Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror

We all know and love cops as heroes. That doesn't mean they are untouchable. They will dig in and fight change, you will fight it.

And in the end the cops will change. They will police how we tell them to police.
Explain your stupid thought.

It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.

US cops kill their citizens at 57 times the rate that UK does...

While they may kill blacks at a rate 2.5 times higher than whites... All the figures are off the charts compared to other countries...
I called 9-11 because some asshole wanted to fight me and I was running a music school with little kids. How would that look? So I called the cops. They came in like I was going to go to jail. They were very scary and very intimidating. I didn't like it and I see what they mean when they say our cops have been militarized. They need to be better trained. Or trained differently because they were clearly trained to go in and act the way they were acting. Assholes.

But I also understand any of of those guys would run towards trouble while I was running away. I both love them and hate them. When they give me a ticket I hate them. LOL.
So that makes you an asshole!
'Hate" the cops for doing their job. They had NO WAY of knowing who was who when they arrived TO PUT THEIR FUCKING LIVES IN PERIL FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"LOVE" THE COPS for doing their duty. You are seriously a fucking creep.
They are doing a bad job. I'll respect them more when they are both doing a good job and there job. It's not enough to just do your job. Do it well. I can call people and say, "do you want to buy my shit" or I can be a good salesperson and do the job right.

Cops aren't above being judged and scrutinized and honestly, they work for us. If they aren't doing a satisfactory job, don't get all pissy and defensive about it. If I'm not doing my job I get fired. All we are asking them to do is get some fucking training.
It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.

US cops kill their citizens at 57 times the rate that UK does...

While they may kill blacks at a rate 2.5 times higher than whites... All the figures are off the charts compared to other countries...

The UK doesnt have to deal with blacks raised on hip hop,40's and weed.
Actually, my British co worker the other day said they have these black guys who all live in the same community in England and they all speak with a Jamaican accent.

I was telling him how blacks in America refuse to assimilate and learn proper English. He said, "what's Eubonics" and when I explained it to him, he told me about these black rasta's in England who purposely talk walk and act different.

So no doubt black people in America, and England, are purposely choosing to be different.

Funny that they don't speak that way in their Harvard classes.........(Just ask, Obie!)
The blacks I'm talking about can't get into Harvard. And there are blacks in England who speak proper English too. Ever hear Lennox Lewis speak? Or
Darrell Wallace Jr.?
We all know and love cops as heroes. That doesn't mean they are untouchable. They will dig in and fight change, you will fight it.

And in the end the cops will change. They will police how we tell them to police.
Explain your stupid thought.

It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.

US cops kill their citizens at 57 times the rate that UK does...

While they may kill blacks at a rate 2.5 times higher than whites... All the figures are off the charts compared to other countries...

The UK doesnt have to deal with blacks raised on hip hop,40's and weed.
Actually, my British co worker the other day said they have these black guys who all live in the same community in England and they all speak with a Jamaican accent.

I was telling him how blacks in America refuse to assimilate and learn proper English. He said, "what's Eubonics" and when I explained it to him, he told me about these black rasta's in England who purposely talk walk and act different.

So no doubt black people in America, and England, are purposely choosing to be different.
Thanks for that 'Captain Obvious'
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.

Police brutality is systemic, not anecdotal.

On a national level, 95 percent or more of police misconduct cases referred for federal prosecution are declined by prosecutors. USA Today reported that juries “are conditioned to believe cops, and victims’ credibility is often challenged.”

A Department of Justice study revealed that a substantial percentage of police officers report that they’ve seen other officers use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”

Don’t be in denial. Police misconduct is nothing new, but the technology we have to capture it is. Nearly everyone is now equipped with a smartphone with a camera, so these incidents are more readily caught on film.

Any police officer that fails to report another police officer’s misconduct is complicit. Failure to report undermines the law enforcement community in the worst way imaginable.

Because of this misconduct, the public doesn’t trust police officers. Police admit to lying when they see citizens being violated or abused by other police officers. Police are supposed to protect and serve, but sadly they protect their self-interest first and foremost.

Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror
It's mostly in urban areas, where progressives control the federal, state and local governments. Progressivism/socialism are a cancer to this country…

And yet the conservative message cant beat cancer.
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.

Police brutality is systemic, not anecdotal.

On a national level, 95 percent or more of police misconduct cases referred for federal prosecution are declined by prosecutors. USA Today reported that juries “are conditioned to believe cops, and victims’ credibility is often challenged.”

