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Farenheit 9/11

I don't think anyone needs to own a AK-47 for hunting, give me a break. I've gone hunting and if you use an AK-47 to bring down a 3 point or higher, you ain't gonna have nothing left.
I see where you're coming from, but I hope you also realize that few crimes are committed by people using weapons like that and that banning so-called assault weapons (I say so-called because not everyone's definition is the same and some laws are sort of arbitrary because of how it sometimes has to do with what the weapon looks like).

I also hope you realize that many laws don't do much to stop criminals from getting guns because they will still find ways to get them on the street and through other means.
I do realize about the laws and criminals, but to use Columbine as an example. Those kids were not technically criminals until they went on a shooting spree at the school, yet they were able to get guns through a friend. I believe if we have tougher laws, certain crimes, such as Columbine may be prevented, though obviously stricter gun laws (or lack there of) is not the only problem as stated earlier.

But I do agree with you.
Originally posted by brneyedgrl80
Oh c'mon, was I spreading lies? I clearly stated that it was a rumor I heard. And I actually heard the rumor from one of my conservative friends. I think he said he heard it on one of the talk radio stations he listens to, that I try to avoid often. ;)

Or were you referring to Michael Moore as the liberal spreading lies?

I don't want to get defensive if it wasn't aimed at me! :D

hey, defensive is the name of the game here! Moore spreads lies, you spread lies JUST by telling people about Moore's films. Guilt by association. Wear your bonnet of shame.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
hey, defensive is the name of the game here! Moore spreads lies, you spread lies JUST by telling people about Moore's films. Guilt by association. Wear your bonnet of shame.

what a load of crap. is that all you're capable of today is smearing the right wing hate propaganda against all those who don't agree that the the GOP is the only way?
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
hey, defensive is the name of the game here! Moore spreads lies, you spread lies JUST by telling people about Moore's films. Guilt by association. Wear your bonnet of shame.

I just think someone is having a bad day :(

Some say lies, others say truth. You say tomato, I say tomatoe.

I'm sure it would be the same way if you decided to bring up a movie by the right. I would say lies, you would say truth and I would still be wearing a so-called bonnet of shame. I just hope my bonnet is pretty, pink and lacy! I like pink... ;)
Originally posted by nycflasher
And nowhere at a higher rate do guns kill people in schools than right here in our schools in the US. Way to go, guys.

um yeah funny how that is that guns kill people in schools at a high rate in schools. i dont know how we could have let that happen.
Those kids were not technically criminals until they went on a shooting spree at the school, yet they were able to get guns through a friend. I believe if we have tougher laws, certain crimes, such as Columbine may be prevented, though obviously stricter gun laws (or lack there of) is not the only problem as stated earlier.
In what ways should the laws be tougher? Ban certain types of weapons (they will just use other weapons and there are plenty of guns already out there) or what?
Originally posted by brneyedgrl80
I do realize about the laws and criminals, but to use Columbine as an example. Those kids were not technically criminals until they went on a shooting spree at the school, yet they were able to get guns through a friend. I believe if we have tougher laws, certain crimes, such as Columbine may be prevented, though obviously stricter gun laws (or lack there of) is not the only problem as stated earlier.

But I do agree with you.

Not one more single gun law is needed in this country. Enforce the thousands on the books already, or is it that guns aren't really the problem? Can someone tell me the last time a .44 jumped up on its own and smoked somebody? Don't give me the accidental deaths, i'm talking when was the last time a gun killed someone without a finger squeezing the trigger.

Y'all see where i'm going with this, right?
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
part of my point made right here. It should NEVER have been about the guns.

we wouldn't need all these 'safe school' bullshit programs and zero tolerance crap if parents would teach their kids that might does NOT make right, bullying smaller and weaker individuals does NOT make you a better person, and that popularity does NOT mean having to put people lower than yourself.

Columbine could have been prevented had young kids been taught that its shameful to put your fellow students down in any way, shape, or form.

Uh Dk you really think this utopian view is possible? I mean you think its possible to change what has been going on with early adolescents and teenagers since the beginning of time? This is the way their social ladder is set, you will never be able to make everyone equal, there will always be haves and have nots, popular kids and unpopular kids. I think to say these guys were bullied is a bullshit reason for wasting a bunch of classmates. These two obviously had some mental problems going.

Also, this question is really not directed at anyone in particular but has anybody else but me noticed that even as recently as 15-20 years ago and all the time before that we really never had school shootings up until the time that PC took control and we got into this faultless society? Oh there might have been the random kid shooting his pistol at school every 6-7 years or once a decade but nothing like we have now. Just an observation.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Well like Flasher stated his statistics about how many were killed by guns, little does he know that it included fatal police shootings!
from what I understand there are actually more death's each year due to mechanical ingestion (choking)! One of you combatant left wing nerd's need to search that one out and see if it's true!

You can take away the guns but something will replace it! Should we do away with automobiles so they can be used for vehicular manslaughter?

You know if I really want to kill somebody and don't have a gun i'll stab them, no knife i'll beat them with a brick or knife, no rock or brick i'll stick a needle into the base of the brain. My point is that everything really has the possibility of being a deadly weapon, hell a down pillow can asphyxiate. This rail against guns is nothing more than a leftwing assault upon the constitution, its a power grab. They really could care less about gun deaths as if they really researched the issue they would know the powerful deterrent that a gun represents.
Originally posted by nycflasher
I'll be seeing it, as soon as it finds a distributor.

"MIRIMAX" will be putting it out. And no more Mirimax movies for me. Fuck them now. Boycott time.

