FBI close to ID of suspect in death of Capitol Cop Brian Sicknick

Hey, did they ever release the name of that black cop who murdered the white woman in the capitol. Just curious.
Yes I saw a photo of him, he's black. BTW the woman was there because she was losing her livliehood and had to take out a 100%+ percentage loan. Most of the 'insurgents' were low income folks slowly losing their property and livliehoods.
Lock him up! :mad:

The FBI is focusing on one man as a possible suspect in Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick's death, a U.S. official told CBS News. The official said the unidentified assailant was using bear spray against multiple people during the January 6 assault.​
The New York Times was first to report the new focus on the potential suspect.​

I got newsflash for ya, the entire "storming of the capitol was a theatrical production that was lamer than watching a cat trying to bury it's shit on a frozen sidewalk.....not that I would have had a problem had it been a real time event because there isn't any doubt that the election was a joke.

I posted a "start to finish" breakdown of this staged event. Bullet proof glass replaced with easily removed plexi-glass, the passing of blood packets to the alleged wounded, staged people with cameras, fake "panic", an alleged politician walking leisurely down the hall in the midst of this alleged chaos, etc, etc...... It was pretty pathetic acting all the way around. I am not surprised that you fell for it "hook line and sinker". You are not all that quick on the uptake.
Lock him up! :mad:

The FBI is focusing on one man as a possible suspect in Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick's death, a U.S. official told CBS News. The official said the unidentified assailant was using bear spray against multiple people during the January 6 assault.​
The New York Times was first to report the new focus on the potential suspect.​

Excellent news. Anyone who commits violence should be brought to justice.

Unless you're a democrat, we know the drill.

Democrats too. You don't know shit.
Lock him up! :mad:

The FBI is focusing on one man as a possible suspect in Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick's death, a U.S. official told CBS News. The official said the unidentified assailant was using bear spray against multiple people during the January 6 assault.​
The New York Times was first to report the new focus on the potential suspect.​

Excellent news. Anyone who commits violence should be brought to justice.

Unless you're a democrat, we know the drill.

Democrats too. You don't know shit.

Lol, no you don't, Cumo is just one example.
Lock him up! :mad:

The FBI is focusing on one man as a possible suspect in Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick's death, a U.S. official told CBS News. The official said the unidentified assailant was using bear spray against multiple people during the January 6 assault.​
The New York Times was first to report the new focus on the potential suspect.​

Excellent news. Anyone who commits violence should be brought to justice.

Unless you're a democrat, we know the drill.

Democrats too. You don't know shit.

Lol, no you don't, Cumo is just one example.

Cuomo stormed a capitol building?
Lock him up! :mad:

The FBI is focusing on one man as a possible suspect in Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick's death, a U.S. official told CBS News. The official said the unidentified assailant was using bear spray against multiple people during the January 6 assault.​
The New York Times was first to report the new focus on the potential suspect.​

Excellent news. Anyone who commits violence should be brought to justice.

Unless you're a democrat, we know the drill.

Democrats too. You don't know shit.

Lol, no you don't, Cumo is just one example.

Cuomo stormed a capitol building?

No but he murdered thousands of new Yorkers, and sexually harassed women. He will be your next presidential candidate.
Federal Bureau of Incompetence justifying its existence with throwing somebody under the bus, again.
Hey, did they ever release the name of that black cop who murdered the white woman in the capitol. Just curious.
Yes I saw a photo of him, he's black. BTW the woman was there because she was losing her livliehood and had to take out a 100%+ percentage loan. Most of the 'insurgents' were low income folks slowly losing their property and livliehoods.

Could you maybe post a photo of the cop who fired the shot that killed the Q-Kook attempting to crawl through the busted out window? I must have missed that. And for the record, tens of millions of other low income folks struggling through Dear Leader's total botch of of the pandemic are hurting too.

THEY didn't feel the need to sack the Capitol because they are not angry and violent, plus they respect Constitution and the results of a free and fair election. The insurgents are domestic terrorists and traitors.
I got newsflash for ya, the entire "storming of the capitol was a theatrical production that was lamer than watching a cat trying to bury it's shit on a frozen sidewalk.....not that I would have had a problem had it been a real time event because there isn't any doubt that the election was a joke.

I posted a "start to finish" breakdown of this staged event. Bullet proof glass replaced with easily removed plexi-glass, the passing of blood packets to the alleged wounded, staged people with cameras, fake "panic", an alleged politician walking leisurely down the hall in the midst of this alleged chaos, etc, etc...... It was pretty pathetic acting all the way around. I am not surprised that you fell for it "hook line and sinker". You are not all that quick on the uptake.

LoL - That's a better conspiracy theory than Marge Greene's Jewish space laser. Maybe even better than lefty pedophile cannibals. I knew we had a lot of kooks in this forum, but for today, you are King Kook!! :lol:


I got newsflash for ya, the entire "storming of the capitol was a theatrical production that was lamer than watching a cat trying to bury it's shit on a frozen sidewalk.....not that I would have had a problem had it been a real time event because there isn't any doubt that the election was a joke.

