Fauci is an ani animal abuser.

EvilCat Breath

Diamond Member
Sep 23, 2016
Under the Bridge Troll Fauci needs to be fired and go to prison for his role in animal abuse.

This is why ouchy Fauci never concerned himself with the effects of the gain of function tests. He's a sadist.
Lol, again those without a clue offer hope that is a dim light when seen through the ears of the OP. Humans testing crap on animals is as old as human ingenuity.
This seems to be the more original thread on Fau Chi’s beagles, so we post here:

May 2021 SARS-CoV-2 / Beagles
Under the Bridge Troll Fauci needs to be fired and go to prison for his role in animal abuse.

This is why ouchy Fauci never concerned himself with the effects of the gain of function tests. He's a sadist.
Bullshit. I bet you can't provide one single bit of evidence that Dr. Fauci abused a single Trump Cult member.
People who abuse animals Far More Frequently abuse people. Faustus has abused us due to lack of empathy and sympathy as he demonstrates with animals.

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