Fast food companies cost the US taxpayer

Is there ANYTHING the left/liberals don't bitch about in this country?

they just CAN'T keep their noses out of other peoples lives

fur, fast food, guns, but don't talk banning ABORTIONS, in their warped minds abortions don't cost us anything...what's a few dead babies being flushed

Irony much?
Is there ANYTHING the left/liberals don't bitch about in this country?

they just CAN'T keep their noses out of other peoples lives

fur, fast food, guns, but don't talk banning ABORTIONS, in their warped minds abortions don't cost us anything...what's a few dead babies being flushed

Irony much?

you're on top of things
Is there ANYTHING the left/liberals don't bitch about in this country?

they just CAN'T keep their noses out of other peoples lives

fur, fast food, guns, but don't talk banning ABORTIONS, in their warped minds abortions don't cost us anything...what's a few dead babies being flushed

Irony much?

you're on top of things

I just have to laugh (or cry) when liberals and conservatives accuse each other of sticking their noses in other peoples lives. You'all are two sides of the same coin.
you're on top of things

I just have to laugh (or cry) when liberals and conservatives accuse each other of sticking their noses in other peoples lives. You'all are two sides of the same coin.

laugh away if it blows your skirt up

you evidently are someone special

If you say so. I don't see anything special about minding my own business. It's just sad that so many Democrats and Republicans can't see the value in it.
Nobody is forcing the proverbial taxpayer to pick-up the fast food companies' slack. Are they? And hint; you support the party who is all about subsidies. If you're going to believe in them at least be consistent.

Of course you are "forced" to pay your taxes.
WE the taxpayers supplement the expenses of the FAST FOOD JOINTS so they can more easily and cheaply kill us with their shit food.

America lost its way a long long time ago.

And, read this thread. The rw's are in favor of being forced to subsidize these businesses.
Dudley, if you don't like what you're making at McDonald's then get a real job, assuming you're even qualified to do anything other than flip burgers for a living, which is in question.

Exactly why should I get a "real" job?

Don't hem and haw.

Just answer the question.
Fast food chains should simply stop hiring people who are family wage earners and go back to the successful model of part time students, second income earners and retirees looking for supplemental income.

Fast food jobs were never supposed to be careers, and those who did make it their careers advanced to management and above.
Gosh, it's so hard to keep a roof over our heads, food on the table, clothe ourselves, pimp out the ride, pay the cable and cell phone bills, and keep up with the latest in body art and whatnot on burger-flipping wages these days. It's just not fair.
It's a free country, and that allows one the choice to pick and choose where to work. One knows the wages prior to accepting the job. Unlike Communism where often you have no choice, the government dictates what you will do for a living.
Fast-Food Chains Costing Taxpayers the Most Money - 24/7 Wall St.

....According to the National Employment Law Project’s (NELP) newest report, because the fast-food industry pays its workers less than a living wage, U.S. taxpayers must foot the bill in the form of the public assistance programs these workers must use to get by. McDonald’s alone, according to the group, cost taxpayers $1.2 billion last year. Based on NELP’s estimates, 24/7 Wall St. reviewed the annual costs of providing public assistance to low wage employees working at the seven largest publicly traded fast-food companies.

“What this report shows,” explained NELP policy analyst Jack Temple, “is that whether or not you work in the fast-food industry or eat fast-food, the industry is costing you. The low wage business model that this industry is based on drains resources from the economy by forcing low-pay workers to rely on public assistance in order to make ends meet.”

Read more: Fast-Food Chains Costing Taxpayers the Most Money - 24/7 Wall St. Fast-Food Chains Costing Taxpayers the Most Money - 24/7 Wall St.
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The list is on page two but its nothing we all don't already know.

What is truly sad about this is that if Americans stood together and refused to subsidize these companies, they would be paying a living wage over night. All it would take is a real boycott and welfare rolls would shrink.

Instead, my bet is that certain people will read this list and decide to frequent these companies more often. I believe the right hates this country so much, they will do whatever they can to cause more harm. That's what we've been seeing for a long time now and I don't see it ending any time soon.

