Families Outraged After Illinois Fails to Pay Out $288 Million in Lottery Winnings

And paying the police their paychecks is also not option, either. Look, I never said that the state doesn't need to get their shit together. Clearly they do. But the reality is that they don't have the cash on hand to do all of these things right now, until the legislature gets the budget straight. So which option do you prefer? You want to fail to pay the police, fire fighters, and other vital services?
Those agencies are not paid from the lottery budget. Those games are supposed to be self supporting. In other words, there is more money paid by the players than is paid out.
And now that this cat is out of the bag, look for the Illinois lottery to see sales tumble. And the state is going to be worse off than it was when it was paying what it is legally obligated to pay out.
BTW, whether the lottery pays out or not has no effect on the wages of public employees who for the most part are paid from local funding coffers.
This non payment of legitimate lottery winnings is all political bullshit.
And now the state will be forced to defend a class action lawsuit. At no doubt great expense.
states have different methods

there will be no class action lawsuit that makes it's way through the courts because...

the people will eventually get paid.

And you know this how?
The state did NOT say it was reneging on the debts. The state of Illinois is no Donald Trump
What the fuck does Trump have to do with anything, Mr Deflection?

Actually, it was just a metaphor, not a distraction.
The fucking crooks in Springfield should learn some fiscal responsibility.
The state is not like Donald Trump stiffing the people he owed money to. The state is going to pay out.

Your screed is bullshit

When did Trump stiff the people he owed money to?
You mean how many times did Trump stiff the people he owed money to

You mean when one of the companies he owned stock in declared bankruptcy?
What is this shit? He gets credit for companies but none of the blame?

You people are demented in the extreme. But most Americans get it. The Trumpster will be in the dumpster come November 2016
The fucking crooks in Springfield should learn some fiscal responsibility.
The state is not like Donald Trump stiffing the people he owed money to. The state is going to pay out.

Your screed is bullshit

When did Trump stiff the people he owed money to?
You mean how many times did Trump stiff the people he owed money to

He never personally did, he owns what 126 company's and like 4 of them filed for bankruptcy and restructred? That's what smart companies do...

These lotto winners will get their money I didn't bother to read the OP but I thought I read it had something with passing a budget

Trump didn't even own the controlling interest in some of them.
YEt he takes credit for any company he put a dollar into or leased his name to

can't have it both ways guys
When did Trump stiff the people he owed money to?
Bankruptcy is where people like Trump get to stiff the little guy in order to make the bug whole or close to it

"I have used the laws of this country ... the [bankruptcy] chapter laws, to do a great job for my company, for myself, for my employees, for my family," he said during the first Republican presidential debate on August 6.

Trump claims that successful businesses file for bankruptcy all the time. At the debate he said "virtually every person that you read about on the front page of the business sections, they've used the [bankruptcy] law."

But the facts don't back that comment up. Donald Trump bankruptcy: Everything you want to know

check this out: 4 Times Donald Trump’s Companies Declared Bankruptcy

Just because it is legal doesn't make it moral, ethical, or principled. In bankruptcy proceedings people get stiffed.

The guys who got "stiffed" were not "little guys. They were great big humongous banks - you know, the kind leftwing tards like you try to paint as the epicenter of everything that's evil in the world.
Nope. The banks got most everything back. It is the little guys who get stiffed as they are lower down the food chain in bankruptcy courts -- you know the courts set up so people like Trump can screw the little guy?
When did Trump stiff the people he owed money to?
Bankruptcy is where people like Trump get to stiff the little guy in order to make the bug whole or close to it

"I have used the laws of this country ... the [bankruptcy] chapter laws, to do a great job for my company, for myself, for my employees, for my family," he said during the first Republican presidential debate on August 6.

Trump claims that successful businesses file for bankruptcy all the time. At the debate he said "virtually every person that you read about on the front page of the business sections, they've used the [bankruptcy] law."

But the facts don't back that comment up. Donald Trump bankruptcy: Everything you want to know

check this out: 4 Times Donald Trump’s Companies Declared Bankruptcy

Just because it is legal doesn't make it moral, ethical, or principled. In bankruptcy proceedings people get stiffed.

