Far from the Myth of 'Overpopulation'

Some people still insist on fomenting pointless panic over the idea of global 'overpopulation.' There is no such thing, never has been any such thing, and the world is trending strongly in the other direction (as I've been saying for years). Global fertility rates are converging around 1.7 children per woman of childbearing age. Remember, the 'break even' point for fertility is 2.1 children per. In South Korea, the population decline is so dramatic several sources calculate that if current trends remain unchanged, South Koreans will go extinct by 2750.

We have to start thinking creatively about boosting, or at least maintaining population levels, or plan with open eyes what a world with far fewer people might look like.

Why do we have to boost population levels?

Why do we even have to maintain a population of 7 billion?

I don't buy it.

Reality doesn't hit any less hard just because this one or that one "buys it."

It's conjecture.

What makes the author's version of reality credible?

Look into it further if you want. You'll only find more of the same. Economics is economics.

Lower population, lower demand for products, an equilibrium will be reached.

it doesn't really matter if a global population of 5 billion consumes less than a global population of 7 billion in fact it's to be expected. But some economist calls that a "less productive" society.

You didn't read the links all the way through, did you?
I read all the links you posted.

Just because i disagree with you doesn't mean I didn't read them.

Go find the nearest university and argue with some professors of economics then.

No need.

Maybe take a course while you're there.

Ah yes I don't agree with you therefore I am ignorant.

Great argument
The entire GOP base has to be ignorant to believe their ridiculous propaganda about phony scandals and conspiracies with no evidence behind them, just high School grad excokehead DJs and scumbag pundits repeating the same bologna endlessly. They seem to be unable to watch real journalists and what law enforcement have to say. Poor america. Rupert Murdoch is a total scumbag who's not allowed to be on tv anywhere else in the world.
And the drivel you just posted has absolutely nothing to do with the topic
Of course it does. The GOP base has no clue what is going on in the world they are brainwashed with misinformation and Miss 90% of the news, all the news they wouldn't like lol. in this case they don't know that the federal government has continued for decades to not allow any of our foreign services to do anything about birth control around the world and in the United states. There are too many goddamn people in the world and everyone who wants birth control should get it for free.
who mentioned the GOP?

I certainly didn't
Also known around the world by journalists and law enforcement as the problem. They will not allow birth control to be available in the United States or in the rest of the world.
Birth control is widely available in the United States and the rest of the developed world

Fertility rates are falling all around the world anyway.

and more so in affluent countries.

Gee i guess when women aren't relegated to the home they decide not to have as many kids

I guess liberals 'approve' of some choices for women (but not for female babies), but not others. The hypocrisy abounds.

it matters not if anyone approves of another's choices since they are not the business of anyone else

Sometimes they are. Often, in fact.

not if they do not directly affect you ....

If your neighbor chops his brother up with a meat cleaver, does that directly affect you?

not really but murder is one of those things we don't condone

And that's a far cry from a woman choosing not to have kids isn't it?
Some people still insist on fomenting pointless panic over the idea of global 'overpopulation.' There is no such thing, never has been any such thing, and the world is trending strongly in the other direction (as I've been saying for years). Global fertility rates are converging around 1.7 children per woman of childbearing age. Remember, the 'break even' point for fertility is 2.1 children per. In South Korea, the population decline is so dramatic several sources calculate that if current trends remain unchanged, South Koreans will go extinct by 2750.

We have to start thinking creatively about boosting, or at least maintaining population levels, or plan with open eyes what a world with far fewer people might look like.

Why do we have to boost population levels?

Why do we even have to maintain a population of 7 billion?

I don't buy it.

Reality doesn't hit any less hard just because this one or that one "buys it."

It's conjecture.

What makes the author's version of reality credible?

Look into it further if you want. You'll only find more of the same. Economics is economics.

Lower population, lower demand for products, an equilibrium will be reached.

it doesn't really matter if a global population of 5 billion consumes less than a global population of 7 billion in fact it's to be expected. But some economist calls that a "less productive" society.

You didn't read the links all the way through, did you?
I read all the links you posted.

Just because i disagree with you doesn't mean I didn't read them.

Go find the nearest university and argue with some professors of economics then.

No need.

Maybe take a course while you're there.

Ah yes I don't agree with you therefore I am ignorant.

