Faux News: Sure It Will Tank The Economy And Cause A Recession But Trump Should Shut Down The Border

Why would the crazy radical left warn the Trump administration that closing the border would cause a recession? The crazy left wants a recession in time for 2020 don't they? Propaganda is a bitch.

Because when the border was shut down last year, San Yisidro did a study on how much money they lost over the 5 hours that the border was shut down. It came to around 5 million, which is about a million per hour, just at that one border town. Yes, if the southern border is shut down completely, even for just a day or two, it will cost the border communities a lot of money, as well as the whole country.
ALL your sources are from the far left Media Matter site funded by George Soros. If you did your own research, you would see that on every opinion show, the far left is represented by at least one, very competent, well-spoken individual who represents the far left's viewpoint exceptionally well.

Thank you for all the good news! As you know, they are 110% right. For decades we had Presidents who did nothing but give our border lip service. Seeing a President actually willing to step up and lead drives the far left insane!

As to your questionable source. Does it have as a regular, a Conservative viewpoint? Of course not, nor do your beloved CNN, MSNBC and your other sources.

As a regular on the Outnumbered, a great opinion show airing at noon on the Fox news channel.

Jessica Tarlov
Fox News contributor

Jessica Tarlov currently serves as a contributor for FOX News Channel (FNC), offering political analysis and insight across FNC and FOX Business Network’s (FBN) daytime and primetime programming. She joined the network in 2017.

Tarlov also presently holds the position as Senior Director of Research and Consumer Insight for Bustle Digital Group, the owner and operator of Bustle.com, Romper.com, and Elitedaily.com. Prior to joining FNC as a contributor, she appeared as a frequent guest on the network since 2014.

Previously, Tarlov was a Democratic strategist with Douglas Schoen, LLC where she advised domestic and international clients on messaging strategies for more than five years. Throughout her career, she has published work for FoxNews.com, The Daily Beast, The New York Daily News and Forbes.

Tarlov graduated from Bryn Mawr College with a B.A. in history and later earned two master’s degrees and a Ph.D. in political science and government from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Then there is:
Juan Williams

Fox News Political Analyst, co-host, "The Five"

Juan Williams currently serves as a co-host of FOX News Channel's (FNC) The Five (weekdays 5-6PM/ET) and also appears as a political analyst on FOX News Sunday with Chris Wallace and Special Report with Bret Baier. Williams joined the network as a contributor in 1997.

On The Five, Williams is part of a roundtable ensemble of FNC personalities who discuss, debate and even debunk the hot news stories, controversies and issues of the day.

In addition to his more than 10-year career with NPR, where he served as a senior national correspondent and news analyst, Williams spent 23 years at The Washington Post. During his tenure there, Williams covered every major political campaign from 1980 to 2000 as a national correspondent and a political columnist. He has also interviewed numerous influential people and presidents over the course of his career, including former President Obama, former President George W. Bush, former President Clinton, former President George H. W. Bush and former President Reagan.

Williams' career in media spans back several decades across many platforms. A recipient of several awards for his writing and investigative journalism, he also won an Emmy Award for television documentary writing and has received widespread critical acclaim for numerous projects, including a series of documentaries, including: "Politics: The New Black Power" and "A. Phillip Randolph: For Jobs and Freedom." Additionally, he is the author of six books, including the non-fiction bestseller, "Eyes on the Prize: America's Civil Rights Years, 1954-1965" and "Thurgood Marshall: American Revolutionary" which landed on BookBub's "40 Best Biographies of all Time." Williams has also written numerous articles and has contributed to many national magazines, including: TIME, Fortune, The Atlantic, The New Republic, Ebony and GQ.

Williams earned his bachelor's degree from Haverford College.
And now McConnell disagrees with Trump about closing Mexican border and causing recession Think trump cares?? A pussy grabbing idiot a know nothing moron supported by idiots who made a bad choice
He said Gold-diggers tried to get him to grab their pussy, you lying SOB. He did not say he went for it.
But Joe Biden can't keep his hands and his lips off of little girls.
But that's okay.

And I bet you celebrate if The Democraps somehow are able to use illegal immigration to cause a recession. So quit acting like a Drama Queen.

Wrong. Trump was first talking about a married woman he wanted to have sex with, and then told how he took her out for furniture shopping, but he never got anywhere with her. He then said he needed a tic tac, and then said if you are famous you can grab women (all women, gold diggers weren't specified), by the pussy.

