Fauci Admits US Funded Wuhan Virus Research: Impossible to ‘Guarantee’ U.S. Didn’t Fund Gain-of-Function Research at Wuhan Lab


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Dr. Anthony Fauci said it is impossible to guarantee that researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology did not use American funds to perform gain-of-function research on coronaviruses, in testimony to a Senate panel on Tuesday.

Gain-of-function experiments are conducted to make viruses more deadly and/or contagious in a laboratory. The coronavirus pandemic began in Wuhan, China, leading to speculation that the pathogen may have leaked from the WIV, where experiments on bat coronaviruses have been conducted.

“How do you know they didn’t do their research and not put it on their website?” Kennedy continued.

“Theres no way of guaranteeing that, but in our experience with grantees…you would expect that they would abide by the conditions of the grant, which they’ve done for the years that we’ve had interactions with them,” Fauci responded."

'Impossible to guarantee' in govt-speak is 'YES, it happened / we did'.

So this would make it the American/China virus. There is a reason it was banned over here. If I ran things everyone involved would go to prison.
"Dr. Anthony Fauci said it is impossible to guarantee that researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology did not use American funds to perform gain-of-function research on coronaviruses, in testimony to a Senate panel on Tuesday.

Gain-of-function experiments are conducted to make viruses more deadly and/or contagious in a laboratory. The coronavirus pandemic began in Wuhan, China, leading to speculation that the pathogen may have leaked from the WIV, where experiments on bat coronaviruses have been conducted.

“How do you know they didn’t do their research and not put it on their website?” Kennedy continued.

“Theres no way of guaranteeing that, but in our experience with grantees…you would expect that they would abide by the conditions of the grant, which they’ve done for the years that we’ve had interactions with them,” Fauci responded."

'Impossible to guarantee' in govt-speak is 'YES, it happened / we did'.

This is the smoking gun that not only did China create the Kung Fu virus -- but also that the Jews under the influence of George Soros; ordered our US government to fund it.....

Trump found out about this diabolical scheme but was powerless to stop it.....so he did the best he could.....
So this would make it the American/China virus. There is a reason it was banned over here. If I ran things everyone involved would go to prison.

No. Viruses are named for regions they come from, not who funded their creation.

So says you.
No, it is a FACT....according to snowflakes' favorite propaganda-pushing media, CNN:

"Infectious diseases throughout history have been named for geographic locations where they were thought to have originated: Spanish flu, West Nile virus, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, Zika and Ebola, to name a few.

By that logic, it may seem that there's nothing inherently wrong with referring to the novel coronavirus as the "Wuhan virus" or the "Chinese virus," language which President Donald Trump has used and defended using. Wuhan is, after all, considered the first epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak that has since become a global pandemic."

You're welcome for the free education.
So this would make it the American/China virus. There is a reason it was banned over here. If I ran things everyone involved would go to prison.

No. Viruses are named for regions they come from, not who funded their creation.

So says you.
No, it is a FACT....according to snowflakes' favorite propaganda-pushing media, CNN:

"Infectious diseases throughout history have been named for geographic locations where they were thought to have originated: Spanish flu, West Nile virus, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, Zika and Ebola, to name a few.

By that logic, it may seem that there's nothing inherently wrong with referring to the novel coronavirus as the "Wuhan virus" or the "Chinese virus," language which President Donald Trump has used and defended using. Wuhan is, after all, considered the first epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak that has since become a global pandemic."

You're welcome for the free education.

It doesn't happen without our funding. American/China virus. Nobody funded the Spanish flu.

It doesn't happen without our funding. American/China virus. Nobody funded the Spanish flu.

Again, diseases and viruses have been named for the geographical regions they originated from. COVID-19 came from Wuhan, China, thus Wuhan' / 'China Flu'. You don't need to invent any more reasons to hate the US.
So this would make it the American/China virus. There is a reason it was banned over here. If I ran things everyone involved would go to prison.

No. Viruses are named for regions they come from, not who funded their creation.

So says you.
No, it is a FACT....according to snowflakes' favorite propaganda-pushing media, CNN:

"Infectious diseases throughout history have been named for geographic locations where they were thought to have originated: Spanish flu, West Nile virus, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, Zika and Ebola, to name a few.

By that logic, it may seem that there's nothing inherently wrong with referring to the novel coronavirus as the "Wuhan virus" or the "Chinese virus," language which President Donald Trump has used and defended using. Wuhan is, after all, considered the first epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak that has since become a global pandemic."

You're welcome for the free education.

It doesn't happen without our funding. American/China virus. Nobody funded the Spanish flu.

So then it should be named the fauci/wuhan virus. He is after all the one who provided the money.
"Dr. Anthony Fauci said it is impossible to guarantee that researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology did not use American funds to perform gain-of-function research on coronaviruses, in testimony to a Senate panel on Tuesday.

