FBI agent Peter Strzok subpoenaed to testify to congress

That was initiated by Peter Strzok, who has been subpoenad to testify Monday.

Did I mention him and some confederates in the FBI tried to erase all his texts, but Congress used DoD tools and recovered them? They have them. :funnyface: They have them all.

Link? Not some rwnj blog either.
Sure! How about the government, faggot? Those mentioned here will be the next subpoenad.

Heads are gonna roll, and I'm gonna love it.

Goodlatte, Gowdy Press Rosenstein, Wray on Withholding Documents from Congress - United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
That's just republicans blowing more smoke up your ass. The republicans in the house have so thoroughly discredited themselves on these issues that no one with any brains could possibly take them seriously at this point.

The personal insult tells ylme you know you don't really have any evidence.

This is Sunday, there's 5 whole days in next week. :)

You asked for a "Not rwnj" link, there ya go. It's the government. I've read the texts, there is evidence of bias.
Which didn't affect the investigation in the slightest according to the ig report.

Better reread what it said, lol. You are regurgitating a Chucky-Shmucky, Fancy-Nancy talking point, lol. But I am guessing you didn't watch the hearings this week, where the IG himself said that it was NOT the case, and that their actions showed BIAS.

You really need to get with it, you wet behind the ears, jackbooted-brownshirt, you are 8 or 9 Leftist talking points behind, lol.

You are so embarrassing, one of us may have to take the Leftist side, just so we can have spirited debate; and again, you are so incompetent at spin, don't EVER think of quitting your day job...….if you have one...…..and if not, getting off welfare-)
Sure! How about the government, faggot? Those mentioned here will be the next subpoenad.

Heads are gonna roll, and I'm gonna love it.

Goodlatte, Gowdy Press Rosenstein, Wray on Withholding Documents from Congress - United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
That's just republicans blowing more smoke up your ass. The republicans in the house have so thoroughly discredited themselves on these issues that no one with any brains could possibly take them seriously at this point.

The personal insult tells ylme you know you don't really have any evidence.

This is Sunday, there's 5 whole days in next week. :)

You asked for a "Not rwnj" link, there ya go. It's the government. I've read the texts, there is evidence of bias.
Which didn't affect the investigation in the slightest according to the ig report.

Congressional Oversight committee has the final say. I like the IG, they hammered him hard Thursday.

He knows there was bias, but he couldn't gather enough evidence to prove it.
The IG in fact found evidence that it wasn't a factor.

The retard level is wayyy over 9000! :eek:
he will plead the 5th

FBI agent Peter Strzok subpoenaed to testify to congress

Strzok was subpoenaed Friday to tell the House Judiciary Committee about his actions as he led investigations into both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in the months before the 2016 election.

Obammy contaminated and corrupted our government. Trump is just trying to drain the swamp and restore our democracy but the Dirty Democrats are squealing like pigs.

Don't worry, the Press will treat Strzok like a victim and a hero.
FBIgate is way worse than Watergate


he wanted to be questioned, and it should be for all to see.

FBI agent Peter Strzok subpoenaed to testify to congress

Strzok was subpoenaed Friday to tell the House Judiciary Committee about his actions as he led investigations into both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in the months before the 2016 election.

Obammy contaminated and corrupted our government. Trump is just trying to drain the swamp and restore our democracy but the Dirty Democrats are squealing like pigs.

Don't worry, the Press will treat Strzok like a victim and a hero.
FBIgate is way worse than Watergate

1. He voluteered to testify. No immunity, no pleading the 5th, nothing but the truth. voluntarily.

2. FBI gate is an invention of the conservative media to distract the faithful form the real happenings in the Special Counsel investigation.

He can NOT take the 5th as long as he is in the FBI. But Paige can, because she quit.

On the other hand, who here read the IG report? Anyone? Long read!

Well let me tell you-----------> he either named names, or referred to them as 1 or 2. But even after him trying to cover their identitys, it was figured out in the hearings.

So why am I bringing this up, and what does that have to do with anything you probably ask!

Well, not because of WHO/WHOM was there in the report, but WHO/WHOM, was NOT mentioned-) 3 very big players in this did not even get honorable mention in the report, and what that almost ALWAYS means is, they are CO-OPERATING in the investigation, so they can NOT be put into a position to be prosecuted, as per usually the deal.

So who are these 3 people, mysteriously not even mentioned in the IG report, that we all KNOW have pertinent information about this disasterous affair?

1 and 2--------> The Ohrs,

3. Bill Priestep-)

Now then, Pee-Pee Herman Strozk knows someone is singing. He also now knows, that someone altered the 301-Bs. That is a jailing offense, right there, but he probably did NOT do it. How do we know this? Because he and the other FBI agent that interviewed Flynn both stated that, "he was not lying." And so, now the rubber is going to meet the road over this, and over the meeting Strozk and Paige had in "Andy's office," where both Paige and Strozk said that, "Andy was there," Andy said he wasn't! You know, the meeting where Andy came up with the INSURANCE PLAN in case Trump was elected-) And you know, the other question about POTUS (meaning Obama) wanted to know EVERYTHING!

