FBI/deep state... Corrupt to the core

The federal government has become politicized in that if you don't like a policy, then leak it to the MSM, or whistle-blow it, or change a 302 Form to suit your needs.
Trump needs another 4-years to straighten out the government from the grip the deep state has on it.
I suggest another "Grace Commission" to recommend how to streamline the Federal government to save money and make it more manageable.

That said, I hope Barr, Huber, Durham and Horowitz hand out a lot of indictments to the deep state conspirators.
More love of law enforcement from blob supporters I see.

We like legitimate law enforcement, not the biased democrat version, like Smolette not getting prosecuted for his crime, or sanctuary cities ignoring immigration law, or being anti-gun when their "no gun" cities have the worst gun crimes, or when the FBI changes a 302-Form to frame someone.
The deep state runs strong with progressives... fact

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