Great argument
The entire GOP base has to be ignorant to believe their ridiculous propaganda about phony scandals and conspiracies with no evidence behind them, just high School grad excokehead DJs and scumbag pundits repeating the same bologna endlessly. They seem to be unable to watch real journalists and what law enforcement have to say. Poor america. Rupert Murdoch is a total scumbag who's not allowed to be on tv anywhere else in the world.
And the drivel you just posted has absolutely nothing to do with the topic
Of course it does. The GOP base has no clue what is going on in the world they are brainwashed with misinformation and Miss 90% of the news, all the news they wouldn't like lol. in this case they don't know that the federal government has continued for decades to not allow any of our foreign services to do anything about birth control around the world and in the United states. There are too many goddamn people in the world and everyone who wants birth control should get it for free.
who mentioned the GOP?

I certainly didn't
Also known around the world by journalists and law enforcement as the problem. They will not allow birth control to be available in the United States or in the rest of the world.
Birth control is widely available in the United States and the rest of the developed world

Fertility rates are falling all around the world anyway.

and more so in affluent countries.

Gee i guess when women aren't relegated to the home they decide not to have as many kids

I guess liberals 'approve' of some choices for women (but not for female babies), but not others. The hypocrisy abounds.

it matters not if anyone approves of another's choices since they are not the business of anyone else

Sometimes they are. Often, in fact.

not if they do not directly affect you ....

If your neighbor chops his brother up with a meat cleaver, does that directly affect you?

not really but murder is one of those things we don't condone

And that's a far cry from a woman choosing not to have kids isn't it?

Depends on how she goes about 'choosing' that.
Some people still insist on fomenting pointless panic over the idea of global 'overpopulation.' There is no such thing, never has been any such thing, and the world is trending strongly in the other direction (as I've been saying for years). Global fertility rates are converging around 1.7 children per woman of childbearing age. Remember, the 'break even' point for fertility is 2.1 children per. In South Korea, the population decline is so dramatic several sources calculate that if current trends remain unchanged, South Koreans will go extinct by 2750.

We have to start thinking creatively about boosting, or at least maintaining population levels, or plan with open eyes what a world with far fewer people might look like.

Why do we have to boost population levels?

Why do we even have to maintain a population of 7 billion?

I don't buy it.

Reality doesn't hit any less hard just because this one or that one "buys it."

It's conjecture.

What makes the author's version of reality credible?

Look into it further if you want. You'll only find more of the same. Economics is economics.

Lower population, lower demand for products, an equilibrium will be reached.

it doesn't really matter if a global population of 5 billion consumes less than a global population of 7 billion in fact it's to be expected. But some economist calls that a "less productive" society.

You didn't read the links all the way through, did you?
I read all the links you posted.

Just because i disagree with you doesn't mean I didn't read them.

Go find the nearest university and argue with some professors of economics then.

No need.

Maybe take a course while you're there.

Ah yes I don't agree with you therefore I am ignorant.

Great argument
The entire GOP base has to be ignorant to believe their ridiculous propaganda about phony scandals and conspiracies with no evidence behind them, just high School grad excokehead DJs and scumbag pundits repeating the same bologna endlessly. They seem to be unable to watch real journalists and what law enforcement have to say. Poor america. Rupert Murdoch is a total scumbag who's not allowed to be on tv anywhere else in the world.
And the drivel you just posted has absolutely nothing to do with the topic
Of course it does. The GOP base has no clue what is going on in the world they are brainwashed with misinformation and Miss 90% of the news, all the news they wouldn't like lol. in this case they don't know that the federal government has continued for decades to not allow any of our foreign services to do anything about birth control around the world and in the United states. There are too many goddamn people in the world and everyone who wants birth control should get it for free.
who mentioned the GOP?

I certainly didn't
Also known around the world by journalists and law enforcement as the problem. They will not allow birth control to be available in the United States or in the rest of the world.
Birth control is widely available in the United States and the rest of the developed world

Fertility rates are falling all around the world anyway.

and more so in affluent countries.

Gee i guess when women aren't relegated to the home they decide not to have as many kids

I guess liberals 'approve' of some choices for women (but not for female babies), but not others. The hypocrisy abounds.

it matters not if anyone approves of another's choices since they are not the business of anyone else

Sometimes they are. Often, in fact.

not if they do not directly affect you ....

If your neighbor chops his brother up with a meat cleaver, does that directly affect you?

not really but murder is one of those things we don't condone

And that's a far cry from a woman choosing not to have kids isn't it?

