Fascism comes to America yet again

Far right movements spread around the world in the early 20th century. Americans have flirted with fascist ideology on and off, especially in the early 20th century--then in reaction to a strong progressive streak that dominated American culture. The opposition to democracy, nationalism, anti-immigrant demagoguery, the reliance on lies and propaganda, and authoritarianism are its most persistent features.

The conservative base in America has always had far right components to it, yet they were never able to dominate the US completely, not even in the 1930s before WW2. They were essentially fringe ideas for much of the period since WW2 to the point where they were basically ignored. For most of the past century, any far-right insurgency was almost always contained by the center-right element of the party. But not this time.

Once again we are witnesses to a rise of fascist far-right parties taking over in much of the world. Even though it was clearly the governing ideology of Trump himself, there were significant hurdles from the centrists that stopped his agenda. But those roadblocks were either systematically dismantled or eliminated through excommunication from the party. The near-absolute cover they gave him for his criminality, for his impeachable offenses, and for "the Big Lie" were signs that the party was weakening.

Now, the fascist wing has captured the Republican Party thoroughly. There is no accountability for the far-right members of the party, only those who might question their lies. The center-right Republican Party is now officially dead. It is just the fascists who are left.

God help us all.
Why cant one of you clowns post a single example of right wing fascism? I can produce THOUSANDS of left wing examples.
Sounds exactly like the piece of shit George Floyd that you defended so much.
Failed to adhere to direct legal commands from law enforcement, just like so many criminals
and wastes of skin you defend.
Except no one ever blew Floyd's brains out from point blank range.

And no one threatened to burn down Washington DC to get justice for Ashley Babbitt unlike pricks like you that defended that worthless drug filled career criminal, George Floyd.
You're such a brainless corrupt moron!. How do you stand yourself?
Nothing you stated is factual, so I'm just fine.
Literally everything in that post was factual. You do realize that debating requires a lot more than the pitiful contents of your reply, right? You people arent very good at intellectual debates.
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The fascists' moved into the Capitol on the 6th of January 2021, then they murdered an unarmed female protestor, after which they started erecting fences and brought in more troops than stationed in Afghanistan.

Was it the little American flag she was carrying that frightened them?



Lol, come to my house with a mob chanting my name more than one peice of shit is going to leave in a bag. I guess you are against the second amendment. GFYS
Sounds exactly like the piece of shit George Floyd that you defended so much.
Failed to adhere to direct legal commands from law enforcement, just like so many criminals
and wastes of skin you defend.
Except no one ever blew Floyd's brains out from point blank range.

And no one threatened to burn down Washington DC to get justice for Ashley Babbitt unlike pricks like you that defended that worthless drug filled career criminal, George Floyd.
You're such a brainless corrupt moron!. How do you stand yourself?
Nothing you stated is factual, so I'm just fine.
Literally everything in that post was factual. You do realize that debating requires a lot more than the pitiful contents of your reply, right? You people arent very good at intellectual debates.
We would need intellectuals to debate with for such a thing. Your side has none. As Tucker Carlson and the Kracken stated in their defense all ya got is unreasonable morons.
Sounds exactly like the piece of shit George Floyd that you defended so much.
Failed to adhere to direct legal commands from law enforcement, just like so many criminals
and wastes of skin you defend.
Except no one ever blew Floyd's brains out from point blank range.

And no one threatened to burn down Washington DC to get justice for Ashley Babbitt unlike pricks like you that defended that worthless drug filled career criminal, George Floyd.
You're such a brainless corrupt moron!. How do you stand yourself?
Nothing you stated is factual, so I'm just fine.
Literally everything in that post was factual. You do realize that debating requires a lot more than the pitiful contents of your reply, right? You people arent very good at intellectual debates.
We would need intellectuals to debate with for such a thing. Your side has none. As Tucker Carlson and the Kracken stated in their defense all ya got is unreasonable morons.
For the record, you are now the second person on the left who has failed to produce an argument.
Honesty and history are the two greatest offenses to the Trump right.
Sounds exactly like the piece of shit George Floyd that you defended so much.
Failed to adhere to direct legal commands from law enforcement, just like so many criminals
and wastes of skin you defend.
Except no one ever blew Floyd's brains out from point blank range.

