Faux News: Sure It Will Tank The Economy And Cause A Recession But Trump Should Shut Down The Border

i pay no attention to 'trey gowdy' , i've been hearing nothing but hot air coming from that guy for years now Kid . I think that 'gowdy' is all big voice or big mouth or 'hot Air' Jones .
The problem with you uneducated white trash types. You stand for nothing, therefore you fall for anything. There is no invasion. What's worse is you descend from the invaders. You're such a racist that you want to destroy the economy rather than allow people to come into this country to escape death and violence. On one hand you dumb mfs brag about having more jobs than people to work but want to stop the potential employees needed.

Do you believe those South American Countries and Mexico are sending their best and brightest from their countries or those without skills?

Are you so gullible as to believe that those crossing illegally into our country are qualified to fill those jobs?

If the massive influx of people today is not an invasion, what would you call it?
Pray to tell, what is the middle of the road? Have the border open part-time?

The middle is first to realize that the border being open to commercial and legal traffic and illegal immigration are not really connected. Closing the border to all movement is like closing your store to stop shoplifting, yeah it will stop the shoplifting but you will go out of business due to no sales.

Why is it that Democrats were all in favor of a serious wall and serious immigration reform, but are opposed today?

Because they are playing politics. It is not new and it is not only the Dems. Why is it that Trump did not do all of these things during his first two years when his party controlled all of Congress? The answer is because it would have been bad politically for them

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Democrats love the homless pitching a tent on city streets. They want more. It might be the smell of rotting shit they like so much.
i pay no attention to 'trey gowdy' , i've been hearing nothing but hot air coming from that guy for years now Kid . I think that 'gowdy' is all big voice or big mouth or 'hot Air' Jones .

Curious. Trey Gowdy was asking the questions, do you not listen to James Comey? He was the one ANSWERING the questions. Was James Comey lying?
I'VE been hearing hot air 'gowdy' for years now and i never saw or heard anything from him except for big mouth Questions and then NO action Markle .
Typical nonsense when dealing with partisan nutters.

As pointed out Texas could lose a billion dollars a day if the border is closed and your answer is fuck those workers and Texas economy.

Alright, fuck them and when you can not grow your victory garden in the winter and produce is in limited supply just remember you are doing this for Trump while he sit and eats whatever he wants.

Oh, and the next time you tell me how I am supporting the left and open borders by saying YOU to me just remember I will only vote for Manchin in 2020 and if not him then I will go Libertarian again.

Unlike you I will not vote for the trash of the day and YOU and YOUR kind gave us Beto or Sanders because of your arrogance and blind loyalty to Trump.

Specifically, why are you opposed to this economy?
US weekly jobless claims drop to the lowest level since 1969

  • The number of Americans filing applications for unemployment benefits dropped to a more than 49-year low last week.
  • The data pointed to sustained labor market strength despite slowing economic growth.
  • Initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped to 202,000 for the week ended March 30, the lowest level since early December 1969, the Labor Department said.
US weekly jobless claims drop to the lowest level since 1969
I'VE been hearing hot air 'gowdy' for years now and i never saw or heard anything from him except for big mouth Questions and then NO action Markle .

Good to see that you acknowledge your mistake. It wasn't Trey Gowdy who said there would be no prosecution of Hillary Clinton, that she was too stupid, that was James Comey, was it not? How is that the responsibility of Trey Gowdy?
not important to me and i have told you my impression of 'gowdy' , i don't like him as i think that he is just a big mouth Markle .
------------------------------------- And if YOU want that 'mexican' oil You will pay for it . Course i keep hearing that the USA is self sufficient in oil . But if that is incorrect and you want 'mexican' oil you will pay for it BruceL .

The Great President Ronald Reagan was spot on with his description of the shortcomings of Liberals.

The oil market is a WORLD MARKET. You buy oil from the vast pool of oil on the market at any one time.

Typical nonsense when dealing with partisan nutters.

As pointed out Texas could lose a billion dollars a day if the border is closed and your answer is fuck those workers and Texas economy.

Alright, fuck them and when you can not grow your victory garden in the winter and produce is in limited supply just remember you are doing this for Trump while he sit and eats whatever he wants.

Oh, and the next time you tell me how I am supporting the left and open borders by saying YOU to me just remember I will only vote for Manchin in 2020 and if not him then I will go Libertarian again.