Depends on how she goes about 'choosing' that.

if it's legal it's none of your business
Some people still insist on fomenting pointless panic over the idea of global 'overpopulation.' There is no such thing, never has been any such thing, and the world is trending strongly in the other direction (as I've been saying for years). Global fertility rates are converging around 1.7 children per woman of childbearing age. Remember, the 'break even' point for fertility is 2.1 children per. In South Korea, the population decline is so dramatic several sources calculate that if current trends remain unchanged, South Koreans will go extinct by 2750.

We have to start thinking creatively about boosting, or at least maintaining population levels, or plan with open eyes what a world with far fewer people might look like.

Why do we have to boost population levels?

Why do we even have to maintain a population of 7 billion?

I don't buy it.

Reality doesn't hit any less hard just because this one or that one "buys it."

It's conjecture.

What makes the author's version of reality credible?

Look into it further if you want. You'll only find more of the same. Economics is economics.

Lower population, lower demand for products, an equilibrium will be reached.

it doesn't really matter if a global population of 5 billion consumes less than a global population of 7 billion in fact it's to be expected. But some economist calls that a "less productive" society.

You didn't read the links all the way through, did you?
I read all the links you posted.

Just because i disagree with you doesn't mean I didn't read them.

Go find the nearest university and argue with some professors of economics then.

No need.

Maybe take a course while you're there.

Ah yes I don't agree with you therefore I am ignorant.

Great argument
The entire GOP base has to be ignorant to believe their ridiculous propaganda about phony scandals and conspiracies with no evidence behind them, just high School grad excokehead DJs and scumbag pundits repeating the same bologna endlessly. They seem to be unable to watch real journalists and what law enforcement have to say. Poor america. Rupert Murdoch is a total scumbag who's not allowed to be on tv anywhere else in the world.
And the drivel you just posted has absolutely nothing to do with the topic
Of course it does. The GOP base has no clue what is going on in the world they are brainwashed with misinformation and Miss 90% of the news, all the news they wouldn't like lol. in this case they don't know that the federal government has continued for decades to not allow any of our foreign services to do anything about birth control around the world and in the United states. There are too many goddamn people in the world and everyone who wants birth control should get it for free.
who mentioned the GOP?

I certainly didn't
Also known around the world by journalists and law enforcement as the problem. They will not allow birth control to be available in the United States or in the rest of the world.
Birth control is widely available in the United States and the rest of the developed world

Fertility rates are falling all around the world anyway.

and more so in affluent countries.

Gee i guess when women aren't relegated to the home they decide not to have as many kids

I guess liberals 'approve' of some choices for women (but not for female babies), but not others. The hypocrisy abounds.

it matters not if anyone approves of another's choices since they are not the business of anyone else

Sometimes they are. Often, in fact.

not if they do not directly affect you ....

If your neighbor chops his brother up with a meat cleaver, does that directly affect you?

not really but murder is one of those things we don't condone

And that's a far cry from a woman choosing not to have kids isn't it?

Depends on how she goes about 'choosing' that.

if it's legal it's none of your business

So, morality is determined by law, not the other way around?
Some people still insist on fomenting pointless panic over the idea of global 'overpopulation.' There is no such thing, never has been any such thing, and the world is trending strongly in the other direction (as I've been saying for years). Global fertility rates are converging around 1.7 children per woman of childbearing age. Remember, the 'break even' point for fertility is 2.1 children per. In South Korea, the population decline is so dramatic several sources calculate that if current trends remain unchanged, South Koreans will go extinct by 2750.

We have to start thinking creatively about boosting, or at least maintaining population levels, or plan with open eyes what a world with far fewer people might look like.

Why do we have to boost population levels?

Why do we even have to maintain a population of 7 billion?

I don't buy it.

Reality doesn't hit any less hard just because this one or that one "buys it."

It's conjecture.

What makes the author's version of reality credible?

Look into it further if you want. You'll only find more of the same. Economics is economics.

Lower population, lower demand for products, an equilibrium will be reached.

it doesn't really matter if a global population of 5 billion consumes less than a global population of 7 billion in fact it's to be expected. But some economist calls that a "less productive" society.

You didn't read the links all the way through, did you?
I read all the links you posted.

Just because i disagree with you doesn't mean I didn't read them.

Go find the nearest university and argue with some professors of economics then.

No need.

Maybe take a course while you're there.

Ah yes I don't agree with you therefore I am ignorant.

