How can we all do our part to stop this madness?

Hardly. Why is there nothing about what he has done since high school? It was lefty scum who said put a bullseye on Trump. Sounds like this kid listened. That was just recently. Stay in the now.
Everything we know about this kids is exactly as I layed out. I cant help it that you are hoping to find some antifa flag somewhere. This kid was a regular white school shooter from a conservative gun loving family. My deepest sympathies.
Everything we know about this kids is exactly as I layed out. I cant help it that you are hoping to find some antifa flag somewhere. This kid was a regular white school shooter from a conservative gun loving family. My deepest sympathies.

Upon learning about the assassination attempt on former President Trump, I turned on the television and saw what had happened. It makes me sick and I still feel like throwing up as of right now. From my perspective, this entire country needs to look inward and repent. The rhetoric needs to come down, at least several notches. After all, terms like fascism and dictator are used much too loosely, without folks understanding what those words really mean. No matter how one feels about Trump, no one can possibly enjoy seeing him nearly killed. If one does actually wish ill will on him, one is toxic and deranged - is an Un-American part of the problem, to say the very least. This situation is an opportunity for us all to do the right thing by renouncing and condemning political violence. Donald J Trump is most certainly going to win the election, in my opinion. Let’s do the honorable thing and at least respect the Office. Feeling a little bit better, now that I have posted this. Thanks.
Talk about and attack the policies, not the person.
I missed what?
Philippians 2:5. It’s all in the Bible.

“In your lives, you must think and act like Christ Jesus.” (NCV)

I, for one, have failed at that. Going forward, I intend to honor God, by obeying every “Must” and commandment there is.

I have answered my own OP. Feeling an intense love for humanity, this forum and future President Trump today. Just had to share all that. Thanks.
The important thing is to cut through the right wing lies.

The shooter was a right wing gun nut, radicalized by the right. Only the right needs to be issuing a groveling apology to the USA. Not just for creating the violence, but for lying about it now. I'll bare my ass for the Trump cultists to stoop down and kiss, if they need a symbolic representative of a normal patriotic American. That will be a good start, but they need to follow it up with counseling, to discover where they went so wrong, when they decided to be such awful people who perversely get off on violence.

Almost all political violence comes from the right. Anyone saying otherwise is lying because they love the right-wing violence. The reason they excuse their violence is because they want to see so much more of it.

And no, it's not debatable that the right is responsible for almost all the violence. Not by any honest person.

Ideology behind 18 fatal political attacks identified by Reuters since the Capitol riot
Right wing - 13
Not partisan - 4
Left wing - 1
And as I will point out, Oklahama Citty. 168 dead, including many children, at the hands of the right. The body count of the left isn't even visible when commpared to the giant stack of corpses left by right-wing political violence. Not surprisingly, the righties here all pretend that their most glorious terrorist attack never happened.

And yes, I know some of the righties here want me dead for telling the truth like I do. I'm okay with that.
The important thing is to cut through the right wing lies.

The shooter was a right wing gun nut, radicalized by the right. Only the right needs to be issuing a groveling apology to the USA. Not just for creating the violence, but for lying about it now. I'll bare my ass for the Trump cultists to stoop down and kiss, if they need a symbolic representative of a normal patriotic American. That will be a good start, but they need to follow it up with counseling, to discover where they went so wrong, when they decided to be such awful people who perversely get off on violence.

Almost all political violence comes from the right. Anyone saying otherwise is lying because they love the right-wing violence. The reason they excuse their violence is because they want to see so much more of it.

And no, it's not debatable that the right is responsible for almost all the violence. Not by any honest person.

Ideology behind 18 fatal political attacks identified by Reuters since the Capitol riot
Right wing - 13
Not partisan - 4
Left wing - 1
And as I will point out, Oklahama Citty. 168 dead, including many children, at the hands of the right. The body count of the left isn't even visible when commpared to the giant stack of corpses left by right-wing political violence. Not surprisingly, the righties here all pretend that their most glorious terrorist attack never happened.

And yes, I know some of the righties here want me dead for telling the truth like I do. I'm okay with that.
We are accepting apologies for the incendiary ignorant comments you have made in this forum. MAGA

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