FBI has arrested and charged the woman they say leaked a Top Secret document to The Intercept

Wonder how many more of these people are out there. To expose classified material regardless of it's level for political reasons cuz you don't like Trump or whoever, it boggles the mind. Used to be people actually cared about national security, honor and integrity. I know that Trump is a horse's ass, but to do this? What about your country's well-being? Maybe you put somebody's life in danger, what about that? And you just flushed your future down the toilet. Boggles the mind.

Contractors who work for the feds almost exclusively get those gigs based on their connections with politicians, who use their elected positions to funnel money to their friends and family..
Where on earth did you get that idea? It is the companies that get the contracts and supply workers. Ms. Winner had nothing to do with gaining any contract. She was hired by a company that had a contract. It's not some individual thing.
That woman should be at Gitmo getting water boarded right now!
Well, no. Guantanomo Bay was not for U.S. citizens.
Wonder how many more of these people are out there. To expose classified material regardless of it's level for political reasons cuz you don't like Trump or whoever, it boggles the mind. Used to be people actually cared about national security, honor and integrity. I know that Trump is a horse's ass, but to do this? What about your country's well-being? Maybe you put somebody's life in danger, what about that? And you just flushed your future down the toilet. Boggles the mind.

Contractors who work for the feds almost exclusively get those gigs based on their connections with politicians, who use their elected positions to funnel money to their friends and family..
Where on earth did you get that idea? It is the companies that get the contracts and supply workers. Ms. Winner had nothing to do with gaining any contract. She was hired by a company that had a contract. It's not some individual thing.
That woman should be at Gitmo getting water boarded right now!
Well, no. Guantanomo Bay was not for U.S. citizens.
Not true. They have some American rapper in there. Gitmo is for enemy's of the state and she qualifys.
all you need to know about Democrats...

Wonder how many more of these people are out there. To expose classified material regardless of it's level for political reasons cuz you don't like Trump or whoever, it boggles the mind. Used to be people actually cared about national security, honor and integrity. I know that Trump is a horse's ass, but to do this? What about your country's well-being? Maybe you put somebody's life in danger, what about that? And you just flushed your future down the toilet. Boggles the mind.

Contractors who work for the feds almost exclusively get those gigs based on their connections with politicians, who use their elected positions to funnel money to their friends and family..
Where on earth did you get that idea? It is the companies that get the contracts and supply workers. Ms. Winner had nothing to do with gaining any contract. She was hired by a company that had a contract. It's not some individual thing.
That woman should be at Gitmo getting water boarded right now!
Well, no. Guantanomo Bay was not for U.S. citizens.
Not true. They have some American rapper in there. Gitmo is for enemy's of the state and she qualifys.
No, it is not for American citizen.
NSA Leaker Reality Winner received Top Secret security clearance from Barack Hussein Obama
She is a contract worker, who signed an agreement not to share information.

She lied, and she committed treason. The fact that goobers like you think it's funny or acceptable, or nothing to worry about, are the reason our country is such a mess.
This traitor should be put on her knees and shot in the back of the head with a 50 caliber pistol, then her remains buried at sea in a lead coffin.
she is an anti trump punk, she was some sort of office worker with a fed contractor, she swiped the docs hours after they were received, and sent them by snail mail to the Intercept.

these millenial traitors often have weird names.
How in the hell did this PoS get a clearance?
Contractors who work for the feds almost exclusively get those gigs based on their connections with politicians, who use their elected positions to funnel money to their friends and family..
Where on earth did you get that idea? It is the companies that get the contracts and supply workers. Ms. Winner had nothing to do with gaining any contract. She was hired by a company that had a contract. It's not some individual thing.
That woman should be at Gitmo getting water boarded right now!
Well, no. Guantanomo Bay was not for U.S. citizens.
Not true. They have some American rapper in there. Gitmo is for enemy's of the state and she qualifys.
No, it is not for American citizen.
Tell that to that rapper! Oh his name rap wise is MOS def if you need to look it up.
The Boston Marathon bombers were muslims. Same difference.

Reality Winner has been charged with espionage. Her defense is, she hates Trump.
Anyone working in government who openly says they hate the president should be fired on the spot. They are likely traitors and the source of leaks.
Maybe we should be more worried about what is in the report. That Russians hacked into voting machines. The NSA should be under investigation. Was this classified to hide it from Americans? It runs contrary to what Trump says about the Russians. This woman is a whistleblower and this is something that should be investigated by the investigative committees. Mike Quigley who is a Democrat says that Russians were able to hack into the Illinois State Board of Elections and accessed voter files.
no, I think we're worrying about the right thing....putting punk troll traitors in prison, where they belong.
should be, politics as usual since we can afford to lower taxes and play, political games.
Wonder how many more of these people are out there. To expose classified material regardless of it's level for political reasons cuz you don't like Trump or whoever, it boggles the mind. Used to be people actually cared about national security, honor and integrity. I know that Trump is a horse's ass, but to do this? What about your country's well-being? Maybe you put somebody's life in danger, what about that? And you just flushed your future down the toilet. Boggles the mind.

Contractors who work for the feds almost exclusively get those gigs based on their connections with politicians, who use their elected positions to funnel money to their friends and family..
Where on earth did you get that idea? It is the companies that get the contracts and supply workers. Ms. Winner had nothing to do with gaining any contract. She was hired by a company that had a contract. It's not some individual thing.
That woman should be at Gitmo getting water boarded right now!
She should have sent it to Wikileaks, instead?
Sounds like she's black. For some reason they go to the bizarre names.

Yeah................just like FOX news said that the Boston Marathon bombers were black. Nice projection.

The Boston Marathon bombers were muslims. Same difference.

Reality Winner has been charged with espionage. Her defense is, she hates Trump.
There was no espionage; the Russians were not involved, remember.
She is a contract worker, who signed an agreement not to share information.

She lied, and she committed treason. The fact that goobers like you think it's funny or acceptable, or nothing to worry about, are the reason our country is such a mess.
This traitor should be put on her knees and shot in the back of the head with a 50 caliber pistol, then her remains buried at sea in a lead coffin.

I say we just take her down to the city dump and run her through a wood chipper.
I say we just take her down to the city dump and run her through a wood chipper.

After setting her body on fire, of course, lol.

What I suggested about shooting her in the back of the head is how the Russians have been handling their traitors for decades now.

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