FBI Agent Removed From Mueller Team Drafted Comey's Statement On Hillary

I would absolutely love to find out how certain ones have been enriched...
The whole Mueller team is against the President... they are Demrats contributors to the Clintons foundation scum...

One by one.....they will be punished...and shamed.....he is only the first one....

Their time has come....this is the calm before the storm.
Mueller, Comey, and this scumbag need to be investigated ... indicted, charged, then sent to prison!
It is being reported that this criminal pro-Hillary, anti-Trump scumbag was also in on the Flynn interviews that resulted in Flynn's indictment for lying to the FBI...'lying' to this asshole.

Extreme bias...Saved Hillary's ass by altering the statement exposing Hillary's crime...and was part of Flynn's indictment / charges...

...and add in Mueller's history of prosecutorial misconduct...

Anyone else smell something fishy here?

Fishy? Nah, correction - smells like BS!
Thank you. I love this, how true it is-

Why wasn’t an alternative statement drafted that recommended Clinton be indicted if the evidence of the investigation supported that position? Probably because that scenario was never seriously considered. The fix was in. Period.

When Trump won, my husband and I both discussed the mad scramble we knew was going on within the then administration, to’bleach’ the evidence of what had transpired, which they hadn’t thought would be needed, as the malfeasance would continue under a Hillary. Thank goodness, some was missed and found. We will never know the true depth of all that had transpired under Chicago style politics.

Good article on this FBI Stench and Abomination: FBI GUILTY OF OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE

Extremely Careless or Grossly Negligent – An FBI Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice? – InvestmentWatch

"Sure the fix was in, but that comes as no surprise. No one really thought Clinton would ever be found guilty of anything no matter how damning the evidence might be. It would have been political malpractice for a Democratic administration and its Justice Department to do otherwise. Imagine indicting your own front-running presidential candidate, especially one whom most pollsters considered a shoo-in at the time. It wasn’t going to happen. And it didn’t.

What is surprising is that several high-ranking FBI officials left a paper trail, or electronic files to be more accurate, of themselves editing and nitpicking a draft of Comey’s exoneration of Clinton before she and a host of other witnesses were interviewed by the FBI. By tampering with two damning words, grossly negligent, in Comey’s first draft, they inadvertently brought the essence of Clinton’s crime into sharp relief while documenting their participation in what appears to be a prima facie case of obstruction of justice."
I would absolutely love to find out how certain ones have been enriched...
The whole Mueller team is against the President... they are Demrats contributors to the Clintons foundation scum...

One by one.....they will be punished...and shamed.....he is only the first one....

Their time has come....this is the calm before the storm.

They are all swamp...all of them Deep State...their time has come.
Witch Hunt? F* That!

This has now been exposed as / proven to be part of a collaborated series of crimes covering for / hiding Hillary's crimes and attempting to take down Trump at any cost!
Anti-intellectual is not admitting the fox was caught in the hen house, as he stands before you with a chicken in his mouth. Lol

However entertaining as they are, depending on opinions from extremist partisans, is anti-intellectual.
After Barry left the DNC $24 Million in debt, it was proven Hillary 'BOUGHT' the DNC.

It is looking like she may have 'BOUGHT' the FBI as well. Both the wives of Comey, the Director of the FBI, and the Deputy Director of the FBI received cash from Hillary Clinton, and both men had integral parts in her investigation...and the hiding of her crimes / 'exoneration'.
Reports of Mueller's staff tweeting and emailing Trump hate and collusion to create a false charges are now breaking news.. According to several sources Mueller's team is primarily of Trump hating liberals who are setting up Trump by creating a false claim of criminal activity.

Congress has now Officially demanded all email conversations to and from Mueller's team. Peter Strut, who was part of the Hillary exoneration and an avid Hillary supporter was also hired by Mueller and fired in late August for his improper behavior and politically motivated creation of false charges against Trump. Three other high level attorneys for Mueller are now implicated in the manufacturing of false evidence.

The whole investigation is now in peril and has no credibility. The wheels are coming off Mueller's wet dream.. Calls for the termination of the Mueller team are now front and center with credible evidence of FBI and Mueller group collusion to create false evidence of a crime..

Its imploding...
No link.

We have a rule around here:

When you pull stuff from your ass, you have to eat it.

Bon Appetite...
Mueller will be lucky not to be perrp walked out if his office as they turn out the lights on his criminal witch hunt.

He should be joined by Comey, the Deputy Director of the FBI his FBI agent top aide, and Hillary!
Mueller will be lucky not to be perrp walked out if his office as they turn out the lights on his criminal witch hunt.

He should be joined by Comey, the Deputy Director of the FBI his FBI agent top aide, and Hillary!
i wonder if Joyce Blowfart will bring this up
Rumors from the Hill say Sessions looks like he will be demanding Rosenberg's resignation in the morning..

This just keeps getting better and better... Now were seeing the whole Mueller support mechanism looking like it is going to be ripped apart..

Rumors from the Hill say Sessions looks like he will be demanding Rosenberg's resignation in the morning..

This just keeps getting better and better... Now were seeing the whole Mueller support mechanism looking like it is going to be ripped apart..


I'll go full Canuck if that happens! FREAKING EH!

Unfettered Corruption.....my god these people are out of control..

Seriously everyone should be thanking whatever higher power they believe in that Hillary never became President. Talk about America dodging one hell of a political bullet.
Nunes is looking at contempt of Congress charges for the DOJ and the FBI.
Sessions better get off his ass and appoint Special Counsels for Mueller, Comey, and Hillary ASAP or he might find his ass fired soon...

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