BREAKING: Supreme Court rules Trump is entitled to some immunity in Jan. 6 case

People argue that Lincoln violated the Constitution in many ways during the war. Lincoln isn't going to get arrested and tried.

It's well documented though what the facts were concerning the Civil War. It was known that Obama had targeted Al-Awlaki. His family begged the administration for a trial. There was plenty of time for a trial. I might not even complain so much if they had found him and dropped the bomb part way through the trial.

The Obama administration targeted him but refused to provide any evidence he had done anything wrong.

Do you trust what we are told explicitly? Do you still believe we will one day find the WMD in Iraq?

What law did the administration use to kill him? International Law. We as citizens are not bound by international law where the U.S. government is concerned.

Yemen tried him in absentia but somehow we wouldn't.
We need to find and read what the Whitehouse counsel wrote in their opinion that Obama used.... I'll see if I can find it in my spare time...and when I do, I'll post it here so we can see what they claimed....and argued.
We need to find and read what the Whitehouse counsel wrote in their opinion that Obama used....

They used International Law.

International law doesn't trump the Constitution where U.S. citizens are concerned.

I'll see if I can find it in my spare time...and when I do, I'll post it here so we can see what they claimed....and argued.

In January 2010, White House lawyers debated whether or not it was legal to kill al-Awlaki, given his U.S. citizenship.[176] U.S. officials stated that international law allows targeted killing in the event that the subject is an "imminent threat".

And noted, they said he was a risk, but refused to deliver any actual proof.

Anwar al-Awlaki - Wikipedia

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