kicked for it.
I see, you think they are upset with what happened hundreds of years ago
As though overt apartheid for centuries and covert apartheid for decades will not leave a legacy in post racial America, especially in the institutions that enforced that apartheid. Next you'll be saying there's no white privilege.

There is no white privilege except in you little victim mind.
I see, you think they are upset with what happened hundreds of years ago
As though overt apartheid for centuries and covert apartheid for decades will not leave a legacy in post racial America, especially in the institutions that enforced that apartheid. Next you'll be saying there's no white privilege.

There is no white privilege except in you little victim mind.
White privilege, what a commie construct, about as useful as white man's burden.
And so we've taught our cops that they're on the front lines of an occupational force and their job is to maintain control of every situation. And I would argue that they lose control when they embrace that attitude and take it into every contact. Look, there are dangerous situations in police work, and police officers need to be ready to use force. The law entitles them to use only that amount of force necessary to overcome whatever resistance they're facing. And if, in fact, you're confronting, as the police officers in Dallas did, an armed and very, very dangerous man, they are authorized to use lethal force.

Most people, I think, get that. It's when you get into these discretionary marginal contacts that we find police officers abusing their power. And it is true that if one officer out of the million police officers we have in this country shoot somebody without authorization, without legal standing, and we can say that's the exception. Let's go ahead and deal with that individual. But when we have shooting after shooting after shooting that most people would define as at least questionable, it's time to look, not just at a few bad apples, but the barrel. And I'm convinced that it is the barrel that is rotted.
So now name ONE police shooting that is "questionable". When a GJ sees all the evidence and determines the LEO did nothing wrong, which happens literally 99% of the time are you claiming the justice system is corrupt?
LEO have to deal with the worst subhuman violent scum there is.
YOU expect LE to 'Protect' you from this scum then when they do you scream that the whole LE system is "rotten".
I PRAY you have to call LE to save your loser life some day. Maybe one of them will have read your posts here.
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.

Police brutality is systemic, not anecdotal.

On a national level, 95 percent or more of police misconduct cases referred for federal prosecution are declined by prosecutors. USA Today reported that juries “are conditioned to believe cops, and victims’ credibility is often challenged.”

A Department of Justice study revealed that a substantial percentage of police officers report that they’ve seen other officers use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”

Don’t be in denial. Police misconduct is nothing new, but the technology we have to capture it is. Nearly everyone is now equipped with a smartphone with a camera, so these incidents are more readily caught on film.

Any police officer that fails to report another police officer’s misconduct is complicit. Failure to report undermines the law enforcement community in the worst way imaginable.

Because of this misconduct, the public doesn’t trust police officers. Police admit to lying when they see citizens being violated or abused by other police officers. Police are supposed to protect and serve, but sadly they protect their self-interest first and foremost.

Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror

The only thing to cringe in horror is that cops are under more scrutiny while criminals and suspects are being appeased as 100 percent victims. Further, Baton Rouge, Minnesota, and Dallas need to be reported better, more follow up, and details.
The fruits of this is what we are all witnessing and we are reaping the whirlwind of what has been sewn.
Yeah, you sowed overt apartheid for centuries then covert apartheid for decades and are surprised at the legacy.

How do you explain successful black people?
No shit, we have rich rappers, athletes, actors, businessmen
We have presidents, AGs, mayors, governors....

but somehow they have no chance? WTF are these people smoking?

Thats the thing. I know several black people who are as normal as can be.
It's always ghetto blacks getting gunned down..you'd think people would see the correlation.
And you will NEVER see the 'normal' Black people going anywhere near the sub-humans in the inner city.
No ones listening to or taking you seriously you little pussy honkey
And so we've taught our cops that they're on the front lines of an occupational force and their job is to maintain control of every situation. And I would argue that they lose control when they embrace that attitude and take it into every contact. Look, there are dangerous situations in police work, and police officers need to be ready to use force. The law entitles them to use only that amount of force necessary to overcome whatever resistance they're facing. And if, in fact, you're confronting, as the police officers in Dallas did, an armed and very, very dangerous man, they are authorized to use lethal force.

Most people, I think, get that. It's when you get into these discretionary marginal contacts that we find police officers abusing their power. And it is true that if one officer out of the million police officers we have in this country shoot somebody without authorization, without legal standing, and we can say that's the exception. Let's go ahead and deal with that individual. But when we have shooting after shooting after shooting that most people would define as at least questionable, it's time to look, not just at a few bad apples, but the barrel. And I'm convinced that it is the barrel that is rotted.
So now name ONE police shooting that is "questionable". When a GJ sees all the evidence and determines the LEO did nothing wrong, which happens literally 99% of the time are you claiming the justice system is corrupt?
LEO have to deal with the worst subhuman violent scum there is.
YOU expect LE to 'Protect' you from this scum then when they do you scream that the whole LE system is "rotten".
I PRAY you have to call LE to save your loser life some day. Maybe one of them will have read your posts here.
Dannyboy, go eat a big dick ok you racist loser? Fuck off and die. Bye
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.
Fuck off with your paranoid delusions and grandiose self importance. Cop hate is irrational 99.9% of the time. Idiot
We all know and love cops as heroes. That doesn't mean they are untouchable. They will dig in and fight change, you will fight it.

And in the end the cops will change. They will police how we tell them to police.
We feel sorry for the officers and their families. Do you feel sorry for all the blacks that have lost their lives because cops are poorly trained and supervised? Enough is enough. You can't keep pushing people and be shocked when they push back. And you can no longer pretend it's just a bad apple. The entire barrell is bad. Don't pretend it's not

Exhibit A above: Indoctrination works!
Explain your stupid thought.

