Faux America


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
You cannot watch television for more than 15 minutes these days without being confronted with abnormality presented as normal.

"Gay" people are, statistically speaking, a tiny fraction of the American population - low single digits at best. And yet seemingly every program - except cop shows - has gay characters. I wouldn't doubt that gay characters are 20-25 percent of all characters on non-cop scripted television.

Interracial couples are, again, a very small percentage of the American population. Interracial couples in which the male is white are statistically almost non-existent. And yet, programs not only include them, but highlight them. Nearly half of commercials that present a "couple" are presenting either a gay couple or an interracial couple.

Non-binary and trans persons are extremely rare in real life, but a regular occurrence on television and in film. The most reliable studies say about 2,500 Trannies exist in our 1.3 million armed forces (less than two-tenths of one percent). And yet, the Left sees their treatment as a major political issue.

How many happily married heterosexual, single-race couples, with children do you find in scripted television. They do exist, but they are rare. Most characters are single or divorced, or in a non-traditional relationship.

A friend of mine is pitching to book publishers a story about a ten-year-old kid who was wrongfully convicted of killing his step-mom and her unborn child, then over the course of many years was finally exonerated. But he and everyone else in the story is white. Publishers say, "Don't bother. They're all white."

There is nothing "wrong" with being gay or in a "mixed" marriage or relationship, but what is the agenda here? Who benefits from presenting this extremely distorted view of American society? TV people look back on the "Bad Old Days" when "Leave It to Beaver" presented a NORMAL family as NORMAL. Good heavens! Can't have that now, can we?

Of course, it's all indoctrination, isn't it? It is directed at kids and ignorant young adults who don't know anything other than their own immediate families, what they see on television, and what their public school teachers feed them.

How long before marriage vows are changed to, "Let's pretend to married until I find someone more interesting"? Isn't that the lifestyle that's being promoted?

I'm glad I won't be around to see how it all turns out.

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