Great argument
The entire GOP base has to be ignorant to believe their ridiculous propaganda about phony scandals and conspiracies with no evidence behind them, just high School grad excokehead DJs and scumbag pundits repeating the same bologna endlessly. They seem to be unable to watch real journalists and what law enforcement have to say. Poor america. Rupert Murdoch is a total scumbag who's not allowed to be on tv anywhere else in the world.
And the drivel you just posted has absolutely nothing to do with the topic
Of course it does. The GOP base has no clue what is going on in the world they are brainwashed with misinformation and Miss 90% of the news, all the news they wouldn't like lol. in this case they don't know that the federal government has continued for decades to not allow any of our foreign services to do anything about birth control around the world and in the United states. There are too many goddamn people in the world and everyone who wants birth control should get it for free.
who mentioned the GOP?

I certainly didn't
Also known around the world by journalists and law enforcement as the problem. They will not allow birth control to be available in the United States or in the rest of the world.
Birth control is widely available in the United States and the rest of the developed world
not free obviously and the GOP fights it every step of the way and do not allow foreign aid to include it
Of course it does. The GOP base has no clue what is going on in the world.....

But, let me guess, YOU are oh-so cosmopolitan and sophisticated, right? Is that why you can read minds? Normal people disdain that sort of attitude, Jack.
Well informed people around the world know that the GOP base is out of their minds due to brainwashing by their tiny only in America right wing propaganda machine from Rupert Murdoch Rush Limbaugh and hangers on. Everything they know is wrong. Hundreds of phony scandals conspiracy theories and just pure misinformation.
Some people still insist on fomenting pointless panic over the idea of global 'overpopulation.' There is no such thing, never has been any such thing, and the world is trending strongly in the other direction (as I've been saying for years). Global fertility rates are converging around 1.7 children per woman of childbearing age. Remember, the 'break even' point for fertility is 2.1 children per. In South Korea, the population decline is so dramatic several sources calculate that if current trends remain unchanged, South Koreans will go extinct by 2750.

We have to start thinking creatively about boosting, or at least maintaining population levels, or plan with open eyes what a world with far fewer people might look like.

Why do we have to boost population levels?

Why do we even have to maintain a population of 7 billion?

I don't buy it.

Reality doesn't hit any less hard just because this one or that one "buys it."

It's conjecture.

What makes the author's version of reality credible?

Look into it further if you want. You'll only find more of the same. Economics is economics.

Lower population, lower demand for products, an equilibrium will be reached.

it doesn't really matter if a global population of 5 billion consumes less than a global population of 7 billion in fact it's to be expected. But some economist calls that a "less productive" society.

You didn't read the links all the way through, did you?
I read all the links you posted.

Just because i disagree with you doesn't mean I didn't read them.

Go find the nearest university and argue with some professors of economics then.

No need.

Maybe take a course while you're there.

Ah yes I don't agree with you therefore I am ignorant.

Great argument
The entire GOP base has to be ignorant to believe their ridiculous propaganda about phony scandals and conspiracies with no evidence behind them, just high School grad excokehead DJs and scumbag pundits repeating the same bologna endlessly. They seem to be unable to watch real journalists and what law enforcement have to say. Poor america. Rupert Murdoch is a total scumbag who's not allowed to be on tv anywhere else in the world.
And the drivel you just posted has absolutely nothing to do with the topic
Of course it does. The GOP base has no clue what is going on in the world they are brainwashed with misinformation and Miss 90% of the news, all the news they wouldn't like lol. in this case they don't know that the federal government has continued for decades to not allow any of our foreign services to do anything about birth control around the world and in the United states. There are too many goddamn people in the world and everyone who wants birth control should get it for free.
who mentioned the GOP?

I certainly didn't
Also known around the world by journalists and law enforcement as the problem. They will not allow birth control to be available in the United States or in the rest of the world.
Birth control is widely available in the United States and the rest of the developed world

Fertility rates are falling all around the world anyway.

and more so in affluent countries.

Gee i guess when women aren't relegated to the home they decide not to have as many kids

I guess liberals 'approve' of some choices for women (but not for female babies), but not others. The hypocrisy abounds.

it matters not if anyone approves of another's choices since they are not the business of anyone else

Sometimes they are. Often, in fact.

not if they do not directly affect you ....

If your neighbor chops his brother up with a meat cleaver, does that directly affect you?

not really but murder is one of those things we don't condone

And that's a far cry from a woman choosing not to have kids isn't it?

Depends on how she goes about 'choosing' that.

if it's legal it's none of your business

So, morality is determined by law, not the other way around?
Morality is subjective.

You're always talking about society aren't you?