A Department of Justice study revealed that a substantial percentage of police officers report that they’ve seen other officers use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”

Don’t be in denial. Police misconduct is nothing new, but the technology we have to capture it is. Nearly everyone is now equipped with a smartphone with a camera, so these incidents are more readily caught on film.

Any police officer that fails to report another police officer’s misconduct is complicit. Failure to report undermines the law enforcement community in the worst way imaginable.

Because of this misconduct, the public doesn’t trust police officers. Police admit to lying when they see citizens being violated or abused by other police officers. Police are supposed to protect and serve, but sadly they protect their self-interest first and foremost.

Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror
It's mostly in urban areas, where progressives control the federal, state and local governments. Progressivism/socialism are a cancer to this country…

And yet the conservative message cant beat cancer.
Cancer is a stubborn thing...
It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.

US cops kill their citizens at 57 times the rate that UK does...

While they may kill blacks at a rate 2.5 times higher than whites... All the figures are off the charts compared to other countries...
I called 9-11 because some asshole wanted to fight me and I was running a music school with little kids. How would that look? So I called the cops. They came in like I was going to go to jail. They were very scary and very intimidating. I didn't like it and I see what they mean when they say our cops have been militarized. They need to be better trained. Or trained differently because they were clearly trained to go in and act the way they were acting. Assholes.

But I also understand any of of those guys would run towards trouble while I was running away. I both love them and hate them. When they give me a ticket I hate them. LOL.
So that makes you an asshole!
'Hate" the cops for doing their job. They had NO WAY of knowing who was who when they arrived TO PUT THEIR FUCKING LIVES IN PERIL FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"LOVE" THE COPS for doing their duty. You are seriously a fucking creep.
They are doing a bad job. I'll respect them more when they are both doing a good job and there job. It's not enough to just do your job. Do it well. I can call people and say, "do you want to buy my shit" or I can be a good salesperson and do the job right.

Cops aren't above being judged and scrutinized and honestly, they work for us. If they aren't doing a satisfactory job, don't get all pissy and defensive about it. If I'm not doing my job I get fired. All we are asking them to do is get some fucking training.
There's a difference with your job selling tampons to drug stores and LEO's putting their lives at risk to protect someone who's been attacked in a inner city shithole by a sub-human negroid thug.
Don't you agree?
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.

Police brutality is systemic, not anecdotal.

On a national level, 95 percent or more of police misconduct cases referred for federal prosecution are declined by prosecutors. USA Today reported that juries “are conditioned to believe cops, and victims’ credibility is often challenged.”

A Department of Justice study revealed that a substantial percentage of police officers report that they’ve seen other officers use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”

Don’t be in denial. Police misconduct is nothing new, but the technology we have to capture it is. Nearly everyone is now equipped with a smartphone with a camera, so these incidents are more readily caught on film.

Any police officer that fails to report another police officer’s misconduct is complicit. Failure to report undermines the law enforcement community in the worst way imaginable.

Because of this misconduct, the public doesn’t trust police officers. Police admit to lying when they see citizens being violated or abused by other police officers. Police are supposed to protect and serve, but sadly they protect their self-interest first and foremost.

Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror

And the same should be said about black people as well... It is about 2% there too...

The problem I see is US law enforcement kill there citizens at multiple rates of any other first world country. I don't think all the blame goes on the officers, there is conditions that create these things to happen.
Are the cops trained properly?
No other country has to deal with the prevalence of guns in society in the same way..
Are there bad social policies with lack of opportunities to progress?
Are cuts to mental health services prudent?

The list is endless but make no exception while Blacks are a killed at a rate 2.5 times white... The killing of all citizens is way too high...

The Counted: people killed by police in the United States – interactive

By the numbers: US police kill more in days than other countries do in years

View attachment 81215

This figure is staggering...

Finland shot just 6 bullets in a year... This is the real question and it is not to put all on the steps of law enforcement, by the time they arrive a lot of mistakes happen...
Police kill more so it's their fault? It couldn't have anything to do with the scumbags huh?

LOL. Thinking are hard.

We don't need to arm cops to the teeth to kill who they determine are scumbags. We can protect our fucking selves. At this point, half the time, we need to be able to protect ourselves FROM THE POLICE and that's a really, really bad sign. Breaking into the wrong homes, scooping people off the streets and putting them in jail for nothing. Take the weapons from the police, and make them stay in their freaking hidey holes until there's a call. We don't need them out roaming around looking to pick fights and harass people.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.

