Faux News: Sure It Will Tank The Economy And Cause A Recession But Trump Should Shut Down The Border

/——/ Heck I remember when a new Chevy Impala was $2,800 fully equipped with a big V8

Your Avatar. A 1951 Pontiac? Didn't they have a straight 8?

I was drooling over a new Porsche 911, with a/c for $6,000 and with a 1935 Rolls Royce that actually ran very well. I ended up with a 1954 (?) F-100 Pickup Truck for $300.00! :D That was about 1960
/——/ Yes. Old Pontiac but I don’t know what year. In 1968 my neighbor was selling his 1959 Porsche Speedster for $500. I only had $300 saved up plus I was 17 and my mother found out it was a race car and said I couldn’t buy it even if I talked the guy down in price. I ended up with a 1960 Karmann Ghia.
Kilmeade used the words "hurt the economy" and of course ever vigilant Media Matters spins it to "tank the economy" and left wing hate creatures eat it up like pablum. No surprises here.
/——/ Yes. Old Pontiac but I don’t know what year. In 1968 my neighbor was selling his 1959 Porsche Speedster for $500. I only had $300 saved up plus I was 17 and my mother found out it was a race car and said I couldn’t buy it even if I talked the guy down in price. I ended up with a 1960 Karmann Ghia.

I had just graduated high school and my Ol' Man, a mechanic all his life and vet of WW-II, called and asked me if I wanted to buy a Jaguar. It was a '54 Jaguar XK-120. It had been built to compete at Lemans. It was $600.00 so my Dad sold the truck and I came up with $300.00.

They were all aluminum bodies for lightweight along with oak wood frames in the doors. Mine was a convertible so in addition to the metal frame, all that wood was rotted too. I took off the doors to replace the frames and drove it like that for several months. A serious sports car, with no doors and no seat belts. Straight six with twin updraft carburetors, a six-volt system with two six volt batteries behind the driver's seat and one behind the passenger seat. A thirty-two-gallon gas tank and a huge capacity for oil. My girlfriend drove her parents Ford Fairlane 500. She worked at a restaurant in Coral Gables. I worked the until 5:00 in the Summer stocking and bagging groceries and from 8:00 until working at a bouncer at a beer and wine joint across the street from the University of Miami where I went to school. She'd come to the Ale House after she got off work and we'd be there until closing. Then we'd race home on an old, deserted road. She had me on acceleration but the Jag cam on in second gear and I'd pass her well above 100...with no doors and not top.

How did we live through all that? No nylon, radial tires either. Fabric, bias ply. I'd do it all over but this time, I'd never sell it!

This is what it looked like except the paint was very dull. I paid $600 and today, well up into six figures.
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I heard that he would shut down the border but still allow commercial traffic.

So it's all chicken little sky is falling shit.
-------------------------- yeah , it'll probably be some silly BS like that eh ??

Tell him to quit being such a puss-puss and shut it down completely. Tell him for once to be a man of his word and git ur dun!!!!
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I heard that he would shut down the border but still allow commercial traffic.

So it's all chicken little sky is falling shit.
-------------------------- yeah , it'll probably be some silly BS like that eh ??

Tell him to quit being such a puss-puss and shut it down completely. Tell him for once to be a man of his word and gif ur dun!!!!

Yup, then you'll have another full day of pissing and moaning.
I heard that he would shut down the border but still allow commercial traffic.

So it's all chicken little sky is falling shit.
-------------------------- yeah , it'll probably be some silly BS like that eh ??

Tell him to quit being such a puss-puss and shut it down completely. Tell him for once to be a man of his word and gif ur dun!!!!

Yup, then you'll have another full day of pissing and moaning.

