Fauci Makes Some Money on Pandemic


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2021

There is nothing illegal here of which I am aware. But this seems strange and will only work against him as history is written. I wasn't sure what forum to put it in.

From the article:

In 2019, before the outbreak of the pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci had a net worth of $7.5 million. By the end of 2021, Fauci’s net worth nearly doubled as he skyrocketed to $12.6 million despite receiving a federal government salary of roughly $450,000. Since the math doesn’t add up, Americans are left asking themselves one simple question: How does this happen?

A bombshell investigative report by OpenTheBooks, a transparency organization, reveals the problem may be much bigger than previously thought. After filing a lawsuit using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), OpenTheBooks discovered 56,000 financial transactions that totaled over $325 million flowing to the country’s top COVID experts.


O.K. it seems like more of an ethics or morality question.

I'll let you decide.

I certainly felt sorry for the guy as the whole mess quickly became politicized. But some of his earlier comments are now more suspect as it seems they may have been to his benefit.

There is nothing illegal here of which I am aware. But this seems strange and will only work against him as history is written. I wasn't sure what forum to put it in.

From the article:

In 2019, before the outbreak of the pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci had a net worth of $7.5 million. By the end of 2021, Fauci’s net worth nearly doubled as he skyrocketed to $12.6 million despite receiving a federal government salary of roughly $450,000. Since the math doesn’t add up, Americans are left asking themselves one simple question: How does this happen?

A bombshell investigative report by OpenTheBooks, a transparency organization, reveals the problem may be much bigger than previously thought. After filing a lawsuit using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), OpenTheBooks discovered 56,000 financial transactions that totaled over $325 million flowing to the country’s top COVID experts.


O.K. it seems like more of an ethics or morality question.

I'll let you decide.

I certainly felt sorry for the guy as the whole mess quickly became politicized. But some of his earlier comments are now more suspect as it seems they may have been to his benefit.

That little shit made millions from it.
What's really disgusting is (per the article):

Fauci isn’t the only person would profited while much of the world suffered. An investigative report found that COVID vaccines helped create at least nine new billionaires with “a combined wealth greater than the cost of vaccinating the world’s poorest countries.”

The People’s Vaccine Alliance confirmed that “at least nine people have become new billionaires since the beginning of the COVID pandemic.” This new wealth is due to “the excessive profits pharmaceutical corporations with monopolies on COVID vaccines are making.”

The nine new billionaires have a combined net wealth of $19.3 billion. CNBC found that COVID pandemic drove Pfizer’s 2022 revenue to a record $100 billion and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla received a 36% pay hike by netting $33 million personally.
From the article:

In 2019, before the outbreak of the pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci had a net worth of $7.5 million. By the end of 2021, Fauci’s net worth nearly doubled as he skyrocketed to $12.6 million despite receiving a federal government salary of roughly $450,000. Since the math doesn’t add up, Americans are left asking themselves one simple question: How does this happen?
Before you go apeshit over conspiracy theories about Faucci, how about reading how many famous people in big jobs, make a quick buck. They make a book deal. Barack Obama did it, Michelle Obama did it, and Faucci did it.

"Tony Fauci will make millions off of a new book about 'Truth' while Americans continue to suffer ...

"Nat Geo drew from interviews and speeches delivered by Dr. Fauci for the book.

An overview of the book says it was compiled from "hours of interviews" and offers "an intimate view of one of the world's greatest medical minds as well as universal advice to live by."

, Fauci did not write the book; it was compiled from speeches and interviews.
Before you go apeshit over conspiracy theories about Faucci, how about reading how many famous people in big jobs, make a quick buck. They make a book deal. Barack Obama did it, Michelle Obama did it, and Faucci did it.

"Tony Fauci will make millions off of a new book about 'Truth' while Americans continue to suffer ...

"Nat Geo drew from interviews and speeches delivered by Dr. Fauci for the book.

An overview of the book says it was compiled from "hours of interviews" and offers "an intimate view of one of the world's greatest medical minds as well as universal advice to live by."

, Fauci did not write the book; it was compiled from speeches and interviews.
Fauci is an asshole who put money and fame and power before the wellbeing of common folks and the working class.

There is nothing illegal here of which I am aware. But this seems strange and will only work against him as history is written. I wasn't sure what forum to put it in.

From the article:

In 2019, before the outbreak of the pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci had a net worth of $7.5 million. By the end of 2021, Fauci’s net worth nearly doubled as he skyrocketed to $12.6 million despite receiving a federal government salary of roughly $450,000. Since the math doesn’t add up, Americans are left asking themselves one simple question: How does this happen?

A bombshell investigative report by OpenTheBooks, a transparency organization, reveals the problem may be much bigger than previously thought. After filing a lawsuit using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), OpenTheBooks discovered 56,000 financial transactions that totaled over $325 million flowing to the country’s top COVID experts.


O.K. it seems like more of an ethics or morality question.

I'll let you decide.