And no one threatened to burn down Washington DC to get justice for Ashley Babbitt unlike pricks like you that defended that worthless drug filled career criminal, George Floyd.
You're such a brainless corrupt moron!. How do you stand yourself?
Nothing you stated is factual, so I'm just fine.
Literally everything in that post was factual. You do realize that debating requires a lot more than the pitiful contents of your reply, right? You people arent very good at intellectual debates.
We would need intellectuals to debate with for such a thing. Your side has none. As Tucker Carlson and the Kracken stated in their defense all ya got is unreasonable morons.
For the record, you are now the second person on the left who has failed to produce an argument.
For the record you are an unreasonable moron. Not going to waste my time in a debate with ya.
Sounds exactly like the piece of shit George Floyd that you defended so much.
Failed to adhere to direct legal commands from law enforcement, just like so many criminals
and wastes of skin you defend.
Except no one ever blew Floyd's brains out from point blank range.

And no one threatened to burn down Washington DC to get justice for Ashley Babbitt unlike pricks like you that defended that worthless drug filled career criminal, George Floyd.
You're such a brainless corrupt moron!. How do you stand yourself?
Nothing you stated is factual, so I'm just fine.
Literally everything in that post was factual. You do realize that debating requires a lot more than the pitiful contents of your reply, right? You people arent very good at intellectual debates.
We would need intellectuals to debate with for such a thing. Your side has none. As Tucker Carlson and the Kracken stated in their defense all ya got is unreasonable morons.
For the record, you are now the second person on the left who has failed to produce an argument.
For the record you are an unreasonable moron. Not going to waste my time in a debate with ya.
You CANT debate with me. You have clearly demonstrated that.
Far right movements spread around the world in the early 20th century. Americans have flirted with fascist ideology on and off, especially in the early 20th century--then in reaction to a strong progressive streak that dominated American culture. The opposition to democracy, nationalism, anti-immigrant demagoguery, the reliance on lies and propaganda, and authoritarianism are its most persistent features.

The conservative base in America has always had far right components to it, yet they were never able to dominate the US completely, not even in the 1930s before WW2. They were essentially fringe ideas for much of the period since WW2 to the point where they were basically ignored. For most of the past century, any far-right insurgency was almost always contained by the center-right element of the party. But not this time.

Once again we are witnesses to a rise of fascist far-right parties taking over in much of the world. Even though it was clearly the governing ideology of Trump himself, there were significant hurdles from the centrists that stopped his agenda. But those roadblocks were either systematically dismantled or eliminated through excommunication from the party. The near-absolute cover they gave him for his criminality, for his impeachable offenses, and for "the Big Lie" were signs that the party was weakening.

Now, the fascist wing has captured the Republican Party thoroughly. There is no accountability for the far-right members of the party, only those who might question their lies. The center-right Republican Party is now officially dead. It is just the fascists who are left.

God help us all.

The closest thing we have to fascism in the US is ANTIFA.
No. The closest thing to fascism is your beloved CIA. Actually they are fascists.
You know nothing of them and they are not fascists they are a bureaucracy and you knpow nothing about them.
I know they’re lying murderers. Killed untold numbers of people including a president. I know your grandpa Dulles is a crook and a traitor who should have been hung.
You do not know that.

You know I have proven you wrong time and time again and I have proven you are an uneducated fool total douchebag.
Oh brother. I've kicked your dumb CIA ass for 11 years now. You think the Warren Commission report is accurate...LMFAO. No one with a brain believes that, expect for Allen Dulles' grandbaby...YOU.
Far right movements spread around the world in the early 20th century. Americans have flirted with fascist ideology on and off, especially in the early 20th century--then in reaction to a strong progressive streak that dominated American culture. The opposition to democracy, nationalism, anti-immigrant demagoguery, the reliance on lies and propaganda, and authoritarianism are its most persistent features.

The conservative base in America has always had far right components to it, yet they were never able to dominate the US completely, not even in the 1930s before WW2. They were essentially fringe ideas for much of the period since WW2 to the point where they were basically ignored. For most of the past century, any far-right insurgency was almost always contained by the center-right element of the party. But not this time.

