Fake prom staged to trick lesbian kids (here we go again wow)


Sep 7, 2009
"wonder what is so wrong with these people? its sickining i now want a free vip ticket to go down there and go into teh school and just start something..

Fake prom staged to trick lesbian kids - Broadsheet - Salon.com

Constance McMillen just wanted what teenage girls have dreamed about since time immemorial -- to go to the prom with the person she's dating. In McMillen's case, that person happens to be another girl. But the possibility of some same-sex jamming to "I Gotta Feeling" didn't sit too well with the folks at Mississippi's Itawamba Agricultural High School. Reasoning that no prom was better than a prom with lesbians, they abruptly canceled the whole affair last month. Cue media frenzy, ACLU lawsuit, Facebook uproar.
After an embarrassing glare of attention on Itawamba, it seemed a happy ending was in sight. Last Tuesday, the school agreed to host an off-campus prom and told Constance she could, per her stated intention, bring her date and wear a tux. On Friday night, McMillen and her girlfriend showed up at the Fulton Country Club ready to party. There, she says, she found just seven other revelers, including two learning disabled students.
Worse, she claims that her classmates were off doing the Macarena at an alternate event, arranged with the aid and consent of the parents and staff of her school. Speaking to the Advocate this week, McMillen said, "They had two proms and I was only invited to one of them ... everyone went to the other one I wasn't invited to."
God knows it's no great stretch to give teens and adults credit for being ignorant douchebags, but seriously? They threw a whole other prom? What is this, an episode of "Glee"?
Indeed, Gawker reported yesterday that they had dug up a Facebook page for one of McMillen's classmates, and lo! There were pix galore of a well-attended, corsage-riddled weekend dance event. (Even more have been neatly compiled on BruceKatz23's Flickr stream.) Unlike that legendary slumber party your best friend threw when she told you she was home alone with the mumps, however, the alternate dance wasn't a total top secret. McMillen says that she knew about the other event, but, "If I wasn't wanted there, I wasn't going to go."
The elaborate lengths to which people will apparently go to avoid a girl in a tux are dispiriting at best, and McMillen's victory may seem to have the word "Pyrrhic" stamped all over it. But in the end, she may well have had a better prom than many of us ever did. (Non-discrimination is a right, but having crappy experiences in high school is pretty much an inevitability.) McMillen told the Advocate that the special ed kids "had the time of their lives ... That's the one good thing that came out of this, [these kids] didn't have to worry about people making fun of them."
It may have been far from perfect, but unlike the blowout across town, that little shindig at Fulton Country Club was everything that I hope for for my own daughters, on their prom nights and their wedding days and all their lives. Because none of those other people matter. On Friday night, Connie McMillen got to walk through that door on the arm of the person she wanted to dance with."

Fake prom staged to trick lesbian kids - Broadsheet - Salon.com

School and students need to stop listen to parents and grow up. "

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Wow. As an American who believes in the freedom of all our citizens, this is outrageous.

I'm not one that is specifically for or against homsexuality, but with my vote, I ensure to voice support for homosexual marriages and everything else. this is because the constitution my great nation was founded on was based on equality for all.

If this was a private school, unfortunately I probably wouldn't even comment, what they do with their money is also an aspect of the american constitution that I don't plan to mess with, despite having experienced discrimination myself as a minority, I feel that the best way to deal with it is within the parameters of our constitution.

When something like this happens at a public school, at the expense of the taxpayer, its disgusting. Then I remember that not only are they wasting our tax dollars, but they are wasting them on doing something that is constitutionally illegal and unsound. Then I'm really flabbergasted as to how this was allowed to go down.

Then I remember that every event involving the american midwest/south like this generally has a fucking ridiculous conclusion.
Amazing. They even revealed that in their opinions the learning disabled are shameful and unequal.
School and students need to stop listen to parents and grow up.


Same question.
I think 'ing' was left off of 'listen'. It makes sense then.