I certainly felt sorry for the guy as the whole mess quickly became politicized. But some of his earlier comments are now more suspect as it seems they may have been to his benefit.

His net worth has soared because the stock market has soared.

Rubes gonna rube!
What's really disgusting is (per the article):

Fauci isn’t the only person would profited while much of the world suffered. An investigative report found that COVID vaccines helped create at least nine new billionaires with “a combined wealth greater than the cost of vaccinating the world’s poorest countries.”

The People’s Vaccine Alliance confirmed that “at least nine people have become new billionaires since the beginning of the COVID pandemic.” This new wealth is due to “the excessive profits pharmaceutical corporations with monopolies on COVID vaccines are making.”

The nine new billionaires have a combined net wealth of $19.3 billion. CNBC found that COVID pandemic drove Pfizer’s 2022 revenue to a record $100 billion and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla received a 36% pay hike by netting $33 million personally.
Setting aside his patents, book deals, and other sources...

The DJIA grew from 24.8k to 35.5k between open2018 and open 2022.
Lots of people made money.
Before you go apeshit over conspiracy theories about Faucci, how about reading how many famous people in big jobs, make a quick buck. They make a book deal. Barack Obama did it, Michelle Obama did it, and Faucci did it.

"Tony Fauci will make millions off of a new book about 'Truth' while Americans continue to suffer ...

"Nat Geo drew from interviews and speeches delivered by Dr. Fauci for the book.

An overview of the book says it was compiled from "hours of interviews" and offers "an intimate view of one of the world's greatest medical minds as well as universal advice to live by."

, Fauci did not write the book; it was compiled from speeches and interviews.

Well I don't think my post was "going ape****". I pointed out what someone else is reporting.

We have not really don't have a good post-mortem on the COVID experience. While this bothers me because of what we'll repeate the next time, Fauci has become a lightning rod.

A lot of people were upset over the vaccine stuff and some people made good money off of it.

Covid caused a lot of suffering.

It's more a moral question than anything else.
His net worth has soared because the stock market has soared.

Rubes gonna rube!

First, can you document your claim ? I'd love to have that information and it certainly seems like a plausible explanation.

Second, I don't get the whole rube comment. I am not attacking Fauci.

I have concerns over the whole Covid Affair. I would like to make sure we are not being played.
Setting aside his patents, book deals, and other sources...

The DJIA grew from 24.8k to 35.5k between open2018 and open 2022.
Lots of people made money.

And the million or do who died from his plandemic. Fau chi is a perpetrator of crimes against humanity and should be hung.
I would never trust the likes of that little creep.
Another scam where the top officials and corporate leaders pocket millions at taxpayers expense.

"The shot is free."
The biggest most obvious lie ever.

I remember when liberals didn't trust authority figures or corporations.
Now they are their mouthpieces.
His net worth has soared because the stock market has soared.

Rubes gonna rube!

BTW: A little checking. In the time frame disccussed, the dow went from 27,000 to 33,000. That increase does not match Fauci's increase by itself.
And the million or do who died from his plandemic. Fau chi is a perpetrator of crimes against humanity and should be hung.
I know, he said Trump was a moron and in your book that qualifies him for public execution.

Doesn't change the facts, though.
His work during and before the pandemic saved millions of lives. Probably another good reason for you to hate him.
I know, he said Trump was a moron and in your book that qualifies him for public execution.

Doesn't change the facts, though.
His work during and before the pandemic saved millions of lives. Probably another good reason for you to hate him.

That is a strange claim as the effects of the pandemic are not over. His decisions, right or wrong, also cost lives. How many, I don't know.

But the effects of the pandemic which include the affects of our responses are not over.

And the claim he saved millions is only speculation. Since we can't run the experiment the other way, we'll never know for sure.
That is a strange claim as the effects of the pandemic are not over. His decisions, right or wrong, also cost lives. How many, I don't know.

But the effects of the pandemic which include the affects of our responses are not over.

And the claim he saved millions is only speculation. Since we can't run the experiment the other way, we'll never know for sure.
Not hard to guess how many were saved with some accuracy.

Check the death rates from Sep 2020 and Sep 2022 and do a little math.

and unless you've some information to back the claim, your accusation is silly.
Not hard to guess how many were saved with some accuracy.

Check the death rates from Sep 2020 and Sep 2022 and do a little math.

and unless you've some information to back the claim, your accusation is silly.

There are more deaths from the vax, than were saved.
Not hard to guess how many were saved with some accuracy.

Check the death rates from Sep 2020 and Sep 2022 and do a little math.

and unless you've some information to back the claim, your accusation is silly.

My accusation isn't an accusation, it's a fact.

Any grand claim is just that....a grand claim.

If you can't run the experiment with the alternative variables, you'll never know (in the case of comparisons).

But, I'd be curious to know just what you think your "math" would prove ?

Do those death rates get compared to something else ? If more people are dying, then are supposing the rate is slowing down ? If so, how do you know it has anything to do with Fauci ?

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