FBI: America has at least 900 ISIS operatives in our borders!

FBI Director: About 900 Active ISIS Investigations In U.S.

FBI following at least 900 ISIS operatives in America. 900!!!!! Paris was carried out by 8!!! And that's a strict gun control country. Here....according to libs....guns are easy to obtain. And we have at least 900 ISIS operatives here. Now. Today. And Obama wants 10,000 refugees....where we'll get probably another 50-100 true operatives.

And Paris was done by only 8.

Well fuck it. Game on I suppose. Good job libs....you wanted America destroyed...you and your leader sure have a good start.

We're all gonna die!

What you need is an adult diaper. How about some Constitutional Defends?

View attachment 55039

You libs love a good joke when serious shit is going on. It's why you people aren't fit to lead.

Europe is in chaos and your dear leader wants to study cow farts and global warming.
Europe is in nothing like chaos. Even fucking Paris wasn't in chaos 12 hours later. You are more drama than all of fucking Castro Street, combined.

It's not? Why are all the EU nations closing their borders and having clashes with police? Why is France bombing the Middle East? Why are there riots in most of those nations opposed to the 1,000,000 person flood of Syrians and jihadis into Europe? Schools in Paris are closing for the upcoming day due to gunfire and terrorists on the loose. France suffered worst attack since WW2. England and Germany being overrun by Muslims. Turkey having skirmishes with Russian military.

I can go on....but you morons won't admit the mess you've created until missiles are criss-crossing the world.
Mess we created? Liberals invaded Iraq? Liberals armed and trained bin Laden? Don't you mean this guy, and that Reagan fellow?
FBI Director: About 900 Active ISIS Investigations In U.S.

FBI following at least 900 ISIS operatives in America. 900!!!!! Paris was carried out by 8!!! And that's a strict gun control country. Here....according to libs....guns are easy to obtain. And we have at least 900 ISIS operatives here. Now. Today. And Obama wants 10,000 refugees....where we'll get probably another 50-100 true operatives.

And Paris was done by only 8.

Well fuck it. Game on I suppose. Good job libs....you wanted America destroyed...you and your leader sure have a good start.

We're all gonna die!

What you need is an adult diaper. How about some Constitutional Defends?

View attachment 55039

You libs love a good joke when serious shit is going on. It's why you people aren't fit to lead.

Europe is in chaos and your dear leader wants to study cow farts and global warming.
Europe is in nothing like chaos. Even fucking Paris wasn't in chaos 12 hours later. You are more drama than all of fucking Castro Street, combined.

It's not? Why are all the EU nations closing their borders and having clashes with police?

They're not.

Why is France bombing the Middle East?

They've been bombing the Middle East along with us for the last 15 years or so.

Why are there riots in most of those nations opposed to the 1,000,000 person flood of Syrians and jihadis into Europe?

Because depressed populations are quick to seek scapegoats and mutual enemies. It's way far-right nationalism is on the rise in Central and Eastern Europe.

Schools in Paris are closing for the upcoming day due to gunfire and terrorists on the loose.

I'm not surprised that Paris schools are closed, but I doubt it's because of "terrorists on the loose".

France suffered worst attack since WW2.

Yes. It's a tragedy.

England and Germany being overrun by Muslims.

Bigoted fear-mongering nonsense.

Turkey having skirmishes with Russian military.

That's been going on for decades as well.

I can go on....but you morons won't admit the mess you've created until missiles are criss-crossing the world.

You don't exactly have a great track record when it comes to predictions, cowboy.

Just from statement one you just made.....

You are denying that EU nations are closing their borders to refugees and denying there are clashes between police and refugees and protesters in Europe?

You are standing firm denying both of those??? Because both are extremely well documented.
FBI Director: About 900 Active ISIS Investigations In U.S.

FBI following at least 900 ISIS operatives in America. 900!!!!! Paris was carried out by 8!!! And that's a strict gun control country. Here....according to libs....guns are easy to obtain. And we have at least 900 ISIS operatives here. Now. Today. And Obama wants 10,000 refugees....where we'll get probably another 50-100 true operatives.

