Family of Terrorist Blames Victims

There's no doubt Global Warming caused this. It's a scientific consenus. And they were probably bullied by racist Americans too. They had no choice.

Hussein and his nutter followers' spin anyway. Hey, don't laugh. Am i really that far off? They craaazy. :cuckoo:
What does this remind me of? Oh, yeah. Gunlubbers who say "If you don't carry, you deserve whatever happens to you."

Who says guns aren't religious artifacts?
So, you are suggesting that the family be put on terror watch for stating that people teased him about his beard? I don't think that is in the Gestapo protocol.....yet.
Well, they were having a Christmas party. Even though he was making about 50K/year and was allowed to go home or to his pathetic mosque to pray every day while being paid, and went to saudi arabia while still being paid, the employees had the "audacity" to throw a Christmas party.

So, they all deserved to die.

I am telling you, there will be a push for Christmas parties to be called "holiday parties" and that will be the fucking left agreeing with the fucking family (I guess they are all smelly, brown and not Christian along with hating Israel).

I mean how dare the employers have a Christmas party. Right? Right?

So far, the one thing we do know, is political correctness (liberalism) caused this. The neighbors were rightfully afraid of being called racist for profiling the dirty smelly browns going in and out with weird deliveries at the weeee hours.

That, is every fucking liberals fault. Political correctness. They will not acknowledge that. They will continue on with their stupid gun control bullshit.

Meanwhile California has the gun control they fought for, and none of the things the liberals claim they want now would have prevented what they did. Hey, pipe bombs were illegal and apparently they had those too.

Fucking liberals and their fucking retarded sheep people. They are utterly fucking useless.
What does this remind me of? Oh, yeah. Gunlubbers who say "If you don't carry, you deserve whatever happens to you."

Who says guns aren't religious artifacts?

I'm a gun owner and i've never stated that. However, i do believe more Americans should consider arming themselves. Things are only gonna get worse. With wide open borders, permanent war, an expanding Police State, things have to get worse. Acquiring a firearm and a Concealed/Carry Permit, is a very wise logical option.

Just always remember, the Police usually only show up after the fact. They won't be there at the moment of attack. It's just you and the savage criminal. You're on your own. The Police will show up with their chalk and body bags afterward. The only question is, who will be in that body bag? You, or the savage criminal?
So, you are suggesting that the family be put on terror watch for stating that people teased him about his beard? I don't think that is in the Gestapo protocol.....yet.

'Hate Speech.' American Communists/Progressives are following their Western European counterparts' lead on that. They want to imprison Citizens over speech. It's very dangerous. No truly free nation can condone 'Hate Speech' laws.
Why isn't this entire family on the watched terrorist list?
Oh yeah, Obama is in charge.

Muslim couple who killed 14 'had ties to international terror'

If we remain divided, that's what allows these things to go on "behind our backs right in front of our faces."

Weatherman2020 what are you doing to reach out to the Muslim community
to help them police their own for any suspicious activity? In Houston, the Muslim
community and leaders reached out to police and FBI and WANTED to be involved in
making sure there were no such threats hiding among the civilian population.

Isn't that the solution? More collaborative integrated connections, NOT division and rejection
which the terrorists use to hide behind, the fear and avoidance dividing people. Isn't that the
wall they hide behind, so if we tear down these walls ourselves, then nobody can hide?
Why isn't this entire family on the watched terrorist list?
Oh yeah, Obama is in charge.

Muslim couple who killed 14 'had ties to international terror'

From what we know from other atrocities, even if they were on the terrorist list, well nothing would happen. The authorities very often seem to be already aware of these the recent Paris attack, at least two of them were already known to the authorities.

Either we're talking absolute shambles in the halls of the authorities or they're not actually bothered or the more sinister situation is the false flag. It's one of the three, or else why so many times are they already known to the authorities ie. they're already on a terrorist list and/or a potential terrorist list.
So, you are suggesting that the family be put on terror watch for stating that people teased him about his beard? I don't think that is in the Gestapo protocol.....yet.

'Hate Speech.' American Communists/Progressives are following their Western European counterparts' lead on that. They want to imprison Citizens over speech. It's very dangerous. No truly free nation can condone 'Hate Speech' laws.

Of course I agree with you.

Why isn't this entire family on the watched terrorist list?
Oh yeah, Obama is in charge.

Muslim couple who killed 14 'had ties to international terror'

If we remain divided, that's what allows these things to go on "behind our backs right in front of our faces."

Weatherman2020 what are you doing to reach out to the Muslim community
to help them police their own for any suspicious activity? In Houston, the Muslim
community and leaders reached out to police and FBI and WANTED to be involved in
making sure there were no such threats hiding among the civilian population.

Isn't that the solution? More collaborative integrated connections, NOT division and rejection
which the terrorists use to hide behind, the fear and avoidance dividing people. Isn't that the
wall they hide behind, so if we tear down these walls ourselves, then nobody can hide?
I heard a violin singing a sad song while reading Emily's post.