Not at all, shut it the fuck down. What's the problem
Why would the crazy radical left warn the Trump administration that closing the border would cause a recession? The crazy left wants a recession in time for 2020 don't they? Propaganda is a bitch.
you need to either learn to read, or learn to listen more closely to fox or breitbart or whatever right wing media you worship- it was REPUBLICANS worried about a recession that talked Trump down off that bridge, clown. They knew how devastating it would be, and it would probably hurt THEIR chances of being elected in 2020, not just moron Trump.
Why would the crazy radical left warn the Trump administration that closing the border would cause a recession? The crazy left wants a recession in time for 2020 don't they? Propaganda is a bitch.
you need to either learn to read, or learn to listen more closely to fox or breitbart or whatever right wing media you worship- it was REPUBLICANS worried about a recession that talked Trump down off that bridge, clown. They knew how devastating it would be, and it would probably hurt THEIR chances of being elected in 2020, not just moron Trump.
------------------------------------------------ you actually do not KNOW the Specifics any more than i do . I believe that you speculate and the best i can say is that MAYBE you are correct but maybe not Jones .
Why would the crazy radical left warn the Trump administration that closing the border would cause a recession? The crazy left wants a recession in time for 2020 don't they? Propaganda is a bitch.
you need to either learn to read, or learn to listen more closely to fox or breitbart or whatever right wing media you worship- it was REPUBLICANS worried about a recession that talked Trump down off that bridge, clown. They knew how devastating it would be, and it would probably hurt THEIR chances of being elected in 2020, not just moron Trump.
------------------------------------------------ you actually do not KNOW the Specifics any more than i do . I believe that you speculate and the best i can say is that MAYBE you are correct but maybe not Jones .
correct about what? even republicans knowing how devastating shutting down the border for any length of time would be? or speculating that guy needs to learn how to read? if the former, google "republicans warn trump against shutting down border" and then you will KNOW i am right...capisce? you know how to google, right?
Why would the crazy radical left warn the Trump administration that closing the border would cause a recession? The crazy left wants a recession in time for 2020 don't they? Propaganda is a bitch.
you need to either learn to read, or learn to listen more closely to fox or breitbart or whatever right wing media you worship- it was REPUBLICANS worried about a recession that talked Trump down off that bridge, clown. They knew how devastating it would be, and it would probably hurt THEIR chances of being elected in 2020, not just moron Trump.
------------------------------------------------ you actually do not KNOW the Specifics any more than i do . I believe that you speculate and the best i can say is that MAYBE you are correct but maybe not Jones .
correct about what? even republicans knowing how devastating shutting down the border for any length of time would be? or speculating that guy needs to learn how to read? if the former, google "republicans warn trump against shutting down border" and then you will KNOW i am right...capisce? you know how to google, right?
------------------------------------ you don't KNOW Why Trump may have back tracked about shutting down the Border on Mon. , Tues. , or Wed. Jones . And I'm not 'searching' for any info as its common sense that 'repub and dem' politicians MIGHT cry and whine about closing the Border . It is YOU that makes easy speculative claims but provide no links Jones .
and last i heard from President Trump he was saying last week that he MAY shut down the Border sometime this week Jones .
“The auto industry would basically be grinded to a halt in about two weeks. $1.7 billion of services flow back and forth daily, and for the most part a shutdown could lead — a prolonged shutdown between the two countries could lead to a recession in Mexico and the U.S. What the president’s saying is, I will do whatever it takes to secure the country even if it hurts us economically because my first job is security. That’s called leadership. And if Republicans don’t go with it I get that too, but the president’s got a different responsibility.”

Brian Kilmeade on Trump's threats to shut down the southern border: "That's called leadership"

Since we all know Trump watches the show expect a Tweet to drop.

This is the same tactic they used when they went after him to persuade him to shut down the government.

Do you agree that despite the negative effects on the economy, Trump should shut down the border "for the good of the country?"

Here's more clips of the rightwing going spewing that type of claptrap...

Fox White House correspondent defends Trump's threat to shut down the southern border as "his solemn duty" to defend America

Fox's Mollie Hemingway on closing the southern border: "Sometimes you want to have a little bit of hurt so that people are incentivized to do something"

Fox regular argues closing the border is worth the economic cost

The problem for you open border types is this....Good real Americans are so fed up with the invasion of Wetbacks that we are prepared to watch this mothafucker burn to the ground to stop it...We can't give two fucks about the economic impact in the short term.

It will not be a short term economic impact and will toss States like Texas into a damn depression and not even a recession.

The economic impact daily for Texas alone could hit one billion daily and the loss of jobs within the State will have a ripple effect across this nation.

Now add in California, New Mexico and Arizona economies and you will toss the entire country into a massive recession if not depression that could ripple throughout the world and cause a war.

Now I know none of you that support Trump care about this and fine then close the border but remember in 2020 if my prediction come true then enjoy the Democrats landslide victories and someone like Beto as your President and calls for Civil War will never happen either.

Trump is playing with two States economies that rank in the top ten economies in the WORLD, so closing the border and cutting off trade will cause a ripple effect you have never seen, and Mexico is already poor and ran by the Cartel that is funded by China and Russia, so they will wait it out...
“The auto industry would basically be grinded to a halt in about two weeks. $1.7 billion of services flow back and forth daily, and for the most part a shutdown could lead — a prolonged shutdown between the two countries could lead to a recession in Mexico and the U.S. What the president’s saying is, I will do whatever it takes to secure the country even if it hurts us economically because my first job is security. That’s called leadership. And if Republicans don’t go with it I get that too, but the president’s got a different responsibility.”

Brian Kilmeade on Trump's threats to shut down the southern border: "That's called leadership"

Since we all know Trump watches the show expect a Tweet to drop.

This is the same tactic they used when they went after him to persuade him to shut down the government.