And Paris was done by only 8.

Well fuck it. Game on I suppose. Good job libs....you wanted America destroyed...you and your leader sure have a good start.

We're all gonna die!

What you need is an adult diaper. How about some Constitutional Defends?

View attachment 55039

You libs love a good joke when serious shit is going on. It's why you people aren't fit to lead.

Europe is in chaos and your dear leader wants to study cow farts and global warming.
Europe is in nothing like chaos. Even fucking Paris wasn't in chaos 12 hours later. You are more drama than all of fucking Castro Street, combined.

It's not? Why are all the EU nations closing their borders and having clashes with police? Why is France bombing the Middle East? Why are there riots in most of those nations opposed to the 1,000,000 person flood of Syrians and jihadis into Europe? Schools in Paris are closing for the upcoming day due to gunfire and terrorists on the loose. France suffered worst attack since WW2. England and Germany being overrun by Muslims. Turkey having skirmishes with Russian military.

I can go on....but you morons won't admit the mess you've created until missiles are criss-crossing the world.
Mess we created? Liberals invaded Iraq? Liberals armed and trained bin Laden? Don't you mean this guy, and that Reagan fellow?

Violence plummeted after the surge. Iraq was...surprisingly stable. The entire region was relatively stabilized. But THEN someone promised a withdrawal date and left. And left a giant power vacuum. And who filled the void? ISIS.
Did you read it? FBI suspects them of being operatives. And the FBI is rarely wrong. AND they rarely discuss things like this...as the article says...but they're stressing how the case load of ISIS operatives is getting too large to manage.

Meaning....if they're actively investigating 900 who they think are operatives (and if the FBI suspects they are...they are)....then there are probably several hundred more they don't know about.

Keep your head in the sand. Don't worry. Mommy will come make it all better.
Is there anything you won't wet the bed over? 900 active investigations? The GOP has twice that many going on Hillary's email, and six times that many on Obama's birth certificate.

That's politics. Both sides do retarded shit.

We're talking ISIS. You know...the Muslims slaughtering innocent people all over the world.

FBI doesn't open an investigation on a tree or on a fish. It's on people they suspect of being ISIS operatives. At least 900. Probably 2000 or more exist here.
It could be ten times that and big fucking deal. Somebody waves a flag and you pee your panties. You are feeding the panic, exactly what ISIS wants.

Just for the record....you're saying 9,000 ISIS operatives in America would be no big deal. Got it. Exactly why libs aren't fit to hold office.
10,000 assholes in a population of 320 million? Yeah, I have bigger fish to fry.
Is there anything you won't wet the bed over? 900 active investigations? The GOP has twice that many going on Hillary's email, and six times that many on Obama's birth certificate.

That's politics. Both sides do retarded shit.

We're talking ISIS. You know...the Muslims slaughtering innocent people all over the world.

FBI doesn't open an investigation on a tree or on a fish. It's on people they suspect of being ISIS operatives. At least 900. Probably 2000 or more exist here.
It could be ten times that and big fucking deal. Somebody waves a flag and you pee your panties. You are feeding the panic, exactly what ISIS wants.

Just for the record....you're saying 9,000 ISIS operatives in America would be no big deal. Got it. Exactly why libs aren't fit to hold office.
10,000 assholes in a population of 320 million? Yeah, I have bigger fish to fry.

20 did 9/11.
8 did Paris.

And you say 10,000 would be no big deal.

Once again .....proof that libs aren't fit for office.

yes and his sits around hooping and hollering about how big a deal 10000 firearm murders are as a big deal

bucket is a real joke
Is there anything you won't wet the bed over? 900 active investigations? The GOP has twice that many going on Hillary's email, and six times that many on Obama's birth certificate.

That's politics. Both sides do retarded shit.

We're talking ISIS. You know...the Muslims slaughtering innocent people all over the world.