Jesus Christ, grow up. We are already the most open and accepting nation in the world. There is no reason to expect less from the general Muslim population than a very vocal wholesale rejection of Islamic extremism. However, this has NEVER occurred.
Why isn't this entire family on the watched terrorist list?
Oh yeah, Obama is in charge.

Muslim couple who killed 14 'had ties to international terror'

If we remain divided, that's what allows these things to go on "behind our backs right in front of our faces."

Weatherman2020 what are you doing to reach out to the Muslim community
to help them police their own for any suspicious activity? In Houston, the Muslim
community and leaders reached out to police and FBI and WANTED to be involved in
making sure there were no such threats hiding among the civilian population.

Isn't that the solution? More collaborative integrated connections, NOT division and rejection
which the terrorists use to hide behind, the fear and avoidance dividing people. Isn't that the
wall they hide behind, so if we tear down these walls ourselves, then nobody can hide?
This guy went to a mosque everyday. What's the name of the mosque? We don't know, MSM is covering it up. Why aren't the people of this mosque speaking out?

Worldwide riots over the fake Koran flushing and the Mo cartoons, and not a peep from the Islam on the atrocities being done in the name of their religion every day. A few saying it's wrong is meaningless. Where are the million Muslim marches?

Silence is approval.
So, you are suggesting that the family be put on terror watch for stating that people teased him about his beard? I don't think that is in the Gestapo protocol.....yet.

And since when is stating this "blaming the victims" :dunno:
Why isn't this entire family on the watched terrorist list?
Oh yeah, Obama is in charge.

Muslim couple who killed 14 'had ties to international terror'

If we remain divided, that's what allows these things to go on "behind our backs right in front of our faces."

Weatherman2020 what are you doing to reach out to the Muslim community
to help them police their own for any suspicious activity? In Houston, the Muslim
community and leaders reached out to police and FBI and WANTED to be involved in
making sure there were no such threats hiding among the civilian population.

Isn't that the solution? More collaborative integrated connections, NOT division and rejection
which the terrorists use to hide behind, the fear and avoidance dividing people. Isn't that the
wall they hide behind, so if we tear down these walls ourselves, then nobody can hide?
I heard a violin singing a sad song while reading Emily's post.

Jesus Christ, grow up. We are already the most open and accepting nation in the world. There is no reason to expect less from the general Muslim population than a very vocal wholesale rejection of Islamic extremism. However, this has NEVER occurred.

Why isn't this entire family on the watched terrorist list?
Oh yeah, Obama is in charge.

Muslim couple who killed 14 'had ties to international terror'

If we remain divided, that's what allows these things to go on "behind our backs right in front of our faces."

Weatherman2020 what are you doing to reach out to the Muslim community
to help them police their own for any suspicious activity? In Houston, the Muslim
community and leaders reached out to police and FBI and WANTED to be involved in
making sure there were no such threats hiding among the civilian population.

Isn't that the solution? More collaborative integrated connections, NOT division and rejection
which the terrorists use to hide behind, the fear and avoidance dividing people. Isn't that the
wall they hide behind, so if we tear down these walls ourselves, then nobody can hide?
This guy went to a mosque everyday. What's the name of the mosque? We don't know, MSM is covering it up. Why aren't the people of this mosque speaking out?

Worldwide riots over the fake Koran flushing and the Mo cartoons, and not a peep from the Islam on the atrocities being done in the name of their religion every day. A few saying it's wrong is meaningless. Where are the million Muslim marches?

Silence is approval.

Do we realize that in thread after thread on this board, the far left is trying to down play this whole thing, and or blame it on the GOP? They still stand behind letting more Muslims in IMMEDIATELY, or as soon as possible; and not even take a pause to have a national conversation about this! They are shoving everything down the American citizens throat, and do not give a damn what the majority of Americans want.

In the old days, when you turned your back on your own country for the benefit of people from another country that caused detriment to the homeland, it was called TREASON! So let us all call what the left is doing from here on out by its proper billions upon billions to a country that wants to destroy us and our way of life, trying to take away one of our fundamental rights "to bear arms" while they can't even protect our borders, and in fact WON'T! They allow LEFT ILLEGAL Sanctuary Cities, they give OUR TAXPAYER money away to non citizens, and when they screw up nd are arrested, they tell us........THE TAXPAYING AMERICAN............we are racist!

Yes, the left is TREASONOUS, and we need to continue to point it out. Obama should NOT be impeached now, but his pen and phone should be considered IMPOTENT from here forward.
So, you are suggesting that the family be put on terror watch for stating that people teased him about his beard? I don't think that is in the Gestapo protocol.....yet.

'Hate Speech.' American Communists/Progressives are following their Western European counterparts' lead on that. They want to imprison Citizens over speech. It's very dangerous. No truly free nation can condone 'Hate Speech' laws.

Of course I agree with you.

View attachment 56206

Sadly, Spot On. Thanks.

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