Far-right Jackass Wants - Internment Camps For Muslims.

If we are going to forcibly quarantine people who may have come into contact with someone who may have spoken to someone who may have Ebola in order to protect the public, then surely we can detain people who are known Islamists in order to try to prevent one of those fuckers from cutting off someone's head.
Internment camps and concentration camps are synonymous terms.

The truth about conservatism emerges.

Actually the truth does emerge.

Dems and Nazi's.

We have ample proof of both.

I invite you to try and " intern"me kid ;)
The far right in this thread alone have demonstrated they have forfeited the right to govern. If the GOP wins the presidency in 2016, I hope the president will have a plan to deal with the crazies when they realize they will no place in the executive and only a few voices in the legislative branches.
The same could be said of many Japanese-Americans in 1941-1942.

How many Japanese Americans were actually found to be collaborating with the Japanese?

Given that many terrorist attacks have been perpetrated by rightwing extremists who own guns - shouldn't we think about interning some of these dudes for public safety?
Sounds like an absurd, illegal, and unconstitutional overreaction.
You talking about Obama's election(s)? :dunno:

Clearly I am not. Anyone calling for such actions isn't a true lover of the liberty and freedom that our nation is blessed with. It's a chilling suggestion to say the least.
You are awarded one beheader...he will be at your house on Saturday.
The same could be said of many Japanese-Americans in 1941-1942.

How many Japanese Americans were actually found to be collaborating with the Japanese?

Given that many terrorist attacks have been perpetrated by rightwing extremists who own guns - shouldn't we think about interning some of these dudes for public safety?
That gets one into a discussion of the relative merits and inherent dangers of the dogma associated with Islam, vis a vis its counterparts.
Erik Rush: Might Be Time To Bring Back Internment Camps For Muslims

#1 - "bring back"??? WTF?

#2 - /facepalm.

WorldNetDaily columnist Erik Rush, who believes most journalists should be thrown in jail, today demands that the U.S. government crack down on Muslim foreign nationals living in the country following the beheading of a woman in Oklahoma.

In a column titled “Is It Time To Deport, Intern Foreign Muslims?,” Rush claims that all Muslims are either terrorists or terrorist-sympathizers who must be hounded like Japanese-Americans during World War II.

“We deported, expelled and interned foreign nationals and naturalized citizens for a whole lot less during World War II, and I would certainly call for the deportation or expulsion of all Muslim foreign nationals at this juncture,” he writes.

WND - cesspool for the far-right.

Well, if WND is a cesspool to you, then you won't mind if I post an expose of some of the shit you follow.

Available at Amazon: An Explanatory Memorandum: From the Archives of the Muslim Brotherhood in America (Center for Security Policy Archival Series)

In August of 2004, an alert Maryland Transportation Authority Police officer observed a woman wearing traditional Islamic garb videotaping the support structures of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, and conducted a traffic stop.

The driver was Ismail Elbarasse and detained on an outstanding material witness warrant issued in Chicago in connection with fundraising for Hamas.

The FBI’s Washington Field Office subsequently executed a search warrant on Elbarasse’s residence in Annandale, Virginia.

In the basement of his home, a hidden sub-basement was found; it revealed over 80 banker boxes of the archives of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America. One of the most important of these documents made public to date was entered into evidence during the Holy Land Foundation trial.

It amounted to the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic plan for the United States and was entitled, “An Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America.”

The Explanatory Memorandum was written in 1991 by a member of the Board of Directors for the Muslim Brotherhood in North America and senior Hamas leader named Mohammed Akram. It had been approved by the Brotherhood’s Shura Council and Organizational Conference and was meant for internal review by the Brothers’ leadership in Egypt.

It was certainly not intended for public consumption, particularly in the targeted society: the United States.

For these reasons, the memo constitutes a Rosetta stone for the Muslim Brotherhood, its goals, modus operandi and infrastructure in America.

It is arguably the single most important vehicle for understanding a secretive organization and should, therefore, be considered required reading for policy-makers and the public, alike.

Muslim Brotherhood Explanatory Memorandum The Counter Jihad Report

EDIT: BTW, @ appx 19:45 he predicts what's happening in the M.E. today.

This is the same guy who was responsible for the quote formerly in my sig.
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The far right in this thread alone have demonstrated they have forfeited the right to govern. If the GOP wins the presidency in 2016, I hope the president will have a plan to deal with the crazies when they realize they will no place in the executive and only a few voices in the legislative branches.
Wrong. The far left have proven how unAmerican they are. Take most of you libtards on usmb, always wrong.
The same could be said of many Japanese-Americans in 1941-1942.

How many Japanese Americans were actually found to be collaborating with the Japanese?

Given that many terrorist attacks have been perpetrated by rightwing extremists who own guns - shouldn't we think about interning some of these dudes for public safety?
The majority of terrorist attacks are by lefty idiots, lefty idiot.
Sounds like an absurd, illegal, and unconstitutional overreaction.
You talking about Obama's election(s)? :dunno:

Clearly I am not. Anyone calling for such actions isn't a true lover of the liberty and freedom that our nation is blessed with. It's a chilling suggestion to say the least.
You are awarded one beheader...he will be at your house on Saturday.

Such luck, I never win anything.
The same could be said of many Japanese-Americans in 1941-1942.