Unlike you I will not vote for the trash of the day and YOU and YOUR kind gave us Beto or Sanders because of your arrogance and blind loyalty to Trump.

Specifically, why are you opposed to this economy?
US weekly jobless claims drop to the lowest level since 1969

  • The number of Americans filing applications for unemployment benefits dropped to a more than 49-year low last week.
  • The data pointed to sustained labor market strength despite slowing economic growth.
  • Initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped to 202,000 for the week ended March 30, the lowest level since early December 1969, the Labor Department said.
US weekly jobless claims drop to the lowest level since 1969

A nice continuation of the last 9 years...

4-Week Moving Average of Initial Claims

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you care why? invasion of the country shuts it down and you have no issue with foreigners invading our good land. now you're concerned? fk you.
not important to me and i have told you my impression of 'gowdy' , i don't like him as i think that he is just a big mouth Markle .

A very adept man and a highly successful prosecutor.

I fully realize that for Progressives, a record more like Ted Kennedy, Mayor Ray Nagin, or Mayor Marion Barry is much more to your liking.
'gowdy ' suck as a big voice , big mouth and all hot air in my opinion Markle . :afro:
------------------------------------------------- let him lose in '2020' and then you guys MAY get 'beto' , bernie or another socialist and we will see how that works out for YOU in the USA . [tomaters and avocados] . Maybe scared people ought to put in some VICTORY Gardens like my Grandparents did during WW2 and grow tomatoes plus put in an Avocado Tree for avocados for use in the Future . Will Americans die for lack of tomatoes and avocado on toast BruceL .

Anything is better than Trump.
------------------------------------------------ [chuckle] yeah eh . If these crying feckheads crying about avocados and tomaters vote other than Trump they get what they deserve IM2 .

Jesus fucking Christ!

Is that all you think is Mexico exports here?

Oil is one of their major exports to our country and if they shut us off what do you think will happen to the price of oil, and the price of gas?

How dense can someone be to think Mexico is not a major player in our economy from oil to concrete to produce?

I swear many of you just do not care and just want the border closed because you fear that taco stand owner might vote Democrat.

God I hope Trump closes the border and when Texas Economy goes into full recession or depression those like you stand up and tell the people of Texas to plant a victory garden.

If Obama did this you would have been against it but Trump ( a damn Democrat ) is threatening it you applaud it!
------------------------------------- And if YOU want that 'mexican' oil You will pay for it . Course i keep hearing that the USA is self sufficient in oil . But if that is incorrect and you want 'mexican' oil you will pay for it BruceL .

Who the fuck told you we were self sufficient in oil? Most of our new oil is from oil shale and it is great oil for making plastics and such but shitty for making gasoline.

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Not quite yet, but soon.
and 'gowdy' is a waste of time in my opinion . And off topic but i think i heard 'reagan' so that implies 'repubs' but reagan , old man bush and repubs started this whole border problem back in 1986 . And 'repub' named 'jebito bush' would have just let in more 'mex' and other 's. americans' if he had run and had been been elected . And yeah , 'gowdy' , i have no use for 'hot air' gowdy Markle .
and 'gowdy' is a waste of time in my opinion . And off topic but i think i heard 'reagan' so that implies 'repubs' but reagan , old man bush and repubs started this whole border problem back in 1986 . And 'repub' named 'jebito bush' would have just let in more 'mex' and other 's. americans' if he had run and had been been elected . And yeah , 'gowdy' , i have no use for 'hot air' gowdy Markle .
sucks to be you then eh?
The middle is first to realize that the border being open to commercial and legal traffic and illegal immigration are not really connected. Closing the border to all movement is like closing your store to stop shoplifting, yeah it will stop the shoplifting but you will go out of business due to no sales.

Having been in retail management for a number of years I can say with certainty that if your store is in a location where shoplifting is rampant and uncontrolled, it best to close the store rather than bleed money.
and 'gowdy' is a waste of time in my opinion . And off topic but i think i heard 'reagan' so that implies 'repubs' but reagan , old man bush and repubs started this whole border problem back in 1986 . And 'repub' named 'jebito bush' would have just let in more 'mex' and other 's. americans' if he had run and had been been elected . And yeah , 'gowdy' , i have no use for 'hot air' gowdy Markle .
sucks to be you then eh?
------------------------ no , i just speak the truth about 'repubs' reagan and old man bush and as i state my OPINION on 'gowdy' JC ,

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