Family Stones Daughter to Death for Marrying the Man She Loved

There are honor killings worldwide (even in the West) within the Islamic community. It is very common. Where is the honor in murdering one's own daughter?
Naturally a good convert wouldn't bother to look at how many honor killings there are in Pakistan by his newly-adopted brethren.
Don't know and don't care. ... :cool:

Of course you don't care when Muslims kill Muslims. You're a Muslim.

It's sad to say it but, as long as there is Islam, the world will never see peace :cool:

Islam is the biggest mistake to happen to the world :cool:
Naturally a good convert wouldn't bother to look at how many honor killings there are in Pakistan by his newly-adopted brethren.
Don't know and don't care. ... :cool:

Of course you don't care when Muslims kill Muslims. You're a Muslim.

It's sad to say it but, as long as there is Islam, the world will never see peace :cool:

Islam is the biggest mistake to happen to the world :cool:
Aww....don't you just say the nicest things....... :smiliehug:
The Hindu people in India by far lead the world in honor killings. .. :cool:
Really, you got a link for that? Of course you don't. That's because it's a lie, like everything else you post.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.

"Honor killings are a family collaboration. Worldwide, two-thirds of the victims were killed by their families of origin. (See Table 1). Murder by the family of origin was at its highest (72 percent) in the Muslim world and at its lowest in North America (49 percent); European families of origin were involved almost as often as those in the Muslim world, possibly because so many are first- or second-generation immigrants and, therefore, still tightly bound to their native cultures. Alternatively, this might be due to the Islamist radicalization of third or even fourth generations. Internationally, fathers played an active role in over one-third of the honor murders. Fathers were most involved in North America (52 percent) and least involved in the Muslim world; in Europe, fathers were involved in more than one-third of the murders.

Worldwide, 42 percent of these murders were carried out by multiple perpetrators, a characteristic which distinguishes them considerably from Western domestic femicide. A small number of the murders worldwide involved more than one victim. Multiple murders were at their highest in North America and at their lowest in Europe. In the Muslim world, just under a quarter of the murders involved more than one victim. Additional victims included the dead woman's children, boyfriend, fiancé, husband, sister, brother, or parents."
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Wow, you went off topic just to say that bullshit? Thanks. Ha ha ha.
So, to conclude, only backwards ass neanderthal savages would kill their own flesh and blood to prove their allegiance to Islam. This barbarism is a common event in most Muslim countries, and among Muslim communities living in the West. You can take a clown out of the circus, but you can't take the circus out of the clown.

True story. :cool:
The Hindu people in India by far lead the world in honor killings. .. :cool:
Really, you got a link for that? Of course you don't. That's because it's a lie, like everything else you post.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Worldwide Trends in Honor Killings :: Middle East Quarterly

"Honor killings are a family collaboration. Worldwide, two-thirds of the victims were killed by their families of origin. (See Table 1). Murder by the family of origin was at its highest (72 percent) in the Muslim world and at its lowest in North America (49 percent); European families of origin were involved almost as often as those in the Muslim world, possibly because so many are first- or second-generation immigrants and, therefore, still tightly bound to their native cultures. Alternatively, this might be due to the Islamist radicalization of third or even fourth generations. Internationally, fathers played an active role in over one-third of the honor murders. Fathers were most involved in North America (52 percent) and least involved in the Muslim world; in Europe, fathers were involved in more than one-third of the murders.

Worldwide, 42 percent of these murders were carried out by multiple perpetrators, a characteristic which distinguishes them considerably from Western domestic femicide. A small number of the murders worldwide involved more than one victim. Multiple murders were at their highest in North America and at their lowest in Europe. In the Muslim world, just under a quarter of the murders involved more than one victim. Additional victims included the dead woman's children, boyfriend, fiancé, husband, sister, brother, or parents."
LOL.......for evidence.Roudy posts an article from the Middle East Forum ran by the jew Daniel Pipes who is one of the most rabid Islam/muslim haters on the planet. .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

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Naturally a good convert wouldn't bother to look at how many honor killings there are in Pakistan by his newly-adopted brethren.
Don't know and don't care. ... :cool:

Of course you don't care when Muslims kill Muslims. You're a Muslim.

It's sad to say it but, as long as there is Islam, the world will never see peace :cool:

Islam is the biggest mistake to happen to the world :cool:

It's a stone age cult with a sexual predator/pervert as their prophet.

Their prophet Muhammad MARRIED a SIX year old, then FUCKED her when she was NINE!

Muhammad's sexual antics are an embarrassment to those Muslims who are aware of them. This is particularly so for their prophet's consummation of his marriage to Aisha when she was only nine years of age. The thought of a 53-year-old man sleeping and bathing with a young girl is intensely unpleasant and it reflects the disgusting character of a sexual glutton rather than a holy man. Critics even allege that Muhammad was a pedophile.

TheReligionofPeace - Islam: Muhammad's Sex Life
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