Failed Irrelevant Dem Says He's Going to Make Sure Trump-Supporters Can't 'Show Their Face in Public


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013

Speaking in what looks like an Applebees on karaoke night to about six people who look drunk, failed Senate candidate Jon Ossoff screamed into a handheld microphone about beating up people who disagree with him politically. Channeling Howard Dean, Ossoff screeched, "We need to send a message this year, that if you indulge in this kind of politics you're not just going to get beaten. You're going to get beaten so bad you'll never be able to run or show your face again in public."

I think my favorite part is the woman in white sitting at a table behind him who is rubbing her temples like Ossoff has just given her a migraine. You and me both, lady.

"Because we have had ENOUGH!" Ossoff continues screaming. "ABSOLUTELY ENOUGH of what we are getting from Donald Trump and his fellow-travelers right now."

I think the "fellow-travelers" are supposed to be you and me, although we're not filthy commies, so chalk that up to the failed public education system that didn't teach him what that phrase means.

Read it all, it’s hilarious.

Failed Dem No One Remembers Says He's Going to Make Sure Trump-Supporters Can't 'Show Their Face in Public'
View attachment 303175

Speaking in what looks like an Applebees on karaoke night to about six people who look drunk, failed Senate candidate Jon Ossoff screamed into a handheld microphone about beating up people who disagree with him politically. Channeling Howard Dean, Ossoff screeched, "We need to send a message this year, that if you indulge in this kind of politics you're not just going to get beaten. You're going to get beaten so bad you'll never be able to run or show your face again in public."

I think my favorite part is the woman in white sitting at a table behind him who is rubbing her temples like Ossoff has just given her a migraine. You and me both, lady.

"Because we have had ENOUGH!" Ossoff continues screaming. "ABSOLUTELY ENOUGH of what we are getting from Donald Trump and his fellow-travelers right now."

I think the "fellow-travelers" are supposed to be you and me, although we're not filthy commies, so chalk that up to the failed public education system that didn't teach him what that phrase means.

Read it all, it’s hilarious.

Failed Dem No One Remembers Says He's Going to Make Sure Trump-Supporters Can't 'Show Their Face in Public'
I wish I were there. I'd say well, here I am so let's see if you can beat me up.

Look truth is, these people actually are serious about building Gulags, Concentration Camps and rounding up Conservatives and Re-Educating them, forcing them to build roads with shovels and rakes, and beheading Conservatives.

Those are no Idle threats that came out of The Sander's Campaign. They can't get their Totalitarian Dystopian Socialist Nightmare pushed through The Legislature, and they can't rip up The Constitution with Trump appointing Constitutionally Minded Judges, so they see us a a Threat and a Cancer to Their Push for Globalist-Socialist Government in The US.

So, yes, they hate us and want to kill us, and they are serious about it. No they are not crazy. They are Evil, like The Nazis were Evil. You can maybe cure crazy, but you have to fight Evil.
You have to love the great hypocrisy of the left. They call the right violent yet all you see is violence from the left. They call the right dangerous yet you have the left threatening to burn cities, build reeducation camps, beat someone who does not agree with them. They are attempting to impeach a president because he had the audacity to ask about corruption of a democratic Vice President.

Isn't it fun when everything they accuse the right of they actually expound on.
You have to love the great hypocrisy of the left. They call the right violent yet all you see is violence from the left. They call the right dangerous yet you have the left threatening to burn cities, build reeducation camps, beat someone who does not agree with them. They are attempting to impeach a president because he had the audacity to ask about corruption of a democratic Vice President.

Isn't it fun when everything they accuse the right of they actually expound on.
Identical tactics of the Nazi party as they seeked power. Accuse everyone else of heinous crimes you’re committing.
View attachment 303175

Speaking in what looks like an Applebees on karaoke night to about six people who look drunk, failed Senate candidate Jon Ossoff screamed into a handheld microphone about beating up people who disagree with him politically. Channeling Howard Dean, Ossoff screeched, "We need to send a message this year, that if you indulge in this kind of politics you're not just going to get beaten. You're going to get beaten so bad you'll never be able to run or show your face again in public."

I think my favorite part is the woman in white sitting at a table behind him who is rubbing her temples like Ossoff has just given her a migraine. You and me both, lady.

"Because we have had ENOUGH!" Ossoff continues screaming. "ABSOLUTELY ENOUGH of what we are getting from Donald Trump and his fellow-travelers right now."

I think the "fellow-travelers" are supposed to be you and me, although we're not filthy commies, so chalk that up to the failed public education system that didn't teach him what that phrase means.

Read it all, it’s hilarious.

Failed Dem No One Remembers Says He's Going to Make Sure Trump-Supporters Can't 'Show Their Face in Public'
I wish I were there. I'd say well, here I am so let's see if you can beat me up.

Look truth is, these people actually are serious about building Gulags, Concentration Camps and rounding up Conservatives and Re-Educating them, forcing them to build roads with shovels and rakes, and beheading Conservatives.

Those are no Idle threats that came out of The Sander's Campaign. They can't get their Totalitarian Dystopian Socialist Nightmare pushed through The Legislature, and they can't rip up The Constitution with Trump appointing Constitutionally Minded Judges, so they see us a a Threat and a Cancer to Their Push for Globalist-Socialist Government in The US.

So, yes, they hate us and want to kill us, and they are serious about it. No they are not crazy. They are Evil, like The Nazis were Evil. You can maybe cure crazy, but you have to fight Evil.

That pussy would cry like a bitch getting beat up and scream victim knowing that the agenda-driven media would believe him. The numbers of incidents speak for themselves that the Left is the violent side. Richmond just had 22k gun rights advocates do a peaceful protest; many of whom were carrying. If it was the Left doing a protest, how many windows would be smashed and trashcans lit on fire.
You have to love the great hypocrisy of the left. They call the right violent yet all you see is violence from the left. They call the right dangerous yet you have the left threatening to burn cities, build reeducation camps, beat someone who does not agree with them. They are attempting to impeach a president because he had the audacity to ask about corruption of a democratic Vice President.

Isn't it fun when everything they accuse the right of they actually expound on.
in far too many ways it reminds me of the late 60s / early 70s. i was just a pup then but what i remembered i found so odd was that the mantra was GIVE US PEACE OR WE'LL BEAT YOUR ASS.

it didn't make sense to me at 6 years old and it still doesn't.
It's an intimidation tactic by people with a terrorist mindset. Do as we tell you and we won't bother you. But what would you expect from the party that lynched black people after they lost the Civil War to keep them from voting for the party that freed them? They haven't come very far.
I'd like to know if the owners of the establishment are ok with this. If so, they should be boycotted. If not, they should have thrown him out.

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