FBI Agent Fired For Hiding Huner Biden's Criminal Laptop - Hunter Biden Still Not Indicted / Under Arrest

Look, guy, we know you are invested in this bit of Russian propaganda, but the Laptop is a hoax.
Holy no self-awareness Batman! Russia Russia Russia LIES all over AGAIN????? Damn, the demented subverted demoralized zombies are out of their minds!
Actually, Hunter and Hillary didn't actually break any laws...

Unlike Trump, who broke dozens of them.

View attachment 707982
Of course you will argue the two did not break any laws and you may well have a point as high level democrats are above the rule of law. If democrats were treated like normal peons, Hillary and Hunter Biden would be considered to have broken the law.



John Adams wrote in the Massachusetts Constitution that the purpose of separation of powers was to ensure that we establish “a government of laws, and not of men.” So much for that idea. We now have a government by the Obamas, the Clintons, the elites. And thanks to the Divine Right of Kings, they are not subject to the laws of the merely mortal whom they govern.

Wow, could you imagine if any of this were remotely true?
So are we supposed to judge Joe Biden by one of his close relatives...

So Joe did nothing wrong but they want guilt by association...

This is just funny...
Whistleblowers have exposed criminal corruption and bias within the FBI consisting of hiding criminal evidence, a failure to investigate proven crimes, and partisanly, criminally, intentionally interfering ... AGAIN ... in a US election.
- No FBI Agent indicted, perp-walked, and charged. (The FBI said THEY, not the DOJ, punished the scapegoa...er, Agent by FIRING him.)

Despite the FBI having to acknowledge the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop criminal contents, Hunter Biden has still not been thoroughly investigated, indicted, perp-walked, and / or charged.

Mark Zuckerberg came forward to expose how the FBI pressured / manipulated Facebook into CENSORING any and all news of Hunter Biden's laptop criminal contents, also implicating then Democrat Presidential Candidate Joe Biden, right before the election.
- Over half of those who voted for Biden, according to a recent poll, said they would have changed their vote / wod NOT have voted for Bidrn had this info NOT been censored / hidden (not just on Facebook).

No one from the FBI has been indicted, perp-walked, and charged.

Hunter Biden has still not been thoroughly investigated, indicted, perp-walked, and / or charged.

As more and more news breaks about how the DOJ & FBI partisanly, criminally suppressed criminal evidence ce against Hunter Biden, Hunter Biden slips into the background, the focus being placed on the DOJ & FBI....

Still there has been no serious accountability within the DOJ & FBI.

Garland just acted to silence whistleblowers exposing corruption and criminal partisan bias within the DOJ & FBI.
- No one has been indicted, perp-walked, arrested, charged....

The FBI just declared 'nothing to see here' after firing / kicking out of FBI HQ the Agent they claimed is responsible for criminally partisanly hiding criminal evidence and criminally obstructing an investigation.
- No one has been indicted, perp-walked, arrested, charged....

The FBI has not publicly declared, in an attempt to win back any of its respect or public trust, that it is actively, aggressively investigating Hunter Biden and the crimes exposed on his laptop

More importantly, Hunter Biden still enjoys the protection of the DOJ & FBI,

....the same exposed corrupt, criminally partisan DOJ AND FBI who finds it more important to conduct historic, unprecedented, unwarranted, heavily-armed raids on a US President's home, the home of President Biden's political enemy ... the man / President a treasonous, criminal failed political coup attempt targeted that he - Biden - participated in ...

....and STILL Hunter Biden has not been indicted, perp-walked, arrested, and charged for known crimes the FBI has hidden (which is why they had to fire a scapegoat).

Abd to add insult to injury, a slap in the faces of Americans, Biden just appointed an MSNBC fake news TV Pundit who spread disinformation / propaganda to protect Hunter (& Joe) Biden to the Intelligence Advisory Board.
- Oh, and those 50+ Intel 'experts' who committed PERJURY by signing an Affidavit falsely claiming Hunter's laptop contents were 'Russian Disinformation'.....yeah, you guessed it - Garland / the DOJ is NOT going after them, and none of them have been indicted, perp-walked, charged, or punished in any way for their crime.