Oh yes, yes...………..their own words, and the Left insists nothing is going on. Well, I have a VERY logical question for the Leftists on here-------------> Did you ever hear the old lawyering adage, "never ask a question, unless you already know the answer!" Well, I know you think Trump and all Republicans including Guliani are dumb as a box of rocks. We know this because you tell us this each and every day on here, there, and everywhere else-)

But which one of you Leftists actually believe, that all these people involved on the Republican side, are soooooooo dumb, they don't already know what actually happened for real, and are also sooooooo stupid, they will put someone up there, force them to tell the truth, and that blows their whole case out of the water, right before the midterms?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Who is willing to take that ignorant bet-) If you were the Republicans, wouldn't you SLOW WALK the whole thing like the Democrats are doing-) Wouldn't you find excuses to not interview people who would put the whole affair to bed, kinda like the Democrats are doing with documentation, trying to get past the midterms?!?!?!

Lets face it Leftists-----------> They asked Trump for his campaign records, he coughed up ALL of them. They asked his son-in-law, he coughed up ALL of them.

But, when they asked the FBI/DOJ to cough up documents, stone walling, hiding documents, changing documents.

So when I see a Leftist talk the way the Leftist in this thread talk, I laugh, and laugh heavily. You are either dumb as a box of rocks, and will soon need valium to make it through your day, OR...…….you are gaslighting phony baloneys, who know EXACTLY what they are doing, and care less their credibility is going to be shot to hell in the near future. Of course, I suppose that means they will just change their sign on name and continue on; but I wonder what the Leftist mods are going to do-) That ought to be interesting, lololololol!

awesome Hoosier
wonder why we were never shown what was said after, "We'll Stop it" ?

the texting between the two of them, surely did not stop there?

What was said right after that? Did Page come back and say, "What do you mean?" or come back and say "how"?

It appears to me, the text was cut off and not shown to us, for a reason.... and maybe to deceive us? But it could be, that maybe he answered the WHAT ....on what he meant and it is all rotten dirty tricks?

But you would think Nunes would have leaked the continued conversation, if it was something like that, no?

Soooo, I would not be slapping high fives, yet....Trumpsters!

So lemme get this straight, you're against rooting out the corruption in the FBI and DoJ. Do I have that correct?

exactly where did I say that....?

In your own demented mind!!!!

Your games, are infantile....cease and desist! (Pretty Please) :)

I'm watching you. :1peleas:
Is THAT suppose to scare me??? :rolleyes:

Link? Not some rwnj blog either.
Sure! How about the government, faggot? Those mentioned here will be the next subpoenad.

Heads are gonna roll, and I'm gonna love it.

Goodlatte, Gowdy Press Rosenstein, Wray on Withholding Documents from Congress - United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
That's just republicans blowing more smoke up your ass. The republicans in the house have so thoroughly discredited themselves on these issues that no one with any brains could possibly take them seriously at this point.

The personal insult tells ylme you know you don't really have any evidence.

This is Sunday, there's 5 whole days in next week. :)

You asked for a "Not rwnj" link, there ya go. It's the government. I've read the texts, there is evidence of bias.
Which didn't affect the investigation in the slightest according to the ig report.

Better reread what it said, lol. You are regurgitating a Chucky-Shmucky, Fancy-Nancy talking point, lol. But I am guessing you didn't watch the hearings this week, where the IG himself said that it was NOT the case, and that their actions showed BIAS.

You really need to get with it, you wet behind the ears, jackbooted-brownshirt, you are 8 or 9 Leftist talking points behind, lol.

You are so embarrassing, one of us may have to take the Leftist side, just so we can have spirited debate; and again, you are so incompetent at spin, don't EVER think of quitting your day job...….if you have one...…..and if not, getting off welfare-)
Please quote the relevant section. I read the summary, just like everybody else.
That's just republicans blowing more smoke up your ass. The republicans in the house have so thoroughly discredited themselves on these issues that no one with any brains could possibly take them seriously at this point.

The personal insult tells ylme you know you don't really have any evidence.

This is Sunday, there's 5 whole days in next week. :)

You asked for a "Not rwnj" link, there ya go. It's the government. I've read the texts, there is evidence of bias.
Which didn't affect the investigation in the slightest according to the ig report.

Congressional Oversight committee has the final say. I like the IG, they hammered him hard Thursday.

He knows there was bias, but he couldn't gather enough evidence to prove it.
The IG in fact found evidence that it wasn't a factor.

