Fake Chicken? Bill Gates' Latest Crusade to End World Hunger


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Wouldn't it be so nice to have so many billions that you or I could do something like this?

Beyond Meat claims that versions of its patented "meat replica" are indistinguishable from chicken and beef in blind taste tests, contain all of the same nutrients as meat and are healthier.

What's this? Another version of trying to make Tofu into something it isn't? Anyhow, read more @ Bill Gates turns attention to latest project: fake chicken - Telegraph
How many tens of millions of acres of peas are we going to have to plant in order to fulfill this cockeyed scheme? How many billions of gallons of diesel fuel will it take to farm? How many trillions of gallons of water will be required to irrigate?
I guess the answer is to take a bunch of food like stuff and shape it into something that looks like food.
I guess they figure hungry people will eat anything.

Or try to find a way to feed them the real deal.
Sounds like Soyant Green is coming.

The problem with trying to solve world hunger, in my opinion, is that it is not solvable. It appears to me that many countries have people who a dirt poor who produce many babies. These babies die for various reasons so the population remains somewhat stable. That seems to me to be nature and natural. But when we feed these babies that would have other wise died the population skyrockets, thus more to feed unless behaviors are changed. I don't really know the answer.

Funny though I remember reading a book when in elementary school the predicted that we would have a substance that we would eat that would make us imagine it was whatever we wanted it to be.
The poor in the world are very much like rats. The more food the more rats.

Robert Malthus figured it out many years ago.
MorningStar used to make Broccoli and Cheddar Nuggets. They were fuckin delicious.

That is all
MorningStar used to make Broccoli and Cheddar Nuggets. They were fuckin delicious.

That is all

They do make some good tasting stuff but its just too processed for me.

Great lazy food though.

Dude those Broccoli and Cheddar Nuggets...

30 seconds in the microwave for pretty much the best thing ever. And my favorite foods are ribs and steaks and shit!

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