What a society deems legal it deems moral.
Some people still insist on fomenting pointless panic over the idea of global 'overpopulation.' There is no such thing, never has been any such thing, and the world is trending strongly in the other direction (as I've been saying for years). Global fertility rates are converging around 1.7 children per woman of childbearing age. Remember, the 'break even' point for fertility is 2.1 children per. In South Korea, the population decline is so dramatic several sources calculate that if current trends remain unchanged, South Koreans will go extinct by 2750.

We have to start thinking creatively about boosting, or at least maintaining population levels, or plan with open eyes what a world with far fewer people might look like.

Why do we have to boost population levels?

Why do we even have to maintain a population of 7 billion?

I don't buy it.

Reality doesn't hit any less hard just because this one or that one "buys it."

It's conjecture.

What makes the author's version of reality credible?

Look into it further if you want. You'll only find more of the same. Economics is economics.

Lower population, lower demand for products, an equilibrium will be reached.

it doesn't really matter if a global population of 5 billion consumes less than a global population of 7 billion in fact it's to be expected. But some economist calls that a "less productive" society.

You didn't read the links all the way through, did you?
I read all the links you posted.

Just because i disagree with you doesn't mean I didn't read them.

Go find the nearest university and argue with some professors of economics then.

No need.

Maybe take a course while you're there.

Ah yes I don't agree with you therefore I am ignorant.

Great argument
The entire GOP base has to be ignorant to believe their ridiculous propaganda about phony scandals and conspiracies with no evidence behind them, just high School grad excokehead DJs and scumbag pundits repeating the same bologna endlessly. They seem to be unable to watch real journalists and what law enforcement have to say. Poor america. Rupert Murdoch is a total scumbag who's not allowed to be on tv anywhere else in the world.
And the drivel you just posted has absolutely nothing to do with the topic
Of course it does. The GOP base has no clue what is going on in the world they are brainwashed with misinformation and Miss 90% of the news, all the news they wouldn't like lol. in this case they don't know that the federal government has continued for decades to not allow any of our foreign services to do anything about birth control around the world and in the United states. There are too many goddamn people in the world and everyone who wants birth control should get it for free.
who mentioned the GOP?

I certainly didn't
Also known around the world by journalists and law enforcement as the problem. They will not allow birth control to be available in the United States or in the rest of the world.
Birth control is widely available in the United States and the rest of the developed world

Fertility rates are falling all around the world anyway.

and more so in affluent countries.

Gee i guess when women aren't relegated to the home they decide not to have as many kids

I guess liberals 'approve' of some choices for women (but not for female babies), but not others. The hypocrisy abounds.

it matters not if anyone approves of another's choices since they are not the business of anyone else

Sometimes they are. Often, in fact.

not if they do not directly affect you ....

If your neighbor chops his brother up with a meat cleaver, does that directly affect you?

not really but murder is one of those things we don't condone

And that's a far cry from a woman choosing not to have kids isn't it?

Depends on how she goes about 'choosing' that.

if it's legal it's none of your business

So, morality is determined by law, not the other way around?
Morality is subjective.

By definition, it is not.
Some people still insist on fomenting pointless panic over the idea of global 'overpopulation.' There is no such thing, never has been any such thing, and the world is trending strongly in the other direction (as I've been saying for years). Global fertility rates are converging around 1.7 children per woman of childbearing age. Remember, the 'break even' point for fertility is 2.1 children per. In South Korea, the population decline is so dramatic several sources calculate that if current trends remain unchanged, South Koreans will go extinct by 2750.

We have to start thinking creatively about boosting, or at least maintaining population levels, or plan with open eyes what a world with far fewer people might look like.

....The fact is the decline if it happens will be quite slow .....

On the contrary, when a turning point is reached things happen fast and can't be turned around on a dime. Take a look at South Korea today. Take a look at China 30 years from now.

... U.S. military recruitment offices have closed down across liberal cities. In an article by the WSJ in 2018, they correctly state "we are at the beginning of a recruitment crises". A crises not only of reduced enlistment, but the quality of those choosing the military is in a dramatic decline.

Do you see how a shrinking population would likely exacerbate such a situation?
Fretting about overpopulation is the ultimate in elitism.

"Far too many of YOU... just the right amount of ME."

Yep.....funny how the left looks at brown and black people when they start talking about the world being over populated..............