FBI doesn't open an investigation on a tree or on a fish. It's on people they suspect of being ISIS operatives. At least 900. Probably 2000 or more exist here.
It could be ten times that and big fucking deal. Somebody waves a flag and you pee your panties. You are feeding the panic, exactly what ISIS wants.

Just for the record....you're saying 9,000 ISIS operatives in America would be no big deal. Got it. Exactly why libs aren't fit to hold office.
10,000 assholes in a population of 320 million? Yeah, I have bigger fish to fry.

20 did 9/11.
8 did Paris.

And you say 10,000 would be no big deal.

Once again .....proof that libs aren't fit for office.
Off those 10,000 one in 1,000 actually has a plan. I'm not going to turn American into a police state so you can feel safe driving to the Walmart.
We're all gonna die!

What you need is an adult diaper. How about some Constitutional Defends?

View attachment 55039

You libs love a good joke when serious shit is going on. It's why you people aren't fit to lead.

Europe is in chaos and your dear leader wants to study cow farts and global warming.
Europe is in nothing like chaos. Even fucking Paris wasn't in chaos 12 hours later. You are more drama than all of fucking Castro Street, combined.

It's not? Why are all the EU nations closing their borders and having clashes with police? Why is France bombing the Middle East? Why are there riots in most of those nations opposed to the 1,000,000 person flood of Syrians and jihadis into Europe? Schools in Paris are closing for the upcoming day due to gunfire and terrorists on the loose. France suffered worst attack since WW2. England and Germany being overrun by Muslims. Turkey having skirmishes with Russian military.

I can go on....but you morons won't admit the mess you've created until missiles are criss-crossing the world.
Mess we created? Liberals invaded Iraq? Liberals armed and trained bin Laden? Don't you mean this guy, and that Reagan fellow?

Violence plummeted after the surge. Iraq was...surprisingly stable. The entire region was relatively stabilized. But THEN someone promised a withdrawal date and left. And left a giant power vacuum. And who filled the void? ISIS.
Promised a date? Yeah, Bush. And we were told to leave, dumbass.
FBI Director: About 900 Active ISIS Investigations In U.S.

FBI following at least 900 ISIS operatives in America. 900!!!!! Paris was carried out by 8!!! And that's a strict gun control country. Here....according to libs....guns are easy to obtain. And we have at least 900 ISIS operatives here. Now. Today. And Obama wants 10,000 refugees....where we'll get probably another 50-100 true operatives.

And Paris was done by only 8.

Well fuck it. Game on I suppose. Good job libs....you wanted America destroyed...you and your leader sure have a good start.
Nothing more than a Breitbart distortion and disinformation piece of garbage even further enhanced by the OP's paranoia or just outright hatred.
We're all gonna die!

What you need is an adult diaper. How about some Constitutional Defends?

View attachment 55039

You libs love a good joke when serious shit is going on. It's why you people aren't fit to lead.

Europe is in chaos and your dear leader wants to study cow farts and global warming.
Europe is in nothing like chaos. Even fucking Paris wasn't in chaos 12 hours later. You are more drama than all of fucking Castro Street, combined.

It's not? Why are all the EU nations closing their borders and having clashes with police? Why is France bombing the Middle East? Why are there riots in most of those nations opposed to the 1,000,000 person flood of Syrians and jihadis into Europe? Schools in Paris are closing for the upcoming day due to gunfire and terrorists on the loose. France suffered worst attack since WW2. England and Germany being overrun by Muslims. Turkey having skirmishes with Russian military.

I can go on....but you morons won't admit the mess you've created until missiles are criss-crossing the world.
Mess we created? Liberals invaded Iraq? Liberals armed and trained bin Laden? Don't you mean this guy, and that Reagan fellow?

Violence plummeted after the surge. Iraq was...surprisingly stable. The entire region was relatively stabilized. But THEN someone promised a withdrawal date and left. And left a giant power vacuum. And who filled the void? ISIS.

Do you remember who that someone was?
That's politics. Both sides do retarded shit.

We're talking ISIS. You know...the Muslims slaughtering innocent people all over the world.