Here.................let me help you out................here's the video where he said that, and it has subtitles as well to help you know what he actually said.

It is you who is the lying SOB.

Yeah....and he said they would let him if he wanted to.....not that he said that he did it.
If you want to get specific you need to stick to the facts.
Now let's go back and watch the video of Obama showing his erection to female journalists on his campaign flight, and talking about pussy, shall we???

God, you actually believe that video showed obama exposing himself? Do you have an IQ? Just wonderin'. Actually here is what Trump said, word for word, and he does say he cannot control himself, he just starts grabbin', but he says, as if that is a good excuse, that the women he grabs do not call the cops or slap the shit out of his punk ass because he is a "star." liar. not the same as saying the women let him do it. do you really think it is cool for a man to grab a woman's privates without even asking? just how awful a person are you, even for a trump voter?

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If you refuse to believe what you saw with your own eyes..Obama flashing his Johnson for every woman to see while he was a Senator running for president..then far as your evidence goes......I don't give a flying fuck what Trump said when he was a private citizen, in private, 10 fucking years ago.....I've said worse myself.
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Why would the crazy radical left warn the Trump administration that closing the border would cause a recession? The crazy left wants a recession in time for 2020 don't they? Propaganda is a bitch.

Because when the border was shut down last year, San Yisidro did a study on how much money they lost over the 5 hours that the border was shut down. It came to around 5 million, which is about a million per hour, just at that one border town. Yes, if the southern border is shut down completely, even for just a day or two, it will cost the border communities a lot of money, as well as the whole country.
How many jobs will it save north of those border towns?
And now McConnell disagrees with Trump about closing Mexican border and causing recession Think trump cares?? A pussy grabbing idiot a know nothing moron supported by idiots who made a bad choice
He said Gold-diggers tried to get him to grab their pussy, you lying SOB. He did not say he went for it.
But Joe Biden can't keep his hands and his lips off of little girls.
But that's okay.

And I bet you celebrate if The Democraps somehow are able to use illegal immigration to cause a recession. So quit acting like a Drama Queen.

Wrong. Trump was first talking about a married woman he wanted to have sex with, and then told how he took her out for furniture shopping, but he never got anywhere with her. He then said he needed a tic tac, and then said if you are famous you can grab women (all women, gold diggers weren't specified), by the pussy.

Here.................let me help you out................here's the video where he said that, and it has subtitles as well to help you know what he actually said.

It is you who is the lying SOB.

Yeah....and he said they would let him if he wanted to.....not that he said that he did it.
If you want to get specific you need to stick to the facts.
Now let's go back and watch the video of Obama showing his erection to female journalists on his campaign flight, and talking about pussy, shall we???

God, you actually believe that video showed obama exposing himself? Do you have an IQ? Just wonderin'. Actually here is what Trump said, word for word, and he does say he cannot control himself, he just starts grabbin', but he says, as if that is a good excuse, that the women he grabs do not call the cops or slap the shit out of his punk ass because he is a "star." liar. not the same as saying the women let him do it. do you really think it is cool for a man to grab a woman's privates without even asking? just how awful a person are you, even for a trump voter?

View attachment 253881

Pud whistler is one of those people who thinks that Mrs. Obama was a tranny because of some photoshopped picture he dug up.

No......but I do think that all of the rumors of Barack being Gay and Michelle was his mustach were true. I don't think the left will let a straight person run for president unless they're into pedophilia.
No one said We can't retaliate against Japan for Pearl Harbor, it will stop us getting sushi. We did what we had to do. Shut the border. Do what we have to do
kudos. dumbest post o' the day award. you are comparing poor people following the law about coming to our country and standing on our soil in order to ask for asylum, to the Japanese sneak attack at Pearl Harbor where they decimated almost all our existing naval capacity? seriously? what does your home room teacher say about this if you ever talk about it at grade school?
Just like FDR knew about it and got us into the war, the Progs know what they are doing for globalist designs again.
Not eating Mexican Avocados isn't going to send us into a recession. Mexico needs to understand that ushering illegals up to our border has consequences.
They need us, we don't need them.

"While imports and exports are not the only impact on a very complex economy from a border closing, the numbers show that it could be large enough to throw the economy into a recession. However, since the economy is something that Trump is counting on to get him re-elected, shutting down the border would be going against his self-interest."

