Faith Based Science


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Why is it that you have to believe in Manmade Global Warming and if you don't you're labeled a "denier? Is that science? I don't recall Einstein calling skeptics Relativity Deniers!

Ask for lab work, you get back: the climate is far too complicated to replicate in a lab setting, there are too may variables, all we know for certain is that a wisp of CO2, which itself is a trace element, will melt the polar ice caps. The evidence consists of turning on the Weather Channel and blaming the top story on what was first called "Global Warming" then when it was apparent there was no warming these past 2 decades, they morphed it into "Climate Change". Before the invention of the internal combustion engine, the climate never changed.

They trot out "experiments" like Bill Nye and Mythbusters and we have every right to be even more skeptical when they are caught with their thumb on the scale altering the experiment to fit their preconceived notions. The Vostok Ice Cores show CO2 lagging temperature on both the increase and decease for 800,000 consecutive years, and it gets called essentially a DENIER! Think of it, an 800,000 year data set linking CO2 and temperature gets ignored because it refuses to believe in the power of the CO2 molecule.

That's not science, that's fanaticism.

The true Faithers, are the ones who believe in AGW
You can believe as you please. That there is global warming and that it is directly related to human activity is pretty much confirmed. Your belief in it is not required.
The overwhelming majority of cultural Christians believe in man made global warning.

That convictional, evangelical Christians don't is political and religious, not scientific.

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