He won the Palme d'Or at Cannes for it:j


mickey moore is a fat ass, lying, piece of shit, scum bag, fuck. Hey mickey, eat shit and die prick.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
This thread is a big bunch of bullshit! Michael Moore is a big fat ass loser! I would'nt pay a penny to watch his crap!

Hey Evil, COOOOOL new avatar Bud.

And I agree with you.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
No thank you. I prefer women.

By Fuck Michael Moore, i mean i have a petition for everyone to sign that will allow us to take a 300lb black man from Federal Prison to goto town on Michael Moore's Ass. Actually, 300 might be a light weight for Mikey. Make that 700lb black man.
Originally posted by OCA
Uh Dk you really think this utopian view is possible? I mean you think its possible to change what has been going on with early adolescents and teenagers since the beginning of time? This is the way their social ladder is set, you will never be able to make everyone equal, there will always be haves and have nots, popular kids and unpopular kids. I think to say these guys were bullied is a bullshit reason for wasting a bunch of classmates. These two obviously had some mental problems going.

Also, this question is really not directed at anyone in particular but has anybody else but me noticed that even as recently as 15-20 years ago and all the time before that we really never had school shootings up until the time that PC took control and we got into this faultless society? Oh there might have been the random kid shooting his pistol at school every 6-7 years or once a decade but nothing like we have now. Just an observation.

I agree with you. There definitely has been a rise. I can remember never hearing about stuff like this when I was a kid and preteen. This stuff didn't start happening until about my junior or senior year in high school. I keep wondering why it has gotten worse as. Just yesterday, I read about an 11 year old girl stabbing/cutting to death a 12 year old girl with a box cutter un Japan. And I know things like that happen here.

I'm not saying guns are the only problem, definitely people know the difference between right and wrong unless they are truly messed up in the head and have lost touch with reality (but I think that is slim). And people are right, if it wasn't guns, there would be something else. Obviously enforcing current laws would be good and if need be creating new ones where needed. I still stand behind that all guns should be smart guns. I'm not too keen on trigger simply because of the time it would take to unlock one if you are in a situation to defend yourself. I would also definitely make classes and the like mandatory. A different class to accomodate the different guns that people would be using.

I'm not a gun hater, we own one or rather my husband owns one, but I don't mind having it in the house because I grew up with guns when I was kid up until my parents divorced. My mom didn't believe in guns because of the high rate of accidental shootings in a house. She always said something along the lines of "People are more likely to be killed by their own guns." But my dad was a sportsman and would take me hunting with him. I remember at 4 years old, he took me out and showed me one of his guns and told me never to play with it because it could kill. He then demonstrated by killing a rabbit and we walked over to it and he said "Would you want the same thing to happen to daddy and mommy or even you?" And of course, staring down at the dead rabbit I replied with a no. At that point, I never touched a gun without my father's permission. But I do have to say that that rabbit did taste good. :D
OCA is right, guns aren't the problem. In fact, Michael Moore proved that in "Bowling for Columbine" by reporting the fact that Canadians have just as many guns as us, but they don't kill each other like us. Like an idiot, later on he went on to say that the answer to the solution was banning guns.

I think in Moore's books and movies, he poses a good question, such as "Why are Americans killing each other on such a larger scale than other countries?" or "How far does the Bush-Bin Laden relation go?", but then he goes on to answer it in a radical way and winds up alienating a large part of a potential audience.
Originally posted by Palestinian Jew
I think in Moore's books and movies, he poses a good question, such as "Why are Americans killing each other on such a larger scale than other countries?" or "How far does the Bush-Bin Laden relation go?", but then he goes on to answer it in a radical way and winds up alienating a large part of a potential audience.

Yeah making things up tend to make people distrust the message.

Ray Bradbury rips Michael Moore
'Fahrenheit 451' author says filmmaker stole his title for Bush-bash

Posted: June 3, 2004
5:30 p.m. Eastern

© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com

Author Ray Bradbury has ripped into filmmaker Michael Moore for using the title "Fahrenheit 9/11" for his new Bush-bashing movie, an obvious takeoff on the 84-year-old's science-fiction classic "Fahrenheit 451."

Judging by an interview with the author conducted by the Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter, Bradbury is steamed.

"Michael Moore is a screwed a--hole, that is what I think about that case," Bradbury said according to an English translation of the story. "He stole my title and changed the numbers without ever asking me for permission."

Continued the author: "[Moore] is a horrible human being – horrible human!"

When asked if he agrees with Moore's political positions, Bradbury replied, "That has nothing to do with it. He copied my title; that is what happened. That has nothing to do with my political opinions."

According to the Swedish daily, Bradbury said he had tried to discuss the issue with Moore several months ago, but that the director avoided him.

"I called his publisher. They promised he would call me the same afternoon, but he didn't," Bradbury is quoted as saying.

The author also claimed Moore ruined Wesley Clark's chances of being president with a "kiss of death." When the filmmaker charged President Bush with reneging on his military service, Bradbury explained, the former general should have distanced himself.

"He slandered the president to General Clark, and Clark allowed him to do it," Bradbury said. "Clark should have said: 'Don't say that. It is not true.' That day Clark lost his chance to become president."

Bradbury dismissed any chance of the title being changed at this point:

"Who cares? Nobody will see his movie. It is almost dead already. Never mind, nobody cares."

Moore's film won the Palme d'Or award at the Cannes Film Festival last month and is scheduled to hit theaters on June 25.

Of the Cannes award, Bradbury told the paper: "I have won prizes in different places and they are mostly meaningless. The people there hate us, which is why they gave him the d'Or. It's a meaningless prize."

According to the report, Bradbury refused to say if he would take legal action against Moore.

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