Gain-of-function experiments are conducted to make viruses more deadly and/or contagious in a laboratory. The coronavirus pandemic began in Wuhan, China, leading to speculation that the pathogen may have leaked from the WIV, where experiments on bat coronaviruses have been conducted.

“How do you know they didn’t do their research and not put it on their website?” Kennedy continued.

“Theres no way of guaranteeing that, but in our experience with grantees…you would expect that they would abide by the conditions of the grant, which they’ve done for the years that we’ve had interactions with them,” Fauci responded."

'Impossible to guarantee' in govt-speak is 'YES, it happened / we did'.

This is the smoking gun that not only did China create the Kung Fu virus -- but also that the Jews under the influence of George Soros; ordered our US government to fund it.....

Trump found out about this diabolical scheme but was powerless to stop it.....so he did the best he could.....
That is quite a stretch without a shred of proof.
How about this? Trump funded it for 3 years of his administration, because he was too stupid to know what the government he ran was doing. If he found out, like you said (which is doubtful as he is not that bright and had no experience in government), he kept it quiet and even thanked the Communist Chinese publicly for their assistance and the way they were handling it in January and February of 2020, possibly into March, before calling it the "China" virus to lay all the blame for the fiasco on his Chi-Comm counterpart. to keep the blame off of him and his administration funding the project. We know he could have cut off funding simply by stealing the money from the program, as he did the military funds approve by congress for the necessary . Then he could have used the stolen money to fund his wall, which for the majority of his term in office, his republican controlled congress would not even fund, as it was certainly nothing in their eyes to go to the mat on.
It all points to the undeniable fact, pointed out by Mac-7 "The US should not be funding any research on any topic in china" and I would add, any other country or outside our own country.
Not only did Fauci Admit HE / US Funded Wuhan Virus Research, he also admitted to committing Felony Perjuryunder oath before Congress:

"There are those who state that the funding that went to EcoHealth Alliance was for something other than gain-of-function research; however, as stated above, the purpose of the funding was to study coronaviruses in bats and how they could infect people. In other words, the entire purpose of the grant was to enable the study of coronaviruses in a lab the US State Department had been warned was unsafe and in which documented gain-of-function research was being conducted.

As an aside, NIH announced in December 2017 that it was lifting the moratorium on gain-of-function research. It has been reported that Fauci ordered the resumption of funding without consulting the White House or, by extension, the HHS, which is required under the gain-of-function research guidelines.

In closing, Dr. Fauci’s statements to Senator Paul are misinformed at best. We are left with very few options as to Dr. Fauci’s misstatements. Either Dr. Fauci intentionally lied to Senator Paul or, as a result of his incompetence, doesn’t know or understand what research the NIH is funding and where."

Fauci should be charged with his crime but will not be. He is protected by the Biden admin & Biden's handlers.

It Sure Seems Like Dr. Fauci Just Admitted to Committing Perjury

It doesn't happen without our funding. American/China virus. Nobody funded the Spanish flu.

Again, diseases and viruses have been named for the geographical regions they originated from. COVID-19 came from Wuhan, China, thus Wuhan' / 'China Flu'. You don't need to invent any more reasons to hate the US.

I'm not a fan of those who funded this. We banned it for a reason.
So this would make it the American/China virus. There is a reason it was banned over here. If I ran things everyone involved would go to prison.

No. Viruses are named for regions they come from, not who funded their creation.

So says you.
No, it is a FACT....according to snowflakes' favorite propaganda-pushing media, CNN:

"Infectious diseases throughout history have been named for geographic locations where they were thought to have originated: Spanish flu, West Nile virus, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, Zika and Ebola, to name a few.

By that logic, it may seem that there's nothing inherently wrong with referring to the novel coronavirus as the "Wuhan virus" or the "Chinese virus," language which President Donald Trump has used and defended using. Wuhan is, after all, considered the first epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak that has since become a global pandemic."

You're welcome for the free education.

It doesn't happen without our funding. American/China virus. Nobody funded the Spanish flu.

So then it should be named the fauci/wuhan virus. He is after all the one who provided the money.

I doubt Fauci has that kind of money.
Fauci is beginning to remind me of a really good used car salesman. He can sell you a POS and convince you that you got the bargain of a lifetime.

Fauci is beginning to remind me of a really good used car salesman. He can sell you a POS and convince you that you got the bargain of a lifetime.

Why not, his Dim apologizers lap up every idiot lie he tells.
This is the smoking gun that not only did China create the Kung Fu virus -- but also that the Jews under the influence of George Soros; ordered our US government to fund it.....

Trump found out about this diabolical scheme but was powerless to stop it.....so he did the best he could.....
biff is sounding pretty bitter

Where conservative speech is suppressed such as on FaceBook the black crazies rule the roost

But on forums that allow both sides to be presented he gets nowhere and that really bothers him

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