Funny too that they are the first to define people by color whenever they get the chance.
Some people still insist on fomenting pointless panic over the idea of global 'overpopulation.' There is no such thing, never has been any such thing, and the world is trending strongly in the other direction (as I've been saying for years). Global fertility rates are converging around 1.7 children per woman of childbearing age. Remember, the 'break even' point for fertility is 2.1 children per. In South Korea, the population decline is so dramatic several sources calculate that if current trends remain unchanged, South Koreans will go extinct by 2750.

We have to start thinking creatively about boosting, or at least maintaining population levels, or plan with open eyes what a world with far fewer people might look like.

Why do we have to boost population levels?

Why do we even have to maintain a population of 7 billion?

I don't buy it.

Reality doesn't hit any less hard just because this one or that one "buys it."

It's conjecture.

What makes the author's version of reality credible?

Look into it further if you want. You'll only find more of the same. Economics is economics.

Lower population, lower demand for products, an equilibrium will be reached.

it doesn't really matter if a global population of 5 billion consumes less than a global population of 7 billion in fact it's to be expected. But some economist calls that a "less productive" society.

You didn't read the links all the way through, did you?
I read all the links you posted.

Just because i disagree with you doesn't mean I didn't read them.

Go find the nearest university and argue with some professors of economics then.

No need.

Maybe take a course while you're there.

Ah yes I don't agree with you therefore I am ignorant.

Great argument
The entire GOP base has to be ignorant to believe their ridiculous propaganda about phony scandals and conspiracies with no evidence behind them, just high School grad excokehead DJs and scumbag pundits repeating the same bologna endlessly. They seem to be unable to watch real journalists and what law enforcement have to say. Poor america. Rupert Murdoch is a total scumbag who's not allowed to be on tv anywhere else in the world.
And the drivel you just posted has absolutely nothing to do with the topic
Of course it does. The GOP base has no clue what is going on in the world they are brainwashed with misinformation and Miss 90% of the news, all the news they wouldn't like lol. in this case they don't know that the federal government has continued for decades to not allow any of our foreign services to do anything about birth control around the world and in the United states. There are too many goddamn people in the world and everyone who wants birth control should get it for free.
who mentioned the GOP?

I certainly didn't
Also known around the world by journalists and law enforcement as the problem. They will not allow birth control to be available in the United States or in the rest of the world.
Birth control is widely available in the United States and the rest of the developed world

Fertility rates are falling all around the world anyway.

and more so in affluent countries.

Gee i guess when women aren't relegated to the home they decide not to have as many kids

I guess liberals 'approve' of some choices for women (but not for female babies), but not others. The hypocrisy abounds.

it matters not if anyone approves of another's choices since they are not the business of anyone else

Sometimes they are. Often, in fact.

not if they do not directly affect you ....

If your neighbor chops his brother up with a meat cleaver, does that directly affect you?

not really but murder is one of those things we don't condone

And that's a far cry from a woman choosing not to have kids isn't it?

Depends on how she goes about 'choosing' that.

if it's legal it's none of your business

So, morality is determined by law, not the other way around?
Morality is subjective.

By definition, it is not.

Only if you except some outside moral authority.

I don't. Any and all morals or ethics that have applied to the human race have all originated from humans themselves.
Some people still insist on fomenting pointless panic over the idea of global 'overpopulation.' There is no such thing, never has been any such thing, and the world is trending strongly in the other direction (as I've been saying for years). Global fertility rates are converging around 1.7 children per woman of childbearing age. Remember, the 'break even' point for fertility is 2.1 children per. In South Korea, the population decline is so dramatic several sources calculate that if current trends remain unchanged, South Koreans will go extinct by 2750.

We have to start thinking creatively about boosting, or at least maintaining population levels, or plan with open eyes what a world with far fewer people might look like.

Why do we have to boost population levels?

Why do we even have to maintain a population of 7 billion?

I don't buy it.

Reality doesn't hit any less hard just because this one or that one "buys it."

It's conjecture.

What makes the author's version of reality credible?

Look into it further if you want. You'll only find more of the same. Economics is economics.

Lower population, lower demand for products, an equilibrium will be reached.

it doesn't really matter if a global population of 5 billion consumes less than a global population of 7 billion in fact it's to be expected. But some economist calls that a "less productive" society.

You didn't read the links all the way through, did you?
I read all the links you posted.

Just because i disagree with you doesn't mean I didn't read them.

Go find the nearest university and argue with some professors of economics then.

No need.

Maybe take a course while you're there.

Ah yes I don't agree with you therefore I am ignorant.

