Father Serra to Receive Sainthood


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
As someone who has spend several years researching Father Serra and other Franciscans who established the missions of Upper California, I think this is long overdue.

I am NOT a Roman Catholic and am not about to consider Father Serra my patron saint or anything like that. The reason I studied his was having grown up in Southern California and hearing lots of things about those times that made no sense to me.

Why did thousands of California Indians voluntarily come to the missions – and stay there? They were not held in chains. Father Serra and the other Franciscans loved them as their children and treated them as was the custom in 18th Century western culture. They were never severely beaten as the strict rules said “spanking” was appropriate, as long and it did not draw blood or even bruise.

The Franciscans punished themselves far more by flagellation in which blood poured down the backs.

There are many other links to this story but I'll stay with the original church announcement @ Pope s canonization announcement surprises even Serra s promoters as well as @ Blessed Junipero Serra to be made a saint National Catholic Reporter

You are also invited to read my latest blog about this @ http://msgdaleday.blogspot.com
Father Serra - A Controversial Canonization

Where's the “controversy” coming from? The Left, of course.

Yes, Serra was a zealous missionary and he “took away” ancient Indian cultures from the natives of California.

But, just what was that “culture” other than living like animals, day to day, with no future and never traveling more than one day from where they were born. Crouching in the rain or starving when there was none. Being fodder for the massive Grizzly Bears that freely roamed the area.

All they had to look forward to from the day of their birth was hardship leading to eventual death. Father Serra and his fellow missionaries gave them filled bellies, relief from harsh weather – and the hope that there was something more to life than just dying and ending it all.

Anyhow, the story is @ A Controversial Canonization America Magazine

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