Fanny and Stella

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
While this is not a "current event", it shows that our fear and loathing of anything not hetero goes way back. Homophobia and the fear of one's own sexuality seems to be ingrained in some of us. For most, this is just an interesting historical tidbit. Others would probably like to see police harass, arrest and punish people because of their sexuality.

It Could Be Amazing



When two glamorous women departed The Strand Theatre in London on 28 April 1870 after a show, passers-by were startled to see them being arrested by police officers. The women, who had been flirting openly with male members of the audience all evening, had also, unbeknown to them, been the object of the officers’ attention throughout the play. Producing a warrant card and apprehending the ladies, the arresting officer said: ’I’m a police officer from Bow Street, and I have every reason to believe that you are men in female attire and you will have to come to Bow Street with me now.’ The officer was correct in his belief. The ‘women’ were Fanny and Stella, a pair of middle-class gentlemen with a predilection for cross-dressing - and their subsequent court trial for being transvestites scandalised Victorian England.

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