Hunter Biden is very grateful for their crimes / disservice to protect him and the 'Big Guy'.....

Hunter continues to he protected by the DOJ, the FBI, and all of this 'distraction' regarding what so many have done to protect him and dad.

Laws are for little people - democrat motto
Of course you will argue the two did not break any laws and you may well have a point as high level democrats are above the rule of law. If democrats were treated like normal peons, Hillary and Hunter Biden would be considered to have broken the law.

View attachment 707985


John Adams wrote in the Massachusetts Constitution that the purpose of separation of powers was to ensure that we establish “a government of laws, and not of men.” So much for that idea. We now have a government by the Obamas, the Clintons, the elites. And thanks to the Divine Right of Kings, they are not subject to the laws of the merely mortal whom they govern.

BTW, have you found anyone here defending Hunter?

Could you tell us what role Hunter has in the present administration?

I know the GOP prefer if you don't know your children you fathered but in the Democrats they expect a little better...
BTW, have you found anyone here defending Hunter?

Could you tell us what role Hunter has in the present administration?

I know the GOP prefer if you don't know your children you fathered but in the Democrats they expect a little better...
Hunter is the bag man for the Biden family and sold his father Joe’s influence all over the world. Buying Joe is proving to be a great investment for China‘s Xi Jinping.

Of course you will argue the two did not break any laws and you may well have a point as high level democrats are above the rule of law. If democrats were treated like normal peons, Hillary and Hunter Biden would be considered to have broken the law.

Actually, what you have to prove is criminal intent.

The only places where you MIGHT have a case against against Hunter is his tax filings and his mistake on his gun permit.

He can argue that he honestly thought that the taxes (which he probably didn't prepare himself) were entered correctly, and he's paid a fine for the difference. As for the gun permit, he could honestly claim at the time, he really didn't know how serious his addiction was.

Add to that a Delaware Jury... and you don't have much of a case.
So are we supposed to judge Joe Biden by one of his close relatives...

So Joe did nothing wrong but they want guilt by association...

This is just funny...
We don't know how much he did wrong...there is evidence on Hunter's laptop to suggest Xiden was getting 10 percent kick backs.
We don't know how much he did wrong...there is evidence on Hunter's laptop to suggest Xiden was getting 10 percent kick backs.

A laptop created by Russian Trolls... okay, you go with that.
Actually, what you have to prove is criminal intent.

The only places where you MIGHT have a case against against Hunter is his tax filings and his mistake on his gun permit.

He can argue that he honestly thought that the taxes (which he probably didn't prepare himself) were entered correctly, and he's paid a fine for the difference. As for the gun permit, he could honestly claim at the time, he really didn't know how serious his addiction was.

Add to that a Delaware Jury... and you don't have much of a case.
I do not expect the Hunter Biden will ever get much more than a light slap on the wrIst. The only reason that will happen is so the democrats can say he was charged and punished. His dad of course will never be charged with anything. No way, no how.

There is plenty of incriminating evidence on Hunter Biden’s laptop but I expect the FBI to say they lost the chain of custody on the laptop so they can’t be sure the evidence is real.


I do not expect the Hunter Biden will ever get much more than a light slap on the wrIst. The only reason that will happen is so the democrats can say he was charged and punished. His dad of course will never be charged with anything. No way, no how.

More like, he didn't do anything that serious. The worst he is guilty of is tax violations, which are hard to prove criminally. Most are resolved as you pay a penalty and that's it.

There is plenty of incriminating evidence on Hunter Biden’s laptop but I expect the FBI to say they lost the chain of custody on the laptop so they can’t be sure the evidence is real.

But that's exactly the point. There's no evidence that those were his laptops, or the information wasn't faked or altered.
More like, he didn't do anything that serious. The worst he is guilty of is tax violations, which are hard to prove criminally. Most are resolved as you pay a penalty and that's it.