Once again we are witnesses to a rise of fascist far-right parties taking over in much of the world. Even though it was clearly the governing ideology of Trump himself, there were significant hurdles from the centrists that stopped his agenda. But those roadblocks were either systematically dismantled or eliminated through excommunication from the party. The near-absolute cover they gave him for his criminality, for his impeachable offenses, and for "the Big Lie" were signs that the party was weakening.

Now, the fascist wing has captured the Republican Party thoroughly. There is no accountability for the far-right members of the party, only those who might question their lies. The center-right Republican Party is now officially dead. It is just the fascists who are left.

God help us all.
and yet its the democrat left currently trying to control everything that people do,,,

your outrage is misdirected,,,

That is simply not true, no matter how many times you fools repeat these lies. Running down protestors is now legal in Republican states. Voting while black is becoming illegal.

What you Cultists fail to realize that if you succeed in illegally restoring Donald Trump to the Oval Office using voter suppression, and white supremacy, the rest of the world will turn it's back on you. You'll be like Russia, and the Apartheid State of South Africa: Isolated, sanctioned, your economy in tatters.

The rest of the world rejected white supremacy in 1945. It's time for the Republican Party to do the same.
Far right movements spread around the world in the early 20th century. Americans have flirted with fascist ideology on and off, especially in the early 20th century--then in reaction to a strong progressive streak that dominated American culture. The opposition to democracy, nationalism, anti-immigrant demagoguery, the reliance on lies and propaganda, and authoritarianism are its most persistent features.

The conservative base in America has always had far right components to it, yet they were never able to dominate the US completely, not even in the 1930s before WW2. They were essentially fringe ideas for much of the period since WW2 to the point where they were basically ignored. For most of the past century, any far-right insurgency was almost always contained by the center-right element of the party. But not this time.

Once again we are witnesses to a rise of fascist far-right parties taking over in much of the world. Even though it was clearly the governing ideology of Trump himself, there were significant hurdles from the centrists that stopped his agenda. But those roadblocks were either systematically dismantled or eliminated through excommunication from the party. The near-absolute cover they gave him for his criminality, for his impeachable offenses, and for "the Big Lie" were signs that the party was weakening.

Now, the fascist wing has captured the Republican Party thoroughly. There is no accountability for the far-right members of the party, only those who might question their lies. The center-right Republican Party is now officially dead. It is just the fascists who are left.

God help us all.

The closest thing we have to fascism in the US is ANTIFA.
No. The closest thing to fascism is your beloved CIA. Actually they are fascists.
You know nothing of them and they are not fascists they are a bureaucracy and you knpow nothing about them.
I know they’re lying murderers. Killed untold numbers of people including a president. I know your grandpa Dulles is a crook and a traitor who should have been hung.
You do not know that.

You know I have proven you wrong time and time again and I have proven you are an uneducated fool total douchebag.
Oh brother. I've kicked your dumb CIA ass for 11 years now. You think the Warren Commission report is accurate...LMFAO. No one with a brain believes that, expect for Allen Dulles' grandbaby...YOU.

I proved you wrong and liar on that issue every time and you know it.
Far right movements spread around the world in the early 20th century. Americans have flirted with fascist ideology on and off, especially in the early 20th century--then in reaction to a strong progressive streak that dominated American culture. The opposition to democracy, nationalism, anti-immigrant demagoguery, the reliance on lies and propaganda, and authoritarianism are its most persistent features.

The conservative base in America has always had far right components to it, yet they were never able to dominate the US completely, not even in the 1930s before WW2. They were essentially fringe ideas for much of the period since WW2 to the point where they were basically ignored. For most of the past century, any far-right insurgency was almost always contained by the center-right element of the party. But not this time.

Once again we are witnesses to a rise of fascist far-right parties taking over in much of the world. Even though it was clearly the governing ideology of Trump himself, there were significant hurdles from the centrists that stopped his agenda. But those roadblocks were either systematically dismantled or eliminated through excommunication from the party. The near-absolute cover they gave him for his criminality, for his impeachable offenses, and for "the Big Lie" were signs that the party was weakening.

Now, the fascist wing has captured the Republican Party thoroughly. There is no accountability for the far-right members of the party, only those who might question their lies. The center-right Republican Party is now officially dead. It is just the fascists who are left.

God help us all.

