Father of Raped Daughter not Allowed to Speak at Loudoun County School Board

Eric Arthur Blair

Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2015

A father who alleges his daughter was raped in a school bathroom by a trans student (who subsequently was transferred out of school by officials, where he raped another girl in trans accessible bathrooms) was prevented from speaking to school board officials at a public meeting.

Is this the sort of "terrorist" parent Biden wants to set the FBI on? The victim becomes the criminal in Biden's
dysfunctional America. This is where we are in Joe Biden Land. Sad, perverse, offensive.

A father who alleges his daughter was raped in a school bathroom by a trans student (who subsequently was transferred out of school by officials, where he raped another girl in trans accessible bathrooms) was prevented from speaking to school board officials at a public meeting.

Is this the sort of "terrorist" parent Biden wants to set the FBI on? The victim becomes the criminal in Biden's
dysfunctional America. This is where we are in Joe Biden Land. Sad, perverse, offensive.
That is so sick that man only came to question his 14 yr old daughters rape, IN A FUCKING BATH ROOM OF COURSE from a freak in a skirt, not CRT

And he is the poster child for domestic terrorism....lolol.Finding out the same freak just did it again

GD almighty what idiots. Libturds plug their 12 gauge in the mud and fire with every dumb ass move they make..................Go try it libturds and get a suprise

Lets Go Brandon and FJB

A father who alleges his daughter was raped in a school bathroom by a trans student (who subsequently was transferred out of school by officials, where he raped another girl in trans accessible bathrooms) was prevented from speaking to school board officials at a public meeting.

Is this the sort of "terrorist" parent Biden wants to set the FBI on? The victim becomes the criminal in Biden's
dysfunctional America. This is where we are in Joe Biden Land. Sad, perverse, offensive.

That is so sick that man only came to question his daughters rape from a freak in a skirt, not CRT

And he is the poster child for domestic terrorism....lolol.Finding out the same freak just did it again

GD almighty what idiots. Libturds plug their 12 gauge in the mud and fire with every dumb ass move they make..................Go try it libturds and get a suprise

Lets Go Brandon and FJB
Rape, murder......it's all acceptable collateral damage in pushing the Lefts agenda.....ask Mollie Tibbets.

A father who alleges his daughter was raped in a school bathroom by a trans student (who subsequently was transferred out of school by officials, where he raped another girl in trans accessible bathrooms) was prevented from speaking to school board officials at a public meeting.

Is this the sort of "terrorist" parent Biden wants to set the FBI on? The victim becomes the criminal in Biden's
dysfunctional America. This is where we are in Joe Biden Land. Sad, perverse, offensive.

Stand up if you think leftists are "progress"ive on any level.

Then again leftists are a twisted bunch. If they dream it up it's progressive in their minds free of all reason.
Loudoun County Virginia seems to be the woke center of the nation, at least when it comes to their
school board.

Not only should parents be heard and treated fairly but the school board should have to explain
why they simply covered up the rape of a young girl by a supposed "trans" student (not just covered
it up but moved a student to another district because they had reason to believe he had raped her
thereby making themselves complicit in the crime of rape).

Should the FBI investigate when the Loudoun County school board makes itself an accessory to rape
of a young female student? Someone should ask Joe Biden when he can be made to pay attention.
That is so sick that man only came to question his 14 yr old daughters rape, IN A FUCKING BATH ROOM OF COURSE from a freak in a skirt, not CRT

And he is the poster child for domestic terrorism....lolol.Finding out the same freak just did it again

GD almighty what idiots. Libturds plug their 12 gauge in the mud and fire with every dumb ass move they make..................Go try it libturds and get a suprise

Lets Go Brandon and FJB
Best thing for the two fathers of the two raped daughters to do is to find a little justice for themselves.

A father who alleges his daughter was raped in a school bathroom by a trans student (who subsequently was transferred out of school by officials, where he raped another girl in trans accessible bathrooms) was prevented from speaking to school board officials at a public meeting.

Is this the sort of "terrorist" parent Biden wants to set the FBI on? The victim becomes the criminal in Biden's
dysfunctional America. This is where we are in Joe Biden Land. Sad, perverse, offensive.

