Faith in The Law


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
I hear people touting the infallibility of law. It got me wondering. How infallible is it? Why do some people place so much faith in law? Some laws are rational, some are not, and then there are laws which are outright beyond the realm of reason. How come when a law is passed that aligns to a person's certain political view, they support it, but when it swings to the other side they do not? Why is that?

I hear people touting the infallibility of law. It got me wondering. How infallible is it? Why do some people place so much faith in law? Some laws are rational, some are not, and then there are laws which are outright beyond the realm of reason. How come when a law is passed that aligns to a person's certain political view, they support it, but when it swings to the other side they do not? Why is that?


Remember, everything Hitler did was legal, even though it was unlawful.
Statutory law should be respected, even if you disagree with it, and changed through the democratic process. Case law has become a vehicle for liberal activists to impose their views outside of this process.
I hear people touting the infallibility of law. It got me wondering. How infallible is it? Why do some people place so much faith in law? Some laws are rational, some are not, and then there are laws which are outright beyond the realm of reason. How come when a law is passed that aligns to a person's certain political view, they support it, but when it swings to the other side they do not? Why is that?


Remember, everything Hitler did was legal, even though it was unlawful.

That is a bit vague, care to expand on that a bit?
I hear people touting the infallibility of law. It got me wondering. How infallible is it? Why do some people place so much faith in law? Some laws are rational, some are not, and then there are laws which are outright beyond the realm of reason. How come when a law is passed that aligns to a person's certain political view, they support it, but when it swings to the other side they do not? Why is that?


Remember, everything Hitler did was legal, even though it was unlawful.

That is a bit vague, care to expand on that a bit?

It means people will support and vote for the most heinous measures under the most scientifically engineered economic depressions.

Those reparations on Germany weren't an accident, they were designed to make the German people accept anything to escape serfdom --- even the mass slaughter of infants and children.

Catch my drift?

Then there are those like Lakhota, who naively believe they are part of the "power pyramid" because they kiss their ass, so they also support anything their "party" does, thinking it is gaining them equal power.
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Remember, everything Hitler did was legal, even though it was unlawful.

That is a bit vague, care to expand on that a bit?

It means people will support and vote for the most heinous measures under the most scientifically engineered economic depressions.

Those reparations on Germany weren't an accident, they were designed to make the German people accept anything to escape serfdom --- even the mass slaughter of infants and children.

Catch my drift?

Then there are those like Lakhota, who naively believe they are part of the "power pyramid" because they kiss their ass, so they also support anything their "party" does, thinking it is gaining them equal power.

I see what you're saying.
The geniuses who created the Constitution separated the federal government into three parts and gave the people the power to hire and fire each and every person in the government. The concept revolutionized every government on the entire globe. Some pop-culture educated Americans might think they are out of the loop and ironically the same ignorant thinking causes them to criticize courageous Americans who join Tea Party movements.
...there are laws which are outright beyond the realm of reason.

just my OPINION.., but those are the laws i find our liberal fiends seem prone to support, the other more logical/reasonable laws are mostly supported by our Conservative friends...,

BUT !!

it all comes down to whom is assigned to enforce those laws, i BELIEVE enforcing a law is executed in different ways by different enforcers upon different ethnic, racial and religious groups, although the law is exactly the same, our best examples today are the gun and immigration laws.., IF both were enforced by the book, and fairly there would be less law breakers. my two examples, gun and immigration are viewed very differently by all, we right leaning Conservative, Patriotic citizens see no need for another gun law as the ones we have now are adequate for any situation, the problem is our left leaning adversaries/liberals do not understand that criminals do NOT obey laws that will restrict their activity/profession, while on the other hand they do NOT want any restrictions on immigration, in fact many advocate open borders, while we on the RIGHT advocate closing the border to the point of impenetrability.

our liberal fiends have softened the language so much when it comes to "ILLEGAL ALIENS", that now it is almost a crime to call illegal aliens "ILLEGAL ALIENS", while on the other hand they call our sporting semi-auto firearms "ASSAULT WEAPONS", there is no doubt in anyones mind that our laws mean different things to different factions of our extremely diverse population, whether it be law enforcers, law abiding or law breakers.
I hear people touting the infallibility of law. It got me wondering. How infallible is it? Why do some people place so much faith in law? Some laws are rational, some are not, and then there are laws which are outright beyond the realm of reason. How come when a law is passed that aligns to a person's certain political view, they support it, but when it swings to the other side they do not? Why is that?


Because the law is contaminated by politics.
Statutory law should be respected, even if you disagree with it, and changed through the democratic process. Case law has become a vehicle for liberal activists to impose their views outside of this process.


Case law compels consistency, safeguarding against the capricious tyranny of majority rule.

The right to privacy as acknowledge by Griswold/Roe/Casey, for example, ensures personal liberty and limited government, where the individual knows best how to conduct his life, not the state.
Laws are bad when they enforced upon everyone equally, such as laws imposed upon the wealthy that were designed for the sheeple, just as guns ............. it creates an unnatural balance between followers & leadership that is extremely unpleasant.
Statutory law should be respected, even if you disagree with it, and changed through the democratic process. Case law has become a vehicle for liberal activists to impose their views outside of this process.

Case law has become a vehicle for both sides. Don't kid yourself.
I hear people touting the infallibility of law. It got me wondering. How infallible is it? Why do some people place so much faith in law? Some laws are rational, some are not, and then there are laws which are outright beyond the realm of reason. How come when a law is passed that aligns to a person's certain political view, they support it, but when it swings to the other side they do not? Why is that?


I've wondered that myself. It seems odd that some people seem to think passing a law fixes a problem. They usually dont.

I think people support or oppose certain laws because they don't see their usefulness
I hear people touting the infallibility of law. It got me wondering. How infallible is it? Why do some people place so much faith in law? Some laws are rational, some are not, and then there are laws which are outright beyond the realm of reason. How come when a law is passed that aligns to a person's certain political view, they support it, but when it swings to the other side they do not? Why is that?


First, who have you heard touting the infallibility of law? I think most people understand that the process by which we create laws is anything but infallible.

I think you are confusing the idea of infallibility with the idea that laws are required to maintain freedom and liberty....and thusly deserve our respect.

What laws are beyond the realm of reason? Got any specific examples you'd like to discuss?

People are going support that which aligns with their politcal ideology. Is that such a hard concept to grasp?

Finally, when you get the urge to start a conversation that seems intellectual, it should be squelched by the realization that you don't have the intellect required.

You see what 2A was saying? Really? I think you are full of shit.
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The geniuses who created the Constitution separated the federal government into three parts and gave the people the power to hire and fire each and every person in the government. The concept revolutionized every government on the entire globe. Some pop-culture educated Americans might think they are out of the loop and ironically the same ignorant thinking causes them to criticize courageous Americans who join Tea Party movements.

Where can I find this in the Constitution?

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