It appears that some Victorian parents think if they can keep their children away from "undesirable" people during the school years, they'll never have to deal with those people when they graduate.

What bunches of STUPID PARENTS we have sprinkled across this nation. School is not the place to practice the shunning of reality.

Same question.
I think 'ing' was left off of 'listen'. It makes sense then.

It appears that some Victorian parents think if they can keep their children away from "undesirable" people during the school years, they'll never have to deal with those people when they graduate.

What bunches of STUPID PARENTS we have sprinkled across this nation. School is not the place to practice the shunning of reality.

I'm smart enough to put the "ing" on to "listening".

The OP indicates that children need to stop listening to their parents, and their teachers..

Seriously? THAT is what I'm questioning.

I know things are different nowadays, what with "abuse this, abuse that, mom looked at me wrong, dad made me mow the lawn on a weeknight", but if I basically told my parents and/or my teachers to get screwed, and did what I wanted, my ass was grounded, and I'm lucky if I didn't get a smack upside the head.
"wonder what is so wrong with these people? its sickining i now want a free vip ticket to go down there and go into teh school and just start something..

Fake prom staged to trick lesbian kids - Broadsheet - Salon.com

Constance McMillen just wanted what teenage girls have dreamed about since time immemorial -- to go to the prom with the person she's dating. In McMillen's case, that person happens to be another girl. But the possibility of some same-sex jamming to "I Gotta Feeling" didn't sit too well with the folks at Mississippi's Itawamba Agricultural High School. Reasoning that no prom was better than a prom with lesbians, they abruptly canceled the whole affair last month. Cue media frenzy, ACLU lawsuit, Facebook uproar.
After an embarrassing glare of attention on Itawamba, it seemed a happy ending was in sight. Last Tuesday, the school agreed to host an off-campus prom and told Constance she could, per her stated intention, bring her date and wear a tux. On Friday night, McMillen and her girlfriend showed up at the Fulton Country Club ready to party. There, she says, she found just seven other revelers, including two learning disabled students.
Worse, she claims that her classmates were off doing the Macarena at an alternate event, arranged with the aid and consent of the parents and staff of her school. Speaking to the Advocate this week, McMillen said, "They had two proms and I was only invited to one of them ... everyone went to the other one I wasn't invited to."
God knows it's no great stretch to give teens and adults credit for being ignorant douchebags, but seriously? They threw a whole other prom? What is this, an episode of "Glee"?
Indeed, Gawker reported yesterday that they had dug up a Facebook page for one of McMillen's classmates, and lo! There were pix galore of a well-attended, corsage-riddled weekend dance event. (Even more have been neatly compiled on BruceKatz23's Flickr stream.) Unlike that legendary slumber party your best friend threw when she told you she was home alone with the mumps, however, the alternate dance wasn't a total top secret. McMillen says that she knew about the other event, but, "If I wasn't wanted there, I wasn't going to go."
The elaborate lengths to which people will apparently go to avoid a girl in a tux are dispiriting at best, and McMillen's victory may seem to have the word "Pyrrhic" stamped all over it. But in the end, she may well have had a better prom than many of us ever did. (Non-discrimination is a right, but having crappy experiences in high school is pretty much an inevitability.) McMillen told the Advocate that the special ed kids "had the time of their lives ... That's the one good thing that came out of this, [these kids] didn't have to worry about people making fun of them."
It may have been far from perfect, but unlike the blowout across town, that little shindig at Fulton Country Club was everything that I hope for for my own daughters, on their prom nights and their wedding days and all their lives. Because none of those other people matter. On Friday night, Connie McMillen got to walk through that door on the arm of the person she wanted to dance with."

Fake prom staged to trick lesbian kids - Broadsheet - Salon.com

School and students need to stop listen to parents and grow up. "

Fake prom staged to trick lesbian kids - Broadsheet - Salon.com

This is just outrageous.