And, its a double whammy because eating the shit these places serve directly contributes to the very diseases so many Americans fight every day.

How about you stop stealing the jobs of American teenagers and retired people?
Kids can no longer make money in the summer mowing grass. What do you want to take away from them next?
WE the taxpayers supplement the expenses of the FAST FOOD JOINTS so they can more easily and cheaply kill us with their shit food.

America lost its way a long long time ago.

No one is forcing you or anyone else to eat that shit are they?
Fast-Food Chains Costing Taxpayers the Most Money - 24/7 Wall St.

The list is on page two but its nothing we all don't already know.

What is truly sad about this is that if Americans stood together and refused to subsidize these companies, they would be paying a living wage over night. All it would take is a real boycott and welfare rolls would shrink.

Instead, my bet is that certain people will read this list and decide to frequent these companies more often. I believe the right hates this country so much, they will do whatever they can to cause more harm. That's what we've been seeing for a long time now and I don't see it ending any time soon.

And, its a double whammy because eating the shit these places serve directly contributes to the very diseases so many Americans fight every day.

We keep rehashing this nonsense and it never seems to sink in with you progressives that entry level fast food jobs were never intended to be work that you would be paid a "living wage" (whatever THAT is!) to do. It's an entry level job! It's a bridge that leads to another job that will pay more money. If you idiots ever DO pass this ridiculous legislation that you keep proposing then what you will do is take away entry level jobs for the people who need them the most...the young and the untrained.

I disagree. This is but a conservative talking point that sounds oh so good, but is not really true. Any job that you perform 40 hours a week should offer a living wage. If it doesn't; then there is something wrong with the system. And I can show you a million things wrong with the system and its all caused by government and corrupt corporations.

It's statements like this that make it impossible to argue with a liberal.
I mean seriously. How do you get to the heart of the problem when you have a stupid obstacle of this magnitude to start with?
Fast-Food Chains Costing Taxpayers the Most Money - 24/7 Wall St.

....According to the National Employment Law Project’s (NELP) newest report, because the fast-food industry pays its workers less than a living wage, U.S. taxpayers must foot the bill in the form of the public assistance programs these workers must use to get by. McDonald’s alone, according to the group, cost taxpayers $1.2 billion last year. Based on NELP’s estimates, 24/7 Wall St. reviewed the annual costs of providing public assistance to low wage employees working at the seven largest publicly traded fast-food companies.

“What this report shows,” explained NELP policy analyst Jack Temple, “is that whether or not you work in the fast-food industry or eat fast-food, the industry is costing you. The low wage business model that this industry is based on drains resources from the economy by forcing low-pay workers to rely on public assistance in order to make ends meet.”

Read more: Fast-Food Chains Costing Taxpayers the Most Money - 24/7 Wall St. Fast-Food Chains Costing Taxpayers the Most Money - 24/7 Wall St.
Follow us: @247wallst on Twitter | 247wallst on Facebook

The list is on page two but its nothing we all don't already know.

What is truly sad about this is that if Americans stood together and refused to subsidize these companies, they would be paying a living wage over night. All it would take is a real boycott and welfare rolls would shrink.

Instead, my bet is that certain people will read this list and decide to frequent these companies more often. I believe the right hates this country so much, they will do whatever they can to cause more harm. That's what we've been seeing for a long time now and I don't see it ending any time soon.

And, its a double whammy because eating the shit these places serve directly contributes to the very diseases so many Americans fight every day.

How about you stop stealing the jobs of American teenagers and retired people?
Kids can no longer make money in the summer mowing grass. What do you want to take away from them next?

One of you says I should get a "real" job and now another one says I'm taking jobs away from teens and retired people.

Obviously, neither of you has the slightest clue.


Its idiotic to say that fat food jobs are meant to be "entry level" or meant for "teenagers and retired people". Try as you might there is simply no excuse, no reason why tax payers should be forced to subsidize huge corporations.
Fast-Food Chains Costing Taxpayers the Most Money - 24/7 Wall St.

