Why? Don't you think we need to know if these fuckers are making unwarranted profits because of their decisions that directly affect the citizens of the republic?
Fauci's not making money off this pandemic. If he wanted to he could write his own ticket with Big Pharma.

This is just another attempt by one of Trump's bootlicking lackey's to ruin Fauci who has saved more lives in his career then those slimy fuck's who are out to destroy him ever dreamed of.
Yeah, try and tell me Fauci and both houses aren't heavily invested in big pharma.
Damn right they are. They're inside trading like a motherfucker.

I suspect that's why Fauci said there's no need to wear masks. He didn't want the stock going up before he could buy-in and once he had, he started recommending wearing masks.
Damn right they are. They're inside trading like a motherfucker.

I suspect that's why Fauci said there's no need to wear masks. He didn't want the stock going up before he could buy-in and once he had, he started recommending wearing masks.
Insider trading is only a problem when it’s not Trump supporters doing it.
Pardons mean they get away with it scot free. Didn’t seem to bother you when Trump’s buddies get pardoned for it.
Democrats aren't even getting charged, to begin with.

Why are you so worried about Fauci's financials being scrutinized?...lol
Yeah, try and tell me Fauci and both houses aren't heavily invested in big pharma.
Millions of people are invested in Big Pharma, Slick. Ever heard of 401k's, pension plans, IRA's, etc?

What makes you think that Fauci is making money off this pandemic? Because you're a schizo?
Because we both know you don’t actually give a shit about insider trading.
You got evidence tha Fauci is engaged in insider trading other then running your mouth?

Or are you just parroting the shit puked by Trump lackeys like Rand Paul & that dipshit who wants this bill passed?

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