How many Japanese Americans were actually found to be collaborating with the Japanese?

Given that many terrorist attacks have been perpetrated by rightwing extremists who own guns - shouldn't we think about interning some of these dudes for public safety?
The majority of terrorist attacks are by lefty idiots, lefty idiot.

That's an opinion, a wrong one.
Erik Rush: Might Be Time To Bring Back Internment Camps For Muslims

#1 - "bring back"??? WTF?

#2 - /facepalm.

WorldNetDaily columnist Erik Rush, who believes most journalists should be thrown in jail, today demands that the U.S. government crack down on Muslim foreign nationals living in the country following the beheading of a woman in Oklahoma.

In a column titled “Is It Time To Deport, Intern Foreign Muslims?,” Rush claims that all Muslims are either terrorists or terrorist-sympathizers who must be hounded like Japanese-Americans during World War II.

“We deported, expelled and interned foreign nationals and naturalized citizens for a whole lot less during World War II, and I would certainly call for the deportation or expulsion of all Muslim foreign nationals at this juncture,” he writes.

WND - cesspool for the far-right.

WND is the Right's answer to The Left's Daily Kos.
The same could be said of many Japanese-Americans in 1941-1942.

How many Japanese Americans were actually found to be collaborating with the Japanese?

Given that many terrorist attacks have been perpetrated by rightwing extremists who own guns - shouldn't we think about interning some of these dudes for public safety?
That gets one into a discussion of the relative merits and inherent dangers of the dogma associated with Islam, vis a vis its counterparts.

No...it doesn't.

Dangers of "dogma" is highly subjective. Who gets to determine who has rights and who has not? Do you want your rights to religious freedom, for example, to be determined by someone who neither understand nor likes your religion? Do you want you and your family forceably incarcerated indefinately without charge or recourse? These are American citizens we're talking about and the only reason someone is even saying this is that they comprise such a small group of people in the US that it's easy to justify trampling their rights because their political voice is pretty small and the voices of fear-mongering very loud.

Just to be the Devil's Advocate - since we're talking about removing Constitutional rights - let's look at gun owners. The "survivalist" dogma is pervasive particularly in the US. It's been associated with rightwing terrorism, white nationalism, the collecting of huge amounts of armaments, anti-government propaganda and behavior. These people have at times proven themselves dangerous and the rhetoric wins converts. Why shouldn't they be they be put in internment camps?

Disclaimer: the above is NOT my view, I don't believe in putting ANY American citizens in internment camps who have not been convicted of crimes.
The far right in this thread alone have demonstrated they have forfeited the right to govern. If the GOP wins the presidency in 2016, I hope the president will have a plan to deal with the crazies when they realize they will no place in the executive and only a few voices in the legislative branches.

Speaking of crazy ^^^
The same could be said of many Japanese-Americans in 1941-1942.

How many Japanese Americans were actually found to be collaborating with the Japanese?

Given that many terrorist attacks have been perpetrated by rightwing extremists who own guns - shouldn't we think about interning some of these dudes for public safety?
That gets one into a discussion of the relative merits and inherent dangers of the dogma associated with Islam, vis a vis its counterparts.

No...it doesn't.

Dangers of "dogma" is highly subjective...

But only if you are either (1) an adherent of the belief system being scrutinized or (2) so blindly committed to egalitarianism that you are willing to admit a viper into our midst because that alternative belief system poses too great a risk to the nation.



Premise: war and violence predicated upon religious beliefs is dangerous.

Supporting questions:

1. Did Jesus of Nazareth give his followers permission to wage war and to commit acts of violence against non-believers?

Answer: No.

2. Did Muhammed give his followers permission to wage war and to commit acts of violence against non-believers?

Answer: Yes - extensively, and repeatedly.

Conclusion: Islam's dogma is more dangerous than Christianity's.


...Who gets to determine who has rights and who has not? Do you want your rights to religious freedom, for example, to be determined by someone who neither understand nor likes your religion? Do you want you and your family forceably incarcerated indefinately without charge or recourse? These are American citizens we're talking about and the only reason someone is even saying this is that they comprise such a small group of people in the US that it's easy to justify trampling their rights because their political voice is pretty small and the voices of fear-mongering very loud.

Just to be the Devil's Advocate - since we're talking about removing Constitutional rights - let's look at gun owners. The "survivalist" dogma is pervasive particularly in the US. It's been associated with rightwing terrorism, white nationalism, the collecting of huge amounts of armaments, anti-government propaganda and behavior. These people have at times proven themselves dangerous and the rhetoric wins converts. Why shouldn't they be they be put in internment camps?

Disclaimer: the above is NOT my view, I don't believe in putting ANY American citizens in internment camps who have not been convicted of crimes.
All good points.

Unfortunately, when Constitutionality and Safety are set against each other, Safety wins every time.

Every time.

The logical successor question is:

Is it likely that Islam in the United States will become so problematic or disruptive or dangerous that such draconian measures are ever undertaken against Muslims in this country?

I hope not, Insha'Allah.

But the very fact that it is being discussed - even sparsely and intermittently and theoretically - does not speak well for the way in which Islam is integrating into American (or Western European, for that matter) society, and that does not bode overly-well for the future.
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