The list is on page two but its nothing we all don't already know.

What is truly sad about this is that if Americans stood together and refused to subsidize these companies, they would be paying a living wage over night. All it would take is a real boycott and welfare rolls would shrink.

Instead, my bet is that certain people will read this list and decide to frequent these companies more often. I believe the right hates this country so much, they will do whatever they can to cause more harm. That's what we've been seeing for a long time now and I don't see it ending any time soon.

And, its a double whammy because eating the shit these places serve directly contributes to the very diseases so many Americans fight every day.

We keep rehashing this nonsense and it never seems to sink in with you progressives that entry level fast food jobs were never intended to be work that you would be paid a "living wage" (whatever THAT is!) to do. It's an entry level job! It's a bridge that leads to another job that will pay more money. If you idiots ever DO pass this ridiculous legislation that you keep proposing then what you will do is take away entry level jobs for the people who need them the most...the young and the untrained.

I disagree. This is but a conservative talking point that sounds oh so good, but is not really true. Any job that you perform 40 hours a week should offer a living wage. If it doesn't; then there is something wrong with the system. And I can show you a million things wrong with the system and its all caused by government and corrupt corporations.

First of all, let's define what a "living wage" would be? Should it be enough to raise a family of four on? Or should it be enough for a teen living at home to save some money for college, a first car or a burger and a movie on date night?

Then kindly explain how it is that your awarding this "living wage" to the untrained and entry level employees won't cause wages for all the other employees who ARE trained, to go up a corresponding amount?
Fast-Food Chains Costing Taxpayers the Most Money - 24/7 Wall St.

The list is on page two but its nothing we all don't already know.

What is truly sad about this is that if Americans stood together and refused to subsidize these companies, they would be paying a living wage over night. All it would take is a real boycott and welfare rolls would shrink.

Instead, my bet is that certain people will read this list and decide to frequent these companies more often. I believe the right hates this country so much, they will do whatever they can to cause more harm. That's what we've been seeing for a long time now and I don't see it ending any time soon.

And, its a double whammy because eating the shit these places serve directly contributes to the very diseases so many Americans fight every day.

How about you stop stealing the jobs of American teenagers and retired people?
Kids can no longer make money in the summer mowing grass. What do you want to take away from them next?

One of you says I should get a "real" job and now another one says I'm taking jobs away from teens and retired people.

Obviously, neither of you has the slightest clue.


Its idiotic to say that fat food jobs are meant to be "entry level" or meant for "teenagers and retired people". Try as you might there is simply no excuse, no reason why tax payers should be forced to subsidize huge corporations.

Back to that "stupid obstacle" again.......
Both of those statements are telling you to get a better job.
And the fact that you are taking jobs from sixteen and sixty year olds should tell you something about your life and the direction it's going.
How about you stop stealing the jobs of American teenagers and retired people?
Kids can no longer make money in the summer mowing grass. What do you want to take away from them next?

One of you says I should get a "real" job and now another one says I'm taking jobs away from teens and retired people.

Obviously, neither of you has the slightest clue.


Its idiotic to say that fat food jobs are meant to be "entry level" or meant for "teenagers and retired people". Try as you might there is simply no excuse, no reason why tax payers should be forced to subsidize huge corporations.

Back to that "stupid obstacle" again.......
Both of those statements are telling you to get a better job.
And the fact that you are taking jobs from sixteen and sixty year olds should tell you something about your life and the direction it's going.


I started working at 13, was homeless at 16, am now 67, retired and very well off. Nonetheless, I now have a very profitable job, selling at Amazon and Ebay.


Toldja you didn't have a clue.

Now, what about the topic?

I wrote ,

Its idiotic to say that fat food jobs are meant to be "entry level" or meant for "teenagers and retired people". Try as you might there is simply no excuse, no reason why tax payers should be forced to subsidize huge corporations.

That is my opinion. You can agree or not.

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