Trump Failed President


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
Has anyone heard Trump offer one word of sympathy to the victims and families of the dead and injured in Charlottesville? Has he done anything to offer comfort or perhaps plan a trip to Charlottesville to try and help the community recover? Has he directed his AG to try and identify the terrorists and prosecute them? Has he done anything but give David Duke and the neo-nazis cover by failing to call them out as domestic terrorists?

Of course he hasn't done one single thing a President should do in time of crisis, except try and protect his white nationalist, nazi supporters. Votes matter more to him. Sad, so sad. Bigly.

PS-If that mob of domestic terrorists in Charlottesville weren't domestic terrorists, then why the Hitler style torchlight parade last Friday night? If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
President Trump is a bloodthristy but weak willed fool. Dont expect any sympathy from that monster.

In that way, he reminds me of Joffrey Baratheon.
Has anyone heard Trump offer one word of sympathy to the victims and families of the dead and injured in Charlottesville? Has he done anything to offer comfort or perhaps plan a trip to Charlottesville to try and help the community recover? Has he directed his AG to try and identify the terrorists and prosecute them? Has he done anything but give David Duke and the neo-nazis cover by failing to call them out as domestic terrorists?

Of course he hasn't done one single thing a President should do in time of crisis, except try and protect his white nationalist, nazi supporters. Votes matter more to him. Sad, so sad. Bigly.

PS-If that mob of domestic terrorists in Charlottesville weren't domestic terrorists, then why the Hitler style torchlight parade last Friday night? If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
Crisis...? Really? Get a grip for fucks sake...
Has anyone heard Trump offer one word of sympathy to the victims and families of the dead and injured in Charlottesville? Has he done anything to offer comfort or perhaps plan a trip to Charlottesville to try and help the community recover? Has he directed his AG to try and identify the terrorists and prosecute them? Has he done anything but give David Duke and the neo-nazis cover by failing to call them out as domestic terrorists?

Of course he hasn't done one single thing a President should do in time of crisis, except try and protect his white nationalist, nazi supporters. Votes matter more to him. Sad, so sad. Bigly.

PS-If that mob of domestic terrorists in Charlottesville weren't domestic terrorists, then why the Hitler style torchlight parade last Friday night? If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
One died and no one cries over a dead liberal.
As a matter of fact, the president has issued several tweets and has done two press conferences on the matter, all of which he has expressed sympathy for the victims and their families as well as condemning ALL the violence from ALL sides.

A trip to Charlottesville is not going to change or help anything. In fact, his detractors would probably accuse him of politicizing the tragedy if he were to do such a thing. He may eventually go if they have some kind of memorial service or something but now is not the time.

Also... I don't know if you idiots failed your high school government classes or what but the Federal government doesn't have ANY authority here. This is a STATE matter. Unless the governor requests Federal assistance, there's nothing the AG can do or anyone else. It's not a Federal issue.

When you start yammering this "white nationalist nazi sympathizer" nonsense, you out yourself as a BIG part of the problem. You're upset this president isn't taking YOUR SIDE... the violent ANTIFA left side! You want him to condemn the violence from one side while condoning violence from the other and he's not going to do that.

People in this country are FREE to peacefully protest! It doesn't matter if you agree with them! It doesn't matter if they are carrying torches, wearing white hoods or swastikas, they have the 1st Amendment right to peacefully protest. You don't have the right, and neither do they, to invoke violence and start assaulting people. I don't give a damn how much you hate them... it's not acceptable in a free country.
Has anyone heard Trump offer one word of sympathy to the victims and families of the dead and injured in Charlottesville? Has he done anything to offer comfort or perhaps plan a trip to Charlottesville to try and help the community recover? Has he directed his AG to try and identify the terrorists and prosecute them? Has he done anything but give David Duke and the neo-nazis cover by failing to call them out as domestic terrorists?

Of course he hasn't done one single thing a President should do in time of crisis, except try and protect his white nationalist, nazi supporters. Votes matter more to him. Sad, so sad. Bigly.

PS-If that mob of domestic terrorists in Charlottesville weren't domestic terrorists, then why the Hitler style torchlight parade last Friday night? If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
Yes he has several times. Don't let that stop you.
President Trump is a bloodthristy but weak willed fool. Dont expect any sympathy from that monster.

In that way, he reminds me of Joffrey Baratheon.
No such person exists, much the same way kim chi will not soon.
President Trump is a bloodthristy but weak willed fool. Dont expect any sympathy from that monster.

In that way, he reminds me of Joffrey Baratheon.
No such person exists, much the same way kim chi will not soon.

America has wanted to destroy the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea for a century but has not succeeded. I doubt the old decrepid President Trump will be able to lay a finger on our young and charismatic Supreme Commander, the Marshal Kim Jong-un.
President Trump is a bloodthristy but weak willed fool. Dont expect any sympathy from that monster.

In that way, he reminds me of Joffrey Baratheon.
No such person exists, much the same way kim chi will not soon.

America has wanted to destroy the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea for a century but has not succeeded. I doubt the old decrepid President Trump will be able to lay a finger on our young and charismatic Supreme Commander, the Marshal Kim Jong-un.
We never tried. Soon though.
President Trump is a bloodthristy but weak willed fool. Dont expect any sympathy from that monster.

In that way, he reminds me of Joffrey Baratheon.
No such person exists, much the same way kim chi will not soon.

America has wanted to destroy the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea for a century but has not succeeded. I doubt the old decrepid President Trump will be able to lay a finger on our young and charismatic Supreme Commander, the Marshal Kim Jong-un.
We never tried. Soon though.

Hmmm? I seem to remember that America did try to destroy the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea in the year Juche 38. And the American Imperialist Pigs were nearly completely wiped off of the Korean peninsula in exchange for their arrogance.

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