Father who left baby to cook in the car spent day sexting 6 women

Odd that no one noticed this baby in the car in a parking lot all day.

Odd he did not, he is alleged to have gone back to the vehicle twice, once to place something inside, later, after work, when he drove a few miles. Now alleged the child was visible from the front seat. He parked in the sun. Maybe the vehicle was locked, and no one had the opportunity to look in the back except Harris.
Beginning to think this was another religious-inspired infanticide. The mother's remarks about if she could have her baby back would she and answering in the negative "because of how messed up the world is" brought the possibility to mind. Maybe they both researched how to kill the kid, but only the dad had the final will to go through with it. Maybe the baby was proving too much of a financial burden? Any number of reasons twisted people into religion do the things they do to outsiders looks crazy. Presumedly they both worked so that the kid was in day care. But then why was it dad taking him when mothers usually do that sort of thing? If the mother usually does, and this one day dad did, then the 'mom chickened out of killing the kid' hypothesis gains strength.
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If the mother of this dead little boy would have chosen ABORTION over life, this story would not exist, and all of the liberals in here would not be exercising their "righteous indignation" over the death of this child.

Obviously, this mother didn't do a good job of exercising her "reproductive rights".

Or maybe the way of killing a baby is being taught as a birth control. Is lowering the standard a new generation are thinking about another life.
The parents are "christians".

Just saw on the news that people have said they were in church every Sunday.
This is the father's version of pro-choice.

The guy is an Alabama cracker

Only Floridians can be crackers, term comes from the sound of cracking oranges.

I will not presume guilt, I will not presume guilt..........how could any human do such a henious thing to a child?

Its beyond comprehension.

Look at that little face. People would have lined up to adopt him.

I'm trying not to presume guilt either but damn, searching for babies dying in hot cars AND how to survive prison?

Living in AZ, the newspaper there published a very detailed account of what its like to die of heat. That baby suffered horrible pain for a long time. And, because he/they had googled it, he/they KNEW exactly what was happening while he was sending photos of his prick to several women.

If found guilty, he won't have an easy tine in prison. If guilty, hope he's in prison a very short time and dies a horrible death.
I think the mother is in on it too, they both should be locked in a hot car on a 90 degree day and left for dead.

Totally agree.

I find it very unlikely the mother was involved.

I read one source that said the Mother also may have done some of the online searches (on dangers of children dying in hot cars) which they claimed they looked up for other reasons. Also:

clip said:
Before his son's death, Harris had visited a Reddit page called "child-free" and read four articles, Stoddard said. He also allegedly searched how to survive in prison.
I also read that the mother had searched for pages concerning child death in hot cars.

The fact that he was sexting his prick to other woman will be their downfall because she will turn on him.
Its beyond comprehension.
Look at that little face. People would have lined up to adopt him.
Not if all the "Prolife and Christian groups" are demonized and not promoted equally as positive choices and resources to help more people in these situations.
LN said:
If found guilty, he won't have an easy tine in prison. If guilty, hope he's in prison a very short time and dies a horrible death.

Wishing someone like this will die seems the natural step to some.

To others, who see value in even these people to live and pay restitution to society,
they are HORRIFIED that the state would just choose death and not consider other options.

As we are horrified someone would not think about killing their own child,
Others are horrified about the state not thinking twice about killing these people!

If we can understand how our view of killing them and/or "letting them suffer"
seems foreign, barbaric, or unthinkable to others, but to us it just makes sense,
does that give some idea how someone else can let a child "die and suffer"
while we can think of much better ways to "get rid of the child" without killing or suffering?
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Seriously when will people learn to make sure your internet searches cannot be traced back you?

You dont have control over that if your traffic is logged by your ISP. If they found out from his computer or home router he is really not that bright because if I recall correctly, he works in the IT field.
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Not if all the "Prolife and Christian groups" are demonized and not promoted equally as positive choices and resources to help more people in these situations.

I'm going to regret trying to actually converse with you but -

These parents never missed a Sunday at their church. its very likely they were anti-abortion.

I would not want anti-abortion "christians" anywhere near MY child because they cannot be trusted.
Totally agree.

I find it very unlikely the mother was involved.

I read one source that said the Mother also may have done some of the online searches (on dangers of children dying in hot cars) which they claimed they looked up for other reasons. Also:

clip said:
Before his son's death, Harris had visited a Reddit page called "child-free" and read four articles, Stoddard said. He also allegedly searched how to survive in prison.

I find the husband's behavior suspicious, but I'm not convinced of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. I am also keeping in mind, we have only heard the police and prosecution leaks, which although somewhat damaging, with a decent defense, could be argued against somewhat affectively.

The internet searches? So what. They live in hot sunny Georgia. Maybe they are constantly on the road with the baby taking him everywhere. Maybe the husband is forgetful. Maybe he's on some kind of medication. They admitted they just saw some sort of show about the 618 baby deaths in hot cars the last decade. It's completely understandable if it was on their mind...especially if they considered they were at risk.

Is it suspicious? Yes. Does it mean they are guilty? No.

Next is the "sexting" six women that was leaked to the press. That is just weird. I'd like to see exactly what this is before judging. It certainly opens up the likely possibility the husband is a scumbag.

Searching about prison? Who cares? Watching a show about no kids? Who cares?
That is not "evidence".

