FBI Director says no evidence ANTIFA was at Capitol riot

So....just shut up with the lies about anyone other than trump cult members attacking the Capitol on January 6th. The trump mob is still out there gauging when they can cause more destruction.
Lol. The FBI is the Democrat party .
If my country had a fraudulent election to the scale of November 2020, and the Nation's Intel agencyy refused to investigate, and the media ignored it, and people who peacefull protested were censored and attacked....
I'd see it as a coup and would probably be attacking my Parliament as well
Exactly, it was foreseeable, which makes Trump and his puppets lies about the election fraud so much worse. It wasn't political hyperbole, it was incitement to violence which is what it lead to. He made false claims many of which can be directly disproven and the others he was never able to verify, yet he keeps saying them, his idiot followers believe them, and the nutters are acting on them.

I did not see it coming. Generally conservatives are pretty mild. I expected the demonstration to just stand there and make some noise and be forgotten.

I was surprised when the riot broke out.
I wasn't... I literally called my family while Trump was giving his speech and told them to tune in because shit was about to go down. I told them Trump just threw Pence under the bus and there is a mob of angry people that are about to go mess things up. It was clear and obvious what Trump was doing and what was about to happen. If you couldn't see that then you have blinders on. But you support Trump so I guess the blinders are a given
Lol you lie.
FBI protected Whitey Bulger and his criminal familiy.
Now they're protecting Sleepy Joe and his criminal family.
Maybe the Bidens are overseas agents working for intel gathering, and in return allowed to get rich.
There is no way you are unaware of the many actions over the last few years that have shown the FBI to be not credible.

So you claim otherwise, has to be a lie.

Repeating your stupid claims doesn't make the any less stupid. I still don't find you more credible than the FBI.

You fail.

I'm not going to play along with your silly game where you pretend to be unaware of the last few years of events.

So....just shut up with the lies about anyone other than trump cult members attacking the Capitol on January 6th. The trump mob is still out there gauging when they can cause more destruction.

The hoodlums who stormed the Capitol were there to support Trump and overturn the election. The Trumpies are ashamed or they wouldn't be trying to blame others. The Democrats had NO REASON to be violent or scream Stop the Steal or threaten Pence and Pelosi..
Democrats had NO REASON to be violent or scream

While they were burning down stores and killing bystanders across the US.
I'm not going to play along with your silly game where you pretend to be unaware of the last few years of events.

You already said that and it wasn’t convincing the first time either.

You just going to keep repeating your stupid ideas to me? Because I already told you that I don’t think you’re more credible than the FBI. What part of that do you not understand?
Moonbats carrying the water for the federal spook state....How droll.
Oddball is not happy.
He believed the lie about Antifa.

What "lie" is that, Herr pyet?

View attachment 463376
Maybe this "lie"....

Or this one...

Or perhaps this "lie"...


"Just an idea"....

I'm not going to play along with your silly game where you pretend to be unaware of the last few years of events.

You already said that and it wasn’t convincing the first time either.

You just going to keep repeating your stupid ideas to me? Because I already told you that I don’t think you’re more credible than the FBI. What part of that do you not understand?

I'm not going to play along with your silly game where you pretend to be unaware of the last few years of events.
FBI Director says no evidence ANTIFA was at Capitol riot

Because they weren't and the lying Trumpeteers know they weren't.
Sucks to watch the blind hatred of one man turn someone into such a lying fucking hack.

Go ahead and insult our intelligence and claim that Sullivan was "just a photo journalist" or that he was the only BLM/Antifa agitator there.
FBI protected Whitey Bulger and his criminal familiy.
Now they're protecting Sleepy Joe and his criminal family.
Maybe the Bidens are overseas agents working for intel gathering, and in return allowed to get rich.
Wray makes Inspector Clouseau look like James Bond.
Oh I don't want them to shut up. It's one of my favorite new conspiracy theories. Especially funny when nearly 400 of the violent insurrectionists have been arrested and every GD one of them is MAGA. :lol:
Sorry fuckwit. Sullivan’s video puts the lie to you immediately. This belongs in humor or conspiracy theories.
Moonbats carrying the water for the federal spook state....How droll.
Oddball is not happy.
He believed the lie about Antifa.

What "lie" is that, Herr pyet?

View attachment 463376
Maybe this "lie"....View attachment 463422

Or this one...
View attachment 463424

Or perhaps this "lie"...


"Just an idea"....

aww, youre at it again
Those are real pix of real commie scum, commie scum.

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