US cops kill their citizens at 57 times the rate that UK does...

While they may kill blacks at a rate 2.5 times higher than whites... All the figures are off the charts compared to other countries...

The UK doesnt have to deal with blacks raised on hip hop,40's and weed.
Actually, my British co worker the other day said they have these black guys who all live in the same community in England and they all speak with a Jamaican accent.

I was telling him how blacks in America refuse to assimilate and learn proper English. He said, "what's Eubonics" and when I explained it to him, he told me about these black rasta's in England who purposely talk walk and act different.

So no doubt black people in America, and England, are purposely choosing to be different.

Funny that they don't speak that way in their Harvard classes.........(Just ask, Obie!)
The blacks I'm talking about can't get into Harvard. And there are blacks in England who speak proper English too. Ever hear Lennox Lewis speak? Or
Darrell Wallace Jr.?
They can't get into Harvard because they do no might the intellectual standards required.
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.

Police brutality is systemic, not anecdotal.

On a national level, 95 percent or more of police misconduct cases referred for federal prosecution are declined by prosecutors. USA Today reported that juries “are conditioned to believe cops, and victims’ credibility is often challenged.”

A Department of Justice study revealed that a substantial percentage of police officers report that they’ve seen other officers use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”

Don’t be in denial. Police misconduct is nothing new, but the technology we have to capture it is. Nearly everyone is now equipped with a smartphone with a camera, so these incidents are more readily caught on film.

Any police officer that fails to report another police officer’s misconduct is complicit. Failure to report undermines the law enforcement community in the worst way imaginable.

Because of this misconduct, the public doesn’t trust police officers. Police admit to lying when they see citizens being violated or abused by other police officers. Police are supposed to protect and serve, but sadly they protect their self-interest first and foremost.

Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror
It's mostly in urban areas, where progressives control the federal, state and local governments. Progressivism/socialism are a cancer to this country…

And yet the conservative message cant beat cancer.
Cancer is a stubborn thing...

And more popular apparently
Fuck off with your paranoid delusions and grandiose self importance. Cop hate is irrational 99.9% of the time. Idiot
We all know and love cops as heroes. That doesn't mean they are untouchable. They will dig in and fight change, you will fight it.

And in the end the cops will change. They will police how we tell them to police.
Exhibit A above: Indoctrination works!
Explain your stupid thought.

It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.

US cops kill their citizens at 57 times the rate that UK does...

While they may kill blacks at a rate 2.5 times higher than whites... All the figures are off the charts compared to other countries...
I called 9-11 because some asshole wanted to fight me and I was running a music school with little kids. How would that look? So I called the cops. They came in like I was going to go to jail. They were very scary and very intimidating. I didn't like it and I see what they mean when they say our cops have been militarized. They need to be better trained. Or trained differently because they were clearly trained to go in and act the way they were acting. Assholes.

But I also understand any of of those guys would run towards trouble while I was running away. I both love them and hate them. When they give me a ticket I hate them. LOL.
True I hate tickets too. When cops are called to a scene, it's all business. They served my mom, but she did data work in politics and knew,another person nearby with the same name. She was a little scared, mostly because it was like 6am and out of the blue, but even so I've never been scared of cops.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.

US cops kill their citizens at 57 times the rate that UK does...

While they may kill blacks at a rate 2.5 times higher than whites... All the figures are off the charts compared to other countries...
I called 9-11 because some asshole wanted to fight me and I was running a music school with little kids. How would that look? So I called the cops. They came in like I was going to go to jail. They were very scary and very intimidating. I didn't like it and I see what they mean when they say our cops have been militarized. They need to be better trained. Or trained differently because they were clearly trained to go in and act the way they were acting. Assholes.

But I also understand any of of those guys would run towards trouble while I was running away. I both love them and hate them. When they give me a ticket I hate them. LOL.
So that makes you an asshole!
'Hate" the cops for doing their job. They had NO WAY of knowing who was who when they arrived TO PUT THEIR FUCKING LIVES IN PERIL FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"LOVE" THE COPS for doing their duty. You are seriously a fucking creep.
They are doing a bad job. I'll respect them more when they are both doing a good job and there job. It's not enough to just do your job. Do it well. I can call people and say, "do you want to buy my shit" or I can be a good salesperson and do the job right.