Remember we don't know anything about these searches. When exactly were they? Maybe this guy searches 50 things a day?

The $25k life insurance? I have young kids and I am bombarded by child life insurance offers on the phone and mail. It's supposed to cover funeral. A 25k life insurance policy
could add to a possible motive. But it doesnt go far.

Now the wife has made a couple strange comments. But nothing besides that. Why do I think the wife was most likely not involved. Maybe I'm crazy but I just have enough faith in humanity to think that you would never have BOTH a husband and wife that psychotic sociopaths to do something so horrendous. They also seem to be getting support from people that know them and family. If they were that evil and crazy, I am expecting more terrible stuff to come out about them.

We'll see how this case progresses. But so far I'm just not overwhelmed with the evidence against them.
But even if the leaked evidence is not impressive. I still think this was probably not an accident.

Because......although the cops are certainly not always right, I cant ignore the fact the cops smelled bullshit on the father and arrested him. When you take that the cops thought he was lying combined with the circumstancial evidence....it starts getting tougher to believe it was an accident.

But who knows, maybe the cops who didn't like his story are just dead wrong assholes. Always a distinct possibility, but maybe not the most likely.

I'm hoping it was an accident anyway.
Not if all the "Prolife and Christian groups" are demonized and not promoted equally as positive choices and resources to help more people in these situations.

I'm going to regret trying to actually converse with you but -

These parents never missed a Sunday at their church. its very likely they were anti-abortion.

I would not want anti-abortion "christians" anywhere near MY child because they cannot be trusted.

Thanks Luddly
Too bad these "messed up people" like this couple did not have trusting friends to steer them from trouble -- people they would have respected and listened to.

The reason they made such bad decisions, they hide their problems, and don't have friends to turn to they can trust who would NOT have judged them, but would have stopped any abusive behavior right away at the first sign of trouble.

I am lucky to have the wide variety of friends I have, to help in different situations, and wish everyone had that kind of support system to catch and fix their problems early on.

It sounds like they had many friends and coworkers with no clue at all they were in trouble.
The couple and the defense lawyer claim the searches for the dangers of hot cars,
were due to a new campaign to alert parents that just started at that time.
So they argue the couple was afraid and looked it up online.

But how to explain the child-free living and survival in prison; the father calling family members from jail about cashing in on the insurance policy. That could be because he will need the money to pay for the expensive legal process.

I think the best bet is to convince the wife, negotiate with her to get information on the father. I would also recommend he work with a Christian counselor experienced with sexual addictions and get his head and heart straight. He is going to need to be completely consistent and resolved with what's going on in order to get through the justice system sane. He needs a solid counselor for him his wife and family to make it through this. If so, any gameplaying can stop and they can all cooperate with authorities for their own good.

Trying to game the system will make people end up like Casey Anthony or Zimmerman who can't function in society but will always have their past hanging over their heads. He really should have gotten help for his problems long before this. His son would still be alive.

I find it very unlikely the mother was involved.

I read one source that said the Mother also may have done some of the online searches (on dangers of children dying in hot cars) which they claimed they looked up for other reasons. Also:

clip said:
Before his son's death, Harris had visited a Reddit page called "child-free" and read four articles, Stoddard said. He also allegedly searched how to survive in prison.

I find the husband's behavior suspicious, but I'm not convinced of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. I am also keeping in mind, we have only heard the police and prosecution leaks, which although somewhat damaging, with a decent defense, could be argued against somewhat affectively.

The internet searches? So what. They live in hot sunny Georgia. Maybe they are constantly on the road with the baby taking him everywhere. Maybe the husband is forgetful. Maybe he's on some kind of medication. They admitted they just saw some sort of show about the 618 baby deaths in hot cars the last decade. It's completely understandable if it was on their mind...especially if they considered they were at risk.

Is it suspicious? Yes. Does it mean they are guilty? No.

Next is the "sexting" six women that was leaked to the press. That is just weird. I'd like to see exactly what this is before judging. It certainly opens up the likely possibility the husband is a scumbag.

Searching about prison? Who cares? Watching a show about no kids? Who cares?
That is not "evidence".

Remember we don't know anything about these searches. When exactly were they? Maybe this guy searches 50 things a day?

The $25k life insurance? I have young kids and I am bombarded by child life insurance offers on the phone and mail. It's supposed to cover funeral. A 25k life insurance policy
could add to a possible motive. But it doesnt go far.

Now the wife has made a couple strange comments. But nothing besides that. Why do I think the wife was most likely not involved. Maybe I'm crazy but I just have enough faith in humanity to think that you would never have BOTH a husband and wife that psychotic sociopaths to do something so horrendous. They also seem to be getting support from people that know them and family. If they were that evil and crazy, I am expecting more terrible stuff to come out about them.

We'll see how this case progresses. But so far I'm just not overwhelmed with the evidence against them.
I have left stuff on top of my car. I have left cups on top of my car. I have even left my wallet on top of my car (I got it back)

I have left groceries in the car. I have left my cell phone in the car. I have even left the keys in my car (on the seat).

But let me tell ya', I have never EVER forgotten about and left my kids in the car. Ever!

Who the f*ck would do that? What kind of selfish, self-absorbed person would forget about his kids?

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