But that's exactly the point. There's no evidence that those were his laptops, or the information wasn't faked or altered.
Exactly. Democrats waltz away scot-free or with a slap on the wrist with a wet noodle.

Exactly. Democrats waltz away scot-free or with a slap on the wrist with a wet noodle.

Hunter Biden could easily be indicted on lying on the ATF form but almost no one is prosecuted for it, so it wouldn’t be treating him like everyone else.

As for “selling influence”, you’d first have to determine what influence was sold. I’ve never seen a credible answer to that question. Vague accusations don’t stand up in court. It needs to be specific.
The FBI Agent has not been indicted, has not been arrested, and will not face true justice for his crimes.

'A person commits the federal crime of tampering with evidence when he or she knowingly alters, conceals, falsifies, or destroys any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to interfere with an investigation, possible investigation, or other proceedings by the federal government. (18 U.S.C. § 1519.)'

FIRING this Agent is not only an attempted act of appeasement to those who have demanded the FBI stop acting as a partisan arm of the Democrat Party but it is ANOTHER CRIME COMMITTED BY THE FBI IOT PROTECT BIDEN, THE BIDEN FAMILY, AND ITS OWN AGENTS.

The FBI just let a criminal walk, attempting to hide him, attempting to hide the Agent's role in the FBI's cover-up of the Biden family's crimes, attempting to hide the evidence he KNOWS exists on the laptop, attempting to prevent his subpoenaed testimony, and attempting to hide MORE of the partisan FBI's crimes!

Wray should be dragged before Congress to answer for his allowing this criminal to walk without be held accountable for his crimes.and for allowing such widespread and unchecked criminal acts within the FBI.

He should then be fired for having no control over the continuously criminal FBI.

The FBI Agent has not been indicted, has not been arrested, and will not face true justice for his crimes.

'A person commits the federal crime of tampering with evidence when he or she knowingly alters, conceals, falsifies, or destroys any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to interfere with an investigation, possible investigation, or other proceedings by the federal government. (18 U.S.C. § 1519.)'

FIRING this Agent is not only an attempted act of appeasement to those who have demanded the FBI stop acting as a partisan arm of the Democrat Party but it is ANOTHER CRIME COMMITTED BY THE FBI IOT PROTECT BIDEN, THE BIDEN FAMILY, AND ITS OWN AGENTS.

The FBI just let a criminal walk, attempting to hide him, attempting to hide the Agent's role in the FBI's cover-up of the Biden family's crimes, attempting to hide the evidence he KNOWS exists on the laptop, attempting to prevent his subpoenaed testimony, and attempting to hide MORE of the partisan FBI's crimes!

Wray should be dragged before Congress to answer for his allowing this criminal to walk without be held accountable for his crimes.and for allowing such widespread and unchecked criminal acts within the FBI.

He should then be fired for having no control over the continuously criminal FBI.

He'll just walk across the street and get a job at the CIA like Strzok did
Exactly. Democrats waltz away scot-free or with a slap on the wrist with a wet noodle.

The laptop is useless as evidence... their are chain of custody issues.

Also, most people who have tax issues don't go to jail. They end up paying fines. it's why Trump didn't go to jail for his fraudelant charity. He just paid a fine and was banned from running any more charities.

On the tax issue, Hunter can honestly argue that he thought his accountants were practicing due diligence, and when he found out they weren't, he paid the balance and a penalty
The laptop is useless as evidence... their are chain of custody issues.

Also, most people who have tax issues don't go to jail. They end up paying fines. it's why Trump didn't go to jail for his fraudelant charity. He just paid a fine and was banned from running any more charities.

On the tax issue, Hunter can honestly argue that he thought his accountants were practicing due diligence, and when he found out they weren't, he paid the balance and a penalty
Time will tell but considering the recent history of democrats avoiding prosecution for their malfeasance, it seems unlikely that Hunter will spend any time behind bars.


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