I posted a "start to finish" breakdown of this staged event. Bullet proof glass replaced with easily removed plexi-glass, the passing of blood packets to the alleged wounded, staged people with cameras, fake "panic", an alleged politician walking leisurely down the hall in the midst of this alleged chaos, etc, etc...... It was pretty pathetic acting all the way around. I am not surprised that you fell for it "hook line and sinker". You are not all that quick on the uptake.

LoL - That's a better conspiracy theory than Marge Greene's Jewish space laser. Maybe even better than lefty pedophile cannibals. I knew we had a lot of kooks in this forum, but for today, you are King Kook!! :lol:


Laugh in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first.
Have they identified the black murder suspect of Ashli Babbitt yet?

Asking for a nation....
Too bad nobody gave a shit about all the cops hurt and killed over the summer. But, hey, I guess it doesn't fit the narrative. :(
You beat me to it! I've never seen so much "caring" about the death of a Cop from the Left. :dunno:

And I've never seen so much LACK of concern about the death of a cop from the right.
You've lost your "law and order" claims after Donnie's sack of the Capitol and cop beatings.
Go surf porn or something.
It only matters to filthy DEMS when it suits their agenda. Anyone can put on a Red Hat. This was Antifa all the way.

Lol! ^ Special kind of kook right here ^ We have almost 400 arrests at present. Proud Boys, 3%-ers, Oaf Keepers, etc etc etc - All MAGA all the time. No AntiFa sorry. :lol:
Laughing because your Antifa and BLM criminals got released with no charges. By the way idiot, there have been plenty of your terrorist Antifa pals revealed to have been culprits on Jan 6. Proving your utter idiocy yet again.

You're laughable. A lot of rioters were arrested and faced charges.
Not many though.
The overwhelming majority were released without bail (with the support of various leftist politicians), and none of them faced the concerted effort to identify and prosecute that the folks at the capitol have faced..... despite them not committing any arson, barely any vandalism, and very little assaults, relative to the mob carnage all over the country.
And that's the clearest illustration I can think of to show that these corrupt parasites care only about themselves. Mobs can burn down cities and attack people all over the country and zero fucks given, all they do is chuckle about it, but the second one is on their doorstep, they panic like the cowards they are, use live ammo, and are still so terrified that they are using the .fed/.gov to hunt them all down while they continue to huddle behind guards they are openly contemptuous of, and hastily erected fences and wire.

Fucking disgraceful.
Like I said, the fact that they attacked our nation's Capitol, went after lawmakers and attempted to violently overturn an election upped the ante from any other riots. The fact that you fail to recognize that, and attempt to minimalize it into a "they really didnt do anything bad, they're patriots" sort of situaion is what is really fucking disgraceful.
Lock him up! :mad:

The FBI is focusing on one man as a possible suspect in Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick's death, a U.S. official told CBS News. The official said the unidentified assailant was using bear spray against multiple people during the January 6 assault.​
The New York Times was first to report the new focus on the potential suspect.​

Excellent news. Anyone who commits violence should be brought to justice.

And speech is violence, right? Soon, we will be able to lock up a TON of right wingers, right? Doesn't that sound enticing?

Aww, why the down votes. I'm only saying exactly what every liberal here is thinking. Tell me you wouldn't love it if all right wingers were punished in some form or another...after all, your hate is on display on these forums every single day. On top of that, I listen to lefty liberal radio, I KNOW what they think. Every single day they try to paint ALL right wingers as racist and terrorists.

Why down vote? You should be embracing what it is you really feel.
Lock him up! :mad:

The FBI is focusing on one man as a possible suspect in Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick's death, a U.S. official told CBS News. The official said the unidentified assailant was using bear spray against multiple people during the January 6 assault.​
The New York Times was first to report the new focus on the potential suspect.​

Excellent news. Anyone who commits violence should be brought to justice.

And speech is violence, right? Soon, we will be able to lock up a TON of right wingers, right? Doesn't that sound enticing?

Say something new each post please

The truth bears repeating. Cmon now, don't back pedal here, just come out and embrace your desire to see all right wingers punished. We all KNOW you want it. I'm just saying what most people will not.
Lock him up! :mad:

The FBI is focusing on one man as a possible suspect in Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick's death, a U.S. official told CBS News. The official said the unidentified assailant was using bear spray against multiple people during the January 6 assault.​
The New York Times was first to report the new focus on the potential suspect.​

Excellent news. Anyone who commits violence should be brought to justice.

And speech is violence, right? Soon, we will be able to lock up a TON of right wingers, right? Doesn't that sound enticing?

ummmmm no. Speech is speech. Violence is violence. People who repeatedly use hate speech should be censored. People who use violence should be incarcerated.