Great argument
The entire GOP base has to be ignorant to believe their ridiculous propaganda about phony scandals and conspiracies with no evidence behind them, just high School grad excokehead DJs and scumbag pundits repeating the same bologna endlessly. They seem to be unable to watch real journalists and what law enforcement have to say. Poor america. Rupert Murdoch is a total scumbag who's not allowed to be on tv anywhere else in the world.
And the drivel you just posted has absolutely nothing to do with the topic
Of course it does. The GOP base has no clue what is going on in the world they are brainwashed with misinformation and Miss 90% of the news, all the news they wouldn't like lol. in this case they don't know that the federal government has continued for decades to not allow any of our foreign services to do anything about birth control around the world and in the United states. There are too many goddamn people in the world and everyone who wants birth control should get it for free.
who mentioned the GOP?

I certainly didn't
Also known around the world by journalists and law enforcement as the problem. They will not allow birth control to be available in the United States or in the rest of the world.
Birth control is widely available in the United States and the rest of the developed world
not free obviously and the GOP fights it every step of the way and do not allow foreign aid to include it
Who said anything should be free? i certainly didn't

and if you want to make every single issue about the GOP go bark up another tree
Some people still insist on fomenting pointless panic over the idea of global 'overpopulation.' There is no such thing, never has been any such thing, and the world is trending strongly in the other direction (as I've been saying for years). Global fertility rates are converging around 1.7 children per woman of childbearing age. Remember, the 'break even' point for fertility is 2.1 children per. In South Korea, the population decline is so dramatic several sources calculate that if current trends remain unchanged, South Koreans will go extinct by 2750.

We have to start thinking creatively about boosting, or at least maintaining population levels, or plan with open eyes what a world with far fewer people might look like.

Why do we have to boost population levels?

Why do we even have to maintain a population of 7 billion?

I don't buy it.

Reality doesn't hit any less hard just because this one or that one "buys it."

It's conjecture.

What makes the author's version of reality credible?

Look into it further if you want. You'll only find more of the same. Economics is economics.

Lower population, lower demand for products, an equilibrium will be reached.

it doesn't really matter if a global population of 5 billion consumes less than a global population of 7 billion in fact it's to be expected. But some economist calls that a "less productive" society.

You didn't read the links all the way through, did you?
I read all the links you posted.

Just because i disagree with you doesn't mean I didn't read them.

Go find the nearest university and argue with some professors of economics then.

No need.

Maybe take a course while you're there.

Ah yes I don't agree with you therefore I am ignorant.

Great argument
The entire GOP base has to be ignorant to believe their ridiculous propaganda about phony scandals and conspiracies with no evidence behind them, just high School grad excokehead DJs and scumbag pundits repeating the same bologna endlessly. They seem to be unable to watch real journalists and what law enforcement have to say. Poor america. Rupert Murdoch is a total scumbag who's not allowed to be on tv anywhere else in the world.
And the drivel you just posted has absolutely nothing to do with the topic
Of course it does. The GOP base has no clue what is going on in the world they are brainwashed with misinformation and Miss 90% of the news, all the news they wouldn't like lol. in this case they don't know that the federal government has continued for decades to not allow any of our foreign services to do anything about birth control around the world and in the United states. There are too many goddamn people in the world and everyone who wants birth control should get it for free.
who mentioned the GOP?

I certainly didn't
Also known around the world by journalists and law enforcement as the problem. They will not allow birth control to be available in the United States or in the rest of the world.
Birth control is widely available in the United States and the rest of the developed world

Fertility rates are falling all around the world anyway.

and more so in affluent countries.

Gee i guess when women aren't relegated to the home they decide not to have as many kids

I guess liberals 'approve' of some choices for women (but not for female babies), but not others. The hypocrisy abounds.

it matters not if anyone approves of another's choices since they are not the business of anyone else

Sometimes they are. Often, in fact.

not if they do not directly affect you ....

If your neighbor chops his brother up with a meat cleaver, does that directly affect you?

not really but murder is one of those things we don't condone

And that's a far cry from a woman choosing not to have kids isn't it?

Depends on how she goes about 'choosing' that.

if it's legal it's none of your business

So, morality is determined by law, not the other way around?
Morality is subjective.

By definition, it is not.

Only if you except [sic] some outside moral authority.

Ironic error. Morality isn't "outside."
....The fact is the decline if it happens will be quite slow .....

On the contrary, when a turning point is reached things happen fast and can't be turned around on a dime. Take a look at South Korea today. Take a look at China 30 years from now.

it's only a crisis if you buy into the theory that any and all economic contractions are undesirable.