Do you agree that despite the negative effects on the economy, Trump should shut down the border "for the good of the country?"

Here's more clips of the rightwing going spewing that type of claptrap...

Fox White House correspondent defends Trump's threat to shut down the southern border as "his solemn duty" to defend America

Fox's Mollie Hemingway on closing the southern border: "Sometimes you want to have a little bit of hurt so that people are incentivized to do something"

Fox regular argues closing the border is worth the economic cost

The problem for you open border types is this....Good real Americans are so fed up with the invasion of Wetbacks that we are prepared to watch this mothafucker burn to the ground to stop it...We can't give two fucks about the economic impact in the short term.

It will not be a short term economic impact and will toss States like Texas into a damn depression and not even a recession.

The economic impact daily for Texas alone could hit one billion daily and the loss of jobs within the State will have a ripple effect across this nation.

Now add in California, New Mexico and Arizona economies and you will toss the entire country into a massive recession if not depression that could ripple throughout the world and cause a war.

Now I know none of you that support Trump care about this and fine then close the border but remember in 2020 if my prediction come true then enjoy the Democrats landslide victories and someone like Beto as your President and calls for Civil War will never happen either.

Trump is playing with two States economies that rank in the top ten economies in the WORLD, so closing the border and cutting off trade will cause a ripple effect you have never seen, and Mexico is already poor and ran by the Cartel that is funded by China and Russia, so they will wait it out...
----------------------------------------------- Cool , time to tighten our belts i guess eh BruceL
Some trump voters apparently have never heard of cutting off your nose to spite your face...
Idiots like you offer nothing but more illegals. Bomb Mexico and stop the invasion.
“The auto industry would basically be grinded to a halt in about two weeks. $1.7 billion of services flow back and forth daily, and for the most part a shutdown could lead — a prolonged shutdown between the two countries could lead to a recession in Mexico and the U.S. What the president’s saying is, I will do whatever it takes to secure the country even if it hurts us economically because my first job is security. That’s called leadership. And if Republicans don’t go with it I get that too, but the president’s got a different responsibility.”

Brian Kilmeade on Trump's threats to shut down the southern border: "That's called leadership"

Since we all know Trump watches the show expect a Tweet to drop.

This is the same tactic they used when they went after him to persuade him to shut down the government.

Do you agree that despite the negative effects on the economy, Trump should shut down the border "for the good of the country?"

Here's more clips of the rightwing going spewing that type of claptrap...

Fox White House correspondent defends Trump's threat to shut down the southern border as "his solemn duty" to defend America

Fox's Mollie Hemingway on closing the southern border: "Sometimes you want to have a little bit of hurt so that people are incentivized to do something"

Fox regular argues closing the border is worth the economic cost

The problem for you open border types is this....Good real Americans are so fed up with the invasion of Wetbacks that we are prepared to watch this mothafucker burn to the ground to stop it...We can't give two fucks about the economic impact in the short term.

It will not be a short term economic impact and will toss States like Texas into a damn depression and not even a recession.

The economic impact daily for Texas alone could hit one billion daily and the loss of jobs within the State will have a ripple effect across this nation.

Now add in California, New Mexico and Arizona economies and you will toss the entire country into a massive recession if not depression that could ripple throughout the world and cause a war.

Now I know none of you that support Trump care about this and fine then close the border but remember in 2020 if my prediction come true then enjoy the Democrats landslide victories and someone like Beto as your President and calls for Civil War will never happen either.

Trump is playing with two States economies that rank in the top ten economies in the WORLD, so closing the border and cutting off trade will cause a ripple effect you have never seen, and Mexico is already poor and ran by the Cartel that is funded by China and Russia, so they will wait it out...
----------------------------------------------- Cool , time to tighten our belts i guess eh BruceL

Sure, so you alright crippling Texas, Arizona and New Mexico Economy?

You are alright with possible food shortages when it come to produce like Tomatoes?

You will notice that I left out California because I know how those that support Trump would destroy the Universe to hurt California, but are you willing to hurt Canada Economy while at it?

Mexico supplies us with Oil, Produce and Manufacturing for our country and many of Trump supporters forget this.

So your cost of fuel, food and other stuff will increase.

Now I know you do not care but when the poor and middle class are hit with this reality just remember 2020 is around the corner and people care more about that one dollar than that border and your boy Trump will lose if this country is in full recession or depression ...
best to just lets the Invasion continues eh BruceL .

This is the problem with Trump followers, they only see two solutions to every problem and they are always the two extreme solutions.

In the mind of a Trumpian you either have to shut down the border totally or leave it wide open and let anyone cross.

It would never enter your mind there might be solutions in the middle of those two options.

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Plus , might be time to go back to a time when the USA was not so dependent on foreigners and foreign countries BruceL !! [avocado's [chuckle].

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