The closest thing we have to fascism in the US is ANTIFA.
No. The closest thing to fascism is your beloved CIA. Actually they are fascists.
You know nothing of them and they are not fascists they are a bureaucracy and you knpow nothing about them.
I know they’re lying murderers. Killed untold numbers of people including a president. I know your grandpa Dulles is a crook and a traitor who should have been hung.
You do not know that.

You know I have proven you wrong time and time again and I have proven you are an uneducated fool total douchebag.
Oh brother. I've kicked your dumb CIA ass for 11 years now. You think the Warren Commission report is accurate...LMFAO. No one with a brain believes that, expect for Allen Dulles' grandbaby...YOU.
You know you are lyng little boy.

Every one especially you KNOWS I have consistently OWNED your worthless ass and proven you are a stupid little liar.

The WCR was correct and you have never chalenged that fact with any evidence.

TYoi are so fucling ignorand and stupid and childish you never read it and have no idea what it says

You are always my bitch

Where are you referencing the topic at hand Nazi???? Other than insulting posters who have posted actual facts supported by links to the topic at hand, what have you done other than try to shut down the opposing view.

Where is your contention that fascism hasn't come to America? You do know that "anti-fa", is short for "anti-fascism" do you not? How can an organization whose sole purpose is to oppose the forces of fascism, be "fascist"?

The Trump Cult keeps trying to suck and blow at the same time. And failing miserably at it.
Sounds exactly like the piece of shit George Floyd that you defended so much.
Failed to adhere to direct legal commands from law enforcement, just like so many criminals
and wastes of skin you defend.
Except no one ever blew Floyd's brains out from point blank range.

And no one threatened to burn down Washington DC to get justice for Ashley Babbitt unlike pricks like you that defended that worthless drug filled career criminal, George Floyd.
You're such a brainless corrupt moron!. How do you stand yourself?
Nothing you stated is factual, so I'm just fine.
Everything I said is a matter of clear fact. And none of that directs attention away from your
amazing hypocrisy.
You are glad Babbitt was murdered, supposedly because she ignored
police commands. But if some black hoodlum is killed for the same reason, ignores police
orders during the commission of a crime (like Michael Brown), your racist crocodile tears
get unleashed.

Of all the a-holes, liars, phonies, mental cases here you might be the worst...by a lot.
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Far right movements spread around the world in the early 20th century. Americans have flirted with fascist ideology on and off, especially in the early 20th century--then in reaction to a strong progressive streak that dominated American culture. The opposition to democracy, nationalism, anti-immigrant demagoguery, the reliance on lies and propaganda, and authoritarianism are its most persistent features.

The conservative base in America has always had far right components to it, yet they were never able to dominate the US completely, not even in the 1930s before WW2. They were essentially fringe ideas for much of the period since WW2 to the point where they were basically ignored. For most of the past century, any far-right insurgency was almost always contained by the center-right element of the party. But not this time.

Once again we are witnesses to a rise of fascist far-right parties taking over in much of the world. Even though it was clearly the governing ideology of Trump himself, there were significant hurdles from the centrists that stopped his agenda. But those roadblocks were either systematically dismantled or eliminated through excommunication from the party. The near-absolute cover they gave him for his criminality, for his impeachable offenses, and for "the Big Lie" were signs that the party was weakening.

Now, the fascist wing has captured the Republican Party thoroughly. There is no accountability for the far-right members of the party, only those who might question their lies. The center-right Republican Party is now officially dead. It is just the fascists who are left.

God help us all.
and yet its the democrat left currently trying to control everything that people do,,,

your outrage is misdirected,,,

That is simply not true, no matter how many times you fools repeat these lies. Running down protestors is now legal in Republican states. Voting while black is becoming illegal.

What you Cultists fail to realize that if you succeed in illegally restoring Donald Trump to the Oval Office using voter suppression, and white supremacy, the rest of the world will turn it's back on you. You'll be like Russia, and the Apartheid State of South Africa: Isolated, sanctioned, your economy in tatters.

The rest of the world rejected white supremacy in 1945. It's time for the Republican Party to do the same.
another time you should have shut up instead of talking,,,
Everything I said is a matter of clear fact. And none of that directs attention away from your
amazing hypocrisy.
You are glad Babbitt was murdered, supposedly because she ignored
police commands. But if some black hoodlum is killed for the same reason, ignores police
orders during the commission of a crime (like Michael Brown), your racist crocodile tears
get unleashed.