What a sick fucking community this must be.
Seven other kids were there, which makes 9 total. So two of the kids were lesbians, and two were learning disabled. Which begs the question, who else did the school officials and community deem so undesirable they could not be allowed to associate with their precious little poppets?
Same question.
I think 'ing' was left off of 'listen'. It makes sense then.

It appears that some Victorian parents think if they can keep their children away from "undesirable" people during the school years, they'll never have to deal with those people when they graduate.

What bunches of STUPID PARENTS we have sprinkled across this nation. School is not the place to practice the shunning of reality.

I'm smart enough to put the "ing" on to "listening".

The OP indicates that children need to stop listening to their parents, and their teachers..

Seriously? THAT is what I'm questioning.

I know things are different nowadays, what with "abuse this, abuse that, mom looked at me wrong, dad made me mow the lawn on a weeknight", but if I basically told my parents and/or my teachers to get screwed, and did what I wanted, my ass was grounded, and I'm lucky if I didn't get a smack upside the head.

more rude and more insults.... grow up.. i copied and pasted it... i posted this on another forum and i didn't get anything like this shit. what the fuck is your problem? don't like fix it.

maybe the fact the parents are forcing there views... on there kids... or this would of never happen. Oh no i am going to get "grounded"

grow up.

Same question.
I think 'ing' was left off of 'listen'. It makes sense then.

It appears that some Victorian parents think if they can keep their children away from "undesirable" people during the school years, they'll never have to deal with those people when they graduate.

What bunches of STUPID PARENTS we have sprinkled across this nation. School is not the place to practice the shunning of reality.

thank you for not being so mean and nasty...
Same question.
I think 'ing' was left off of 'listen'. It makes sense then.

It appears that some Victorian parents think if they can keep their children away from "undesirable" people during the school years, they'll never have to deal with those people when they graduate.

What bunches of STUPID PARENTS we have sprinkled across this nation. School is not the place to practice the shunning of reality.

I'm smart enough to put the "ing" on to "listening".

The OP indicates that children need to stop listening to their parents, and their teachers..

Seriously? THAT is what I'm questioning.

I know things are different nowadays, what with "abuse this, abuse that, mom looked at me wrong, dad made me mow the lawn on a weeknight", but if I basically told my parents and/or my teachers to get screwed, and did what I wanted, my ass was grounded, and I'm lucky if I didn't get a smack upside the head.

No intent to dis you there, Dis. Sometimes it's hard to tell with the lack of proper punctuation whether the poster meant to say this or that.

"School and students need to stop, listen to parents and grow up." would have made some sense to a person that thinks parents have more sense than school boards and students. Since some meddling parent likely objected to the presence of a lesbian dressed as a male at a school prom to start all this crap anyway, the statement makes more sense with addition of 'ing'.
I think 'ing' was left off of 'listen'. It makes sense then.

It appears that some Victorian parents think if they can keep their children away from "undesirable" people during the school years, they'll never have to deal with those people when they graduate.

What bunches of STUPID PARENTS we have sprinkled across this nation. School is not the place to practice the shunning of reality.

I'm smart enough to put the "ing" on to "listening".

The OP indicates that children need to stop listening to their parents, and their teachers..

Seriously? THAT is what I'm questioning.

I know things are different nowadays, what with "abuse this, abuse that, mom looked at me wrong, dad made me mow the lawn on a weeknight", but if I basically told my parents and/or my teachers to get screwed, and did what I wanted, my ass was grounded, and I'm lucky if I didn't get a smack upside the head.

No intent to dis you there, Dis. Sometimes it's hard to tell with the lack of proper punctuation whether the poster meant to say this or that.

"School and students need to stop, listen to parents and grow up." would have made some sense to a person that thinks parents have more sense than school boards and students. Since some meddling parent likely objected to the presence of a lesbian dressed as a male at a school prom to start all this crap anyway, the statement makes more sense with addition of 'ing'.