FBI doesn't open an investigation on a tree or on a fish. It's on people they suspect of being ISIS operatives. At least 900. Probably 2000 or more exist here.
It could be ten times that and big fucking deal. Somebody waves a flag and you pee your panties. You are feeding the panic, exactly what ISIS wants.

Just for the record....you're saying 9,000 ISIS operatives in America would be no big deal. Got it. Exactly why libs aren't fit to hold office.
10,000 assholes in a population of 320 million? Yeah, I have bigger fish to fry.

20 did 9/11.
8 did Paris.

And you say 10,000 would be no big deal.

Once again .....proof that libs aren't fit for office.
Off those 10,000 one in 1,000 actually has a plan. I'm not going to turn American into a police state so you can feel safe driving to the Walmart.

Oh....what's your source? I'm sure the FBI would love to know how only 1 per 1000 ISIS operatives actually has a plan.

Those demonic bastards obviously have a plan. They've conquered a chunk of the Middle East that's the size of Maryland with some old rifled and Toyota pickup trucks....defeating an ARMY Arabs that were trained and equipped by our military.

Yeah....I'm guessing they have a plan.

I wonder....do ALL your fellow libs think 10,000 ISIS operatives in America would also be "no big deal"?
FBI Director: About 900 Active ISIS Investigations In U.S.

FBI following at least 900 ISIS operatives in America. 900!!!!! Paris was carried out by 8!!! And that's a strict gun control country. Here....according to libs....guns are easy to obtain. And we have at least 900 ISIS operatives here. Now. Today. And Obama wants 10,000 refugees....where we'll get probably another 50-100 true operatives.

And Paris was done by only 8.

Well fuck it. Game on I suppose. Good job libs....you wanted America destroyed...you and your leader sure have a good start.
Nothing more than a Breitbart distortion and disinformation piece of garbage even further enhanced by the OP's paranoia or just outright hatred.

FBI said it. Take it up with them
The U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement (official name: Agreement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Iraq On the Withdrawal of United States Forces from Iraq and the Organization of Their Activities during Their Temporary Presence in Iraq) was a status of forces agreement (SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. combat forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011.[1]
It could be ten times that and big fucking deal. Somebody waves a flag and you pee your panties. You are feeding the panic, exactly what ISIS wants.

Just for the record....you're saying 9,000 ISIS operatives in America would be no big deal. Got it. Exactly why libs aren't fit to hold office.
10,000 assholes in a population of 320 million? Yeah, I have bigger fish to fry.

20 did 9/11.
8 did Paris.

And you say 10,000 would be no big deal.

Once again .....proof that libs aren't fit for office.
Off those 10,000 one in 1,000 actually has a plan. I'm not going to turn American into a police state so you can feel safe driving to the Walmart.

Oh....what's your source? I'm sure the FBI would love to know how only 1 per 1000 ISIS operatives actually has a plan.

Those demonic bastards obviously have a plan. They've conquered a chunk of the Middle East that's the size of Maryland with some old rifled and Toyota pickup trucks....defeating an ARMY Arabs that were trained and equipped by our military.

Yeah....I'm guessing they have a plan.

I wonder....do ALL your fellow libs think 10,000 ISIS operatives in America would also be "no big deal"?
The plan is this, and they should be paying you or all your help.

It needs you to be enraged, unthinking, unquestioning.
It needs you to go to war, Christians and Jews against Muslims.
It needs you to slaughter Muslim men, women, and children, again.
It needs you to wage terrible wars in Muslim lands.
It needs you to reject the modern, secular, liberal world.
It needs you to be as savage as they are, and take as much pleasure in savage acts.
It needs you to be dogmatically religious, to make a Holy War.
It needs you to believe that you are doing the Will of God, wielding the sword of God.

It needs you, to become them.
FBI Director: About 900 Active ISIS Investigations In U.S.

FBI following at least 900 ISIS operatives in America. 900!!!!! Paris was carried out by 8!!! And that's a strict gun control country. Here....according to libs....guns are easy to obtain. And we have at least 900 ISIS operatives here. Now. Today. And Obama wants 10,000 refugees....where we'll get probably another 50-100 true operatives.

