Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror

If the police are at fault so many times, how come they aren't at fault ? Mike Brown was a thug. Freddy Gray was a heroin addict that thought hurting himself would get a payday. Eric Garner was a fat guy that gave himself a heart attack.

The first patron saint, Trayvon Skittles picked the wrong guy to try to kill.

Over and over, all these so called bad cops are not just good cops but the best cops.
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.

Police brutality is systemic, not anecdotal.

On a national level, 95 percent or more of police misconduct cases referred for federal prosecution are declined by prosecutors. USA Today reported that juries “are conditioned to believe cops, and victims’ credibility is often challenged.”

A Department of Justice study revealed that a substantial percentage of police officers report that they’ve seen other officers use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”

Don’t be in denial. Police misconduct is nothing new, but the technology we have to capture it is. Nearly everyone is now equipped with a smartphone with a camera, so these incidents are more readily caught on film.

Any police officer that fails to report another police officer’s misconduct is complicit. Failure to report undermines the law enforcement community in the worst way imaginable.

Because of this misconduct, the public doesn’t trust police officers. Police admit to lying when they see citizens being violated or abused by other police officers. Police are supposed to protect and serve, but sadly they protect their self-interest first and foremost.

Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror
Fuck off with your paranoid delusions and grandiose self importance. Cop hate is irrational 99.9% of the time. Idiot
We all know and love cops as heroes. That doesn't mean they are untouchable. They will dig in and fight change, you will fight it.

And in the end the cops will change. They will police how we tell them to police.
When JFK was assassinated the Country went into a fit of mourning for a decade and more. When Martin King was assassinated the Country endured tens of millions of dollars in damages and countless lives lost in riots. When Rodney King was manhandled by L.A. Officers the riots caused the deaths of 55 innocent people and tens of millions of dollars in damage.. Here we have five brave Police Officers who took the oath to "serve and protect" and were assassinated and all we hear is a defense of the maniac and the movement that killed them. Is it some sort of cosmic joke? In the words of Steve McQueen (his last words in the movie The Sand Pebbles), "what the hell happened?"
We feel sorry for the officers and their families. Do you feel sorry for all the blacks that have lost their lives because cops are poorly trained and supervised? Enough is enough. You can't keep pushing people and be shocked when they push back. And you can no longer pretend it's just a bad apple. The entire barrell is bad. Don't pretend it's not

Exhibit A above: Indoctrination works!
Explain your stupid thought.

It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.

Police brutality is systemic, not anecdotal.

On a national level, 95 percent or more of police misconduct cases referred for federal prosecution are declined by prosecutors. USA Today reported that juries “are conditioned to believe cops, and victims’ credibility is often challenged.”

A Department of Justice study revealed that a substantial percentage of police officers report that they’ve seen other officers use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”

Don’t be in denial. Police misconduct is nothing new, but the technology we have to capture it is. Nearly everyone is now equipped with a smartphone with a camera, so these incidents are more readily caught on film.

Any police officer that fails to report another police officer’s misconduct is complicit. Failure to report undermines the law enforcement community in the worst way imaginable.

Because of this misconduct, the public doesn’t trust police officers. Police admit to lying when they see citizens being violated or abused by other police officers. Police are supposed to protect and serve, but sadly they protect their self-interest first and foremost.

Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror

We all have a job to do, we all make mistakes ..everyone wants to go home at night.

When you get a job with a badge and a gun getting duty of the hood is going to suck big time..at night

No white or black likes that assignment you have to deal with the scum of the earth..
If the police are at fault so many times, how come they aren't at fault ? Mike Brown was a thug. Freddy Gray was a heroin addict that thought hurting himself would get a payday. Eric Garner was a fat guy that gave himself a heart attack.

The first patron saint, Trayvon Skittles picked the wrong guy to try to kill.

Over and over, all these so called bad cops are not just good cops but the best cops.
Skittles didn't even involve a cop. He attacked a Hispanic, and got shot.......guess who they called FIRST, when he did get shot? It wasn't black lives matter, rainbow coalition or the Sharpton network.
If the police are at fault so many times, how come they aren't at fault ? Mike Brown was a thug. Freddy Gray was a heroin addict that thought hurting himself would get a payday. Eric Garner was a fat guy that gave himself a heart attack.

The first patron saint, Trayvon Skittles picked the wrong guy to try to kill.