Trump Closing The Mexico Border Could Throw The U.S. Into A Recession

That is from Forbes and Forbes is pro-Trump. Even pro-Trump Fake News agrees that this would harm the economy. We do need them. There are many things aside from avocados that are brought in from Mexico. Auto parts. If there are huge delays, assembly lines could be forced to shut down.
No one said We can't retaliate against Japan for Pearl Harbor, it will stop us getting sushi. We did what we had to do. Shut the border. Do what we have to do
kudos. dumbest post o' the day award. you are comparing poor people following the law about coming to our country and standing on our soil in order to ask for asylum, to the Japanese sneak attack at Pearl Harbor where they decimated almost all our existing naval capacity? seriously? what does your home room teacher say about this if you ever talk about it at grade school?
Just like FDR knew about it and got us into the war, the Progs know what they are doing for globalist designs again.
Both parties are the same.
Why would the crazy radical left warn the Trump administration that closing the border would cause a recession? The crazy left wants a recession in time for 2020 don't they? Propaganda is a bitch.

Because when the border was shut down last year, San Yisidro did a study on how much money they lost over the 5 hours that the border was shut down. It came to around 5 million, which is about a million per hour, just at that one border town. Yes, if the southern border is shut down completely, even for just a day or two, it will cost the border communities a lot of money, as well as the whole country.
How many jobs will it save north of those border towns?

None. Matter of fact, there might even be layoffs at the auto plants if they are unable to get the parts for building them that currently come from Mexico.

And, it's not just avocados and autos, there are a lot of products that Mexico sends us.
“The auto industry would basically be grinded to a halt in about two weeks. $1.7 billion of services flow back and forth daily, and for the most part a shutdown could lead — a prolonged shutdown between the two countries could lead to a recession in Mexico and the U.S. What the president’s saying is, I will do whatever it takes to secure the country even if it hurts us economically because my first job is security. That’s called leadership. And if Republicans don’t go with it I get that too, but the president’s got a different responsibility.”

Brian Kilmeade on Trump's threats to shut down the southern border: "That's called leadership"

Since we all know Trump watches the show expect a Tweet to drop.

This is the same tactic they used when they went after him to persuade him to shut down the government.

Do you agree that despite the negative effects on the economy, Trump should shut down the border "for the good of the country?"

Here's more clips of the rightwing going spewing that type of claptrap...

Fox White House correspondent defends Trump's threat to shut down the southern border as "his solemn duty" to defend America

Fox's Mollie Hemingway on closing the southern border: "Sometimes you want to have a little bit of hurt so that people are incentivized to do something"

Fox regular argues closing the border is worth the economic cost
/——/ Buy cars built in the good old USA. Problem solved.

Those cars that are built in the good old USA are built with parts that are made in Mexico. You really don't understand much about trade between the two countries, do you?

As for the rest of you who are clamoring for the border to be shut down, it's gonna be a hell of a lot more than just avocados that are affected. You guys gotta quit looking at just one thing and saying you don't need it, because it will involve a hell of a lot more than just that one thing you say you don't need.
/——/ build cars made in the USA with parts made in the USA.

The trouble is that they are too expensive for lower and middle class people to buy. I remember when you could buy a cheap car under $10,000. Now new car prices are skyrocketing and forcing lower and middle class people into the used car market which will drive those prices up.
you forgot to add the "rest of the story," as right wingers and their sources almost always do...here ya go, the rest of the story that shows Hillary never had any classified emails on her server. Not one. Not even 3 that Comey did at first claim...Period. --

Allow me to refresh your memory.

Rep Trey Gowdy rips into FBI Director James Comey on Hillary Clinton’s ‘intent’
PUBLISHED THU, JUL 7 2016 • 1:18 PM EDT | UPDATED THU, JUL 7 2016 • 2:44 PM EDT

A House panel grilled FBI Director James Comey two days after he recommended against prosecuting former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for an email server scandal. In the hearing, South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy questioned Comey on the definition of intent and how Clinton could possibly evade punishment.

The exchange grew heated at times, with comments like this one from Gowdy: “You and I both know intent is really difficult to prove. Very rarely do defendants announce ‘On this date I intend to break this criminal code section. Just to put everyone on notice, I am going to break the law on this date.’”

Here’s a full transcript of the exchange:

Gowdy: Good morning, Director Comey. Secretary Clinton said she never sent or received any classified information over her private e-mail, was that true?

Comey: Our investigation found that there was classified information sent.

Gowdy: It was not true?

Comey: That’s what I said.

Gowdy: OK. Well, I’m looking for a shorter answer so you and I are not here quite as long. Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her e-mails sent or received. Was that true?

