fat lushbo: Don't blame me

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Rush Limbaugh: Don?t blame me for WABC?s declining*ad sales* - NY Daily News

Rush Limbaugh people are saying it’s not El Rushbo’s fault that ad sales have fallen at his flagship WABC — and he made it clear this weekend if the network’s boss keeps declaring it is, he just may pack up his megadittoes and leave.

In New York, that would very likely take him to WOR, which would create the biggest shakeup in city talk radio since WOR scooped up Bob Grant after WABC fired him in 1995.

Limbaugh’s contract with WABC expires at the end of the year.

Read more: Rush Limbaugh: Don?t blame me for WABC?s declining*ad sales* - NY Daily News

Typical of no-balls lush, whining in advance so when they fire him, he can say he quit.

WTH, it worked for $arah and Baby Huey Beck. Lots of dupes fell for it so its pretty likely the same fools will fall for it again.

Y'all better send him a check. :cuckoo:
Nothing lasts forever.
People are changing their listening habits.
There are so many choices out there.
Satellite radio,smart phones what have you.
It's not his fault. WABC has multiple commodities. Rush's show is not beholden to any station. If he can get more money somewhere else he will.
It's not his fault. WABC has multiple commodities. Rush's show is not beholden to any station. If he can get more money somewhere else he will.

That's not how it works and it's not what they're saying.

WABC (or any station) carries Limblob (or any show) as a draw to sell ads. The more ears they can draw, the more they can charge for ads, and hence the more money they make.
WABC's complaint here is that Lush's draw is declining, hence they can't make the money they used to.

>> Most talk-radio programs offer radio stations this deal: we’ll give you three hours of content for free. (Some programs—cough, Glenn, cough, Beck—have actually offered to pay radio stations to accept their content.) Those three hours will include 54 minutes of ad time. That ad time is split between the radio station and the show: each gets 27 minutes to sell.

In this world, Limbaugh is unique. He actually charges radio stations for his content: up to $1 million a year in a major market. Plus, he charges the highest ad rates in the business. Those two revenue streams—multiplied by more radio outlets than anybody else in the industry has—have made Limbaugh a very rich man. But those revenue streams always depended on Limbaugh upholding his end of the bargain: delivering the audiences. And on that count, Limbaugh has been notably failing.
<< -- David Frum

The more listeners Lush Rimjob can deliver, the higher the ad revenue. That's why he lives on inflammatory ad hominem and half-baked myths and fearmongering; because they sell to the paranoid and the misogynistic and the intellectually lazy.

It's not WABC's job to deliver those listeners; it's Limblob's. What they're saying is he's not delivering.

And it's also demographics. From the same article:
>> That imperative explains why Limbaugh kept talking about Sandra Fluke for so long. He was boosting his TSL to compensate for his dwindling market share. Few things boost TSL like getting the old folks agitated over how much sexy sex these shameless young hussies are having nowadays. (And make no mistake: Limbaugh&#8217;s audience is very old. One station manager quipped to me, &#8220;The median age of Limbaugh&#8217;s audience? Deceased.&#8221;) << (ibid)
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This sounds like NBC blaming Jay Leno for it's 5th place ratings.

-- and your point is...?

The "talent" (that's the jargon, not a judgement) is supposed to draw audience. That's how broadcasting works. That's how any show business works. Jay Leno, Lush Rimjob, or whoever-- that's your draw. If it's not drawing, you're losing. And that's when you make changes. Not rocket surgery.

How does it work on your planet?
This sounds like NBC blaming Jay Leno for it's 5th place ratings.

-- and your point is...?

The "talent" (that's the jargon, not a judgement) is supposed to draw audience. That's how broadcasting works. That's how any show business works. Jay Leno, Lush Rimjob, or whoever-- that's your draw. If it's not drawing, you're losing. And that's when you make changes. Not rocket surgery.

How does it work on your planet?

Liberals make their changes when ratings are high, not when they are low.
This sounds like NBC blaming Jay Leno for it's 5th place ratings.