Over and over, all these so called bad cops are not just good cops but the best cops.
Let's use the black kid with the toy gun. If that was a white kid he wouldn't have been shot. And the cops didn't need to shoot that little boy.

In every situation you mentioned the cops handled the situation all wrong. Mike Brown, we will never know. It's why all cops need body cams. Based on recent events ID say the Mike Brown cop probably over reacted too.
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.

Police brutality is systemic, not anecdotal.

On a national level, 95 percent or more of police misconduct cases referred for federal prosecution are declined by prosecutors. USA Today reported that juries “are conditioned to believe cops, and victims’ credibility is often challenged.”

A Department of Justice study revealed that a substantial percentage of police officers report that they’ve seen other officers use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”

Don’t be in denial. Police misconduct is nothing new, but the technology we have to capture it is. Nearly everyone is now equipped with a smartphone with a camera, so these incidents are more readily caught on film.

Any police officer that fails to report another police officer’s misconduct is complicit. Failure to report undermines the law enforcement community in the worst way imaginable.

Because of this misconduct, the public doesn’t trust police officers. Police admit to lying when they see citizens being violated or abused by other police officers. Police are supposed to protect and serve, but sadly they protect their self-interest first and foremost.

Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror

We all have a job to do, we all make mistakes ..everyone wants to go home at night.

When you get a job with a badge and a gun getting duty of the hood is going to suck big time..at night

No white or black likes that assignment you have to deal with the scum of the earth..
I've been in several places here in Memphis, people on this board would shit their pants entering....
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.

Police brutality is systemic, not anecdotal.

On a national level, 95 percent or more of police misconduct cases referred for federal prosecution are declined by prosecutors. USA Today reported that juries “are conditioned to believe cops, and victims’ credibility is often challenged.”

A Department of Justice study revealed that a substantial percentage of police officers report that they’ve seen other officers use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”

Don’t be in denial. Police misconduct is nothing new, but the technology we have to capture it is. Nearly everyone is now equipped with a smartphone with a camera, so these incidents are more readily caught on film.

Any police officer that fails to report another police officer’s misconduct is complicit. Failure to report undermines the law enforcement community in the worst way imaginable.

Because of this misconduct, the public doesn’t trust police officers. Police admit to lying when they see citizens being violated or abused by other police officers. Police are supposed to protect and serve, but sadly they protect their self-interest first and foremost.

Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror
Fuck off with your paranoid delusions and grandiose self importance. Cop hate is irrational 99.9% of the time. Idiot
We all know and love cops as heroes. That doesn't mean they are untouchable. They will dig in and fight change, you will fight it.

And in the end the cops will change. They will police how we tell them to police.
When JFK was assassinated the Country went into a fit of mourning for a decade and more. When Martin King was assassinated the Country endured tens of millions of dollars in damages and countless lives lost in riots. When Rodney King was manhandled by L.A. Officers the riots caused the deaths of 55 innocent people and tens of millions of dollars in damage.. Here we have five brave Police Officers who took the oath to "serve and protect" and were assassinated and all we hear is a defense of the maniac and the movement that killed them. Is it some sort of cosmic joke? In the words of Steve McQueen (his last words in the movie The Sand Pebbles), "what the hell happened?"
We feel sorry for the officers and their families. Do you feel sorry for all the blacks that have lost their lives because cops are poorly trained and supervised? Enough is enough. You can't keep pushing people and be shocked when they push back. And you can no longer pretend it's just a bad apple. The entire barrell is bad. Don't pretend it's not

Exhibit A above: Indoctrination works!
Explain your stupid thought.

It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.

You have the same juvenile mentality of a BLM protestor. The minute a protest goes sideways and gets real, they run to the nearest cop for pretection! :rock:
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.

Police brutality is systemic, not anecdotal.

On a national level, 95 percent or more of police misconduct cases referred for federal prosecution are declined by prosecutors. USA Today reported that juries “are conditioned to believe cops, and victims’ credibility is often challenged.”

A Department of Justice study revealed that a substantial percentage of police officers report that they’ve seen other officers use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”

Don’t be in denial. Police misconduct is nothing new, but the technology we have to capture it is. Nearly everyone is now equipped with a smartphone with a camera, so these incidents are more readily caught on film.

Any police officer that fails to report another police officer’s misconduct is complicit. Failure to report undermines the law enforcement community in the worst way imaginable.

