Fantastic Friday For America

You aren't addressing my question. Maybe someone else can.

Well, EXCUSE ME....I answered what you asked...did you bother reading it?
My question is, how do you have a THIRD country agreement with Guatemala when they ARE one of the countries immigrants are fleeing from? See, in order to be a safe third country, the country needs to be as safe as the United States for the immigrant to live in, and equally able to meet the immigrants needs. Then there can be a third country agreement, such as we have with Canada.

But Guatemala is not an uninvolved third party. It is one of the dangerous, gang ridden countries that its citizens are fleeing.
I know you said they should stay home--but that doesn't make this third country agreement any more rational.
Trump will build a wall there and you can cry about that.
wrong thread
Laughing at me doesn't really strengthen your argument, you know.

You've said some pretty nasty things to me in the past..we ain't friends...and in my experience, answering leftist questions always results in name-calling shortly thereafter. I assume my OPs are fairly clear about what I'm writing about, but they have to be read carefully because I don't waste a lot of adverbs and adjectives to get to the point.
I understand. Why should you try to defend such a whacked out agreement as this when you weren't the one who worked it out. There is no defending it, from a logical point of view. Not even a Trumpster can twist this one into a silk purse.

What you are defending is the position that the Central Americans should stay home or if they don't, that some other country should take them, not us. Okay, I heard that. However, that is not what a safe third country agreement is about. Whatever this agreement is, it is not that. I guess I just wish the administration would call a thing by its right name.
Stop talking double talk. So long as they don't come here, who gives a damn where they go? I sure as hell don't.
Laughing at me doesn't really strengthen your argument, you know.

You've said some pretty nasty things to me in the past..we ain't friends...and in my experience, answering leftist questions always results in name-calling shortly thereafter. I assume my OPs are fairly clear about what I'm writing about, but they have to be read carefully because I don't waste a lot of adverbs and adjectives to get to the point.
I understand. Why should you try to defend such a whacked out agreement as this when you weren't the one who worked it out. There is no defending it, from a logical point of view. Not even a Trumpster can twist this one into a silk purse.

What you are defending is the position that the Central Americans should stay home or if they don't, that some other country should take them, not us. Okay, I heard that. However, that is not what a safe third country agreement is about. Whatever this agreement is, it is not that. I guess I just wish the administration would call a thing by its right name.
Stop talking double talk. So long as they don't come here, who gives a damn where they go? I sure as hell don't.
So you don't care what they call it. Fine.
The President got his second scoop of ice cream.....Guatemala begs for forgiveness and adopts the so-called "safe third country" policy... :113:

The so-called “safe third country” agreement would require migrants, including Salvadorans and Hondurans, who cross into Guatemala on their way to the US to apply for protections in Guatemala instead of at the US border.

This effectively blocks central Americans from caravanning into the US...if they don't seek asylum in Guatemala and stay there until their case is heard, our BP can toss them back over the border. THEN the Supremes okayed $2.6B border wall money from the Pentagon...Pelousy and Cryin Chuck are furious! what a day!


Trump says agreement reached with Guatemala to restrict asylum seekers
Thank you for the update. I'm puzzled about Guatemala, though, since it is one of the three "northern triangle" countries in Central America where so many of the immigrants are coming from. El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala are three of the world’s five most dangerous countries, according to homicide rates. So its citizens, instead of leaving, are supposed to request asylum in their own country?
So instead you want them to illegally enter Mexico to make the request?
The President got his second scoop of ice cream.....Guatemala begs for forgiveness and adopts the so-called "safe third country" policy... :113:

The so-called “safe third country” agreement would require migrants, including Salvadorans and Hondurans, who cross into Guatemala on their way to the US to apply for protections in Guatemala instead of at the US border.

This effectively blocks central Americans from caravanning into the US...if they don't seek asylum in Guatemala and stay there until their case is heard, our BP can toss them back over the border. THEN the Supremes okayed $2.6B border wall money from the Pentagon...Pelousy and Cryin Chuck are furious! what a day!


Trump says agreement reached with Guatemala to restrict asylum seekers
Thank you for the update. I'm puzzled about Guatemala, though, since it is one of the three "northern triangle" countries in Central America where so many of the immigrants are coming from. El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala are three of the world’s five most dangerous countries, according to homicide rates. So its citizens, instead of leaving, are supposed to request asylum in their own country?
So instead you want them to illegally enter Mexico to make the request?
I already said what my issue is.
The President got his second scoop of ice cream.....Guatemala begs for forgiveness and adopts the so-called "safe third country" policy... :113:

The so-called “safe third country” agreement would require migrants, including Salvadorans and Hondurans, who cross into Guatemala on their way to the US to apply for protections in Guatemala instead of at the US border.

