Fascism will come disguised as Liberalism

Fascism will come disguised as Liberalism

“If fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism” Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan was prophetic in this interview

God bless the great Ronald Reagan Maximus, a real American to quote a thread I just posted in.

I miss the Gipper. Here is a little better version of the video:

They're not even bothering to disguise it any longer
Fascism will come disguised as Liberalism

“If fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism” Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan was prophetic in this interview

God bless the great Ronald Reagan Maximus, a real American to quote a thread I just posted in.

I miss the Gipper. Here is a little better version of the video:


Fascism is already here – and it's openly conservative.
Fascism will come disguised as Liberalism

“If fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism” Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan was prophetic in this interview

God bless the great Ronald Reagan Maximus, a real American to quote a thread I just posted in.

I miss the Gipper. Here is a little better version of the video:

You're obviously getting nervous, arent you traitor? You in one of those pics on the fbi website from Jan 6th that they are still looking for?
You're obviously getting nervous, arent you traitor?

Fuck off you punkass bitch. First of all you Nazis are going to lose the House and the Senate in November.

Second of all, drooling punk bitch cowards like you don't make me nervous.

Now go eat some more dicks
Thanks to the decades of dumbing down the education system, most Americans don't know the definition of fascism. "Fascist" is just a word you shout at Police Officers when you are busted for smoking dope. Real fascism is government control over the manufacture and distribution of goods and services. Thanks to Covid, the democrat majority in the government and the liberal media we have that now.
Besides that, the core element of fascism is the demand for absolute conformity. The symbolism of fascism, the fasces, depicts a bundle of sticks wound together tightly and bearing a blade. The sticks represent a group of people where no dissent is allowed, and the blade represents the political power this wields.

Cancel culture, maskholes, forced injections -- these all fit the bill to a tee.
Resolved: Fascism will come disguised as Liberalism
and Fascism DID come disguised as Liberalism

Fascism will come disguised as Liberalism

“If fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism” Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan was prophetic in this interview

God bless the great Ronald Reagan Maximus, a real American to quote a thread I just posted in.

I miss the Gipper. Here is a little better version of the video:

Actually, fascism vs. communism is often wrongly portrayed as extreme right vs, extreme left. hat too is a false narrative. The only difference between fascism and communism is a layer of nationalism that goes with fascism, plus some shell games with who actually owns major industries.

It's really all about the degree to which people are allowed to control their own lives. Both communism and fascism represent extreme governmental control.

Instead of thinking left and right, people should be thinking up and down -- the axis being that of libertarian vs authoritarian.
Fuck off you punkass bitch. First of all you Nazis are going to lose the House and the Senate in November.

Second of all, drooling punk bitch cowards like you don't make me nervous.

Now go eat some more dicks
You cant even keep your name calling straight, fuck head. How do you think you'll ever defeat people superior to you, you dumb fuck?

It's really all about the degree to which people are allowed to control their own lives. Both communism and fascism represent extreme governmental control.

Instead of thinking left and right, people should be thinking up and down -- the axis being that of libertarian vs authoritarian.
Or Authoritarian vs Anarchy, anarchy being the ultimate opposite of Authoritarianism right?


Definition of fascism

often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

Do you believe that liberal democracy is obsolete?

Definition of fascism

often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

Do you believe that liberal democracy is obsolete?
Let's see here - the Bden administration rules by executive decree, makes race the sole arbiter for hiring peiple and works hand in hand with big tech and big pharma. It uses terrorist groups like ANTIFA and BLM as its brownshirts to destroy small business and big tech and cancel culture to silence opposition.

Thank you for this post that ullustrates left wing fascism like it does.
Let's see here - the Bden administration rules by executive decree, makes race the sole arbiter for hiring peiple and works hand in hand with big tech and big pharma. It uses terrorist groups like ANTIFA and BLM as its brownshirts to destroy small business and big tech and cancel culture to silence opposition.

Thank you for this post that ullustrates left wing fascism like it does.
Sure, sure so republic presidents never signed executive orders? Little trumpie...

President Biden uses BLM? Fucking little snowflake.

Say doesn't #deathsantis want a special police force under his control?

Is Liz Cheney.....
Let's see here - the Bden administration rules by executive decree, makes race the sole arbiter for hiring peiple and works hand in hand with big tech and big pharma. It uses terrorist groups like ANTIFA and BLM as its brownshirts to destroy small business and big tech and cancel culture to silence opposition.

Thank you for this post that ullustrates left wing fascism like it does.

You are talking to a brainwashed bot. Facts will do no good.
Sure, sure so republic presidents never signed executive orders? Little trumpie...

You post like a child and act like a child. Try addressing the facts for a change.

There is a difference between acceptable EO's and unacceptable ones.

And now, the topic:


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