Because of this misconduct, the public doesn’t trust police officers. Police admit to lying when they see citizens being violated or abused by other police officers. Police are supposed to protect and serve, but sadly they protect their self-interest first and foremost.

Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror
Fuck off with your paranoid delusions and grandiose self importance. Cop hate is irrational 99.9% of the time. Idiot
We all know and love cops as heroes. That doesn't mean they are untouchable. They will dig in and fight change, you will fight it.

And in the end the cops will change. They will police how we tell them to police.
When JFK was assassinated the Country went into a fit of mourning for a decade and more. When Martin King was assassinated the Country endured tens of millions of dollars in damages and countless lives lost in riots. When Rodney King was manhandled by L.A. Officers the riots caused the deaths of 55 innocent people and tens of millions of dollars in damage.. Here we have five brave Police Officers who took the oath to "serve and protect" and were assassinated and all we hear is a defense of the maniac and the movement that killed them. Is it some sort of cosmic joke? In the words of Steve McQueen (his last words in the movie The Sand Pebbles), "what the hell happened?"
We feel sorry for the officers and their families. Do you feel sorry for all the blacks that have lost their lives because cops are poorly trained and supervised? Enough is enough. You can't keep pushing people and be shocked when they push back. And you can no longer pretend it's just a bad apple. The entire barrell is bad. Don't pretend it's not

Exhibit A above: Indoctrination works!
Explain your stupid thought.

It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.
There was never a war on drugs.

This is a war on drugs.

End the Drug War: Philippines President Duterte Says Kill All Drug Dealers
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.

Police brutality is systemic, not anecdotal.

On a national level, 95 percent or more of police misconduct cases referred for federal prosecution are declined by prosecutors. USA Today reported that juries “are conditioned to believe cops, and victims’ credibility is often challenged.”

A Department of Justice study revealed that a substantial percentage of police officers report that they’ve seen other officers use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”

Don’t be in denial. Police misconduct is nothing new, but the technology we have to capture it is. Nearly everyone is now equipped with a smartphone with a camera, so these incidents are more readily caught on film.

Any police officer that fails to report another police officer’s misconduct is complicit. Failure to report undermines the law enforcement community in the worst way imaginable.

Because of this misconduct, the public doesn’t trust police officers. Police admit to lying when they see citizens being violated or abused by other police officers. Police are supposed to protect and serve, but sadly they protect their self-interest first and foremost.

Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror
Fuck off with your paranoid delusions and grandiose self importance. Cop hate is irrational 99.9% of the time. Idiot
We all know and love cops as heroes. That doesn't mean they are untouchable. They will dig in and fight change, you will fight it.

And in the end the cops will change. They will police how we tell them to police.
When JFK was assassinated the Country went into a fit of mourning for a decade and more. When Martin King was assassinated the Country endured tens of millions of dollars in damages and countless lives lost in riots. When Rodney King was manhandled by L.A. Officers the riots caused the deaths of 55 innocent people and tens of millions of dollars in damage.. Here we have five brave Police Officers who took the oath to "serve and protect" and were assassinated and all we hear is a defense of the maniac and the movement that killed them. Is it some sort of cosmic joke? In the words of Steve McQueen (his last words in the movie The Sand Pebbles), "what the hell happened?"
We feel sorry for the officers and their families. Do you feel sorry for all the blacks that have lost their lives because cops are poorly trained and supervised? Enough is enough. You can't keep pushing people and be shocked when they push back. And you can no longer pretend it's just a bad apple. The entire barrell is bad. Don't pretend it's not

Exhibit A above: Indoctrination works!
Explain your stupid thought.

It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.
Indoctrination does work, look at BLM. So cop shootings would be let if we only let granny snort some coke or shoot heroin......yeah nice plan.
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.
Fuck off with your paranoid delusions and grandiose self importance. Cop hate is irrational 99.9% of the time. Idiot
We all know and love cops as heroes. That doesn't mean they are untouchable. They will dig in and fight change, you will fight it.

And in the end the cops will change. They will police how we tell them to police.
We feel sorry for the officers and their families. Do you feel sorry for all the blacks that have lost their lives because cops are poorly trained and supervised? Enough is enough. You can't keep pushing people and be shocked when they push back. And you can no longer pretend it's just a bad apple. The entire barrell is bad. Don't pretend it's not

Exhibit A above: Indoctrination works!
Explain your stupid thought.

It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.
Indoctrination does work, look at BLM. So cop shootings would be let if we only let granny snort some coke or shoot heroin......yeah nice plan.
How dumb you sound
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.