Of all the a-holes, liars, phonies, mental cases here you might be the worst...by a lot.
I welcome your hatred bastard.
Sounds exactly like the piece of shit George Floyd that you defended so much.
Failed to adhere to direct legal commands from law enforcement, just like so many criminals
and wastes of skin you defend.
Except no one ever blew Floyd's brains out from point blank range.

And no one threatened to burn down Washington DC to get justice for Ashley Babbitt unlike pricks like you that defended that worthless drug filled career criminal, George Floyd.
You're such a brainless corrupt moron!. How do you stand yourself?
Nothing you stated is factual, so I'm just fine.
Everything I said is a matter of clear fact. And none of that directs attention away from your
amazing hypocrisy.
You are glad Babbitt was murdered, supposedly because she ignored
police commands. But if some black hoodlum is killed for the same reason, ignores police
orders during the commission of a crime (like Michael Brown), your racist crocodile tears
get unleashed.

Of all the a-holes, liars, phonies, mental cases here you might be the worst...by a lot.

Ashli Babbit was attacking the police in an armed insurrection. Police warned her to stop and she pushed ahead of everyone else. Her death saved lives. When she was shot, the crowd ceased surging forward, giving security details time to get the House members and their staffers out of the Chamber.

Had capital security officers not shot Babbit, and had the Chamber been breached with members and staffers still in it, the potential loss of life would have been much, much greater, on all sides. Ashli Babbit believed her white privilege protected her as she knowingly participated in these crimes.

Michael Brown stole a chocolate bar.
Sounds exactly like the piece of shit George Floyd that you defended so much.
Failed to adhere to direct legal commands from law enforcement, just like so many criminals
and wastes of skin you defend.
Except no one ever blew Floyd's brains out from point blank range.

And no one threatened to burn down Washington DC to get justice for Ashley Babbitt unlike pricks like you that defended that worthless drug filled career criminal, George Floyd.
You're such a brainless corrupt moron!. How do you stand yourself?
Nothing you stated is factual, so I'm just fine.
Everything I said is a matter of clear fact. And none of that directs attention away from your
amazing hypocrisy.
You are glad Babbitt was murdered, supposedly because she ignored
police commands. But if some black hoodlum is killed for the same reason, ignores police
orders during the commission of a crime (like Michael Brown), your racist crocodile tears
get unleashed.

Of all the a-holes, liars, phonies, mental cases here you might be the worst...by a lot.
I cant understand why this is a big problem for you people. Ashli Babbets insurrection was an assault on America not just on a few politicians. You try and equate it with riots against injustice and it just doesnt fit.
Destroying a Starbucks is an assault on Starbucks and is a pain for Starbucks.
Destroying the Capitol is an assault on everybody. She was an archetypal fascist, using force to by pass legal means to get her way. Everyone else can fuck off.
She failed to adhere to a direct legal command from a law enforcement officer. Multiple times. It was a good shoot.

We'll remember that the next time an unarmed suspect fails to submit to a direct legal command of a law enforcement officer.
That will certainly take care a few problems.

It's a demonstration! You just happen to hate who the demonstration was on behalf of.
Admittedly a small percentage of the demonstrators (provocateurs) went rogue and turned things
disorderly but loose talk of "insurrections" has been hyperbolic and strongly exaggerates things.

If BLM goes into the streets blocking traffic and pointing assault rifles at passers by (as they recently have)
I don't hear the people you folks don't flip your lid or call for crackdowns on BLM (who can do no wrong
in the opinion of many).

The double standard is strong. https://www.kgw.com/article/news/lo...ster/283-3704a586-d03b-4991-9701-c29744fa2dbd
In Portland, of course so it's expected. But who is talking about this?
It's almost a non event.

We'll remember that the next time an unarmed suspect fails to submit to a direct legal command of a law enforcement officer.
That will certainly take care a few problems we have been having in the country lately.

"We" who? Don't you rabid rightwinger always already say that whenever an unarmed black person not posing any threat to police gets gunned down in cold blood by the bastards? What's new?

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