The guys who got "stiffed" were not "little guys. They were great big humongous banks - you know, the kind leftwing tards like you try to paint as the epicenter of everything that's evil in the world.
Nope. The banks got most everything back. It is the little guys who get stiffed as they are lower down the food chain in bankruptcy courts -- you know the courts set up so people like Trump can screw the little guy?

Wrong. Which "little guys" got stiffed?
The state is not like Donald Trump stiffing the people he owed money to. The state is going to pay out.

Your screed is bullshit

When did Trump stiff the people he owed money to?
You mean how many times did Trump stiff the people he owed money to

He never personally did, he owns what 126 company's and like 4 of them filed for bankruptcy and restructred? That's what smart companies do...

These lotto winners will get their money I didn't bother to read the OP but I thought I read it had something with passing a budget

Trump didn't even own the controlling interest in some of them.
YEt he takes credit for any company he put a dollar into or leased his name to

can't have it both ways guys

You're full of shit, of course.

They put his name on a lot of companies that he's a minority stakeholder in because it sells. He doesn't make the business decisions on those companies, so he can't be held responsible for their management.
All states pay. There is NO state were a lottery winner has NOT gotten their payout

Until now. No state has ever been late paying either. See, if they were responsible, they would have set the money for payouts aside in a separate account, but they're a bunch of unscrupulous thieves, so they spent it instead.
please, stop pretending you know anything about this stuff.

Please, name the states you know of that set the money for payouts aside in a separate account. should be easy to do
When did Trump stiff the people he owed money to?
Bankruptcy is where people like Trump get to stiff the little guy in order to make the bug whole or close to it

"I have used the laws of this country ... the [bankruptcy] chapter laws, to do a great job for my company, for myself, for my employees, for my family," he said during the first Republican presidential debate on August 6.

Trump claims that successful businesses file for bankruptcy all the time. At the debate he said "virtually every person that you read about on the front page of the business sections, they've used the [bankruptcy] law."

But the facts don't back that comment up. Donald Trump bankruptcy: Everything you want to know

check this out: 4 Times Donald Trump’s Companies Declared Bankruptcy

Just because it is legal doesn't make it moral, ethical, or principled. In bankruptcy proceedings people get stiffed.

The guys who got "stiffed" were not "little guys. They were great big humongous banks - you know, the kind leftwing tards like you try to paint as the epicenter of everything that's evil in the world.
Nope. The banks got most everything back. It is the little guys who get stiffed as they are lower down the food chain in bankruptcy courts -- you know the courts set up so people like Trump can screw the little guy?

Wrong. Which "little guys" got stiffed?
Wait for the campaign attack ads if Trump makes it into the general
When did Trump stiff the people he owed money to?
You mean how many times did Trump stiff the people he owed money to

He never personally did, he owns what 126 company's and like 4 of them filed for bankruptcy and restructred? That's what smart companies do...

These lotto winners will get their money I didn't bother to read the OP but I thought I read it had something with passing a budget

Trump didn't even own the controlling interest in some of them.
YEt he takes credit for any company he put a dollar into or leased his name to

can't have it both ways guys

You're full of shit, of course.

They put his name on a lot of companies that he's a minority stakeholder in because it sells. He doesn't make the business decisions on those companies, so he can't be held responsible for their management.
Stop saying the guy has nothing to do with companies and that makes him a great business man
. Maybe he can just lend his name to another person's Presidency?
Only secured creditors get paid, for the others including salaries and suppliers? The little guys Trump glosses over when he speaks of not being apologetic. What scum

They were all Chapter 11 restructurings, which lets a company stay in business while shedding debt it owes to banks, employees and suppliers.

He makes no apologies for having much of his debt wiped out. "These lenders aren't babies. These are total killers," he said at the debate. "These are not the nice, sweet little people."

Trump turned over majority control of the company to his bondholders but remained the largest single shareholder, and he once again kept control of the casinos.
Donald Trump bankruptcy: Everything you want to know

All states pay. There is NO state were a lottery winner has NOT gotten their payout

Until now. No state has ever been late paying either. See, if they were responsible, they would have set the money for payouts aside in a separate account, but they're a bunch of unscrupulous thieves, so they spent it instead.
please, stop pretending you know anything about this stuff.