Who decides what is hate speech? You? How about you guys just stop being offended all the time at every little thing. Not everything you deem offensive is hate speech.

Your post is indicative if what I'm saying though. You people want to hurt others because they said something that offended you, ala Carano. She said nothing hateful. You guys just took it that way so you could act out your hatred on her, on anything you deem offensive.

Also, wasn't it not to long ago that you guys were saying "silence is violence"? I'm pretty sure you think speech is violence too.
Hey, did they ever release the name of that black cop who murdered the white woman in the capitol. Just curious.
Yes I saw a photo of him, he's black. BTW the woman was there because she was losing her livliehood and had to take out a 100%+ percentage loan. Most of the 'insurgents' were low income folks slowly losing their property and livliehoods.

Could you maybe post a photo of the cop who fired the shot that killed the Q-Kook attempting to crawl through the busted out window? I must have missed that. And for the record, tens of millions of other low income folks struggling through Dear Leader's total botch of of the pandemic are hurting too.

THEY didn't feel the need to sack the Capitol because they are not angry and violent, plus they respect Constitution and the results of a free and fair election. The insurgents are domestic terrorists and traitors.
Just the fact alone that you refer to these unarmed and unorganized rioters as "insurgents" demonstrates your bad faith. Marks you as a mediocre intellect not worth wasting time on.
Too bad nobody gave a shit about all the cops hurt and killed over the summer. But, hey, I guess it doesn't fit the narrative. :(
You beat me to it! I've never seen so much "caring" about the death of a Cop from the Left. :dunno:

And I've never seen so much LACK of concern about the death of a cop from the right.
You've lost your "law and order" claims after Donnie's sack of the Capitol and cop beatings.
Go surf porn or something.
It only matters to filthy DEMS when it suits their agenda. Anyone can put on a Red Hat. This was Antifa all the way.

Lol! ^ Special kind of kook right here ^ We have almost 400 arrests at present. Proud Boys, 3%-ers, Oaf Keepers, etc etc etc - All MAGA all the time. No AntiFa sorry. :lol:
Laughing because your Antifa and BLM criminals got released with no charges. By the way idiot, there have been plenty of your terrorist Antifa pals revealed to have been culprits on Jan 6. Proving your utter idiocy yet again.

You're laughable. A lot of rioters were arrested and faced charges.
Not many though.
The overwhelming majority were released without bail (with the support of various leftist politicians), and none of them faced the concerted effort to identify and prosecute that the folks at the capitol have faced..... despite them not committing any arson, barely any vandalism, and very little assaults, relative to the mob carnage all over the country.
And that's the clearest illustration I can think of to show that these corrupt parasites care only about themselves. Mobs can burn down cities and attack people all over the country and zero fucks given, all they do is chuckle about it, but the second one is on their doorstep, they panic like the cowards they are, use live ammo, and are still so terrified that they are using the .fed/.gov to hunt them all down while they continue to huddle behind guards they are openly contemptuous of, and hastily erected fences and wire.

Fucking disgraceful.
Like I said, the fact that they attacked our nation's Capitol, went after lawmakers and attempted to violently overturn an election upped the ante from any other riots. The fact that you fail to recognize that, and attempt to minimalize it into a "they really didnt do anything bad, they're patriots" sort of situaion is what is really fucking disgraceful.

Some folks went and confronted the lying corrupt thieves who have been getting rich at our expense and now they're lashing out in fear at the idea that they might be held accountable someday.

They should have dragged them all out and strung them up, IMO.
Fuck 'em....
Lock him up! :mad:

The FBI is focusing on one man as a possible suspect in Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick's death, a U.S. official told CBS News. The official said the unidentified assailant was using bear spray against multiple people during the January 6 assault.​
The New York Times was first to report the new focus on the potential suspect.​

Excellent news. Anyone who commits violence should be brought to justice.

And speech is violence, right? Soon, we will be able to lock up a TON of right wingers, right? Doesn't that sound enticing?

ummmmm no. Speech is speech. Violence is violence. People who repeatedly use hate speech should be censored. People who use violence should be incarcerated.

Who decides what is hate speech? You? How about you guys just stop being offended all the time at every little thing. Not everything you deem offensive is hate speech.

Your post is indicative if what I'm saying though. You people want to hurt others because they said something that offended you, ala Carano. She said nothing hateful. You guys just took it that way so you could act out your hatred on her, on anything you deem offensive.

Also, wasn't it not to long ago that you guys were saying "silence is violence"? I'm pretty sure you think speech is violence too.

The platforms decide what gets aired on their websites.
Lock him up! :mad:

The FBI is focusing on one man as a possible suspect in Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick's death, a U.S. official told CBS News. The official said the unidentified assailant was using bear spray against multiple people during the January 6 assault.​
The New York Times was first to report the new focus on the potential suspect.​

This individual should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, having been afforded full and comprehensive due process of the law.

And anyone and I mean anyone killing or trying to kill a police officer should be prosecuted as well?

I'll wait

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