It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.
What you are really saying is negroes are not as mentally capable of understanding and functioning in normal everyday hardworking peace loving communities. They must be somehow coddled from the reality anyone faces when they are stopped by LE.
If you had to deal with the sub-human negro scum that is a cancer on the inner city neighborhoods YOU may have a different attitude.
I doubt it though.
It was Clinton that packed the prisons with negro felons. Remember that.
Sorry man, but I have to disagree. Alot of blacks are seduced by left side of the force, but I know many and they're not stupid, although some do lack information.
As for sub humans, some are but not because of yheir race, it's their attitude and associations that make them that way, by the way I consider Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi sub human.
Cringe in horror? Drama queen much? Cops are under scrutiny like never before and with the shitty economy there are waiting lists to get in. Police departments don't need or want bad apples. What we see on TV is the few bad examples or gross misreporting to push an agenda. I don't have problems with cops, most people don't. If you are regularly getting to meet the police, the problem isn't them, it's you.

Just imagine how bad they'd feel if they were unfairly targeted instead of just mean old words like "some cops are not good"
Cringe in horror? Drama queen much? Cops are under scrutiny like never before and with the shitty economy there are waiting lists to get in. Police departments don't need or want bad apples. What we see on TV is the few bad examples or gross misreporting to push an agenda. I don't have problems with cops, most people don't. If you are regularly getting to meet the police, the problem isn't them, it's you.

Just imagine how bad they'd feel if they were unfairly targeted instead of just mean old words like "some cops are not good"
Uh I'm not seeing the equivalence.
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.

Police brutality is systemic, not anecdotal.

On a national level, 95 percent or more of police misconduct cases referred for federal prosecution are declined by prosecutors. USA Today reported that juries “are conditioned to believe cops, and victims’ credibility is often challenged.”

A Department of Justice study revealed that a substantial percentage of police officers report that they’ve seen other officers use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”

Don’t be in denial. Police misconduct is nothing new, but the technology we have to capture it is. Nearly everyone is now equipped with a smartphone with a camera, so these incidents are more readily caught on film.

Any police officer that fails to report another police officer’s misconduct is complicit. Failure to report undermines the law enforcement community in the worst way imaginable.

Because of this misconduct, the public doesn’t trust police officers. Police admit to lying when they see citizens being violated or abused by other police officers. Police are supposed to protect and serve, but sadly they protect their self-interest first and foremost.

Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror

And the same should be said about black people as well... It is about 2% there too...

The problem I see is US law enforcement kill there citizens at multiple rates of any other first world country. I don't think all the blame goes on the officers, there is conditions that create these things to happen.
Are the cops trained properly?
No other country has to deal with the prevalence of guns in society in the same way..
Are there bad social policies with lack of opportunities to progress?
Are cuts to mental health services prudent?

The list is endless but make no exception while Blacks are a killed at a rate 2.5 times white... The killing of all citizens is way too high...

The Counted: people killed by police in the United States – interactive

By the numbers: US police kill more in days than other countries do in years

View attachment 81215

This figure is staggering...

Finland shot just 6 bullets in a year... This is the real question and it is not to put all on the steps of law enforcement, by the time they arrive a lot of mistakes happen...
Police kill more so it's their fault? It couldn't have anything to do with the scumbags huh?

LOL. Thinking are hard.
From my post:
"This is the real question and it is not to put all on the steps of law enforcement, by the time they arrive a lot of mistakes happen.."

If you read my post you will see I don't place all the blame on the cops... I actually ask is there other issues that are causing this as well...

But the numbers are staggering and undeniable, US cops kill more citizens per capita than any other first world nation in the world by multiple times... you just want to ignore the facts...
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.

Police brutality is systemic, not anecdotal.

On a national level, 95 percent or more of police misconduct cases referred for federal prosecution are declined by prosecutors. USA Today reported that juries “are conditioned to believe cops, and victims’ credibility is often challenged.”

A Department of Justice study revealed that a substantial percentage of police officers report that they’ve seen other officers use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”

Don’t be in denial. Police misconduct is nothing new, but the technology we have to capture it is. Nearly everyone is now equipped with a smartphone with a camera, so these incidents are more readily caught on film.

Any police officer that fails to report another police officer’s misconduct is complicit. Failure to report undermines the law enforcement community in the worst way imaginable.

Because of this misconduct, the public doesn’t trust police officers. Police admit to lying when they see citizens being violated or abused by other police officers. Police are supposed to protect and serve, but sadly they protect their self-interest first and foremost.

Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror

And the same should be said about black people as well... It is about 2% there too...

The problem I see is US law enforcement kill there citizens at multiple rates of any other first world country. I don't think all the blame goes on the officers, there is conditions that create these things to happen.
Are the cops trained properly?
No other country has to deal with the prevalence of guns in society in the same way..
Are there bad social policies with lack of opportunities to progress?
Are cuts to mental health services prudent?

The list is endless but make no exception while Blacks are a killed at a rate 2.5 times white... The killing of all citizens is way too high...

The Counted: people killed by police in the United States – interactive

By the numbers: US police kill more in days than other countries do in years

View attachment 81215

This figure is staggering...

Finland shot just 6 bullets in a year... This is the real question and it is not to put all on the steps of law enforcement, by the time they arrive a lot of mistakes happen...
Police kill more so it's their fault? It couldn't have anything to do with the scumbags huh?

LOL. Thinking are hard.
From my post:
"This is the real question and it is not to put all on the steps of law enforcement, by the time they arrive a lot of mistakes happen.."

If you read my post you will see I don't place all the blame on the cops... I actually ask is there other issues that are causing this as well...

But the numbers are staggering and undeniable, US cops kill more citizens per capita than any other first world nation in the world by multiple times... you just want to ignore the facts...

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