Families Outraged After Illinois Fails to Pay Out $288 Million in Lottery Winnings

It is?....How so?
You;re just circling the wagons around your fellow libs.
The state is no GOP candidate for President like Donald Trump. Unlike Donald Trump the state has no history of stiffing the people owed money. The state is going to pay out.
Once again, you are deflecting. Trump has nothing to do with this.
And you cannot stop yourself from whining about Trump like a little kid.
The state is refusing to pay out. That's all that matters. If it was your money, you'd be chewing nails.
Liberals in Illinois stealing more money from poor people...

Lottery winners in Illinois may have hit the jackpot - but they have not been paid.

The state recently announced that it was not paying out any winnings worth more than $600 until its budget crisis is resolved - but it's still running TV ads promoting the lottery.

An attorney representing some of the winners, Tom Zimmerman, has said there is a staggering $288 million in winnings waiting to be paid out.

One winner, Susan Rick, told INSIDE EDITION: “We won. We finally can have a comfortable life. Suddenly you're gonna the rug out from underneath us. We had a ticket for $250,000.”

A group of Chicago city employees had joined a lotto pool and won a million dollars - but they still haven’t seen a penny of it either.

Rhonda Rasche, a 49-year-old hospital clerk, said that after winning $50,000 in a scratch-off lotto, officials told her she'd receive a check in the mail in four to six weeks. That was a few months ago.

“I've been waiting for a check for $50,000,” she said.

Families Outraged After Illinois Fails to Pay Out $288 Million in Lottery Winnings
Inside Edition and yahoo? Okay.The Ghost of Bill O'Reilly

One guy has just won a million dollars. It may be the greatest moment of his life but now comes the bad news—he can’t have a penny of it!

A video shows the very instant he bought the winning Powerball ticket at a Los Angeles supermarket last September, but he never came forward. California Lottery officials made extraordinary efforts to locate him. The deadline was March 12 at 5 p.m.

The California lottery even posted warnings on the website: “The clock is ticking. Waiting on a winner. One day left.” There was even a check waiting for him at the store

Fair and Balanced? Follow the links and investigate anything Inside Edition posts under it's ALARMING headlines
It is?....How so?
You;re just circling the wagons around your fellow libs.
The state is no GOP candidate for President like Donald Trump. Unlike Donald Trump the state has no history of stiffing the people owed money. The state is going to pay out.
Once again, you are deflecting. Trump has nothing to do with this.
And you cannot stop yourself from whining about Trump like a little kid.
The state is refusing to pay out. That's all that matters. If it was your money, you'd be chewing nails.
That's not deflection idiot.

your struggle with the English language is frightening
Liberals? Illinois is a RED NaziCon state with a Republican governor.


Is Illinois not a red state? Does Illinois not have a Republican governor?
When's the last time Illinois gone GOP in the presidential election?
In the General Assembly there are 118 members. 71 are democrats
In the Senate there are 59 members. 40 are democrat....
Is that blue enough for you?
You aren't smart enough to be here.

Yeah, sparky, but the two top jobs are held by Republicans.
From the link at Yahoo...

the friggin story is bogus!!!


A bartender won a whopping $1 million in the California Lottery after he purchased a ticket with a $20 note he found on the ground outside a local airport.

Hubert Tang, who hadn’t bought a lotto ticket in 10 years, found the money on the street outside San Francisco International Airport on Wednesday.

He bought two $1 Million Jackpot! Scratchers tickets, said lottery officials.

"I scratched the ticket outside of the store. I told my friend who I was with that I didn't know if it was real but, 'I think I just won a million dollars,'" he said.

He said that he doesn't plan on spending the money on anything extravagant.

“For now I’m just going to put it in savings,” he said.

Tang even said he might start leaving $20 bills on the street in random places to spread his good fortune.
Bartender Buys Lottery Ticket With $20 He Found on the Ground, Wins $1 Million - Inside Edition
It is?....How so?
You;re just circling the wagons around your fellow libs.
The state is no GOP candidate for President like Donald Trump. Unlike Donald Trump the state has no history of stiffing the people owed money. The state is going to pay out.

You don't know much about Illinois do you? Besides it is currently illegal for a state to declare bankruptcy

Illinois Gov. Rauner: Bankruptcy Should Be Option For Broke Cities

Should States Be Allowed to Declare Bankruptcy? | Institute of Government and Public Affairs
Strictly regarding the winnings, I wouldn't mind being in their shoes. I wouldn't be anxious about losing 0.1% interest while studying how to best put winnings to use.
The state is not a GOP candidate for President that believes welshing on IOU's is standard practice. The state is going o pay out
I'm confused. Withholding the payouts is the responsible course of action to take. Whatever the reasons for the state's catastrophic budgetary woes, I think it would be soundly wreckless to prioritize paying out lottery winnings over more vital government functions.