The retard level is wayyy over 9000! :eek:
Still stumped huh? Don't worry, maybe nobody else noticed.
All the Democrats will line up to defend him, and he'll skate. Been there done that. This is just a rerun tv show. Movin on...
he will plead the 5th

FBI agent Peter Strzok subpoenaed to testify to congress

Strzok was subpoenaed Friday to tell the House Judiciary Committee about his actions as he led investigations into both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in the months before the 2016 election.

Obammy contaminated and corrupted our government. Trump is just trying to drain the swamp and restore our democracy but the Dirty Democrats are squealing like pigs.

Don't worry, the Press will treat Strzok like a victim and a hero.
FBIgate is way worse than Watergate


he wanted to be questioned, and it should be for all to see.

FBI agent Peter Strzok subpoenaed to testify to congress

Strzok was subpoenaed Friday to tell the House Judiciary Committee about his actions as he led investigations into both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in the months before the 2016 election.

Obammy contaminated and corrupted our government. Trump is just trying to drain the swamp and restore our democracy but the Dirty Democrats are squealing like pigs.

Don't worry, the Press will treat Strzok like a victim and a hero.
FBIgate is way worse than Watergate

1. He voluteered to testify. No immunity, no pleading the 5th, nothing but the truth. voluntarily.

2. FBI gate is an invention of the conservative media to distract the faithful form the real happenings in the Special Counsel investigation.

He can NOT take the 5th as long as he is in the FBI. But Paige can, because she quit.

On the other hand, who here read the IG report? Anyone? Long read!

Well let me tell you-----------> he either named names, or referred to them as 1 or 2. But even after him trying to cover their identitys, it was figured out in the hearings.

So why am I bringing this up, and what does that have to do with anything you probably ask!

Well, not because of WHO/WHOM was there in the report, but WHO/WHOM, was NOT mentioned-) 3 very big players in this did not even get honorable mention in the report, and what that almost ALWAYS means is, they are CO-OPERATING in the investigation, so they can NOT be put into a position to be prosecuted, as per usually the deal.

So who are these 3 people, mysteriously not even mentioned in the IG report, that we all KNOW have pertinent information about this disasterous affair?

1 and 2--------> The Ohrs,

3. Bill Priestep-)

Now then, Pee-Pee Herman Strozk knows someone is singing. He also now knows, that someone altered the 301-Bs. That is a jailing offense, right there, but he probably did NOT do it. How do we know this? Because he and the other FBI agent that interviewed Flynn both stated that, "he was not lying." And so, now the rubber is going to meet the road over this, and over the meeting Strozk and Paige had in "Andy's office," where both Paige and Strozk said that, "Andy was there," Andy said he wasn't! You know, the meeting where Andy came up with the INSURANCE PLAN in case Trump was elected-) And you know, the other question about POTUS (meaning Obama) wanted to know EVERYTHING!

Oh yes, yes...………..their own words, and the Left insists nothing is going on. Well, I have a VERY logical question for the Leftists on here-------------> Did you ever hear the old lawyering adage, "never ask a question, unless you already know the answer!" Well, I know you think Trump and all Republicans including Guliani are dumb as a box of rocks. We know this because you tell us this each and every day on here, there, and everywhere else-)

But which one of you Leftists actually believe, that all these people involved on the Republican side, are soooooooo dumb, they don't already know what actually happened for real, and are also sooooooo stupid, they will put someone up there, force them to tell the truth, and that blows their whole case out of the water, right before the midterms?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Who is willing to take that ignorant bet-) If you were the Republicans, wouldn't you SLOW WALK the whole thing like the Democrats are doing-) Wouldn't you find excuses to not interview people who would put the whole affair to bed, kinda like the Democrats are doing with documentation, trying to get past the midterms?!?!?!

Lets face it Leftists-----------> They asked Trump for his campaign records, he coughed up ALL of them. They asked his son-in-law, he coughed up ALL of them.

But, when they asked the FBI/DOJ to cough up documents, stone walling, hiding documents, changing documents.

So when I see a Leftist talk the way the Leftist in this thread talk, I laugh, and laugh heavily. You are either dumb as a box of rocks, and will soon need valium to make it through your day, OR...…….you are gaslighting phony baloneys, who know EXACTLY what they are doing, and care less their credibility is going to be shot to hell in the near future. Of course, I suppose that means they will just change their sign on name and continue on; but I wonder what the Leftist mods are going to do-) That ought to be interesting, lololololol!

awesome Hoosier
Yeah, he's got quite the imagination doesn't he?
All the Democrats will line up to defend him, and he'll skate. Been there done that. This is just a rerun tv show. Movin on...

I don't think so, not this time.

Trust me, this only helps that scumbag. The Democrats will dutifully defend him, and make him out to be a 'Victim.' Nothing else will come of it. Just another Taxpayer-funded waste. Another Dog & Pony Show.

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