The only problem i have with it... its when people are insulting they don't notice yet... in this same section were talking about bulling/harassment by a student who kill themselves.

one of the reason you haven't seen me insult someone back... I am trying to change the ways i speak back to people who don't think before commenting.
This is just outrageous.

What a sick fucking community this must be.

Yep. And the thing is, the parents sheltering their little darlings from having any contact with the Big Bad Lesbians and the God Awful Learning Disabled and whoever else they singled out while they were at it aren't doing their kids any favors. High school juniors and seniors who are that sheltered from reality aren't going to handle real life very well. The ones who face it, deal with it and move on are the ones whose Mercedes and Jags the little coddled pusskins will be washing for a living in 10 years or so.
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Seven other kids were there, which makes 9 total. So two of the kids were lesbians, and two were learning disabled. Which begs the question, who else did the school officials and community deem so undesirable they could not be allowed to associate with their precious little poppets?

that one is easy... the gay guys.... and non "popular students"
I think 'ing' was left off of 'listen'. It makes sense then.

It appears that some Victorian parents think if they can keep their children away from "undesirable" people during the school years, they'll never have to deal with those people when they graduate.

What bunches of STUPID PARENTS we have sprinkled across this nation. School is not the place to practice the shunning of reality.

I'm smart enough to put the "ing" on to "listening".

The OP indicates that children need to stop listening to their parents, and their teachers..

Seriously? THAT is what I'm questioning.

I know things are different nowadays, what with "abuse this, abuse that, mom looked at me wrong, dad made me mow the lawn on a weeknight", but if I basically told my parents and/or my teachers to get screwed, and did what I wanted, my ass was grounded, and I'm lucky if I didn't get a smack upside the head.

more rude and more insults.... grow up.. i copied and pasted it... i posted this on another forum and i didn't get anything like this shit. what the fuck is your problem? don't like fix it.

maybe the fact the parents are forcing there views... on there kids... or this would of never happen. Oh no i am going to get "grounded"

grow up.

You ignorant nitwit

As parents we are indeed to instill our values and teaching upon children... not to let them grow up unstructured to act upon whims of their inexperience

Your parents basically need to give you an ass whoopin'
All this makes me thing the better way to have handled it would have been for the girl and her date to just show up at the prom instead of asking permission. People are more devious when they have time to plan things. Faced with denying entry I have a feeling the person at the door would have caved.
Seven other kids were there, which makes 9 total. So two of the kids were lesbians, and two were learning disabled. Which begs the question, who else did the school officials and community deem so undesirable they could not be allowed to associate with their precious little poppets?

that one is easy... the gay guys.... and non "popular students"

Or the fat kids. They might ruin the perfect little darlings' pictures, don't you know?
Wow. As an American who believes in the freedom of all our citizens, this is outrageous.


Everyone was invited to the school sponsored event, including the Lesbian.

There was another PRIVATE event planned on the same evening.

Most kids using their individual freedom made the choice to go to the PRIVATE event.

Would you have been happier had eveyone been rounded up at the end of bayonets so they could be forced to dance with a lesbian?
This is just outrageous.

What a sick fucking community this must be.

Yep. And the thing is, the parents sheltering their little darlings from having any contact with the Big Bad Lesbians and the God Awful Learning Disabled and whoever else they singled out while they were at it aren't doing their kids any favors. High school juniors and seniors who are that sheltered from reality aren't going to handle real life very well. The ones who face it, deal with it and move on are the ones whose Mercedes and Jags the little coddled pusskins will be washing for a living in 10 years or so.

I'm not much interested in the damage done to the rest of the kids who were invited to the REAL prom.

Fuck them and their fucking parents, too.

Every offical responsible for this at the school should be fired, their professional licenses removed, too.

What they did to those kids was unconscionably cruel.

The whole fucking town should be razed to the ground.

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