This effectively blocks central Americans from caravanning into the US...if they don't seek asylum in Guatemala and stay there until their case is heard, our BP can toss them back over the border. THEN the Supremes okayed $2.6B border wall money from the Pentagon...Pelousy and Cryin Chuck are furious! what a day!


Trump says agreement reached with Guatemala to restrict asylum seekers
Thank you for the update. I'm puzzled about Guatemala, though, since it is one of the three "northern triangle" countries in Central America where so many of the immigrants are coming from. El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala are three of the world’s five most dangerous countries, according to homicide rates. So its citizens, instead of leaving, are supposed to request asylum in their own country?
So instead you want them to illegally enter Mexico to make the request?
I already said what my issue is.
I wonder if you've ever been in one of these 3rd World countries like I have.
The whole country isn't a killing field.
If they still have a form of government they can apply just like everyone else does.
The problem is in reality, they don't have a leg to stand on...because asylum isn't for people who are poor. Asylum is for people that are being persecuted for their political affiliations or their religious beliefs. That's not the case here. They want to cash in on all of the free stuff Democrats are offering them. But the problem is Democrats are putting them in communities in America that have MS-13 gangs terrorizing immigrants. Thanks to Democrat policies, their refusal to cooperate with ICE, the violence that takes place in their home countries has been transplanted to sanctuary cities.
The President got his second scoop of ice cream.....Guatemala begs for forgiveness and adopts the so-called "safe third country" policy... :113:

The so-called “safe third country” agreement would require migrants, including Salvadorans and Hondurans, who cross into Guatemala on their way to the US to apply for protections in Guatemala instead of at the US border.

This effectively blocks central Americans from caravanning into the US...if they don't seek asylum in Guatemala and stay there until their case is heard, our BP can toss them back over the border. THEN the Supremes okayed $2.6B border wall money from the Pentagon...Pelousy and Cryin Chuck are furious! what a day!


Trump says agreement reached with Guatemala to restrict asylum seekers
Thank you for the update. I'm puzzled about Guatemala, though, since it is one of the three "northern triangle" countries in Central America where so many of the immigrants are coming from. El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala are three of the world’s five most dangerous countries, according to homicide rates. So its citizens, instead of leaving, are supposed to request asylum in their own country?

They are not allowed to seek asylum (vote) in the U.S. They must seek it from Mexico or Panama.

So. fuck those people. They need to STAY THE FUCK OUT.

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I understand. Why should you try to defend such a whacked out agreement as this when you weren't the one who worked it out. There is no defending it, from a logical point of view. Not even a Trumpster can twist this one into a silk purse.

What you are defending is the position that the Central Americans should stay home or if they don't, that some other country should take them, not us. Okay, I heard that. However, that is not what a safe third country agreement is about. Whatever this agreement is, it is not that. I guess I just wish the administration would call a thing by its right name.

No, the problem is you're the turtle on the fence post.....nobody knows how you got there but it's a cinch you didn't get there by yourself. I predicted this ^^^^^^^^^^ idiocy but rather than call you a moron..ah what the're a moron.
The President got his second scoop of ice cream.....Guatemala begs for forgiveness and adopts the so-called "safe third country" policy... :113:

The so-called “safe third country” agreement would require migrants, including Salvadorans and Hondurans, who cross into Guatemala on their way to the US to apply for protections in Guatemala instead of at the US border.

This effectively blocks central Americans from caravanning into the US...if they don't seek asylum in Guatemala and stay there until their case is heard, our BP can toss them back over the border. THEN the Supremes okayed $2.6B border wall money from the Pentagon...Pelousy and Cryin Chuck are furious! what a day!


Trump says agreement reached with Guatemala to restrict asylum seekers
Guatamala's congress has blocked it repeatedly. I'm sure they will again. Just like the last time tRump.claimed this.
Thank you for the update. I'm puzzled about Guatemala, though, since it is one of the three "northern triangle" countries in Central America where so many of the immigrants are coming from. El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala are three of the world’s five most dangerous countries, according to homicide rates. So its citizens, instead of leaving, are supposed to request asylum in their own country?

They should stay home and fight the corruption and violence like brave peoples do to get rid of tyrants. Our CIA used to be able to handle central America.....not any more after Brennan stunk up the Agency. The policy means an asylum seeker must seek asylum in the first country they come to instead of traveling through it and Mehico and trying to apply at our border. Now instead of taking their application and watching them disappear into the USA, they must show documentation they applied in Guatemala or be tossed back out.
Right 'cause that's what the founding fathers did.
Doesn't matter. They don't have the approval of the guatamalan congress. It will never go into effect. It's a usless piece of paper.

Did OUR congress approve it? Uh, negative...we ain't the only country that uses Executive Privilege.....the Guat leader sent his emissary to sign's done, over, don't cry for me Argentina, fuck off.

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