Cops aren't above being judged and scrutinized and honestly, they work for us. If they aren't doing a satisfactory job, don't get all pissy and defensive about it. If I'm not doing my job I get fired. All we are asking them to do is get some fucking training.
There's a difference with your job selling tampons to drug stores and LEO's putting their lives at risk to protect someone who's been attacked in a inner city shithole by a sub-human negroid thug.
Don't you agree?
Yes of course but if they were properly trained and supervised they'd have less problems. Don't you want less problems? Or do you just want to defend a cop culture that clearly needs reforming?

In fact oversight, training and supervision/accountability is more important in their jobs than it is in mine.

And no one has a problem with a cop using deadly force when he's dealing with a sub-human negroid thug. We're not talking about that. We're talking about cops who get nervous because they are untrained and unprepared and you are going to defend ALL cops no matter what and you are going to think we are attacking ALL cops when we are not.

Although ALL cops do need to be retrained.
US cops kill their citizens at 57 times the rate that UK does...

While they may kill blacks at a rate 2.5 times higher than whites... All the figures are off the charts compared to other countries...

The UK doesnt have to deal with blacks raised on hip hop,40's and weed.
Actually, my British co worker the other day said they have these black guys who all live in the same community in England and they all speak with a Jamaican accent.

I was telling him how blacks in America refuse to assimilate and learn proper English. He said, "what's Eubonics" and when I explained it to him, he told me about these black rasta's in England who purposely talk walk and act different.

So no doubt black people in America, and England, are purposely choosing to be different.

Funny that they don't speak that way in their Harvard classes.........(Just ask, Obie!)
The blacks I'm talking about can't get into Harvard. And there are blacks in England who speak proper English too. Ever hear Lennox Lewis speak? Or
Darrell Wallace Jr.?
They can't get into Harvard because they do no might the intellectual standards required.
Neither do you I'm sure.

You do realize there are lots of blacks that are smarter than you, right? Or do you think if you were black you'd be the king?
We all know and love cops as heroes. That doesn't mean they are untouchable. They will dig in and fight change, you will fight it.

And in the end the cops will change. They will police how we tell them to police.
Explain your stupid thought.

It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.

US cops kill their citizens at 57 times the rate that UK does...

While they may kill blacks at a rate 2.5 times higher than whites... All the figures are off the charts compared to other countries...
I called 9-11 because some asshole wanted to fight me and I was running a music school with little kids. How would that look? So I called the cops. They came in like I was going to go to jail. They were very scary and very intimidating. I didn't like it and I see what they mean when they say our cops have been militarized. They need to be better trained. Or trained differently because they were clearly trained to go in and act the way they were acting. Assholes.

But I also understand any of of those guys would run towards trouble while I was running away. I both love them and hate them. When they give me a ticket I hate them. LOL.
True I hate tickets too. When cops are called to a scene, it's all business. They served my mom, but she did data work in politics and knew,another person nearby with the same name. She was a little scared, mostly because it was like 6am and out of the blue, but even so I've never been scared of cops.
Does that mean you lack empathy for people who haven't had your lilly white life experiences?
So that makes you an asshole!
'Hate" the cops for doing their job. They had NO WAY of knowing who was who when they arrived TO PUT THEIR FUCKING LIVES IN PERIL FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"LOVE" THE COPS for doing their duty. You are seriously a fucking creep.

What is the taste of leather like, Danny?
It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.

US cops kill their citizens at 57 times the rate that UK does...

While they may kill blacks at a rate 2.5 times higher than whites... All the figures are off the charts compared to other countries...
I called 9-11 because some asshole wanted to fight me and I was running a music school with little kids. How would that look? So I called the cops. They came in like I was going to go to jail. They were very scary and very intimidating. I didn't like it and I see what they mean when they say our cops have been militarized. They need to be better trained. Or trained differently because they were clearly trained to go in and act the way they were acting. Assholes.

But I also understand any of of those guys would run towards trouble while I was running away. I both love them and hate them. When they give me a ticket I hate them. LOL.
True I hate tickets too. When cops are called to a scene, it's all business. They served my mom, but she did data work in politics and knew,another person nearby with the same name. She was a little scared, mostly because it was like 6am and out of the blue, but even so I've never been scared of cops.
Does that mean you lack empathy for people who haven't had your lilly white life experiences?
Not atcall. I know who have had rough times. I mean I thank God the cops were there when my brother was stabbed .

I've been arrested, but didn't resist arrest and was fine. I've had several interactions with the police
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.

Police brutality is systemic, not anecdotal.

