New Minnesota guidelines require public school teachers to "affirm" trans/gender/sexuality issues

Except you don't because as you admitted just a moment ago, you're not a mental health professional. You're like a Call Of Duty player telling us all how much you know about war. Which is nothing. The pretending sure is funny though. :lol:

I should not believe my lyin’ eyes but listen to the wacko shrinks instead?

No thanks
Sure they are, that's why one is called trans and the other intersex.

Like a broken arm is a broken arm and the flu is the flu. You can have both a broken arm and the flu though, Moron. Do you know what the words not mutually exclusive even mean? You're real fucking stupid aren't you?
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I should not believe my lyin’ eyes but listen to the wacko shrinks instead?

No thanks
The point is, Moron, that because you're admittedly uneducated and ignorant in this regard your eyes don't know what they're seeing. Pretending as if you do is what makes you a hilarious cosplayer. As hilarious as any clown who's experience with war was Call Of Duty trying to assert themselves as some sort of authority. :lol:
Like a broken arm is a broken arm and the flu is the flu. You can have both a broken arm and the flu though, Moron. Do you know what the words not mutually exclusive even mean? You're stupid at you?

Little different than trans and intersex.

Trans is being born one sex and wanting to CHANGE to the other.

Intersex is being born with both male and female parts.

Little different than trans and intersex.
Of course they are different, they are also not mutually exclusive, Moron.
Trans is being born one sex and wanting to CHANGE to the other.
No you idiot. A trans person is person who's identity is not aligned with their sexually reproductive organs. You can't change your sex. They are cosmetically changing their bodies to match their gender identities, which isn't all that different from women who envision themselves with larger breasts getting implants or bald men getting plugs.
Intersex is being born with both male and female parts.

And not mutually exclusive means you can be both. Duh.
They are, hence the two very different names and meanings.

Things with different names and meanings are the only things that could be possible be said to be not mutually exclusive, Moron. Things that are the same are just the same thing. The phrase wouldn't make any sense in that context. Fucking christ you're stupid. :lol:
Things with different names and meanings are the only things that could be possible be said to be not mutually exclusive, Moron. Things that are the same are just the same thing. The phrase wouldn't make any sense in that context. Fucking christ you're stupid. :lol:

The phrase makes no sense in this situation.

I understand completely.

It is you who do not.

Transgenders are born either MALE or FEMALE, and want to change their sex/gender.

  1. relating to or denoting a person or animal that has both male and female sex organs or other sexual characteristics:
    "an intersex child" · "she identifies as intersex"

  1. the condition of having both male and female sex organs or other sexual characteristics:
    "people born with intersex"
Yes, and very, very, rare.
Of course they are different, they are also not mutually exclusive, Moron.

No you idiot. A trans person is person who's identity is not aligned with their sexually reproductive organs. You can't change your sex. They are cosmetically changing their bodies to match their gender identities, which isn't all that different from women who envision themselves with larger breasts getting implants or bald men getting plugs.

And not mutually exclusive means you can be both. Duh.
A 'trans' person is a mentally ill individual.

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