And Paris was done by only 8.

Well fuck it. Game on I suppose. Good job libs....you wanted America destroyed...you and your leader sure have a good start.
Nothing more than a Breitbart distortion and disinformation piece of garbage even further enhanced by the OP's paranoia or just outright hatred.

FBI said it. Take it up with them
You are distorting and making shit up, even after Breitbart has already done some of the same. The FBI did not say there were 900 operatives in America. You made that up. The FBI said they had 900 investigations going on. Those would include dopey teen-age girls and middle-aged women from Arizona trying to join ISIS. The number includes anyone who enters an ISIS related chat room or message board. What it doesn't represent is your fear mongering lie about 900 ISIS operatives being in America.
FBI Director: About 900 Active ISIS Investigations In U.S.

FBI following at least 900 ISIS operatives in America. 900!!!!! Paris was carried out by 8!!! And that's a strict gun control country. Here....according to libs....guns are easy to obtain. And we have at least 900 ISIS operatives here. Now. Today. And Obama wants 10,000 refugees....where we'll get probably another 50-100 true operatives.

And Paris was done by only 8.

Well fuck it. Game on I suppose. Good job libs....you wanted America destroyed...you and your leader sure have a good start.
Nothing more than a Breitbart distortion and disinformation piece of garbage even further enhanced by the OP's paranoia or just outright hatred.

FBI said it. Take it up with them
You are distorting and making shit up, even after Breitbart has already done some of the same. The FBI did not say there were 900 operatives in America. You made that up. The FBI said they had 900 investigations going on. Those would include dopey teen-age girls and middle-aged women from Arizona trying to join ISIS. The number includes anyone who enters an ISIS related chat room or message board. What it doesn't represent is your fear mongering lie about 900 ISIS operatives being in America.
I doubt that after letting 10,000 Syrians into the country without knowing anything about them, the FBI is spending a whole lot of time investigating teenage girls. Get serious.
900 active investigations does not mean "at least 900 ISIS operatives".

I thought you were a cop.

Did you read it? FBI suspects them of being operatives. And the FBI is rarely wrong. AND they rarely discuss things like this...as the article says...but they're stressing how the case load of ISIS operatives is getting too large to manage.

Meaning....if they're actively investigating 900 who they think are operatives (and if the FBI suspects they are...they are)....then there are probably several hundred more they don't know about.

Keep your head in the sand. Don't worry. Mommy will come make it all better.

Best thing to do is rally all communities to unite in full cooperation on a local level.
Not only should the Muslim community and leadership have direct meetings and relations with police and feds to constantly address the situation and make sure no terrorists abuse the insular Muslim community to hide behind;
but ALL communities should raise a uniform standard and tolerate ZERO abuses, violence, and plotting attacks instead of following due process of laws to redress grievances openly and civilly.

If all communities unite, nobody can slip through the cracks and plan criminal attacks if everyone is aware of everything going on. Anything wrong will stand out. but not in the atmosphere we have today of denial and projection of wrongs onto others. When regular citizens all agree to enforce equal legal accountability and responsibility, every conflict can be weeded out in advance. As we clean up our own backyards first, this will leave no messes for crooks to hide behind. All communities and all cities need to do this, establish good working relations and systems between their local leaders and residents, then other cities, states and nations will follow.
FBI Director: About 900 Active ISIS Investigations In U.S.

FBI following at least 900 ISIS operatives in America. 900!!!!! Paris was carried out by 8!!! And that's a strict gun control country. Here....according to libs....guns are easy to obtain. And we have at least 900 ISIS operatives here. Now. Today. And Obama wants 10,000 refugees....where we'll get probably another 50-100 true operatives.

And Paris was done by only 8.

Well fuck it. Game on I suppose. Good job libs....you wanted America destroyed...you and your leader sure have a good start.
Nothing more than a Breitbart distortion and disinformation piece of garbage even further enhanced by the OP's paranoia or just outright hatred.