On a national level, 95 percent or more of police misconduct cases referred for federal prosecution are declined by prosecutors. USA Today reported that juries “are conditioned to believe cops, and victims’ credibility is often challenged.”

A Department of Justice study revealed that a substantial percentage of police officers report that they’ve seen other officers use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”

Don’t be in denial. Police misconduct is nothing new, but the technology we have to capture it is. Nearly everyone is now equipped with a smartphone with a camera, so these incidents are more readily caught on film.

Any police officer that fails to report another police officer’s misconduct is complicit. Failure to report undermines the law enforcement community in the worst way imaginable.

Because of this misconduct, the public doesn’t trust police officers. Police admit to lying when they see citizens being violated or abused by other police officers. Police are supposed to protect and serve, but sadly they protect their self-interest first and foremost.

Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror

And the same should be said about black people as well... It is about 2% there too...

The problem I see is US law enforcement kill there citizens at multiple rates of any other first world country. I don't think all the blame goes on the officers, there is conditions that create these things to happen.
Are the cops trained properly?
No other country has to deal with the prevalence of guns in society in the same way..
Are there bad social policies with lack of opportunities to progress?
Are cuts to mental health services prudent?

The list is endless but make no exception while Blacks are a killed at a rate 2.5 times white... The killing of all citizens is way too high...

The Counted: people killed by police in the United States – interactive

By the numbers: US police kill more in days than other countries do in years

View attachment 81215

This figure is staggering...

Finland shot just 6 bullets in a year... This is the real question and it is not to put all on the steps of law enforcement, by the time they arrive a lot of mistakes happen...
Police kill more so it's their fault? It couldn't have anything to do with the scumbags huh?

LOL. Thinking are hard.

We don't need to arm cops to the teeth to kill who they determine are scumbags. We can protect our fucking selves. At this point, half the time, we need to be able to protect ourselves FROM THE POLICE and that's a really, really bad sign. Breaking into the wrong homes, scooping people off the streets and putting them in jail for nothing. Take the weapons from the police, and make them stay in their freaking hidey holes until there's a call. We don't need them out roaming around looking to pick fights and harass people.
Odd, I have no problems with cops at all. I guess you missed my point, people don't get shot for being scumbags, they get shot when they act like one and do something stupid.
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.

Police brutality is systemic, not anecdotal.

On a national level, 95 percent or more of police misconduct cases referred for federal prosecution are declined by prosecutors. USA Today reported that juries “are conditioned to believe cops, and victims’ credibility is often challenged.”

A Department of Justice study revealed that a substantial percentage of police officers report that they’ve seen other officers use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”

Don’t be in denial. Police misconduct is nothing new, but the technology we have to capture it is. Nearly everyone is now equipped with a smartphone with a camera, so these incidents are more readily caught on film.

Any police officer that fails to report another police officer’s misconduct is complicit. Failure to report undermines the law enforcement community in the worst way imaginable.

Because of this misconduct, the public doesn’t trust police officers. Police admit to lying when they see citizens being violated or abused by other police officers. Police are supposed to protect and serve, but sadly they protect their self-interest first and foremost.

Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror

And the same should be said about black people as well... It is about 2% there too...

The problem I see is US law enforcement kill there citizens at multiple rates of any other first world country. I don't think all the blame goes on the officers, there is conditions that create these things to happen.
Are the cops trained properly?
No other country has to deal with the prevalence of guns in society in the same way..
Are there bad social policies with lack of opportunities to progress?
Are cuts to mental health services prudent?

The list is endless but make no exception while Blacks are a killed at a rate 2.5 times white... The killing of all citizens is way too high...

The Counted: people killed by police in the United States – interactive

By the numbers: US police kill more in days than other countries do in years

View attachment 81215

This figure is staggering...

Finland shot just 6 bullets in a year... This is the real question and it is not to put all on the steps of law enforcement, by the time they arrive a lot of mistakes happen...
Police kill more so it's their fault? It couldn't have anything to do with the scumbags huh?

LOL. Thinking are hard.

We don't need to arm cops to the teeth to kill who they determine are scumbags. We can protect our fucking selves. At this point, half the time, we need to be able to protect ourselves FROM THE POLICE and that's a really, really bad sign. Breaking into the wrong homes, scooping people off the streets and putting them in jail for nothing. Take the weapons from the police, and make them stay in their freaking hidey holes until there's a call. We don't need them out roaming around looking to pick fights and harass people.
Odd, I have no problems with cops at all. I guess you missed my point, people don't get shot for being scumbags, they get shot when they act like one and do something stupid.