-- and your point is...?

The "talent" (that's the jargon, not a judgement) is supposed to draw audience. That's how broadcasting works. That's how any show business works. Jay Leno, Lush Rimjob, or whoever-- that's your draw. If it's not drawing, you're losing. And that's when you make changes. Not rocket surgery.

How does it work on your planet?

Liberals make their changes when ratings are high, not when they are low.

That's how it is in your world huh? Must be a weird place. Here, they do the opposite. Otherwise they'd be throwing money away.

You might run that tip back to your planet. It could really turn things around. But then here these things are driven by money, and the idea of a 30 billion dollar megacorporation making changes against its own interests would be absurd.
-- and your point is...?

The "talent" (that's the jargon, not a judgement) is supposed to draw audience. That's how broadcasting works. That's how any show business works. Jay Leno, Lush Rimjob, or whoever-- that's your draw. If it's not drawing, you're losing. And that's when you make changes. Not rocket surgery.

How does it work on your planet?

Liberals make their changes when ratings are high, not when they are low.

That's how it is in your world huh? Must be a weird place. Here, they do the opposite. Otherwise they'd be throwing money away.

You might run that tip back to your planet. It could really turn things around. But then here these things are driven by money, and the idea of a 30 billion dollar megacorporation making changes against its own interests would be absurd.

They aren't making changes against their own interests. They are merely assigning blame for their failure.

Rush Limbaugh continues to be the highest rated show in radio. Jay Leno continues to be the highest rated late night talk show. The stations that carry these shows have a general decline in listenership and viewership. These stations are blaming their highest rated shows for the decline.
This sounds like NBC blaming Jay Leno for it's 5th place ratings.

-- and your point is...?

The "talent" (that's the jargon, not a judgement) is supposed to draw audience. That's how broadcasting works. That's how any show business works. Jay Leno, Lush Rimjob, or whoever-- that's your draw. If it's not drawing, you're losing. And that's when you make changes. Not rocket surgery.

How does it work on your planet?

So. who are they going to put in that spot? If Liberals could draw the ears of the Becks, Hannitys and Limbaughs, Norm Coleman would still be in the Senate, Al Franken would be a very rich radio personality and Air America would be broadcasting its tripe on 700 AM radio stations.
Liberals make their changes when ratings are high, not when they are low.

That's how it is in your world huh? Must be a weird place. Here, they do the opposite. Otherwise they'd be throwing money away.

You might run that tip back to your planet. It could really turn things around. But then here these things are driven by money, and the idea of a 30 billion dollar megacorporation making changes against its own interests would be absurd.

They aren't making changes against their own interests. They are merely assigning blame for their failure.

Rush Limbaugh continues to be the highest rated show in radio. Jay Leno continues to be the highest rated late night talk show. The stations that carry these shows have a general decline in listenership and viewership. These stations are blaming their highest rated shows for the decline.

I don't know if that's true or not, but you just got done saying he was in fifth place; now he's number one. Wanna pick a position?
Liberals believe that if they can truly silence every voice but theirs, eventually the public will be driven to listen to their tripe.
This sounds like NBC blaming Jay Leno for it's 5th place ratings.

-- and your point is...?

The "talent" (that's the jargon, not a judgement) is supposed to draw audience. That's how broadcasting works. That's how any show business works. Jay Leno, Lush Rimjob, or whoever-- that's your draw. If it's not drawing, you're losing. And that's when you make changes. Not rocket surgery.

How does it work on your planet?

So. who are they going to put in that spot? If Liberals could draw the ears of the Becks, Hannitys and Limbaughs, Norm Coleman would still be in the Senate, Al Franken would be a very rich radio personality and Air America would be broadcasting its tripe on 700 AM radio stations.

Who is NBC going to replace Leno with? Who cares? It's just television. They'll run whatever makes them money.

That's all it's about: money. If it were about ideology nobody would be making any.
If money was such an important consideration, why did JC Penney hire a lesbian spokesperson and now has to apologize for their mistake before the whole company fails?

It was ideology.

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