Those who have won most certainly should be given their winnings. But at the end of the day, I'm not going to shed any tears for whiny entitled people who just happened to get lucky after a lifetime of wasting their money chasing get-rich-quick dreams.

So you think it's OK for the government to steal?
The government is not stealing liek you say

sorry, you cannot have your own reality here
The state is obligated to pay the money genius. if not it's fraud. When you buy a ticket you enter into a contract, to be paid when you hit:slap:

And the state is also obligated to give paychecks to public workers, and pay for other things as well. Tell you what, why don't you tell us all what obligations you would like to see the state forsake in order to put lotto winnings higher on the priority list. Inquiring minds want to know.

Actually no they're not. there's things called layoffs, job cuts ect.... Look up Detroit see what we did here in MI:thup:

So you want to lay off cops to pay out lotto winnings? Good grief.

I want to cut spending on bullshit understand? If they don't want to pay out lottery winnings, then cancel the friken lottery
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I want to cut spending on bullshit understand? If they don't want to pay out lottery winnings, then cancel the friken lottery
No one but anonymous nitwits on the www have said the states will not honor lottery winnings. States are not billionaire Presidential candidates running in GOP primaries and deadbeats who stiff creditors
Illinois will delay payments to its pension fund as a prolonged budget impasse causes a cash shortage, Comptroller Leslie Geissler Munger said.

The spending standoff between Republican Governor Bruce Rauner and Democratic legislative leaders has extended into its fourth month with no signs of ending. Munger said her office will postpone a $560 million retirement-fund payment next month, and may make the December contribution late…

Munger said the pension systems will be paid in full by the end of the fiscal year in June. The state still is making bond payments, and retirees are receiving checks, she said.

“We prioritize the bond payments above everything else,” Munger told reporters.

So the coffers are pretty much empty, but the union pensions will be at the front of the line to get their cut of any money the state scrapes up. Small wonder that other payments are going by the wayside, but how does this apply to the lottery? I had been under the impression that lottery money was in a separate pool by itself, a sentiment which they seem to endorse themselves.

Most of it – 59 cents of each $1 in revenue – goes for prizes. Another 12 cents is reserved for commissions, bonuses and operating expenses. That leaves 29 cents available for the Common School Fund. Here it is in simple arithmetic:
$1.00 lottery ticket
– .59 for prizes
– .12 for expenses and state capital projects
= .29 for schools

So if 59 cents on the dollar is supposed to be going to pay out prizes and the prizes are based on the volume of sales, how could they not have enough money to write the checks for the winners? I’m guessing it’s because the lottery money is not, in reality, segregated in some separate account. It probably goes into the fungible pool of state money from which all payments are drawn. This isn’t much different than the mythical “Social Security Trust Fund” which Democrats love to talk about. It doesn’t exist, of course, except in the form of a stack of IOUs known as “special Treasury bills” which are only worth as much as the federal treasury which backs them.

Illinois is dealing with the harsh reality of decades of Democrat policies which have ratcheted up taxes and driven businesses out of the state, along with many of their employees. This hollow shell of the Land of Lincoln’s former glory was bound to collapse under its own weight eventually and that seems to be happening before our eyes. In the meantime, the state’s cash cow lottery may just implode. Who wants to pay for a ticket when your bookie has developed a reputation for not paying off the winners?

Illinois fails to pay lottery winners as state’s budget craters
When did Trump stiff the people he owed money to?
Bankruptcy is where people like Trump get to stiff the little guy in order to make the bug whole or close to it

"I have used the laws of this country ... the [bankruptcy] chapter laws, to do a great job for my company, for myself, for my employees, for my family," he said during the first Republican presidential debate on August 6.

Trump claims that successful businesses file for bankruptcy all the time. At the debate he said "virtually every person that you read about on the front page of the business sections, they've used the [bankruptcy] law."

But the facts don't back that comment up. Donald Trump bankruptcy: Everything you want to know

check this out: 4 Times Donald Trump’s Companies Declared Bankruptcy

Just because it is legal doesn't make it moral, ethical, or principled. In bankruptcy proceedings people get stiffed.
The fucking crooks in Springfield should learn some fiscal responsibility.
The state is not like Donald Trump stiffing the people he owed money to. The state is going to pay out.

Your screed is bullshit

When did Trump stiff the people he owed money to?
You mean how many times did Trump stiff the people he owed money to

He never personally did, he owns what 126 company's and like 4 of them filed for bankruptcy and restructred? That's what smart companies do...

These lotto winners will get their money I didn't bother to read the OP but I thought I read it had something with passing a budget

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