They often get shot when cops make mistakes or flat out murder them.

I don't understand the disconnect between recognizing that government is out of hand...but everything cops do is justified. I also don't get the disconnect between believing in accountability and transparency..for everybody except criminal cops.
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.

And the same should be said about black people as well... It is about 2% there too...

The problem I see is US law enforcement kill there citizens at multiple rates of any other first world country. I don't think all the blame goes on the officers, there is conditions that create these things to happen.
Are the cops trained properly?
No other country has to deal with the prevalence of guns in society in the same way..
Are there bad social policies with lack of opportunities to progress?
Are cuts to mental health services prudent?

The list is endless but make no exception while Blacks are a killed at a rate 2.5 times white... The killing of all citizens is way too high...

The Counted: people killed by police in the United States – interactive

By the numbers: US police kill more in days than other countries do in years

View attachment 81215

This figure is staggering...

Finland shot just 6 bullets in a year... This is the real question and it is not to put all on the steps of law enforcement, by the time they arrive a lot of mistakes happen...
Police kill more so it's their fault? It couldn't have anything to do with the scumbags huh?

LOL. Thinking are hard.

We don't need to arm cops to the teeth to kill who they determine are scumbags. We can protect our fucking selves. At this point, half the time, we need to be able to protect ourselves FROM THE POLICE and that's a really, really bad sign. Breaking into the wrong homes, scooping people off the streets and putting them in jail for nothing. Take the weapons from the police, and make them stay in their freaking hidey holes until there's a call. We don't need them out roaming around looking to pick fights and harass people.
Odd, I have no problems with cops at all. I guess you missed my point, people don't get shot for being scumbags, they get shot when they act like one and do something stupid.

They often get shot when cops make mistakes or flat out murder them.

I don't understand the disconnect between recognizing that government is out of hand...but everything cops do is justified. I also don't get the disconnect between believing in accountability and transparency..for everybody except criminal cops.
You made claims I didn't make. I didn't say cops never made mistakes. When they do it quite often gets exaggerated and most of the time the situation was escalated by arguing or wrestling. They can't just let you go on about your day if there was a reason to speak to you.
And the same should be said about black people as well... It is about 2% there too...

The problem I see is US law enforcement kill there citizens at multiple rates of any other first world country. I don't think all the blame goes on the officers, there is conditions that create these things to happen.
Are the cops trained properly?
No other country has to deal with the prevalence of guns in society in the same way..
Are there bad social policies with lack of opportunities to progress?
Are cuts to mental health services prudent?

The list is endless but make no exception while Blacks are a killed at a rate 2.5 times white... The killing of all citizens is way too high...

The Counted: people killed by police in the United States – interactive

By the numbers: US police kill more in days than other countries do in years

View attachment 81215

This figure is staggering...

Finland shot just 6 bullets in a year... This is the real question and it is not to put all on the steps of law enforcement, by the time they arrive a lot of mistakes happen...
Police kill more so it's their fault? It couldn't have anything to do with the scumbags huh?

LOL. Thinking are hard.

We don't need to arm cops to the teeth to kill who they determine are scumbags. We can protect our fucking selves. At this point, half the time, we need to be able to protect ourselves FROM THE POLICE and that's a really, really bad sign. Breaking into the wrong homes, scooping people off the streets and putting them in jail for nothing. Take the weapons from the police, and make them stay in their freaking hidey holes until there's a call. We don't need them out roaming around looking to pick fights and harass people.
Odd, I have no problems with cops at all. I guess you missed my point, people don't get shot for being scumbags, they get shot when they act like one and do something stupid.

They often get shot when cops make mistakes or flat out murder them.

I don't understand the disconnect between recognizing that government is out of hand...but everything cops do is justified. I also don't get the disconnect between believing in accountability and transparency..for everybody except criminal cops.
You made claims I didn't make. I didn't say cops never made mistakes. When they do it quite often gets exaggerated and most of the time the situation was escalated by arguing or wrestling. They can't just let you go on about your day if there was a reason to speak to you.

And that is 100 percent wrong. Cops do not have the authority to just randomly stop people on whims.

But they do it all the time. Stop people, demand their identification, fuck with them, and arrest them and charge them with CRIMES if they object to such behavior.

Disarm the fuckers. Make them sit in their cop palaces and stare at each other until there is a genuine emergency.

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