FBI Director Admits US Can't Vet All Syrian Refugees for Terror Ties


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
We know one terrorist said he was with ISIS. We know one terrorist had been rescued off of a refugee boat. We know at least one had a Syrian passport.

Any reasonable person always understands that ISIS was set to use the refugee crisis as a Trojan horse to infiltrate other countries. They've been slaughtering people by the thousands in their own countries and I guess they felt they were running out of infidels to kill so it was time to go to the infidel's homelands and start more slaughter.

We cannot possible vet the refugees. Yet, the Dems are wanting to bring even more in than originally planned. If anyone thinks Americans come first with this administration, this is further proof that they don't.

"Comey said "We can only query against that which we have collected. And so if someone has never made a ripple in the pond in Syria in a way that would get their identity or their interest reflected in our database, we can query our database until the cows come home, but there will be nothing show up because we have no record of them," according to the Daily Caller.

On Fox with Megyn Kelly on Friday, former FBI director James Kallstrom reiterated this after the Paris attack, saying the refugee policy was ‘crazy’ and that the FBI didn’t have enough manpower to watch the people that needed to be watched ‘by the thousands.’

But don’t you worry your pretty little American head, because our Dear Leader assures us the problem is contained in Europe – just as he had said last week that ISIS was contained in the Middle East (before they broke out of their container and blew up Paris)."

And the democrats reply to that problem? Bring in more!
Stupid and deadly.
It's just a matter of time until the same that happened in Paris happens in US.

Then perhaps, Barry Soetoro finally will bring in a curfew, then Martial Law , confiscation of guns, etc...and become Emperor forever.

He must be licking his lips at the prospect - traitor the he is.
Turn the vetting over to Dark Fury. :lol: The problem is real, though. We have trouble vetting American citizens who are born here for true blue American ideals.

So how do we protect ourselves.
Turn the vetting over to Dark Fury. :lol: The problem is real, though. We have trouble vetting American citizens who are born here for true blue American ideals.

So how do we protect ourselves.
MY plan would be EASY. NO islamic terrorist trash allowed.
IMPORT Christians instead.
Turn the vetting over to Dark Fury. :lol: The problem is real, though. We have trouble vetting American citizens who are born here for true blue American ideals.

So how do we protect ourselves.

For starters, we could encourage some Muslim countries to take refugees. Saudi Arabia has a whole refuge site set up that could accommodate way more than we can but they won't take any. The reason some are opting out is because they don't want to risk allowing terrorists in their countries.

We have a choice whether we want to let them in and how many we should let in. I would suggest taking the women, children and elderly first. As for the young males of fighting age, put them through an intense vetting process that includes interviews. Or keep them confined, but comfortable, if we do take them. ISIS is smart enough not to send members as refugees if they do have a record that can be checked. The majority are unknown to agencies and that makes it easy for ISIS to send their people without raising red flags.

There have been so many problems in countries, aside from the attack, that have made them question whether they did the right thing. Some refugees have been downright nasty and demanding. Not cool when people are trying to help. Local people have been warned not to do anything to offend the refugees, like wearing skimpy clothing. That warning came in the heat of summer when most women do not wear clothing that covers them from head to toe. The officials warn that the refugees are used to doing things a certain way and may act aggressively towards those who are different or offend them. Right there tells me that it's the refugees who need a good talking to about customs in their host countries. They need to understand that they must be the ones to adapt. Doesn't help when Obama announced that no assimilation is necessary here and they will take that as carrying on with the archaic customs they are used to. That alone is bad for us.

Since it's fairly certain that some ISIS and other terrorist group members have managed to jump in with the refugees, we have to be careful. I think they need to be watched closely. Our government has no trouble spying on our internet and phones, so they shouldn't have trouble monitoring the refugees carefully. As it is, I bet they will have better accommodations that our vets, including free food, healthcare, phones and internet. And I bet they won't be monitored as well as NSA monitors citizens.
Obama telling us that ISIS is contained and not likely to strike the US should put every American on alert. That idiot has been dead wrong 100% with Syria, ISIS, Iraq, Afghanistan, Arab Spring, Egypt....if it has to do with Muslims you can bet Obama is wrong, wrong, wrong.
Obama telling us that ISIS is contained and not likely to strike the US should put every American on alert. That idiot has been dead wrong 100% with Syria, ISIS, Iraq, Afghanistan, Arab Spring, Egypt....if it has to do with Muslims you can bet Obama is wrong, wrong, wrong.
You fib. BHO says great damage has been done to the leadership but not it is dead and contained. To say the latter is a partisan ideologue's rant.

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