I'm seething just thinking about this!
Parents ARE demanding that the entire Board resign! They spoke at last night’s meeting, and the libs did everything to give them as little attention as possible.

First, there was no camera on the parents, so they were just a disembodied voice. Second, they did not admit observers and interested parties to the hearing, so the room was empty. (A disembodied voice floating in an empty room.) Third, each parent was limited to 60 seconds, and they were cut-off mid-sentence if they went over by even 3 seconds. And fourth, the room was dimly lit and the camera was far away, so I couldn’t make out what the Board members were doing (although some parents did say, “cant you even look at me when I‘m talking?!), so I gather they were ruffling papers.

This whole thing is despicable. Parents objecting to the radical left taking over the schools, including a parent rightfully inflamed that his daughter was raped by a “gender-fluid” boy in the girls‘ bathroom, are treated like criminals and domestic terrorists, while the boy who raped was protected by the School Board, transferred to another school, and then assaulted again.
I also heard the school system tried to cover it up. If true the entire school board should go to jail for at least 20 years.
The liberal media is desperately trying to keep this travesty hidden. That’s why we have liberals in this forum revealing their ignorance and calling this a BS conspiracy theory. They honestly don’t know what’s really going on.
Parents ARE demanding that the entire Board resign! They spoke at last night’s meeting, and the libs did everything to give them as little attention as possible.

First, there was no camera on the parents, so they were just a disembodied voice. Second, they did not admit observers and interested parties to the hearing, so the room was empty. (A disembodied voice floating in an empty room.) Third, each parent was limited to 60 seconds, and they were cut-off mid-sentence if they went over by even 3 seconds. And fourth, the room was dimly lit and the camera was far away, so I couldn’t make out what the Board members were doing (although some parents did say, “cant you even look at me when I‘m talking?!), so I gather they were ruffling papers.

This whole thing is despicable. Parents objecting to the radical left taking over the schools, including a parent rightfully inflamed that his daughter was raped by a “gender-fluid” boy in the girls‘ bathroom, are treated like criminals and domestic terrorists, while the boy who raped was protected by the School Board, transferred to another school, and then assaulted again.

One way or another that should have been the very last time that school Board would have met.

Parents ARE demanding that the entire Board resign! They spoke at last night’s meeting, and the libs did everything to give them as little attention as possible.

First, there was no camera on the parents, so they were just a disembodied voice. Second, they did not admit observers and interested parties to the hearing, so the room was empty. (A disembodied voice floating in an empty room.) Third, each parent was limited to 60 seconds, and they were cut-off mid-sentence if they went over by even 3 seconds. And fourth, the room was dimly lit and the camera was far away, so I couldn’t make out what the Board members were doing (although some parents did say, “cant you even look at me when I‘m talking?!), so I gather they were ruffling papers.

This whole thing is despicable. Parents objecting to the radical left taking over the schools, including a parent rightfully inflamed that his daughter was raped by a “gender-fluid” boy in the girls‘ bathroom, are treated like criminals and domestic terrorists, while the boy who raped was protected by the School Board, transferred to another school, and then assaulted again.
Both fathers of these two daughters should sue for Billions, and bankrupt that school system.
Ok so girl gets raped by a dude in a dress in the bathroom the school let him go in, dad finds out, school says they want to not call the cops and instead "handle it themselves", dad flips out and he is arrested?

The school won't call the cops on a tranny serial rapist? But they will call the cops on some poor dad upset his daughter got raped?

The principal and everyone should be the ones getting arrested for not reporting a rape of a minor to the authorities.
What hasn't the Girl/boy been arrested already?????
Parents pointed to two alleged sexual assaults, the first of which the victim's father claims took place on May 28, 2021, telling The Daily Wire his ninth-grade daughter was assaulted in the bathroom by a boy wearing a skirt. Elizabeth Lancaster, the attorney for the father of the alleged victim, said the boy was charged with two counts of forcible sodomy, one count of anal sodomy, and one count of forcible fellatio.

Is being charged with several serious rape crimes the same as being arrested? The reporting on this
story is scant.

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