As long as supply meets demand it doesn't matter of there are 10 billion people or 5 billion people and since people generally produce more than they consume a lower population isn't the death knell you want it to be.
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Some people still insist on fomenting pointless panic over the idea of global 'overpopulation.' There is no such thing, never has been any such thing, and the world is trending strongly in the other direction (as I've been saying for years). Global fertility rates are converging around 1.7 children per woman of childbearing age. Remember, the 'break even' point for fertility is 2.1 children per. In South Korea, the population decline is so dramatic several sources calculate that if current trends remain unchanged, South Koreans will go extinct by 2750.

We have to start thinking creatively about boosting, or at least maintaining population levels, or plan with open eyes what a world with far fewer people might look like.

Why do we have to boost population levels?

Why do we even have to maintain a population of 7 billion?

I don't buy it.

Reality doesn't hit any less hard just because this one or that one "buys it."

It's conjecture.

What makes the author's version of reality credible?

Look into it further if you want. You'll only find more of the same. Economics is economics.

Lower population, lower demand for products, an equilibrium will be reached.

it doesn't really matter if a global population of 5 billion consumes less than a global population of 7 billion in fact it's to be expected. But some economist calls that a "less productive" society.

You didn't read the links all the way through, did you?
I read all the links you posted.

Just because i disagree with you doesn't mean I didn't read them.

Go find the nearest university and argue with some professors of economics then.

No need.

Maybe take a course while you're there.

Ah yes I don't agree with you therefore I am ignorant.

Great argument
The entire GOP base has to be ignorant to believe their ridiculous propaganda about phony scandals and conspiracies with no evidence behind them, just high School grad excokehead DJs and scumbag pundits repeating the same bologna endlessly. They seem to be unable to watch real journalists and what law enforcement have to say. Poor america. Rupert Murdoch is a total scumbag who's not allowed to be on tv anywhere else in the world.
And the drivel you just posted has absolutely nothing to do with the topic
Of course it does. The GOP base has no clue what is going on in the world they are brainwashed with misinformation and Miss 90% of the news, all the news they wouldn't like lol. in this case they don't know that the federal government has continued for decades to not allow any of our foreign services to do anything about birth control around the world and in the United states. There are too many goddamn people in the world and everyone who wants birth control should get it for free.
who mentioned the GOP?

I certainly didn't
Also known around the world by journalists and law enforcement as the problem. They will not allow birth control to be available in the United States or in the rest of the world.
Birth control is widely available in the United States and the rest of the developed world

Fertility rates are falling all around the world anyway.

and more so in affluent countries.

Gee i guess when women aren't relegated to the home they decide not to have as many kids

I guess liberals 'approve' of some choices for women (but not for female babies), but not others. The hypocrisy abounds.

it matters not if anyone approves of another's choices since they are not the business of anyone else

Sometimes they are. Often, in fact.

not if they do not directly affect you ....

If your neighbor chops his brother up with a meat cleaver, does that directly affect you?

not really but murder is one of those things we don't condone

And that's a far cry from a woman choosing not to have kids isn't it?

Depends on how she goes about 'choosing' that.

if it's legal it's none of your business

So, morality is determined by law, not the other way around?
Morality is subjective.

By definition, it is not.

Only if you except [sic] some outside moral authority.

Ironic error. Morality isn't "outside."
and there is no moral authority beyond human beings so morality is societal and therefore subjective.

any society can agree on their own moral code and as history has shown us there have been many different moral codes in our evolution.
....The fact is the decline if it happens will be quite slow .....

On the contrary, when a turning point is reached things happen fast and can't be turned around on a dime. Take a look at South Korea today. Take a look at China 30 years from now.

it's only a crisis if you buy into the theiry [sic] that any and all economic contractions are undesirable.

Now we're back to you not reading the links.
... U.S. military recruitment offices have closed down across liberal cities. In an article by the WSJ in 2018, they correctly state "we are at the beginning of a recruitment crises". A crises not only of reduced enlistment, but the quality of those choosing the military is in a dramatic decline.

Do you see how a shrinking population would likely exacerbate such a situation?
Sure, but honestly... I believe the other aspect of lower birth rates, namely less productive, dumber people still having 3 kids and more... while higher productive, more educated-smarter people having less, is actually a greater problem.
The movie Idiocracy is a good parody of this. It is a parody, so obviously exaggerated, but the point it makes is valid.

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