Comey: That’s not true. There were a small number of portion markings on I think three of the documents.

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said “I did not e-mail any classified information to anyone on my e-mail there was no classified material.” That is true?

Comey: There was classified information emailed.

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton used one device, was that true?

Comey: She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as Secretary of State.

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said all work related emails were returned to the State Department. Was that true?

Comey: No. We found work related email, thousands, that were not returned.

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said neither she or anyone else deleted work related emails from her personal account.

Comey: That’s a harder one to answer. We found traces of work related emails in — on devices or in space. Whether they were deleted or when a server was changed out something happened to them, there’s no doubt that the work related emails that were removed electronically from the email system.

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said her lawyers read every one of the emails and were overly inclusive. Did her lawyers read the email content individually?

Comey: No.

Gowdy: Well, in the interest of time and because I have a plane to catch tomorrow afternoon, I’m not going to go through any more of the false statements but I am going to ask you to put on your old hat. Faults exculpatory statements are used for what?

Comey: Well, either for a substantive prosecution or evidence of intent in a criminal prosecution.

Gowdy: Exactly. Intent and consciousness of guilt, right?

Comey: That is right?

Gowdy: Consciousness of guilt and intent? In your old job you would prove intent as you referenced by showing the jury evidence of a complex scheme that was designed for the very purpose of concealing the public record and you would be arguing in addition to concealment the destruction that you and i just talked about or certainly the failure to preserve.

You would argue all of that under the heading of content. You would also — intent. You would also be arguing the pervasiveness of the scheme when it started, when it ended and the number of emails whether

They were originally classified or of classified under the heading of intent. You would also, probably, under common scheme or plan, argue the burn bags of daily calendar entries or the missing daily calendar entries as a common scheme or plan to conceal.

Two days ago, Director, you said a reasonable person in her position should have known a private email was no place to send and receive classified information. You’re right. An average person does know not to do that.

This is no average person. This is a former First Lady, a former United States senator, and a former Secretary of State that the president now contends is the most competent, qualified person to be president since Jefferson. He didn’t say that in ’08 but says it now.

She affirmatively rejected efforts to give her a state.gov account, kept the private emails for almost two years and only turned them over to Congress because we found out she had a private email account.

So you have a rogue email system set up before she took the oath of office, thousands of what we now know to be classified emails, some of which were classified at the time. One of her more frequent email comrades was hacked and you don’t know whether or not she was.

And this scheme took place over a long period of time and resulted in the destruction of public records and yet you say there is insufficient evidence of intent. You say she was extremely careless, but not intentionally so.

You and I both know intent is really difficult to prove. Very rarely do defendants announce ‘On this date I intend to break this criminal code section. Just to put everyone on notice, I am going to break the law on this date.’

It never happens that way. You have to do it with circumstantial evidence or if you’re Congress and you realize how difficult it is prove, specific intent, you will form lathe a statute that allows for gross negligence.

My time is out but this is really important. You mentioned there’s no precedent for criminal prosecution. My fear is there still isn’t. There’s nothing to keep a future Secretary of State or President from this exact same email scheme or their staff.

And my real fear is this, what the chairman touched upon, this double track justice system that is rightly or wrongly perceived in this country. That if you are a private in the Army and email yourself classified information you will be kicked out. But if you are Hillary Clinton, and you seek a promotion to Commander in Chief, you will not be. So what I hope you can do today is help the average person, the reasonable person you made reference to, the reasonable person understand why she appears to be treated differently than the rest of us would be. With that I would yield back.

The source of this transcript is closed captioning.

Rep Trey Gowdy rips into FBI Director James Comey on Hillary Clinton's 'intent'
No one said We can't retaliate against Japan for Pearl Harbor, it will stop us getting sushi. We did what we had to do. Shut the border. Do what we have to do

Trying to equivocate the attack on Pearl Harbor with the current situation with the immigrants is dishonest. Pearl Harbor was an actual military attack, with actual military weapons and personnel. The people wanting to cross the border aren't anything even close to what happened at Pearl Harbor.

In many ways, the attack on Pearl Harbor was far less invasive than what is happening at our Southern Border. The Japanese never landed any troops on our soil. Here we have millions coming into our country without our permission.
“The auto industry would basically be grinded to a halt in about two weeks. $1.7 billion of services flow back and forth daily, and for the most part a shutdown could lead — a prolonged shutdown between the two countries could lead to a recession in Mexico and the U.S. What the president’s saying is, I will do whatever it takes to secure the country even if it hurts us economically because my first job is security. That’s called leadership. And if Republicans don’t go with it I get that too, but the president’s got a different responsibility.”

