farm bill passes House by 2votes, 213-211, it failed last month after Freedom Caucus witheld support

For the big "Walmart" type farms, Yes. But the small actual family farms, No.
For all of them. If you can't make a living why should others subsidize you? When the housing market collapsed no one subsidized my business.
Operate in the black or get a new career.

What if the government enacted policies that cut your sales by 15 percent? That is what is happening to soybean farmers. Because China decided to buy elsewhere, they have a surplus, and the price of soybeans has dropped by 15 percent.

15 percent is just about what the profit margin is for soybean farmers. Because of Trump's policies concerning tariffs, the price has dropped.

Would you be okay with subsidies if YOUR business sales dropped by 15 percent because of Trump?
They were getting welfare BEFORE any of this shit started.
And for the record I have had shit get tied up in customs for months for shit as stupid as "rare bugs"
Half the time by the time I get it the mold and sea water has destroyed the packaging and caused me tons of extra clean up labor just to be able to use the damn material.

You didn't answer my question. Would you be okay with receiving subsidies for your business if government policies like tariffs cut 15 percent off the top of your sales?
I will NEVER be okay with handouts for ANYONE (including me) with the exception of the true indigents in our society.
Nah, you have compassion and empathy. You talk a big game, but you are full of shit and would wilt like lettuce in the sun on this, if you toured a poor neighborhood.
Its past time to end farm subsidies. We are not in a famine ffs

For the big "Walmart" type farms, Yes. But the small actual family farms, No.
For all of them. If you can't make a living why should others subsidize you? When the housing market collapsed no one subsidized my business.
Operate in the black or get a new career.

YOU want the little guy to fail because YOU didn't get YOUR help?

Sociopath: a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.
That isn't why, it is an example. I didn't put my hand out and ask for others to pay my way and neither should they.
Welfare is bankrupting our nation. STOP ALL OF IT except in emergency cases.

Yours is the last generation that makes enough money to live AND has the ability to retire.
I live in farm country, my grandparents farmed, and there wasn't any welfare for farmers. You dems talk up subsidies, and I'm assuming your talking about crop insurance, but you fail to mention farmers put their own money into crop insurance. If their is government aid, I believe you are being misleading in accusing of large subsidies or farm welfare.
I live in farm country, my grandparents farmed, and there wasn't any welfare for farmers. You dems talk up subsidies, and I'm assuming your talking about crop insurance, but you fail to mention farmers put their own money into crop insurance. If their is government aid, I believe you are being misleading in accusing of large subsidies or farm welfare.

Price supports (subsidies) have been around since 1918.

At the end of World War I, the destructive effects of the war and the surrender burdens enforced on the Central Powers of Europe bankrupted much of Europe, closing major export markets in the United States and beginning a series of events that would lead to the development of agricultural price and income support policies. United States price and income support, known otherwise as agricultural subsidy, grew out of acute farm income and financial crises, which led to widespread political beliefs that the market system was not adequately rewarding farm people for their agricultural commodities.

Agricultural policy of the United States - Wikipedia

you don't like high taxes, move to Texas. what are you doing in Vegas.

With tRumps tariffs you might want to move to Vegas, Texas is going to get hammered!

The worst hit state, according to the Tax Foundation report, would be Texas, with its giant ports and equipment intensive natural resources-based economy. Texas businesses would end up owing nearly $970 million in extra taxes, roughly 11% of the national total.

Trump's New Tariffs Will Hurt These States the Most

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