Police brutality is systemic, not anecdotal.

On a national level, 95 percent or more of police misconduct cases referred for federal prosecution are declined by prosecutors. USA Today reported that juries “are conditioned to believe cops, and victims’ credibility is often challenged.”

A Department of Justice study revealed that a substantial percentage of police officers report that they’ve seen other officers use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”

Don’t be in denial. Police misconduct is nothing new, but the technology we have to capture it is. Nearly everyone is now equipped with a smartphone with a camera, so these incidents are more readily caught on film.

Any police officer that fails to report another police officer’s misconduct is complicit. Failure to report undermines the law enforcement community in the worst way imaginable.

Because of this misconduct, the public doesn’t trust police officers. Police admit to lying when they see citizens being violated or abused by other police officers. Police are supposed to protect and serve, but sadly they protect their self-interest first and foremost.

Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror

We all have a job to do, we all make mistakes ..everyone wants to go home at night.

When you get a job with a badge and a gun getting duty of the hood is going to suck big time..at night

No white or black likes that assignment you have to deal with the scum of the earth..
I've been in several places here in Memphis, people on this board would shit their pants entering....

Talk about a cluster fuck of rolling your Windows up in broad daylight

That's a hell hole beyond biblical proportions
Fuck off with your paranoid delusions and grandiose self importance. Cop hate is irrational 99.9% of the time. Idiot
We all know and love cops as heroes. That doesn't mean they are untouchable. They will dig in and fight change, you will fight it.

And in the end the cops will change. They will police how we tell them to police.
Exhibit A above: Indoctrination works!
Explain your stupid thought.

It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.
Indoctrination does work, look at BLM. So cop shootings would be let if we only let granny snort some coke or shoot heroin......yeah nice plan.
How dumb you sound
Nothing sounds dumber than hey a video started Benghazi. It's just so stupid, I can say anything and still not be dumber than a liberal slurper.
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.

Police brutality is systemic, not anecdotal.

On a national level, 95 percent or more of police misconduct cases referred for federal prosecution are declined by prosecutors. USA Today reported that juries “are conditioned to believe cops, and victims’ credibility is often challenged.”

A Department of Justice study revealed that a substantial percentage of police officers report that they’ve seen other officers use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”

Don’t be in denial. Police misconduct is nothing new, but the technology we have to capture it is. Nearly everyone is now equipped with a smartphone with a camera, so these incidents are more readily caught on film.

Any police officer that fails to report another police officer’s misconduct is complicit. Failure to report undermines the law enforcement community in the worst way imaginable.

Because of this misconduct, the public doesn’t trust police officers. Police admit to lying when they see citizens being violated or abused by other police officers. Police are supposed to protect and serve, but sadly they protect their self-interest first and foremost.

Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror

We all have a job to do, we all make mistakes ..everyone wants to go home at night.

When you get a job with a badge and a gun getting duty of the hood is going to suck big time..at night

No white or black likes that assignment you have to deal with the scum of the earth..
I've been in several places here in Memphis, people on this board would shit their pants entering....

Talk about a cluster fuck of rolling your Windows up in broad daylight

That's a hell hole beyond biblical proportions
LOL, yep, there are a few places, I won't go without a ghetto pass. But watching some of these liberals there would be fucking hilarious.....hey we should create a reality show about that.
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.
Fuck off with your paranoid delusions and grandiose self importance. Cop hate is irrational 99.9% of the time. Idiot
We all know and love cops as heroes. That doesn't mean they are untouchable. They will dig in and fight change, you will fight it.

And in the end the cops will change. They will police how we tell them to police.
We feel sorry for the officers and their families. Do you feel sorry for all the blacks that have lost their lives because cops are poorly trained and supervised? Enough is enough. You can't keep pushing people and be shocked when they push back. And you can no longer pretend it's just a bad apple. The entire barrell is bad. Don't pretend it's not

Exhibit A above: Indoctrination works!
Explain your stupid thought.

It was well thought out. You the one who said "the entire barrel is bad", idjit! Consider my smart thought, explained.
I heard a guy say that on NPR. A former cop who wrote a book about how the entire justice system needs reforming. How the war on drugs under Reagan militarized our police and then 9-11. How cops need better training on de escalation. How cops have a power trip, burn out, and negative attitude of the public.

We know too much is true now to listen anymore to your denials and deflection.