Brian Kilmeade on Trump's threats to shut down the southern border: "That's called leadership"

Since we all know Trump watches the show expect a Tweet to drop.

This is the same tactic they used when they went after him to persuade him to shut down the government.

Do you agree that despite the negative effects on the economy, Trump should shut down the border "for the good of the country?"

Here's more clips of the rightwing going spewing that type of claptrap...

Fox White House correspondent defends Trump's threat to shut down the southern border as "his solemn duty" to defend America

Fox's Mollie Hemingway on closing the southern border: "Sometimes you want to have a little bit of hurt so that people are incentivized to do something"

Fox regular argues closing the border is worth the economic cost
/——/ Buy cars built in the good old USA. Problem solved.

Those cars that are built in the good old USA are built with parts that are made in Mexico. You really don't understand much about trade between the two countries, do you?

As for the rest of you who are clamoring for the border to be shut down, it's gonna be a hell of a lot more than just avocados that are affected. You guys gotta quit looking at just one thing and saying you don't need it, because it will involve a hell of a lot more than just that one thing you say you don't need.
/——/ build cars made in the USA with parts made in the USA.

The trouble is that they are too expensive for lower and middle class people to buy. I remember when you could buy a cheap car under $10,000. Now new car prices are skyrocketing and forcing lower and middle class people into the used car market which will drive those prices up.
/——/ Heck I remember when a new Chevy Impala was $2,800 fully equipped with a big V8
Oops, Mexico is already beginning to help along their country.

how do you know this to be true?

A little bird told me. I also speak Spanish, actually Miami/Key West Spanish, then a bit of Norwegian, Danish, and less Swedish.
Mexican Government Cracks Down on Human Smugglers in Southern Mexico
ROBERT ARCE 2 Apr 2019
The Federal Attorney General’s Office (FGR) of Mexico announced the arrests of 15 suspected human smugglers in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas. The suspected smugglers allegedly packed 338 migrants into five passenger buses for transportation to the U.S. border.
Mexican Government Cracks Down on Human Smugglers in Southern Mexico

And for yee of little faith, I included the source.
Fiscalía rescata a 338 migrantes centroamericanos en Chiapas
/——/ Heck I remember when a new Chevy Impala was $2,800 fully equipped with a big V8

Your Avatar. A 1951 Pontiac? Didn't they have a straight 8?

I was drooling over a new Porsche 911, with a/c for $6,000 and with a 1935 Rolls Royce that actually ran very well. I ended up with a 1954 (?) F-100 Pickup Truck for $300.00! :D That was about 1960
Why would the crazy radical left warn the Trump administration that closing the border would cause a recession? The crazy left wants a recession in time for 2020 don't they? Propaganda is a bitch.

Because when the border was shut down last year, San Yisidro did a study on how much money they lost over the 5 hours that the border was shut down. It came to around 5 million, which is about a million per hour, just at that one border town. Yes, if the southern border is shut down completely, even for just a day or two, it will cost the border communities a lot of money, as well as the whole country.
---------------------------- i hope that the border is shut down . feck the money is my opinion BSailor .
None. Matter of fact, there might even be layoffs at the auto plants if they are unable to get the parts for building them that currently come from Mexico.

And, it's not just avocados and autos, there are a lot of products that Mexico sends us.

Yeah, and just imagine Cinco de Mayo without tequila and avocados! OH, THE HUMANITY!
Why would the crazy radical left warn the Trump administration that closing the border would cause a recession? The crazy left wants a recession in time for 2020 don't they? Propaganda is a bitch.

Because when the border was shut down last year, San Yisidro did a study on how much money they lost over the 5 hours that the border was shut down. It came to around 5 million, which is about a million per hour, just at that one border town. Yes, if the southern border is shut down completely, even for just a day or two, it will cost the border communities a lot of money, as well as the whole country.
How many jobs will it save north of those border towns?

None. Matter of fact, there might even be layoffs at the auto plants if they are unable to get the parts for building them that currently come from Mexico.

And, it's not just avocados and autos, there are a lot of products that Mexico sends us.

Anything we can't get somewhere else?
I heard that he would shut down the border but still allow commercial traffic.

So it's all chicken little sky is falling shit.

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