Farmers Almanac Predicts

GLobal warming will be on tap for this winter...….plan accordingly. Book your vacations now
Farmers' Almanac Winter 2019-2020 Weather Forecast and Predictions
"Our extended forecast is calling for yet another freezing, frigid, and frosty winter for two-thirds of the country," Farmers' Almanac Editor and Philom Peter Geiger said in a press release.
Our first snow of this season was Aug 2.. Just 7 weeks early..

Our low temp this morning at 4250' was 31 deg F. Not sure if my garden survived but the below freezing temp lasted just 90 min. THIS IS AUGUST!

We are in a La Niña flow pattern and the oceans have gone cold. Its going to be a bitterly cold winter for most of the US.
Winter Predicton.JPG

Here is what NOAA is predicting. Only one problem, this is in a warm ocean flow which doesn't exist any more. There is a massive cold pool off the west coast so these flows will be very cold and the cold will extend to the deep south.

Below is the cold ocean pattern (my add)


What little warm water is against the coast will be gone inside three weeks.

Enjoy the fall weather!
Bugs are already moving in en masse into the shop and where ever they can get in. Good part I see though is the dogs are not filling in winter coats yet though so it may be a cold snap and then ease off for awhile.
Bugs are already moving in en masse into the shop and where ever they can get in. Good part I see though is the dogs are not filling in winter coats yet though so it may be a cold snap and then ease off for awhile.
I wish that were true here.. The antelope and deer have already dawned their winter fur and my dogs are shedding like crazy... Its coming fast..
The FA has a record of being as good as a coin flip, and yet we still get these threads each year. Some people never learn.
Bugs are already moving in en masse into the shop and where ever they can get in. Good part I see though is the dogs are not filling in winter coats yet though so it may be a cold snap and then ease off for awhile.
I wish that were true here.. The antelope and deer have already dawned their winter fur and my dogs are shedding like crazy... Its coming fast..
We set just above Missouri so its a hit and miss here when that weather sweeps across the plains. It seems like the last few years we've been very fortunate as the nasty stuff hit North of us. Even when we did our winters in Florida our dogs were pretty good indicators of what weather would be like here.
The FA has a record of being as good as a coin flip, and yet we still get these threads each year. Some people never learn.
FA has a 82% forecast success rate..(Even NOAA is below 18%). FA uses empirical evidence and cycles for their forecasting. I wonder when NOAA will get a clue and stop using their failed models.

The hairball lies like a damn rug every year...
FA has a 82% forecast success rate..

You've been using those same faked numbers since 2014 at least. Can't you at least make up some new lies? You insult your audience by repeating stale old debunked lies.

Back in 2014, I showed here how FA totally pooched their 2013 predictions. The same thing happens every year. And yet you still fall for it every year.

Quit Funding Global Warming Science.

That post also talks about how FA fudges their accuracy numbers.

The hairball lies like a damn rug every year...

So, where's your supposed PhD from?

The point is that you're a lying coward, everyone knows it, that you piss yourself and run whenever challenged, and that everyone laughs their asses off when that happens.

You can proceed with the pissing yourself and running now.
FA has a 82% forecast success rate..

You've been using those same faked numbers since 2014 at least. Can't you at least make up some new lies? You insult your audience by repeating stale old debunked lies.

Back in 2014, I showed here how FA totally pooched their 2013 predictions. The same thing happens every year. And yet you still fall for it every year.

Quit Funding Global Warming Science.

That post also talks about how FA fudges their accuracy numbers.

The hairball lies like a damn rug every year...

So, where's your supposed PhD from?

The point is that you're a lying coward, everyone knows it, that you piss yourself and run whenever challenged, and that everyone laughs their asses off when that happens.

You can proceed with the pissing yourself and running now.

You quote PENN STATE... Michael Mann's home of fraud and deceptions..... You really couldn't go any lower for a source..

Bravo... Moron..
FA has a 82% forecast success rate..

You've been using those same faked numbers since 2014 at least. Can't you at least make up some new lies? You insult your audience by repeating stale old debunked lies.

Back in 2014, I showed here how FA totally pooched their 2013 predictions. The same thing happens every year. And yet you still fall for it every year.

Quit Funding Global Warming Science.

That post also talks about how FA fudges their accuracy numbers.

The hairball lies like a damn rug every year...

So, where's your supposed PhD from?

The point is that you're a lying coward, everyone knows it, that you piss yourself and run whenever challenged, and that everyone laughs their asses off when that happens.

You can proceed with the pissing yourself and running now.

It doesn't matter how accurate or not it is. Unlike you fucktards the publishers of the FA aren't trying to lower my quality of life and reducing my individual freedom while raising my taxes to the God of the State to "save" us from your cherished boogeyman
The FA has a record of being as good as a coin flip, and yet we still get these threads each year. Some people never learn.

What kind of coin are you using? They have a far better record than that...something over 80% if memory serves.
The FA has a record of being as good as a coin flip, and yet we still get these threads each year. Some people never learn.
FA has a 82% forecast success rate..(Even NOAA is below 18%). FA uses empirical evidence and cycles for their forecasting. I wonder when NOAA will get a clue and stop using their failed models.

The hairball lies like a damn rug every year...

You beat me to it...I have been reading the FA since the 60's and they do a pretty good job of telling me how much firewood I will run through the fireplace and how much it is going to cost me to keep my animals warm...

I wouldn't depend on NOAA to tell me which pair of socks to set out for tomorrow...
80% s0ns!:2up:

Last year, the FA nailed it on much of the US, much to the chagrin of people in places like Chicago which saw temps so fucking cold, peoples balls were turning blue and falling off while the whole city turned into a giant block of ice. Too, in New York, it was cold from early October into early as the FA ( and JC and Billy btw ) predicted while the warmer asshats were nowhere to be found for months!:abgg2q.jpg:
NOAA was very good in its November forecast for December and January. Then February rolled around, the west went into deep freeze, and the forecast failed.

The lesson is that it's damn hard to predict weather (not climate) 3 months in advance.

FA did worse. It only got the high plains cold right.


OFA pooched it hard, predicteding the whole country would have a warm winter.


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