Time for change.
There was never a war on drugs.

This is a war on drugs.

End the Drug War: Philippines President Duterte Says Kill All Drug Dealers
True, that guy is serious.....something tells me they may have a supply issue soon.
You are nothing but a bag of cliches. A piece of shit. That is all you are. That is it. parroting pathetic talking points.
With nothing but data to back those points up, unlike your spittle flecked ranting...

A study of Connecticut traffic stops in 2014 and 2015 — among the states with the most recent data — found that 14 percent of traffic stops targeted black drivers, despite them making up only 9 percent of the state’s population. Whites, on the other hand, made up 70 percent of the traffic stops, but about 80 percent of the population. They also found the racial disparity was larger during the day than at night, when the officer can easily observe their race before turning on the sirens. The analogous statistic was not available for white drivers.

Maybe because driving with a broken tail light,expired inspection sticker,loud music and dope smoke rolling out of the car is a bad idea?
The fruits of this is what we are all witnessing and we are reaping the whirlwind of what has been sewn.
Yeah, you sowed overt apartheid for centuries then covert apartheid for decades and are surprised at the legacy.

How do you explain successful black people?
No shit, we have rich rappers, athletes, actors, businessmen
We have presidents, AGs, mayors, governors....

but somehow they have no chance? WTF are these people smoking?
You are nothing but a bag of cliches. A piece of shit. That is all you are. That is it. parroting pathetic talking points.
With nothing but data to back those points up, unlike your spittle flecked ranting...

A study of Connecticut traffic stops in 2014 and 2015 — among the states with the most recent data — found that 14 percent of traffic stops targeted black drivers, despite them making up only 9 percent of the state’s population. Whites, on the other hand, made up 70 percent of the traffic stops, but about 80 percent of the population. They also found the racial disparity was larger during the day than at night, when the officer can easily observe their race before turning on the sirens. The analogous statistic was not available for white drivers.

Maybe because driving with a broken tail light,expired inspection sticker,loud music and dope smoke rolling out of the car is a bad idea?
And prob resisting arrest, a rap sheet a mile long, all kinds of issues people don't always see, but hey the libs think cops have ESP and know right off the bat who the good and bad guys are.
As I always like to say, we shouldn't judge all cops based on the bad ones. They give the other 2% a bad name. Too many people support the police unequivocally and give them far too much latitude and that is why things aren't changing. There isn't enough accountability for those who behave badly and their buddies who are complicit in covering it up.

Police brutality is systemic, not anecdotal.

On a national level, 95 percent or more of police misconduct cases referred for federal prosecution are declined by prosecutors. USA Today reported that juries “are conditioned to believe cops, and victims’ credibility is often challenged.”

A Department of Justice study revealed that a substantial percentage of police officers report that they’ve seen other officers use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”

Don’t be in denial. Police misconduct is nothing new, but the technology we have to capture it is. Nearly everyone is now equipped with a smartphone with a camera, so these incidents are more readily caught on film.

Any police officer that fails to report another police officer’s misconduct is complicit. Failure to report undermines the law enforcement community in the worst way imaginable.

Because of this misconduct, the public doesn’t trust police officers. Police admit to lying when they see citizens being violated or abused by other police officers. Police are supposed to protect and serve, but sadly they protect their self-interest first and foremost.

Facts That Should Make Blue Lives Matter Supporters Cringe In Horror

We all have a job to do, we all make mistakes ..everyone wants to go home at night.

When you get a job with a badge and a gun getting duty of the hood is going to suck big time..at night

No white or black likes that assignment you have to deal with the scum of the earth..
I've been in several places here in Memphis, people on this board would shit their pants entering....

We got Scott St. & Wilmington here in Houston.
Ranked second most dangerous neighborhood in the U.S.

You guys need to pick up your game ....you're only fourth:blsmile:
Top 25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in America - 2015 - Neighborhood Scout
The fruits of this is what we are all witnessing and we are reaping the whirlwind of what has been sewn.
Yeah, you sowed overt apartheid for centuries then covert apartheid for decades and are surprised at the legacy.

How do you explain successful black people?
No shit, we have rich rappers, athletes, actors, businessmen
We have presidents, AGs, mayors, governors....

but somehow they have no chance? WTF are these people smoking?

Thats the thing. I know several black people who are as normal as can be.
It's always ghetto blacks getting gunned down..you'd think people would see the correlation.

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