family sues cops in dallas over shooting black guy in gas station store.,


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

her is the videos:

love how he keeps saying im not moving over and over and he is and fighting the cops. he got shot cause he he got gun out waved it at police move it from hand to hand then tossed it. this was justified. the dude was a wanted career drug dealer thug. now the family sues. sad.

her is the videos:

love how he keeps saying im not moving over and over and he is and fighting the cops. he got shot cause he he got gun out waved it at police move it from hand to hand then tossed it. this was justified. the dude was a wanted career drug dealer thug. now the family sues. sad.
Hmmmmmmm. They may have a case. Not impressive police work, to say the least, ending in the man's death.:hmpf:

her is the videos:

love how he keeps saying im not moving over and over and he is and fighting the cops. he got shot cause he he got gun out waved it at police move it from hand to hand then tossed it. this was justified. the dude was a wanted career drug dealer thug. now the family sues. sad.

I like the part where he keeps yelling that he cant see.
WTF does that have to do with putting your hands behind your back?
Hmmmmmmm. They may have a case. Not impressive police work, to say the least, ending in the man's death.:hmpf:

I'd say it ended up working out just fine for the cops and not so much for the idiot that got perforated.
I swear these people are the dumbest MFer's on the planet,they already know who you are even if he was able to escape they'd just catch him later and add a few more charges.
I'd say it ended up working out just fine for the cops and not so much for the idiot that got perforated.
I swear these people are the dumbest MFer's on the planet,they already know who you are even if he was able to escape they'd just catch him later and add a few more charges.
Funny, they can produce no proof, he was even the man they sought, though. Don't you think?
If he wasn't the guy they were looking he's one stu....he "was" one stupid MFer.
Dont you think?
You know, HereWeGo, I have often thought the same of most that get shot by the cops. Maybe it's misdirected pride. It can be true that pride goweth before 9mm bullets to the torso, and the best way would be to raise hands, not struggle and deal with it in court. Almost nobody gets shot in court, but struggling on the street or aisle of a store is a 50/50 chance at best.
no jury in TX will favor them, it is shame they did not raise their son to follow simple directions, I guess ignorance is part of the family history
You know, HereWeGo, I have often thought the same of most that get shot by the cops. Maybe it's misdirected pride. It can be true that pride goweth before 9mm bullets to the torso, and the best way would be to raise hands, not struggle and deal with it in court. Almost nobody gets shot in court, but struggling on the street or aisle of a store is a 50/50 chance at best.

Yep...fighting with the cops is a very bad idea.
And doubly so for a black guy since they claim the cops are out to shoot em.
I'd think that would make me extra cautious around cops if I truly believed that.
Yep...fighting with the cops is a very bad idea.
And doubly so for a black guy since they claim the cops are out to shoot em.
I'd think that would make me extra cautious around cops if I truly believed that.
An when did all the poor devils turn into weak lung, sickly Fks? I don't mean to be an asshole, but when I see one one his feet again repeating "I can't breath", I confess, it kind of makes me want to shoot him, myself. You'd think "I can't breathe" was supposed to be a "Get out of handcuff free" card. Doesn't anybody but the Zombieland guy do cardio, anymore?
An when did all the poor devils turn into weak lung, sickly Fks? I don't mean to be an asshole, but when I see one one his feet again repeating "I can't breath", I confess, it kind of makes me want to shoot him, myself. You'd think "I can't breathe" was supposed to be a "Get out of handcuff free" card. Doesn't anybody but the Zombieland guy do cardio, anymore?
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If it's not "I cant breathe" it'll be some other ridiculous talking point like "hands up don't shoot."
Or in this guys case "I cant see".
He obviously didnt think that one through,saying "I cant See" has nothing to do with putting your hands behind your back.
It amazes me that people fall for this crap.
Yep...fighting with the cops is a very bad idea.
And doubly so for a black guy since they claim the cops are out to shoot em.
I'd think that would make me extra cautious around cops if I truly believed that.
all races get shot when you put a cop in danger this dude had gun too waving it around in their faces., and tossing it. just comply or dont commit crime to began with, why doin blacks not under stand that?
If it's not "I cant breathe" it'll be some other ridiculous talking point like "hands up don't shoot."
Or in this guys case "I cant see".
He obviously didnt think that one through,saying "I cant See" has nothing to do with putting your hands behind your back.
It amazes me that people fall for this crap.

its favorite line of theirs so they can sue.
An when did all the poor devils turn into weak lung, sickly Fks? I don't mean to be an asshole, but when I see one one his feet again repeating "I can't breath", I confess, it kind of makes me want to shoot him, myself. You'd think "I can't breathe" was supposed to be a "Get out of handcuff free" card. Doesn't anybody but the Zombieland guy do cardio, anymore?
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its im going to get law suit card.
If it's not "I cant breathe" it'll be some other ridiculous talking point like "hands up don't shoot."
Or in this guys case "I cant see".
He obviously didnt think that one through,saying "I cant See" has nothing to do with putting your hands behind your back.
It amazes me that people fall for this crap.
Entitlement Negros fall for this all the time. They have been trained to be that way by the Libtards. White Guilt Pukes also jump on that Negro Entitlement bandwagon.
Entitlement Negros fall for this all the time. They have been trained to be that way by the Libtards. White Guilt Pukes also jump on that Negro Entitlement bandwagon.

They only believe because they want to believe.
Or even they know it's bullshit and are just looking for an excuse to get that new 77 inch flat screen.
Why wasn't this white boy shot?

He threatened the cops and then just drove away.

Your racial hatred makes you confused, Moon Bat.

More Whites are shot by cops each year than Negroes even though Negroes commit violent crimes way disproportionate to their demographics.


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