Please, name the states you know of that set the money for payouts aside in a separate account. should be easy to do

I said "IF they were responsible." I'm not aware of any state government that is responsible. I private company is legally required to set the money aside. Otherwise they can be prosecuted for fraud. The Illinois state legislature is nothing more than a gang of criminals.
Only secured creditors get paid, for the others including salaries and suppliers? The little guys Trump glosses over when he speaks of not being apologetic. What scum

They were all Chapter 11 restructurings, which lets a company stay in business while shedding debt it owes to banks, employees and suppliers.

He makes no apologies for having much of his debt wiped out. "These lenders aren't babies. These are total killers," he said at the debate. "These are not the nice, sweet little people."

Trump turned over majority control of the company to his bondholders but remained the largest single shareholder, and he once again kept control of the casinos.
Donald Trump bankruptcy: Everything you want to know

They can restructure their pensions and other retirement benefits, but they are required to pay any unpaid wages. In the case of unions, pensions and benefits are the result of extortion, so I see no reason a company should be held to those agreements.

Most non-union companies don't offer much in the way of retirement benefits these days, so I'm still mystified about who these "little guys" were that got stiffed.

Furthermore, in the case of the so-called Trump "bankruptcies" the only thing that happened is that the banks restructured their loans at a lower interest rate.
Fourth Time's A Charm: How Donald Trump Made ... - Forbes
Apr 29, 2011 - How has Donald Trump survived four bouts with corporate bankruptcy ... If it's operating and it's got cash flow and income, it may not be able to pay ... accountable for any of his company's bankruptcies — his creditors, he said,

Your link doesn't resolve, numskull. I'll bet Trump threatened to sue them for slander if they didn't take it down.
It isn't "Responsible money management". It is outright theft. Would you be okay with a casino withholding winnings because they had fucked up their "money management?

In fact, it is common for casinos to do so.

I find that astounding. You mean they can legally withhold winnings because of budget difficulties and carry on business as usual? It's common? I don't think I'd frequent a casino that said "sorry we can't pay out your winnings, we have to pay our electric bill." Once would be too often.

Is Illinois not a red state? Does Illinois not have a Republican governor?
When's the last time Illinois gone GOP in the presidential election?
In the General Assembly there are 118 members. 71 are democrats
In the Senate there are 59 members. 40 are democrat....
Is that blue enough for you?
You aren't smart enough to be here.

Yeah, sparky, but the two top jobs are held by Republicans.

And your point is what? That they are somehow responsible for all of the state's fiscal insolvency going back decades after only being on the job for nine months?

Lies seem to be all you have anymore to shelter yourself from the reality of the financial shit storm your party has created basically in every state they control.

Funny, when Obama became president the financial meltdown was lumped on his shoulders and they Republicans demanded an immediate fix. Months became the metric not years, but Republicans in Illinois should be given all the time they need. Is that about right?
Two entirely different subjects.
First, your argument is shit.
Second. Obama made promises. Hope and Change. He said he was going to reverse the economy to "trickle up"..Second. He said he was going to fix Washington. To make it transparent. He didn't.
The federal government under Obama's watch instead of getting out of the way and letting market forces repair the economy and the private sector again grow, decided to dive even deeper into the economy, interfering whenever and wherever it could.
Of course that has nothing to do with Illinois. Illinois is suffering from decades of irresponsible spending and corruption. The State is BURIED under the weight of crushing debt. And while a very blue state. even traditional democrats have had enough and surprisingly elected a GOP governor.
If anything Obama has no domestic economic policy. One thing Obama has done. Allow his Cabinet such as the EPA to run roughshod all over the country.
Just admit it. Illinois is a quagmire that ten administrations could on;y hope to undo. Compared to Illinois, the US problems are simple.
It isn't "Responsible money management". It is outright theft. Would you be okay with a casino withholding winnings because they had fucked up their "money management?

In fact, it is common for casinos to do so.
No they do not. If a casino arbitrarily withholds winnings the license can be suspended or revoked.
And let's suppose the Mirage in Vegas decided to randomly do this. How long do you think it would take for the word to get out that the Mirage was ripping off winning players by not paying them? And how long after that would the Mirage casino floor be devoid of players?
Think a bit before you post.

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