FBI said it. Take it up with them
You are distorting and making shit up, even after Breitbart has already done some of the same. The FBI did not say there were 900 operatives in America. You made that up. The FBI said they had 900 investigations going on. Those would include dopey teen-age girls and middle-aged women from Arizona trying to join ISIS. The number includes anyone who enters an ISIS related chat room or message board. What it doesn't represent is your fear mongering lie about 900 ISIS operatives being in America.
I doubt that after letting 10,000 Syrians into the country without knowing anything about them, the FBI is spending a whole lot of time investigating teenage girls. Get serious.
10,000 Syrians are not being let into the country and were not without knowing anything about them. The FBI has to investigate all leads, including the ones that indicate Americans, teens included are planning to go join ISIS. The point is that the OP is a lie.


FBI Director: About 900 Active ISIS Investigations In U.S.

FBI following at least 900 ISIS operatives in America. 900!!!!! Paris was carried out by 8!!! And that's a strict gun control country. Here....according to libs....guns are easy to obtain. And we have at least 900 ISIS operatives here. Now. Today. And Obama wants 10,000 refugees....where we'll get probably another 50-100 true operatives.

And Paris was done by only 8.

Well fuck it. Game on I suppose. Good job libs....you wanted America destroyed...you and your leader sure have a good start.
Nothing more than a Breitbart distortion and disinformation piece of garbage even further enhanced by the OP's paranoia or just outright hatred.

FBI said it. Take it up with them
You are distorting and making shit up, even after Breitbart has already done some of the same. The FBI did not say there were 900 operatives in America. You made that up. The FBI said they had 900 investigations going on. Those would include dopey teen-age girls and middle-aged women from Arizona trying to join ISIS. The number includes anyone who enters an ISIS related chat room or message board. What it doesn't represent is your fear mongering lie about 900 ISIS operatives being in America.
I doubt that after letting 10,000 Syrians into the country without knowing anything about them, the FBI is spending a whole lot of time investigating teenage girls. Get serious.
10,000 Syrians are not being let into the country and were not without knowing anything about them. The FBI has to investigate all leads, including the ones that indicate Americans, teens included are planning to go join ISIS. The point is that the OP is a lie.


Obama is calling for 10,000 to be let in (for now). 2,000 are already here.
900 active investigations does not mean "at least 900 ISIS operatives".

I thought you were a cop.

Did you read it? FBI suspects them of being operatives. And the FBI is rarely wrong. AND they rarely discuss things like this...as the article says...but they're stressing how the case load of ISIS operatives is getting too large to manage.

Meaning....if they're actively investigating 900 who they think are operatives (and if the FBI suspects they are...they are)....then there are probably several hundred more they don't know about.

Keep your head in the sand. Don't worry. Mommy will come make it all better.

Best thing to do is rally all communities to unite in full cooperation on a local level.
Not only should the Muslim community and leadership have direct meetings and relations with police and feds to constantly address the situation and make sure no terrorists abuse the insular Muslim community to hide behind;
but ALL communities should raise a uniform standard and tolerate ZERO abuses, violence, and plotting attacks instead of following due process of laws to redress grievances openly and civilly.

If all communities unite, nobody can slip through the cracks and plan criminal attacks if everyone is aware of everything going on. Anything wrong will stand out. but not in the atmosphere we have today of denial and projection of wrongs onto others. When regular citizens all agree to enforce equal legal accountability and responsibility, every conflict can be weeded out in advance. As we clean up our own backyards first, this will leave no messes for crooks to hide behind. All communities and all cities need to do this, establish good working relations and systems between their local leaders and residents, then other cities, states and nations will follow.

Yep. The front line of this new war is not some trench overseas. It's main street. It won't be Marines storming a beach. It's nosy neighbors calling 911 because they suspect local Muslims of shady shit. OF COURSE....the liberals will fight this with all their might, call Americans and law enforcement racist, and do all they can to make comfort for the masses these operatives are hiding amongst.

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